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Monday, June 28, 2010

An Interesting View on Why Public Procurement is Sometimes Far Too Hesitant to Employ Reverse Auctions from a British Authority

Here is an interesting take from "Across the Pond!" It comes from my friend, Peter Smith, who is an independent consultant today who has served both as the former President of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS) and the Procurement Director for the Department of Social Security (the DSS happens to be the largest central department in the government of the United Kingdom!).

Peter wrote a very interesting piece on his blog, Procurement-Excellence, with the very provocative title "Why aren’t reverse auctions used more by procurement people?" I think that this should be required reading by all in the public procurement community - both in Europe and the United States, and indeed, anywhere in the world. He gives an insider's perspective on why some procurement staff - and even executives - may be hesitant to "do the right thing" by using competitive bidding to save on the taxpayer's tab for governmental operations.

Hats-off to Peter - give it a read and forward my post on to all in your procurement organization! And do book mark our site, the Reverse Auction Research Center (, to keep up with the latest developments and trends in the world of competitive bidding in electronic marketplaces around the world.


From the Reverse Auction Research Center:


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