Hey, this article will make you feel a bit better about pursuing your degree and working till 4 a.m. on that project tonight, only to be facing an uncertain job market with certain student loans when you graduate! Written by Tony Moton of Yahoo Education, the article, entitled, "Want To Avoid Unemployment?: Statistics show a clear link between education level and employment," makes an especially good case for business degrees, even at a time when studying business is a bit out of fashion.
The Best Way to Avoid Unemployment - Yahoo! Education
So hang in there, get that paper written and drink a Full Throttle with a 5-hour Energy chaser to make that commute to your 8 a.m. class (just please be careful driving!).
In today’s economy, it is best to have at least a bachelor’s degree. For me, knowing that I like to spend money, I have to have a way to make it. Calling the degree an insurance plan toward unemployment is a different way to think of it but it is definitely true.
It is definitely good to know that there are existing opportunities out there waiting on us college grads. I know the struggle of trying to find a job with even an Associates Degree under your belt so I can only imagine how hard it is with just a high school diploma. This is why I am very adamant about attaining my bachelor's degree and continuing to explore my field until I am an expert. So here's a toast to the future!!
A bachelor’s degree will bring you more opportunities than a high school diploma. However, having conversations with career professionals as well as my friends out in the real world, a bachelor’s degree sometimes isn’t enough. I have had a lot of people tell me that not only must you achieve your bachelor’s degree, but attaining a master’s degree and different certifications will boost your resume and future paycheck. This reminds me, once again, how appreciative I am over Southeastern’s tuition costs.
It is always comforting to read articles like this to suppress my second guessing going to college. I am also glad I am pursuing Accounting as a second degree, because I did not feel like one Management degree was enough. This article makes me feel more confident that decision will pay off.
This is a comforting article that makes me feel better about staying up until 3 am five nights out of the week. There is no doubt that school will pay off and i didnt need this article to reassure me. Generally, i hear from everyone that employers are just looking for that peice of paper. Some levels of degrees may be more beneficial than others, but all in all a degree will always pay off in the end
I have to borrow a lot of money for school but i think it's worth it because when i graduate and get a job i can pay off my debt and buy things that i need. In today's economy, they need at least bachelor's degree.
Sometimes I wonder if a degree is even worth it? I believe sometimes it is all about who you know. I was very happy, but not surprised, to see Accounting/Auditing at number one on the list.
This article makes me feel a little better for sure. A bachelor's degree will definitely help out your chances in a search for a good career. However, I think that a masters degree would also be very helpful and put you a few steps ahead of some of the other people that may be applying for the same job.
Obtaining a degree is not only a personal goal for me, but I also would like to get a decent job earning good money when I graduate. It seems like all the time we hear about how there are not many jobs out there. An article like these is what helps me to keep thinking there are more opportunities than what we hear about. Everyone wants a decent job and wants does not want their degree to go to waste. Hearing about earning a college degree is the best way to avoid unemployment is always good news to hear.
I think having a college degree is important for everyone. However, hearing about some people who just go to college and get a "General Business" degree or a History degree and then after graduating, they just find a job that they would be doing regardless of their college diploma is a waste of time and money for some people. My major is accounting, so that is a feild that will always be in demand. Now, some people even have to go back and get a masters if they really wants to succede.
I wonder if a college degree is really worth it sometimes. I see people making alot of money and they never went to school, but I am glad that accounting is the first on the list! I feel like I need to have a degree just in case.
There are jobs out there where you can make a good living without a degree, but you have to work your butt off to do so. My brother makes six figures a year, and he has never been to college. He is home about three months out of the year though, so there are tradeoffs. I am optimistic that with my degree my family can live in relative comfort with financial security.
That is all well and good, but what ever happened to going to college for self improvement and a love of learning? Sometimes it seems that today all universities want to do is churn out busy worker bees who only know just enough to build the widgets of their chosen field. They just take people in and then push them out before they have a chance to really appreciate the experience.
What ever happened to getting a well rounded education so that you can understand what is going on in the world and responsibly participate in society?
I think most people commenting on here are in college, but some of them write as if they are in the 3rd grade. I know our public elementary and high-schools are failing, but at least take a look at what you wrote before you post it. If you have problems with grammar, run it through Word or OpenOffice (like Word but free) first.
Some people seem to think that because they are posting on the internet, they have free license to butcher the English language, but you want to try to look professional at all times because, as Dr. Wyld said, employers often search Google to see what you have put out there. At least use proper grammar when you tell world through Twitter how drunk you were last night. :P
The article is about education level and employment, and I agree that education levels can help with unemployment. When employers seek job applicants, they may look at your level of education as a selection tool, but they may also use the level to determine the offer amount.
Having a bachelor’s degree is certainly worth every penny, especially knowing that is a protection against unemployment. It's great to know that statistics are showing a correlation between higher education and employment but I do wonder if it is taking into account every type of job and major or just certain ones.
Reading this article makes me a lot happier. Now I feel even more confident about obtaining my bachelor's, master's, and PhD. I'm going to be in a world of debt by the time I finish all, but I can only hope that it'll be worth it once I find a great job.
This definitely makes me feel good about the long hours spent studying! Those who work hard definitely deserve the reward of a good job!
Five years ago, when I decided to go to school, I chose accounting because I knew it was a good field to be in. I was in the construction industry and I realized pretty quick that all though I was making good money, it was a dead end. I have one semester left and am proud of the fact that I not only put myself through school, but supported my daughter through it all.
I have to say I am pretty happy that I chose accounting as my degree. I have two more semesters and I graduate and now when I look back I feel pretty proud of myself. I am also very grateful that I competed in the sport I love and got my school paid for through that. College is very challenging but I hope those late nights I spent studying will pay off somehow.
Yes the economy is bad right now but their are many jobs out there. The key requirment for all of those jobs is a bachelors degree of some kind. Knowing that does make me fell better when I graduate in the spring that hopefully those jobs will still be there. A degree is a must!
After reading the article I was like well I am not none of those majors but the point was if you have a bachelor's degree you have a much better chance at success. I do not feel like I have wasted my time because when the time comes to get a job after December, hopefully I will be a good candidate and get a good/decent position to start off with.
Well after reading the article and comparing the unemployment percentages, it made me feel a little better than what I did before. In December, I will be receiving my second degree and I’m worried that I’m not going to be able to find a decent job with the economy being in the shape that it is today. But it’s still good news to me
I am very glad I am going to be graduating in December. It has been a great experience for me. I want to open my own business and get started.
I'm really glad I chose to pursue an Accounting degree. Seeing how much the job opportunities in that field are projected to grow reassures me that I made the right decision. It is hard work and it does take up much of my time, but it will definitely pay off in the future.
Just recently I began to question the value of a college degree. I have found a company to work for that allows anybody to work for them as long as they can pass a background check. The opportunity this job has to offer is amazing. It is like no other company. I have no overhead on my pay and I control my work schedule. Like most jobs someone has to die or get fired for you to get an advancement and make more money. Also, you probably work the typical 9-5 M-F work schedule. Planning my work schedule around my life is what i do. It is sad how many people graduate college and struggle to find a job. I am glad I won't this problem.
I believe the economy is on the upswing, and what better assurance is there to know that you have your college education when some others may not! I think we should stay in school as long as possible to receive the highest degree possible because it can never hurt your chances against other job candidates.
Well the statistics do make me feel better about me finding a job but the jobs listed weren;t anything I want to do so it made me feel a little discouraged again, but I do have faith and know I will eventually land a job I love!
This comes as no suprise to me. Bachelor degrees are almost the equivalent of a high school diploma these days. A bachelors degree is about the minimum requirement for a lot of non-labor jobs. I just wish that after putting in four years for a bachelors degree, the inevitable masters wasn't knocking on the door.
these days one degree isnt enough to get students jobs to start their career. There is a need of a second degree. After I graduate I will be opening up my own hair salon business. Its something I feel passionate about and will it bring me financial relief once its gets up and running.
I have heard some people say that a bachelor’s degree is like a high school diploma now. Well I do not think this is true. Statistics show that if you have a room with 100 people only one of them will have a college degree. I think having a college degree will give me a competitive advantage.
I go back and forth on whether I think it is that much more helpful to have a college degree. This article does reassure me, however, that i am on the right path. Growing up, it was never a question on whether I would go to college or not. I am glad my parents pushed me, and because of that I plan to continue on to get my master's degree. If a bachelor's degree already gives me a competitive advantage against others, then a master's sure won't hurt!
Having a degree is much better than just having a high school diploma, but after talking to professionals and advisors even having a degree doesn't automatically mean you’re going to find a great job once you graduate.
Haha I like this. I have been at this whole school thing for quite some time now. I am FINALLY on my home stretch and will hopefully be getting out in May. I have often times had to stop and remind myself that it will all be worth it in the end and this blog just reiterates that thought.
I think having a degree is so important. One reason is of course to have better chances at career opportunities, but also to gain that achievement. The things i've learned in college so far have really expanded my knowledge of the whats going on in the world and how things are done in other parts of the world.
There's no question about, between a high school graduate and a college graduate interviewing for the same job, who gets the job. Outside of manual labor, there really isn't much left for jobs without a degree in our economy.
It's funny how times change so fast. Before you know it a college degree will not be good enough. That is why I am going to go ahead and get my master's because I know that in order to get a higher pay and be more valuable, I have to get it.
It pays off to have a degree, in today society. Even the simplest of jobs are becoming more technical. A college degree shows more than you know your field. It shows that you are a well rounded person who took the time and effort to learn these things before you jumped into the work place. Your though process is different, the way you talk, act, and your options can all be shaped by your college experience
I always knew that without at least a bachelors degree that it would be very difficult to find a job out in the real world. I am very happy that I stayed with it and am about to graduate in December. It has really paid off even though it was a lot of hard work through the years. I definitely hope I can find a good job where I can pursue my dreams and make some good hard earned money.
It's good to know that all of my hard work and money will hopefully pay off in the long run. Good jobs are hard to find but even harder if you don't have a degree.
I am glad to work hard and have hope that all will be good, i always like to do my best when i have the chance and the future will take care of itself. I believe that there are plenty of jobs but only if you have the requirements at that moment.
It is nice having reassurance that I am not wasting my time, money, and investment into going to college. I do believe that in today’s world, a bachelor’s degree will not be enough, especially for the generations to come. I think work experience is starting to become a major factor. Let’s hope that the degrees that we work hard for will be valued and lead us to attain jobs easier.
A college degree does not guarantee you anything, it gives you the tools required to get a job. Hard work, dedication and personal drive, along with a college education will help you get a job. (Maybe not the one you are looking for, but a job nonetheless)
Its good to see finance on there, but something that concerns me is the growing amount of high tech computer programs that can do extremely complex operations. With the increasing amount of outsourcing, soon organizations will have whole computer programs that work as financial analysis. I suppose some one has to monitor and work those programs and that some one will need a business degree related to the operations of that program.
Since I am a finance major, I am glad to see "Financial Services" up near the top of the list. So now all I have to do is combine hard work, a degree, knowing someone hiring and luck to be closer to getting a job.
A bachelor's degree is better than nothing but now a days employers are looking for masters degrees. I find that a personal choice but the standards are being set very high.
I know a bachelor's degree is better than no degree, But good jobs are hard to come by. I feel like employers are looking for someone with a higher degree. I have worked really hard to almost finish my degree and hope to find a job when I graduate in December.
Graduating this semester is very important to me. I just hope the economy will strengthen and the unemployment rate decreases. I will have a BA this semester and there are no jobs and the ones that are left they are very selective. I have over 14 mgmt and I had to take a low paying job and I have to go through a lot of red tape to get where I was 7 years ago. I think this is crazy and I think the employers that are not worth applying for will suffer the consequences in the long run once the economy stabilizes. I know what I am worth and when the right opportunity comes along I am out.
It's a very scary uncertain time for anyone entering the job market. A bachelor's degree will definitely seperate you from those without one and a business degree, especially majors like accounting, finance, economics and statistics makes you highly marketable. I'm not surprised by the jobs listed in the article. I have been watching employment trends for the last few years and business/accounting/finance professions are always near the top of the list in terms of forecasted growth. Engineering and health care are also in high demand.
I do hate that a college degree does not mean anything anymore. All it means is a middle class job and you still have to climb the ladder yourself. I am not going to go after my masters yet because i am starting my own business and well lets face it if I am the boss i will not even have to make a resume or anything so it doesnt matter.
This article reassured me because it gives clear example of the benefits of earning a college degree. I know personally the life style I plan to live will require the income that is made obtainable by having a college degree.
I would def. choose to getting a degree and defend getting an education first because I hate the idea of anyone who think they could make money without learning a single thing.
I own my own business as of right now and I could make $1500 a week easily, but what if something happened and i could no longer perform my job. This is the reason i plan on finishing my degree (only one semester left after this). I have to have a back up plan, and i personally do not want a cap on the amount of money i can make because i am uneducated. Ignorance is being uneducated, and i dont want to fall into that category. I plan on getting my masters in accounting and taking the CPA exam just to be sure i will always stay employed.
I am more than sure that getting a college degree will pay off. Education is key and very important, especially for those who have big goals and high expectations.
Education is a very important factor in one's success in the future. I'm not saying that it is the only factor but yes a very important one. Even having to repay loans and costs for obtaining an education it will open so many doors in the future that might not have been there without it.
Having seen accounting as one of the first jobs in the article makes me feel better. I know that this degree will get me a job because everyone needs an accountant. I will feel better when I gradute and have my degree and a job wanting for me.
You cant do hardly anything these days without a college degree and still make a living. The cost of living is rising steadily. Even if you have a bachelors degree, you pretty much have to rely on luck to get a descent job
This makes me feel better about graduating in the Fall. I hope and pray that this statistic continues. However, we are still an over-educated and underemployed society. 10 years ago, yes getting a degree was awesome, but now, everyone has a degree. It's going to get to the point that having just a bachelor's won't even be enough!
I am so glad I decided to goto college. So many of my friends did not and now they are realizing if they are going to want a good job they still have 4 more years of school while those of us who went from high school are almost done.
Having a degree is a good way to avoid unemployment especially with the economic crisis. People with degrees are favored over non-educated employees because they have more knowledge. A degree will also start you off at more money.
It's very reassuring to see that a college degree truly does pay off. In today's competitive job world, it is imperative to get your education. Too many people settle for "high paying" jobs at a young age.
CDollege degrees are a great help to employment. A high school diploma doesn't guarentee any job. Some times a bachelors doesnt either but it is always better than a high school diploma.
In this dqay and age a high school degree will never get you anywhere, maybe a long time ago you could of gone places. I am about to have a bachelors degree, and I am gonna have a tough time getting a job, know you really need to go and get your masters to really do something good in your life.
This article seems a little obvious. I think that it is common knowledge that someone with a college degree will have an eaiser time getting a job. Whats sad is a degree doesnt guarantee a job it just helps your chances.
This article really encouraged me because I'm about to graduate this semester and I'm somewhat not looking forward to it because of the job market. After watching this I feel like this degree will definitely pay off.
It definitely depending on the degree, some degrees are worth more than others. Some degrees dont have as many graduates so that helps too.
In this new era you definetely need a degree to be someone recognize and respected. Without a diploma you stay in the same position without getting any better.
I liked this article, and research statistics show that people with a college degree make more money. A lot more money than someone without. Now not everything revolves around money with me, but more money helps. And i see how people say a degree is insurance.
I always thought that having a degree is the only way to make more money. But I see now that it isn't the case. There are jobs out there that pay more than a degree would.
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