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Saturday, March 27, 2010

What Not to Say: From Both Sides of the Fence

Should I Say or Should I Go? Here’s some great tips – for workers and their bosses – on What Not to Say in the Workplace.

Too often, our mouths do get us in trouble in the workplace (and now, our emails, our Facebooking, our Tweets, etc.).

We have great examples of such from popular culture – witness exhibit 1, George Costanza:

So, don’t let yourself get in career trouble these days. Here’s some great advice from Karen Burns, the author of The Amazing Adventures of Working Girl: Real-Life Career Advice You Can Actually Use.

She has provided the following indispensable lists:

7 things workers should never say to their boss

7 things that managers should never say to their underlings

This single post could be a job and career saver! Great advice for all – read and pass along - even to your boss - unless you want him or her gone!




Unknown said...

I think that these comments that were listed seem like common sense not to ever say, but when someone is in the work place, you may not realize that you sometimes make these same comments. It is important to watch what you say at work because you never know how someone will respond to it.

John Nugent said...

It's so critical now-a-days to watch what you say at all times: phones calls, text messages, e-mails, facebook, twitter, face to face conversations. You just never know when it will come back to bite you. I try to live by the rule of silence is golden but it's hard sometimes to not get caught up in a little gossip. It takes a lot of self control and motivation to keep yourself from saying something you will one day regret.

Michael Wallace said...

I tend to not use any of these "phrases" anyway on the job, but its good to see someone is shedding some light on them. It would be plain ignorant to tell your boss some of these things and vice versa. said...

I think this is a good thing to keep in mind. I Know i get overwhelmed on the job and could accidentally say one of these phrases. It's also kind of sad how often people do put their foot in their mouth like this. So much an article was written about it!

alodge1 said...

This is some good stuff to keep in mind when you're at the workplace. All of this is stuff that people should already know, but you'ed be surprised at how many people still speak their mind at work.

Donald said...

It is important to carry yourself as professional at all times. I think the invention of the internet makes people more accessible. Employers are monitoring employees with things such as Facebook or myspace. A good rule I use is to "never evidentially express how you feel about your employer or employee."

Heather Cosentino said...

You always want to watch what you say in a work place. You could spread a rumor or even get into trouble. I always watch what I say wile I am at work. How we talk every day is not what customers need to hear. I always try to talk professional and act it to.

Amberlynn Brady said...

I think it depends on who you are talking to. Some of these you could get away with depending on the person.

pdsmith said...

The 7 things you shouldn't say to your boss all seem kind of obvious. However people say these things all the time without thinking of what they are saying. I think that bosses could definitely learn something by reading the list on the 7 things that bosses shouldn't say to their employees. Most of the bosses I've ever had are guilty of saying at least one "no no" from the list.

Unknown said...

I think the most important thing is you should know what responsibility in the job. what to do and what not to do, what to say and not to say, and who to say to. Al thought many people may be doing bad things in the workplace this does not give you can an excuse because others are doing it, you carry your own burden. Be yourself and do what is ought from you.

chris said...

i think it is very critical to watch what you say these days, esp at work. Many things you say can and will get you into trouble, without you knowing what you are saying. These tips are important for our generation to know what to say and not to say

Unknown said...

It is very important to always watch what and how you talk to people, especially your co-workers. Most of this information from this video is common sense.

Lord Elliott said...

Silence is golden, unless you are asked a question or expected to respond to something. Then, if you are silent, you just look stupid, uninterested, or mentally disturbed. I am careful with my words, especially on the internet.


HAHA..George is crazy....Yeah you should def. watch what you have to say in the workplace. Regardless on their rank in the office. Buy only George would have this happen to him... Seinfeld is hilarious....

Unknown said...

It is very important to always watch what you say in your work environment and to watch how you say it. Work can be a very stressful place and people can accidentally say they wrong things to people so these are just a few good reminders on what not to say.

Unknown said...

A lot of these seem like common sense to not say. Unfortunately, I have heard a lot of stuff at work that I would have sworn would not have been said anywhere but on television. Yet I still hear it. I think I may have to pass this link on.

Courtney said...

I’ve heard people say these comments a lot at work. I remember being put in charge over some employees for a day because our manager wanted me to get them to re-arrange different departments in the store and the first thing that came out of their mouths was “that’s not my job” and “they don’t pay me for that”. I was pissed because they didn’t want to listen to me because we all did the same level of work. But I fired back at them “well being you guy’s manager today is not my job, but I wish I did get paid for this!” But overall, the job got done and I won some brownie points with the manager.

Iman.Henderson said...

You hear phrases like these on jobs constantly. I would never use them and its about time someone addressed them.

Seth W Moore said...

While it makes sense not to say things like this, sometimes articles like these are necessary. All too often people will let their mouth run around without a leash. I hope this will serve as a reminder to some.

Spencer said...

I like George a lot, I like that show it was funny. George and Jerry were the best, thankful that the reruns come on tv.

Unknown said...

There is definitely no shortage of morons who say the wrong thing at the wrong time. I don't know why some people are so unaware of the implications that their words have sometimes, but maybe these people should study up on personal relationships, negotiating, emotional intelligence and looking out for number one. Who would say,"That's not my job.", to their boss? An idiot that's who. On the flip side, I have a boss who says the dumbest crap and totally abuses his power. One of the things you should never say to your employees is, "We need to cut costs". I have recently been on the other side of such a comment. The horrible thing is the fact that I continue to meet and exceed my sales budget every year while cutting costs! So when they tell me I can't have a raise because we are not making money and need to cut costs, I don't want them to tell me about all of the moronic stuff they have done to lose money this year in the same sentence! Oh! And I don't want to here my manager talk about his recent pay raise either! Really? Where are these people from?

Ashley Michel said...

I thought the clip was pretty funny and yes that incident should have never happened at the work place and he did not answer that question correctly. Those seven things what not to say to a boss and a boss should never say to an employee was pretty right on. I know I hear in my office employee complain about to much work and say " that's not my job" but you have to do it anyway. People who say those things, your co-workers start to dislike you and if a boss is a jerk and says things like the seven statements, then he does not deserve to be a manager!

Schorle said...

Sometimes people just need to keep their mouth shut. I am one of those people from time to time. the key here is to think before you speak doing this one little thing can keep you of a lot of trouble.

sarah said...

That's just common sense on what not to say to your boss. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. You have to watch what you say in the workforce if you want to keep your job. But the clip was super funny.

Nicole Faggard said...

Really good advice on how to not get fired. Employees and employers need to watch the little comments they make, whether complaining or saying something inappropriate. You never know how others perceive what you say or how much they may read into it. It's the little remarks no one thinks twice about that get him or her in trouble.

Aaron said...

It is obvious most of the time when something does not need to be said to your boss. Sometimes things slip, but if you always think about what you say before you say it, things will be way better than if you say the first thing that comes to mind always.

Daniel Berthelot said...

There are definitely times you should talk and times to be quiet. Alot of the things not to say to your boss are common sense. You just have to know him or her good enough to know what you can and can't say.

JMS45 said...

This was hilarious!!! Funny video.

Unknown said...

This is a very funny video but its kind of obvious things that really shouldn't be said but i know there is someone out there in someplace that will screw up and say it but it just seems like its common sense to not say that.

Aaron said...

I'm pretty sure everyone is guilty of saying something along the lines of what's in these lists of things not to say. I did read the first comment under the "things to never say to your boss" and couldn't have agreed with the person more. It's not a matter of things "not" to say, it's how you say it. Effective communication is vital in today's day and age, people need to understand how to communicate without creating altercations between themselves and employers/employees. Nonetheless, this information is very valid.

Unknown said...

Hopefully certain individuals will read this and avoid an awkward situation at the work place. I already was aware of this information, but still a good link.

Unknown said...

Great articles about what not to say. My biggest pet peeve at work is when one of my employees says "that's not my job"

Gabriel Ordoyne said...

I have definitely had a couple of jobs where I overheard my boss to tell another employee to do something and they say, "that's not my job". This has actually rutinely been a great opportunity for me to say, "do you need me to get on that for you boss?" which usually leads to opportunities whether it be a raise or a change in position to something with more responsibility.

Kimberly said...

Those are some excellent phrases to warn everyone against using in the workplace. It seems like it would be understood to avoid saying that, but sometimes people slip and make mistakes.

Unknown said...

This is definitely an example of what should not be said! He made the awkward confrontation worse by not giving a straight answer!

Unknown said...

Really, all of these "What not to say" seem pretty common sense to me. You always have to watch what you say in the work place as you never know who is listening.

Unknown said...

People are always watching what you do so it is almost impossible to get away with something you aren't supposed to do. We need to be more conscious of the things we do and say around the workplace. It could save us our job.

Unknown said...

I think this was an okay video. I believe if you watch what you say at the workplace, people will always put a spin on anything especially if they are intimated by you. I was just asked today did I make a comment at work and I totally did not say. But once your boss makes up in his or her mind you said the comment there is nothing to be done but to move on.

Jessica Ledet said...

I think this is common sense, because you should never say anything about someone you work with in the workplace. It's a good way to get yourself fired!

Unknown said...

You would think that people would have enough common sense not to say certain things, but you get surprised every day. I always like to be quiet when people are talking about certain issues that I know for a fact that they would get me in trouble. I try to think twice every time before I speak.

Unknown said...

People these days are too damn touchy. You just have to hold your tongue 24/7.

Miranda Manuel said...

Those things are all very negative. I think saying "that's not my job" is the worst. It just shows laziness.

Gerardo said...

I think it would be great to only have work conversation at work and anything else outside and anywhere.

Unknown said...

As a manager of a restaurant, I have quickly learned that there are things you can say to get better performance and things you can say to make matters worse. I liked the 7 things managers should never say to their underlining, “you should work better”. I wish it was just that simple. Just because you say this doesn’t mean that they’ll do it. As manager so many more parts come into play to get your employees to perform and act a certain way at work. I have learned that if you need an employee to work better you set up goals, objectives, and incentives. You can compliment and encourage for a better performance. These things will work a lot better than just telling your employee, “you should work better”. By the way Seinfeld is by far the funniest show ever created.

Candace Hampton said...

Boy I have sure learned my lesson of "speaking my mind" at the workplace. Upon realizing how seemingly "not-so-important" jobs can make or break an individual in getting a real job, I have learned to control my mouth. I will rant to my friends about it, but certainly not to my bosses anymore.

Flaciura said...

I have actually heard many people say some of these things many times. I will make sure to watch my mouth from now on.

Candace Hampton said...

This video proves that following your dreams is not impossible. Consistency and dedication makes dreams come true.

Blake Phillips said...

You can say something totally harmless to one person but when that person gets to telling other people, the message can be totally turned around. It could harm your position in the workplace and maybe make you lose your job

Jonathan McDonald said...

No matter how old we get, as long as other people are in your life they will always act like they are in high school when it comes to changing what you say around. Poor George!

Caprice said...

I must admit that I am guilty of at least one of the comments stated(That's not my job). I know that it is not professional nor appropriate, but when you are being taken advantage of what is there to say.

matthew.lancie said...

I believe that no employee should ever tell their bosses any of these comments but everyone has said one of these comments at least once in their lifetime. I know I have said it over and over again but I will always do my job even if I know that it really is not my job when someone else is just passing the job onto you.

Unknown said...

I think most of this is common sense not to say around your boss. People who are very loud and opinionated usually have a problem with saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. I guess i have gotten lucky and worked with some pretty good employers that didnt really care what went on as long as the job got done.

Peter_is_a_Star said...

Silence really is the golden rule in most cases. Even though most of these are common sense and you should be able to pick up on it. We all get the case of "diarrhea of the mouth", so we need to make sure to keep our mouth shut.

Unknown said...

Seems like most articles and videos give us advice on what to do in certain situations, its good to read an article like this that tells us what not to do for once.

AHickman said...

I love the people that say "thats not my job." Why do you think they put "and anything else vital to the operation on the office" in your job description? Alas, for as long as business has been around there has and will always be that poor soul that sticks his/her foot too far in their mouth that bitter taste of failure is only disguised with the taste of their shoelaces.

Sharon said...

This is a good article and it has some good points but they left out the customers. Most of the workers talk among themselves and around customers.

Michaela B. Baker said...

I thankfully watch what I say at work, you don’t want to say something that may later come back on you. If I get frustrated, I step away for a moment and take some deep breathes to calm myself.

christopher.raleigh said...

I am usually very careful about what I say at work. It is so easy to stick your foot in your mouth at work or in any social situation.

Unknown said...

I will admit that I use to be the one who opened my mouth before speaking and had to learn the hard way. Everyone in life, at some point, has or will have to bite their tonge in front of their boss or managers. This is a tool we as students should learn to do now.

Mario Barahona said...

In a previous Job I used to say things like "it is not my job or its not my problem" but now I have learned not to say those things. It is always good to have tips to help you in the workplace.

Avalon said...

This is a very good example of how to always think before you speak. Always have in mind that someone could take your words out of context.

Alexandra said...

I don't use any of the phrases. This is great information for students to have in case of a job interview.

JasonSibley said...

In my opinion most of these comments I wouldn’t say to my boss. I would think most people wouldn’t say these comments either but I guess some people do. Some people need to remember everyone has their own opinion and some comments should not be said. Some comments could get you into trouble.

Mat said...

Normally these comments we would not say to our boss or even people we oversee; however, we do tend to say things without thinking of other ways they can be taken. It can be helpful sometimes just to get your business done the way it should be and move on without saying anything.

Unknown said...

I don't have a problem with these types of comments but what I do have a problem with is getting too comfortable with by boss and forgetting that they are my boss. I tend to treat them like friends and say things that could be considered 'unprofessional'

JWM said...

Yes, many of these things seem either common sense or harmless, but the fact is they shouldn't be said. If you have something to speak about with your boss or with an employee, there are appropriate ways of doing so. Don't make a comment that you may regret, instead, schedule an appointment with the particular person and speak about it then. Your thoughts will seem much more professional and will be considered as possibilities for improvement rather than negativity or adversity.

Lisa P said...

I think this is great advice for students. That's why i try not to use language that can be inappropriate to say professionals. Because a person gets used to speaking casually around friends that it's hard to turn off when needed. It can be hard.

Unknown said...

This is a great article. With all of the different ways of communication, you need to make sure that you are conducting yourself in a professional manner at ALL TIMES. Not only that, but your boss is your boss no matter how close they may seem to you.

Brenda Brown said...

These are good phrases that you should never say to your boss or anywhere where he could over hear you. As I was reading I notice some that I might say sometimes, but I will be aware of that from now on.

Kelly Guerin said...

You should ALWAYS do what you're asked in the workplace no matter if its not your job or even if you have a million other things to do. An employee should always do what they're told and not be disrespectful towards their boss even if they don't like them. Also there are certain boundaries when speaking to your boss. Most of them don't like for you to talk to them as you would with your friends. I am a student worker and all of them will text message the boss to say that they can't come in or whatever the excuse is. I think you should call them and leave a message if they don't answer.

Jess said...

I hope people as employees are smarter than to say things such as those to their boss, but I guess they have this post for a reason because people don't think! Unfortunately though, I am sure bosses get away with saying those types of things to their employees because they are in fact your boss.

Brant D said...

If you take your work serious and care about the job this should never be a problem.

Seth Bourgeois said...

I would not say most of these comments to my boss. I believe that other people also would not talk to their boss that way. This is a good link for students to read because it will pay off one day in the business world for them.

toshia11 said...

I don't think I've would ever say things like that to my boss. I'm the one to be quiet and not say too much cause you know that could hurt you in the long run.

Unknown said...

I really dont know what i would say in that situation. The only thing i could think of is dont putyourself in that situation. Honestey is best though. Always tell your boss the truth.

KalliRenayWilde said...

Honesty is the best policy. I would have never put myself in that situation. The video was funny though.

Unknown said...

You should always watch what you say around the workplace, or anywhere for that matter. You never know who is listening. Your boss could be right over your shoulder.

Cody W. said...

I have heard most of these at the majority of the places that I have worked, but when I was doing construction it was the worst. Nothing beats watching your boss and another employee fist fight over how people speak to you.

inolongerlive220 said...

I have to much of respect for my authority to ever say things like these articles have mentioned. i was brought up in a home where respect was valued no matter who you are.

Unknown said...

The video was funny. I would think its common sense not to have sex in your work place though. I know a lot of people who do it, its seen in movies, and on television. The comments though aren't something that I would personally say. It just seems like common sense to not blame other people, or saying that the job cant be done.

Raymond Tucker said...

Respect is what my parents taught me best. You treat and talk to people the way you would want to be treated in return. I never experienced anything thing like whats on that clip.

Vy said...

Respect is what taught at home. Treat other people like how you want to be treated.

todd.oster said...

Sometimes it okay to talk but for the most part people need to keep their mouth shut. All these comments seem like common sense to me. If you like your job and where you work than this shouldn’t be a problem.

Unknown said...

It is never a good idea to say “It’s not my job” to anyone even if it is not your boss. People become comfortable in a work place after they have been there for a while and sometimes do or say things they shouldn’t. People should be more careful about what they do while they are at work.

drew.oster said...

I would never tell a boss I am way overqualified for this job. I also feel that if you say that your job is easy and that anyone can do it is just stupid. You should just do your job and keep your mouth shut.

Cody W. said...

People have to be very careful today about what they say. Most of these seem like common sense, but when you have been working at a job for a while you can become comfortable and things can slip. You never know who is listening in the next cubicle.

Unknown said...

I definitely agree with this. You really have to watch what you say, whether directly or indirectly. If your boss comes up and gives you another task, it's better to just take it on than to say something about it. I've been in a situation like this before.

Cole said...

If people would just think before they spoke then they might save themselves from a lot of harm and embarrassment. Especially in the work place we have to keep this in mind. Its is always harder to make a mends with a co-worker than it is with a family member or friend.

Kevin Harper said...

You never know who you could offend at work because your interactions with you co-workers are limited to the workplace environment, so you never will get a good gauge on them and who they really are. Its best to just keep your mouth shut when in doubt whether something could be offensive.

Whitney said...

It is definitely important to watch what you say in the work place but I do have to say I've had some slip ups myself. I worked for my grandparents and when he would get an attitude about something I would find myself saying things maybe I shouldn't. There was also a girl who worked there who made lots of comments on facebook about work and the people she worked with. She almost got fired but she deleted the comments before they could see the proof. It's very important to watch what you say!

Unknown said...

I agree that it is very important that people watch what they say in the workplace. One slip up or something taken the wrong way could be devistating to a career. Karen's list seem common sense but not everyone thinks before they speak! Silence is golden!

Unknown said...

I think this video is very informative and do agree with it becaue people do need to think about what they are about to say before having quick outburst. The internet has also made it very easy to get in trouble with things that are said because bosses or supervisors can monitor things such as Facebook or Twitter. That being said you must always think to yourself "Could I possibly get in trouble saying this."

Jerry said...

People will never watch what they say in the workplace. I work in an industry where tempers are usually very high and people are always saying things that they shouldn't say. People are not gonna change it just may take more for people to speak their mind.

Kelly Guerin said...

You should ALWAYS do what you're asked in the workplace no matter if its not your job or even if you have a million other things to do. An employee should always do what they're told and not be disrespectful towards their boss even if they don't like them. Also there are certain boundaries when speaking to your boss. Most of them don't like for you to talk to them as you would with your friends. I am a student worker and all of them will text message the boss to say that they can't come in or whatever the excuse is. I think you should call them and leave a message if they don't answer.

Nyoki said...

It is always better to think before you speak. Some things that you might say at your house in front of friends might not be the same things you would want to say in front of some of your coworkers. You could really embarrass yourself with just blurting your first thought.

Heather Cosentino said...

You always want to watch what you say in a work place. You could spread a rumor or even get into trouble. I always watch what I say wile I am at work. You never know who is listening. How we talk every day is not what customers need to hear. I always try to talk professional and act it to.

John Stiles said...

It's always funny to watch people dig themselves deeper and deeper into a hole. Some people don't know when to speak up or keep to themselves. Those same people hardly ever think before they speak.

Unknown said...

I think that the work place should remain a professional place at all times, although we all have our friends or buddies that we make at work, we should still refrain from speaking inappropriately in the work place and keep it professional.

Brittni said...

It's imperative these days to be careful of what you say. Not just verbally, but online and in print/text. Everything that is passed through a business can be tracked. E-mails can be traced and anything you put into print can be used against you. There is basically no privacy, but it is your job-not your personal life that they are keeping track of.

Unknown said...

Everyone should always maintain a certain level of courtesy and respect in the workplace. No one ever said that would be easy, but it's expected. Of course, you'll never get along with every single coworker. With that in mind, you should always watch what you say and who you say it to because if the wrong person is paying attention, it could get you into serious trouble.

Keronida Myles said...

I have only watched Seinfeld only a hand full of time and I must say that this video was extremely funny. I think that workers as well as employees need to be aware of what they are saying to one another. So of the things such as "that is not my job" can lead to a worker getting fired. Yet, sometimes he shoe can be on the other foot and the employee can say something that runs his employees off. This clip as a good list of things about what not to do that someone can keep at there desk.

Kellie Williams said...

It is very important to watch what you say, especially in the workplace. You wouldn't want the wrong person hearing something and it getting you into trouble. Also, you should maintain a respectful attitude in your work environment.

kady said...

Respect and courtesy are a must in the workplace. You have to be careful what you say and who you say it to. You should never send anything through an email that you would want people at work to know.

Unknown said...

I think a lot of comments in this article are incredibly immature. If employees actually say anything like that, then they probably should not be in the job. Employers are people just like us, and they are not stupid. They know how you really feel, and especially if you express it. Also, if thats the way you feel in a job, you should probably think twice about it you actually want to be there or not...

ChrisSaintsedo said...

While I believe one should be weary of what they say, sometimes saying what is really on your mind is an absolute necessity and a good thing. I am tired of the way the world demands political correctness and how we should handle certain situations. I work for a restaurant as a waiter and I am as real with my customers as I am with my best friends. I talk to people with respect and dignity but when it comes to being someone different or subdued it is just not me. I make conversation and say what's on my mind and if I rub someone the wrong way, I haven't been told yet. I have the best relationship with my customers and easily make more than the other waitresses, in less time and I think it is because while I treat people with the respect everyone deserves, I treat them like most people want to be treated, like equals, without being fake.

Unknown said...

It was shocking to read what some people would say to their boss. I have no tolerance for back talk. It comes down to having respect for your authority. I do think it is sad though when a boss talks down to their employees. You have to give respect in order to get it.

Unknown said...

More than ever we have to watch what we say, text, and tweet; never say anything u wouldn't beable to say standing up in front of everyone in church. Most of these words seem common sense, but u never know with some people.  Woooossaaaa

Unknown said...

It is so important to watch what you say, and not just what you say verbally but what you say in your email as well as any memos that are sent out. With today’s technology anything can traced back to the sender. It only takes one slip up or even something taken the wrong way for you to be fired. Always think before you speak!

Ciji Rodrigue said...

I think the internet can definitely get employees into trouble with their boss. Status updates being negative about work or really inappropriate pictures have gotten people fired before. I am very careful about what I say in the work place because any boss is always listening and I would not want anything I said to offend her. As long as people stay respectful and show they will do their job well they should have no problem.

Melissa said...

I do agree that it is important to keep your mouth shut sometimes. People say too much nowadays. I am one for keeping most of my comment to myself for fear of hurting someone. Just because it goes through your mind does not mean it should come out of your mouth.

Ms. Brittany said...

Holding your tongue can be very difficult sometimes, especially when you want to express how you feel about something. I think most people know what is appropriate and what is in-appropriate when to comes to speaking to your boss. Keeping your mouth shut can ultimately save your job. People should also watch what they say to other employees because you never know who is listening.

Jamie said...

I think all of this advice is great. I think employees should always do their best work even if they think it is way below what they are capable of doing. Most bosses like for their employees to do as they are told, but to also give some feedback. I think the more employees make excuses, the more reason bosses have to demote them. I also agree with things to never say to your employees. Just because bosses are in a higher position, doesn't mean they are necessarily better than anyone else. I think if everyone uses the Golden Rule and treats others how they would like to be treated, we would all have more satisfying experiences in our jobs.

Sherrie said...

I have personal experience with my boss. A lot of the statements on the list so real familiar. I think both bosses and employees need to learn when to say things and when not to say things. Also, they need to learn what to say as the articles explain.

Unknown said...

It is always important to watch what you say in the workplace and sometimes outside of the workplace if you are with co-workers. You never know what may get back to your boss even if you aren't on the clock. I guess it also depends on the boss you work for, but its still important to watch your mouth.

matthew.lancie said...

You should never say anything that can be taken as negative in the workplace because it shows that you are not really into it. I do agree I might have said one or two of these statements in the workplace in the heat of the moment but you should never say them and I have not said them since.

Unknown said...

This is a great example of what should not be said in an awkward position. He made the awkward confrontation worse by not giving a straight answer to the person that asked him the question.

Unknown said...

I feel as though today many people don’t care on what they say. It is very important for you to act professional, because you never know when you are being watched and get an opportunity.

Unknown said...

You should always act professional and watch what you say in front of your boss. If your boss is on your facebook then you definitely need to watch what you are posting. You would not want them to get the wrong impression of you. Sometimes it is better to block bosses and keep a work relationship with them and not get to close.

Unknown said...

I would not say most of these comments to my boss. I believe that other people also would not talk to their boss that way. This is a good link for students to read because it will pay off one day in the business world for them.

Daniel Cashio said...

Talking can land you a huge job or put you in the trash. It really depends on the content and timing of what you say. Saying a lot of dumb stuff is a no-no though.

Staci said...

Ok. I tried to watch this video but it said it was removed due to copywrite infringements. What?

candace said...

I tried to watch this video and it is no longer available for viewing. Not sure why?

Vernon Blackledge Jr said...

The article says not to say its not my fault to a manager, but I hate that. Sometimes you are associated with some screw up and it really isn't your fault, and you can either take it, or speak up and either way you are going to look bad.

Unknown said...

Talking can land you a huge job or put you in the trash. I believe that other people also would not talk to their boss that way.

Peter_is_a_Star said...

Silence really is the golden rule in most cases. Even though most of these are common sense and you should be able to pick up on it. We all get the case of "diarrhea of the mouth", so we need to make sure to keep our mouth shut.

Daniel Berthelot said...

Silence is definitely the golden rule. Most of the times we speak before we think and it gets us in trouble.

Unknown said...

Communication can establish a persons success if used correctly. Employees need to know when to speak and how to direct their specific communication. Many people can go overboard causing problems within a company. Silence is also good at times. Listening is also a key form of communication. An effective employee should build on the information they hear.

Nick Cruise said...

I was not able to watch the video because it was taken off youtube, but from reading some of the comments it is important to be careful of what you say at work. One wrong thing that you say could get you fired, or maybe even worse.

Unknown said...

This article was basically common sense things on what to say and not to say. People’s mouths can get them in a lot of trouble or can sometimes help them.

Donald said...

It is important to carry yourself as professional at all times. I think the invention of the internet makes people more accessible. Employers are monitoring employees with things such as Facebook or myspace. A good rule I use is to "never evidentially express how you feel about your employer or employee."

William said...

I think saying "this isn't part of my job" or "it's not my problem" are two sure fire ways to not get promoted. When I was a manager, I would ask my top employees to do things that were not in their job description just because I wanted to see how well they could do it. If they succeeded they were almost always rewarded and recognized. Employers want employees who are willing to work hard and do what is asked of them, not those who confine their work tasks to the limits of their job description.

Ashley Roberts said...

While a lot of these sayings are common sense not to say to your boss or employee, it's always good to be reminded of them. Many people, including myself, let emotions interfere and things can be said that are not appropriate.

kristinp0902 said...

This article had some things that people should not be said in the workplace. These things seem like common sense to me not to say but I know that it is said all the time. People really need to think about what they say in the workplace and how it may affect them. Your boss may ask you to do things for a reason and all because it’s not in your job description does not mean you don’t do it. Hopefully people who have read this article will think twice about what they say in the workplace.

Christina said...

I enjoyed this article because it was kind of funny some of the "what not to say" at a job. It was a great reminder though of to remember when your at a job or trying to get a raise because sometimes in the heat of the moment you might say things you really don't mean or shouldn't say.

Travis said...

This is article was humurous and interesting at the same time. Its more about a repect issue I believe. More employees and managers need to work together. I love when managers do the dirty work that the employees are doing. It shows they care.

Megan said...

Some of these things are common sense not to say, but I believe that people will still not think about it and say them. It is very important to always watch what you say. Everything said has a consequence or will get a certain reaction out of someone.

Arthur said...

The phrase should never be use on a job. It should be in a human thoughts to not use thing like this. You always suppose to watch your mouth

Andrea said...

I think the bottom line is to have respect for your job and your boss if you are an employee and have respect for your employees if you are a manager or supervisor. I'm sure everyone is not going to like their job all the time but like the article said, "silence is golden". Just appreciate the fact that you have a job and do it to the best of your ability.

Brian said...

Like my mother always said think before you speak. I learned this at a young age so I understand what I should and should not say and if you have to debate about something in your head before you say it then just dont say it. But in this world you will always have people saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Vanessa said...

I grew up being asked to "filter" what I said. These articles make me think that people are not using their "filter" and are not thinking before they speak.

Shanel said...

Most of this stuff if common sense. People should always know what to say and when they can say it. But I understand that some people just cant control what they say sometimes.

Kelly said...

It is important to learn early on that you will always have a boss. Some bosses might be lenient on what is said around them while others are very strict. It is good to realize that you can be replaced and that other people would do worse tasks for less pay. The company doesn't owe you anything; they're paying you.

Janelle said...

I felt like this was really common sense. When you work for a company you should always be respectful of your boss and co-workers. A person should know that you have to monitor what you say and how you say it.

Melissa Dennis said...

I thought these things were common knowledge to everyone who wanted to keep a job. But I guess not. It's always good to have mutual respect both from he employee and the employer. I believe you shouldn't ask someone to do or say anything to someone else that you wouldn't do or want said to you. Regardless of employee or employer, everyone is replaceable!

John said...

We have to be very cautious about the words we use when referring to our companies or bosses. People are always watching and people are always going to talk. Choice of words is a very good thing to practice in all areas of life, but especially business.

Frederick said...

I think watching what you say in the work place in important for the employee and employer. Having respect for one another makes the best work place.

Annette said...

You have to watch what you say period but even more so in the workplace. The smallest thing can become the biggest issue and cause a problem.

Rhesha said...

These are pretty self explanetory. It is frustrating when your boss doesnt take the time or have enough respect to see when you already have a lot on your plate and assign other people work to you.

c0mpl3xity said...

I am not a huge fan of telling people to watch what they say b/c ppl should be able to voice their opinion especially in the work place. I understand kissing your bosses ass b/c he can fire you, but to everyone else, speak your mind... Quit being soooo PC:(

Regdricka said...

These comments are very obvious. You should know how to conduct yourself in a workplace, and also how to speak to people above you. Momma should have taught you those ethics and morals.

Lesley said...

I agree with Regdricka these comments are obvious and as adults you should know how to conduct yourself in the workplace!

Crystal said...

As being a manager over others and having a manager over me I really do understand both sides. These comments are pretty obvious that this is something that you should not say to your boss but you will be surprised on the things I have heard. I think this should posted in all work places.

Iman said...

I believe if you watch what you say at the workplace, people will always put a spin on anything especially if they are intimated by you. These things seem like common sense to me not to say but I know that it is said all the time. People really need to think about what they say in the workplace and how it may affect them.

Taylor said...

I am extremely careful with what I say in the workplace. You never know how it will be interpreted. In this sue happy world we live in, everybody is a target.

Javeria said...

Completely agree with this article on how you should always be watchful of you say in the workplace; you could intend one meaning behind something but it could be interpreted completely differently by another colleague.

Chancie said...

This video was a great depiction of exactly what NOT to say in a work environment. It is extremely inappropriate for anyone to talk about their pay rate especially if they have gotten a raise. You should also watch what you say around people in case it gets misinterpreted.

Taylor said...

Learning the organization culture is important to understand what can be said in a workplace. Making one bad remark, can cost you your job!

