No matter how carefully you plan your goals they will never be more that pipe dreams unless you pursue them with gusto. --- W. Clement Stone
Friday, November 21, 2014
Intel boss' warning on cyber attacks no joke, say experts
'Miracle Baby' Born at Just 23 Weeks (Newser Happy Hour 6-pack)
'Miracle Baby' Born at Just 23 Weeks
(Newser) - They call her "chopstick girl," which provides a sense of her size: all of 11 inches long and weighing just 23 ounces. The Independent reports that a girl in southwest China has survived after being born last week at just 23 weeks. She came along after doctors had... More »Latest Cosby Accuser: Lou Ferrigno's Wife
(Newser) - Yet more women have come forward to accuse Bill Cosby of sexually assaulting them—or in the case of Carla Ferrigno, wife of Incredible Hulk star Lou Ferrigno, attempting to sexually assault them. Ferrigno tells the Daily Mail that in 1967, when she was still a teenager, a date brought... More »Study: Heavy Drinkers Are Rarely Alcoholics
(Newser) - Frequently drinking too much booze does not mean you're an alcoholic. In fact, it means that only rarely. A new study by the CDC and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration finds that 1 in 3 American adults meet the definition of heavy drinking—for men, having... More »Man Accused of Killing Wife Had Map With 'X'
(Newser) - Prosecutors say that a 58-year-old Colorado man accused of shoving his wife off a cliff in Rocky Mountain National Park in September 2012 planned her death, fibbed about his employment, and, after marrying her for her money, controlled most aspects of her life, ABC 7 reports. The details: According to... More »Shipwreck Is Grave of 499 Who Were Already Dead
(Newser) - The watery grave of more than 500 people has been found off the coast of New Zealand after more than a century—but most of those aboard were already dead when the SS Ventnor sank in 1902. The steamer was carrying the exhumed remains of 499 Chinese gold miners back... More »Man Behind Secret Code at CIA Offers New Hint
(Newser) - Jim Sanborn punched four messages into his curved copper sculpture, which has sat outside CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., since 1990. The first three messages of "Kryptos" were decoded by NSA cryptographers in 1993, then by fans in 1999. The 97-character fourth message, however, has stumped code breakers for... More »Unsubscribe or change your alert settings.
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LeBron James Says He'll Give Kevin Love The Ball If He Asks For It
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