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Thursday, September 15, 2011

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September 15, 2011
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Boehner To Call For 'Liberation' Of American Economy In Jobs Speech Boehner To Call For 'Liberation' Of American Economy In Jobs Speech
by Zeke Miller on Sep 15, 2011, 12:06 PM He will present path to compromise between GOP and Obama jobs plans

Boehner Calls Obama's Jobs Plan A 'Poor Substitute' For Republican Proposals, Says GOP Will Fight Against Tax Increases Boehner Calls Obama's Jobs Plan A 'Poor Substitute' For Republican Proposals, Says GOP Will Fight Against Tax Increases
by Zeke Miller on Sep 15, 2011, 1:50 PM Says he will oppose expiration of Bush tax cuts, capital gains tax increase

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Newser Superlatives - Cage: Naked Guy Broke Into My House, Ate Fudgesicle

Newser Alert
A roundup of today's most provocative stories, as voted by our readers.
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Most Hilarious: 86%
Cage: Naked Guy Broke Into My House, Ate Fudgesicle

Cage: Naked Guy Broke Into My House, Ate Fudgesicle

(Newser) - Add this to your file of weird Nicolas Cage stories : While promoting his new movie Trespass, a home invasion thriller, Cage told the Toronto Film Festival quite a story about a home invasion he actually went through. "It was two in the morning. I was living in Orange County... More  »

Most Brilliant: 98%
Cash Rains Down on Chargers Fans —They Return It

Cash Rains Down on Chargers Fans —They Return It

(Newser) - Antidote to rowdy sports fans stories: A server at San Diego's Qualcomm Stadium tripped on a stair, showering nearby fans on those sitting in two lower sections with about $1,000 in cash. “All my customers began screaming over the railing to the people below: ‘That’s... More  »

Most Scary: 73%
6.0, 6.2 Quakes Hit Off Cuba, Japan

6.0, 6.2 Quakes Hit Off Cuba, Japan

(Newser) - It's been a shaky day all around the globe: A 6.2 earthquake hit off Japan's coast today, and a 6.0 shaker also struck off Cuba's coast. No tsunami warnings have been issued in either location, and no injuries or damage have been reported. In Japan,... More  »

Most Depressing: 71%
Georgia May Execute an Innocent Man

Georgia May Execute an Innocent Man

(Newser) - Former FBI chief William Sessions joins those pleading with Georgia to call off next week's execution of Troy Davis, a death row inmate convicted of killing a police officer in 1989. "Serious questions about Mr. Davis' guilt, highlighted by witness recantations, allegations of police coercion, and a lack... More  »

Most Intriguing: 85%
Why Return Trips Seem Shorter

Why Return Trips Seem Shorter

(Newser) - Ever noticed how the trip home from your destination always seems shorter than the trip there? The standard explanation is that on the way back, you’re familiar with the route. But scientists in the Netherlands are contesting that view, offering a different explanation centered on expectations, MSNBC reports. On... More  »

Most Annoying: 83%
Miss France: Miss Universe Wears Jeans

Miss France: Miss Universe Wears Jeans

(Newser) - Sounds like someone's a sore loser: Miss France Laury Thilleman snarked about Miss Angola Leila Lopes after Lopes was crowned Miss Universe , complaining to a French magazine about Lopes' fashion sense, among other things. The Washington Post offers a translation: "She was the only girl I didn’t... More  »


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