Here's a great clip from NBC Nightly News with a great story about an NFL player, Madieu Williams, and his efforts to help his countrymen in his native Sierra Leone - watch:
Watch and make your comments about his efforts - and for our many Saints fans out there, just to show that we can appreciate the work of a Minnesota Viking (so long as he is not named Favre!).
Could your 401k be supporting Bin Laden? Sound far-fetched...maybe not
What do you think of this idea: terror-free investing - making certain that your investment dollars do not go to companies and banks that do business with countries that have state-supported terrorism or invest in them. Mark Langerman, CEO of First Allied Securities, believes there is a lucrative market for Americans seeking high returns on their money AND the assurance that they are not supporting terror activities through their investment dollars.
Now, assuming you had dollars to invest, would this draw your attention - why or why not? Do you see any downside in his arguments? BTW - here is his firm's website on terror-free investing if you want to learn more (
Post your comments here on the blog site. Look forward to the discussion.