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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Spider-Man Star James Franco Reprimanded for Texting in College Class

James Franco at the premiere of Spiderman 3 in...Image via Wikipedia

Don't go messing with those film professors - they will throw your A@# out of class for texting, even if you're a movie star!

SFGate: Daily Dish : James Franco reprimanded for texting in class

Good move, fellow prof!


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For Gulf Coast Fishermen, The Future Is Very Bleak

Image representing Huffington Post as depicted...Image via CrunchBase

Being near New Orleans, I can safely say that the impact of the oil spill on the whole area will be huge - and lasting. There will be whole towns along the coast that will be wiped-out economically and ecologically because of this - can any amount of compensation from BP and/or the Feds make that right - I think not!

If you want to see a great story from New Orleans WWL-TV on this - with a great gentleman - see my blog post at

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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