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Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Dream College Course: If Only You Could Really Take It!

This is one of the more creative things I have run across on the Web in some time (and that's saying something...). Here's a great column by Delia Cabe of the Boston Globe on your "dream" college course:

The only college course you'll ever need - Creative Type's blog -

Hey kids, remember the advice of Dean Wormer:



Mark McEwen: A Weatherman's Return from a Serious Stroke is an Inspirational Tale

Mark McEwen's story should be inspirational to all who have been impacted by a serious illness or accident and fought their way back (and for their families and friends). His determination to come back all the way to the work  from the serious stroke he suffered shows that anything is possible...with hard work. Well worth watching by clicking on the link below:

Read the full story at:
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


