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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

An Inspiring Story from Argentina for Those Who Have Taken a Rocky Path through Life

CBS Evening News logo used from September 2006...Image via Wikipedia

Steve Hartman's segments on CBS News are some of the best news being done in any format today. So, to introduce you to his work, but more importantly, to a great, inspiring story, please watch the clip below. It chronicles a young Argentinian, Sandro Giovannini, who has succeeded in life by taking a different - and difficult - path, but with - and because of - the great attitude that he has. Watch below:

and comment here on the blog. This is definitely one you should forward to your friends and family who may not have taken - or are on today - a circuitous route toward what will hopefully be a successful life and career.


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pdsmith said...

This story is inspiring and sad at the same time. It's inspiring because Sandro never gave up on his dream but sad because he mad up with his father. I'm sure his father would have been very proud of his son, especially since Sandro did everything on his own. If Sandro hadn't run away from home he probably would not have had the opportunity to follow his dream. Too many people give up on their dreams because other people tell them that they can't do it or because they think that it is impossible to achieve. People should hear this story and realize that achieving your dreams are possible but not without perseverance through the tough times.

Unknown said...

This article is very inspiring because Sandro never gave up on his dream. Even though Sandro do everything on his own, he still followed his dreams.

Unknown said...

This article is very motivational and proof that to succeed in life, really all it takes is hard work and determination. Many young Americans could learn something from this story, that nothing is given to you, you have to work for it yourself.


Yeah inspiring. Some people think their lives are bad until you watch something like this and your bad luck is nothing compared to what these people have gone through. I really feel bad for people that have a hard childhood. But this shows that you should never give up and do what makes you happy because you will work harder at those goals.

Michael Wallace said...

Truly an inspirational story. Having hardships is an inevitable thing for most of us. The point is to persevere and keep your eyes on the prize. Always set goals and go after them with every ounce of effort you possess. Hard work ALWAYS pays off in the long run. Sandro is a paradox of this.

Cody W. said...

Sandro’s story is inspirational, but can been seen around us at SLU. I have met many older people going back to school because they never finished for any number of reasons. Life slows us down sometimes so we just have to take it in stride and keep moving forward.

Unknown said...

Moral of the story, "Never give up on your dream." This reminds me of another link posted on they Wyld websites. It also stated to never give up.

Iman.Henderson said...

The story was sad but very inspirational

Courtney said...

Very sad story but at least he followed his heart and overcame some obstacles to achieve what he wanted in life. A lot of people need to watch this video and learn from it. Too many people give up so fast when they think they are never going to accomplish their goals. From experience, I’m still in school even though I had to miss a few semesters because of the military. There were many days I told myself I was going to quit, but I’m still here and will be receiving my second degree at the age of 24. But I’m not done yet.

Unknown said...

Everyone always says to just stick with it, tough it out, you can do anything you put your mind too. However, most of the people, like me, who have triumphed over multiple mistakes and bad decisions, rarely tell you about what really helped them achieve this amazing feat. People always tend to leave out the support group that nursed them back to health. So even though you are not supposed to give up on your dreams,if you have to go it alone, the future may be a bleak one indeed. I am glad Sandro made it.

Ashley Michel said...

I give this guy a lot of credit. He had a very hard life but somehow he graduated from high school and soon graduate from college. This guy just shows that if you put your mind to whatever you want to do, it can be accomplished. It might take a while to get there or even years but you will eventually get to what you want.

chris said...

This is a very inspiring story that should help everyone to realize that they need to keep pushing to reach their goals no matter what the obstacles may be.

John Nugent said...

Another inspirational story. Very heart warming. I wish the best for him. It is neat how they can randomly pick a name in the phone book and find such a beautiful story.

Amberlynn Brady said...

Very touching! I wish more people would be like him and follow their heart and do what makes them happy. I know I do what I know is right for me.

Unknown said...

This is a very inspiring story! Though tough it is happening to many teenagers in different pars of the world. It is sometime hard for parents to understand their children

sarah said...

This was a very sad story, but inspiring. He followed his dreams and didn't give up!

Aaron said...

It is important to follow your dreams and never give up, and a good attitude goes a long way for achieving your dreams and goals.

Daniel Berthelot said...

I agree this is a very sad and inspiring story. I admire his strength to find greatness through tragedy.

JMS45 said...

Wow! What an inspiring story! I am so glad he went out on his own and is now graduating from college. Great story! It's sad that his dad couldn't see him now.

Carmen M. Orellana said...

This story is a very inspiring story, where help you realize and know that you always have to fight for you want. This a big example how teenegers can regret of mistakes they do in life adn know that nothing can stop them to change their past and fight with their dreams.

Unknown said...

Very inspiration story, he had a great attitude. I will try and have a more positive attitude like him after watching this video.

Unknown said...

This story was very touching to me, because I moved away from home at only 15 years old. I got a job the day I turned 15, finished high school with a 4.0 GPA and am now about to graduate college with a 3.93 GPA. I will be continuing with my education at Southeastern's MBA program. I bought my first home this year at 22 years old. Sometimes people are better off pushing themselves. My parents weren't there to push me, but I knew that I had to do something with my life so I wouldn't end up like they did. I talk to my parents now and I know that they are very proud of me even though they don't say it.

Vernon Blackledge Jr said...

My father and I have had our problems, but he has never ever put me down like that. Hind sight is 20/20, and unfortunately we don't realize the hurt we cause till we are faced with the serious aspect of losing a loved one. said...

This makes me sad, but thankful. I was lucky to grow up in a good environment with my parents always on my side rooting for me. He's such an inspiration for following his dreams and motivating himself like that.

Gabriel Ordoyne said...

If you show me a father and son who see eye-to-eye on everything I will show you atleast 1 well-crafted liar. I think as children we often forget that our parents are people too, who've also had triumphs as well as failures. As we get older, we start to realize this fact. On the otherhand, I think parents sometimes think that just because their children are their genetic offspring they should be similar to atleast 1 of their parents. The truth is that our environment and perceptions shape us much more so than do our genes, and parents should realize that their kids are supposed to be different.

Heather Cosentino said...

I can relate to this story. Me and my dad bump heads all the time I even moved out at one point and time. I think sandro is right, I think parents need to realize that sometimes the child knows more about themselves than the parents do. And yes, I also agree that this story is sad.

Seth W Moore said...

I feel for him, it must have been rough. Credit for not giving up on his dream, and plenty of respect for not giving up on school, too many people end up doing that.

Aaron said...

Very moving story. It really makes me realize that in today's American culture that many people lack motive and inspiration to pursue our dreams regardless of the obstacles before us (I'm sure we were all guilty of this at some point in time). Anything can be accomplished as long as we have the mindset, and Sandro is a prime example of doing that.

Unknown said...

Yeah this is an inspiring, but kind of random.

Unknown said...

This is a great story. It shows that if you have a dream, it is never impossible to reach it. All you have to have is motivation an inspiration.

Allan Sjue said...

This is a very inspiring story but it's sad that Sandro's father passed away before his graduation.

Anonymous said...

This is a sad video. This guy is relentless! He never gave up and he should inspire anyone who has a dream or who ever gave up hope to keep trying. WOW!

Donald said...

This is a interesting story and filled with great lessons. This story is interesting because it shows the importance of pursuing your passion regardless of who or what the opposition may be. It is sad, but insightful because the pride they displayed wasted time they could have had together.

Unknown said...

Parents should allow their children to chose whichever career they want. I know my children will be able to do whatever they way. I will still love them the same. If he would have taken over the farm like his dad wanted then he wouldn't have the opportunity to go to college and get a degree which is more useful in this day in time.

Unknown said...

This is a very inspiring story. It really gives me joy.

Unknown said...

Wait a minute. I agree the story is inspirational, only because of Sandro’s ability to overcome adversity and earn a college degree. I also agree the story is sad because of his father’s passing and Sandro never receiving an opportunity to say good bye. However, I think the point of the story was supposed to be about self dedication and motivation. Sandro knew what he wanted, and will do anything to get it. If you think about it, Sandro only achieved part of his dream. He will earn the degree but that doesn’t make him a writer. He is still traveling the path to become a writer so his dream is not yet fulfilled. The moral of this story is, “nothing comes easy”. If you want it bad enough and work hard enough, maybe you’ll achieve your dream. Show me the follow up on this story where Sandro is writing published novels and then I’ll say this story is about a man who accomplished his dream.

Miranda Manuel said...

I had no idea that so many came from there! That is a great trivia fact to know!

Miranda Manuel said...

I like the idea of picking a random place on a map and finding an inspirational story there! That just goes to show that you can find inspiration anywhere!!!

Gerardo said...

I think parents always wants the best for any son. Also they need to support their children in any dream as always they are there for any need. I am very happy because my parents are always supporting me in anything.

Blake Phillips said...

Everyone has an inspirational story if they dig deep enough. With every dream there are obstacles but that should discourage you from trying to achieve your dream

Flaciura said...

I think that is wonderful that he stays focused the way he has. Unfortunately losing his dad before he could make ammends is very sad. I hope this story inspires others like him to continue with their dreams.

Jonathan McDonald said...

Its great to see stories like this because so many people these days complain about how hard their life is and now they expect others to feel sorry for them and give them hand outs. Working hard enough and staying focused will get you where you would like to be in life.

alodge1 said...

This story is very inspiring because this person kept striving for their dreams no matter the circumstances. This reminds me not to complain about anything.

Nicole Faggard said...

This is such a sad and inspiring story. Most runaways don't end up graduating from high school let alone college. He was so strong to do all of that on his own, and nearly starving in the beginning. This just shows anyone can accomplish anything when they put their mind to it.

matthew.lancie said...

He showed great strength in continuing with his dream of being a writer and graduating college even after he became a run a way. It is a sad story that his relationship with his father ended on a bad note and never was fixed because he died shows you that no matter what, you should always try to make a mends with your family or friends because they are the ones that care the most about you in the end.

Peter_is_a_Star said...

Sandro, keep up the good work man. I know it's always tough losing someone like your father.

Caprice said...

This is a very touching story. It is sad that his dad did not get to see him receive his diploma. I respect the fact that he followed his dream to become a writer by finishing school.

Unknown said...

Sometimes your parents arent always right and you have to stand up for what you know is right even if it means alienating you family. This is an extreme case, but it goes to show you that you can make it on your own, and you dont have to give up on your dreams

Unknown said...

What a great story. There are way too many parents who try to relive their lives through their children, and in the process they forget that it is their child's life to live, not theirs.

Spencer said...

This story is amazing. It helps me be more thankful for everything that is easily accessible in my life.

Sharon said...

This is a very touching story and although my situation is very different from Giovanni's story, I can relate. Sometimes parents want to just make it easier for their children so that they don't go down the path that they've traveled.

AHickman said...

A fortunate ending to an unfortunate story. Its tough when your parents do not support your desires. Likewise, it takes a special individual to make it out there on their own like he did. But good for you graduating from college.

Schorle said...

I can respect this guy very much he put his mind to something and never gave up, i myself had have some trials i went through to get where i am at today, nothing o fhte caliber that he had to go through. although I am a 26 year old man, graduating in the fall with a little baby girl do in 5 weeks. To me he is some I could look up to.

Michaela B. Baker said...

A dream can come true if one works hard to achieve it. There may be challenges that arise while trying to accomplish the dream, but do not give up.

christopher.raleigh said...

I have an immense respect for this guy. I can't imagine having to work so hard to achieve my goals. I would like to think that I would put so much into my college education if it were harder, but I don't know if I could work so much and still find time for school.

Mario Barahona said...

Truly inspirational story. You will go through though times in life, it's about getting through them and continuing on the path to obtain what you wish.

Unknown said...

This is a sad but amazing story. I do believe parents want what's best for their children but at times should listen to their children because they know themselves much better than their parents at times. This young boy is an inspiration to me because sometimes I feel like my life can get difficult until I hear about a story like this that makes me want to cry.

Mat said...

I agree with posts before, this is truly inspirational and helps us to "keep on keeping on" through tough times. I hope parents see this and it helps them realize that we do know ourselves sometimes better than they do and to give some freedoms when they are deserved or earned so that we may have a chance to shoot for our dreams.

Jess said...

That story made me sad that his dad died before they were ever able to make up. Life is too short and unexpected and its scary to think things like that can just happen. I am happy for the kid that he will be pursuing his dreams still and hopefully his dad is smiling down on him from heaven.

Unknown said...

I really like this story. I give this guy a lot of credit. He had a very hard life but somehow he graduated from high school and soon graduate from college. This guy just shows that if you put your mind to whatever you want to do, it can be accomplished. It might take a while to get there or even years but you will eventually get to what you want.

KalliRenayWilde said...

Everyone has to overcome obstacles to reach their goals. If goals were easy to obtain, everyone would have them. Sandro is a very inspiring person.

Lisa P said...

That story was very touching. It just shows that you can achieve anything you want as long as you don't give up. Very sad but a good outcome.

Unknown said...

This guy is the poster boy for the cliche saying to never give up on your dreams and anything is possible. As soon as you disregard these statements, you can watch this video for a new sense of urgency in your life for your goals.

Brenda Brown said...

I think people should be able to be what ever they want to be. Parents especially should not try to choose their children’s future.

Kelly Guerin said...

This is a good and sad story. It makes me so mad when parents push their kids to do something that basically they wish they would've done when they were young. All it does it drive them away just like it did to this guy in the story. I hope he does become a successful writer one day just to prove that anything can be done if you put your mind to it and you are very dedicated, no matter how poor you are.

Seth Bourgeois said...

Everyone has to go through adversity to reach their goals and dreams. They are not meant to be easy. I respect this guy though because he had a harder life than most and still was able to reach his goals. A little hard work can go a long ways.

toshia11 said...

This is a very inspiring story. Many people go through the same struggles he went through because they are very strong hearted. I really respect this young man and everything that he is going through.Especially that he is now graduating college.

Unknown said...

Wow you have to be a very tough kid to run away from home. We have always thought about running away but we never have the guts. I blame this on the father. I know me and my dad have had fights but he never would have let me run away.

Anonymous said...

Great story!! It's sad to think of how bogged down we get with trivial problems when people go through so much more to succeed.

Michelle Sullivan said...

This is an amazing man who had big dreams and acted on them. In my opinion, I think the thing that helped him do it the most was his dad telling him he could not do it. From experience, I know that its in teenagers to rebel against their parents and for his dad to do that was probably for the best in the long run. It is sad though that he won't be able to be there to see what his son has accomplished.

inolongerlive220 said...

Wow this was a awesome story. I totally was not expecting that at all. Im glad he is going to get to graduate and maybe fulfill his dreams just wish his dad could be there. And whatever they were fighting for was not worth them ever not reconciling their relationship before the father's death.

JasonSibley said...

This story was very interesting and I’m glad he had the determination to do something better in his life. I’m sure his dad would be proud now but it’s sad to hear that they never got the chance to talk again.

JWM said...

This young man is an example of success. I will forward this to friends and family. I have been very lucky and have recieved financial help from my parents as I have gotten through school. This young man did it all without guidance or financial support from no one but himself. I see this man being very successful in his writing career.

Unknown said...

That young man is very inspiring. I know what it like to work 16 hour days and after that im tired and don't want to do anything so for him to finish high school and move on to college is a huge success for him.

Raymond Tucker said...

This young showed how it is to work hard, while striving to graduate high school and enter college. He will be successful one day and many students will look up to him.

Vy said...

This in an inspiring story, and it shows that never give up on your dreams will one day pays off. This young man exemplifies success.

Josh Coryell said...

Good for Sandro. Your career in life should never be dictated to you, and I'm glad he found his own way. He is a better person for it.

Lindsay said...

This is truly an inspiring story and a bit sad at the same time. I am very impressed by Sandro’s determination to follow his dreams no matter what the cost. Sandro knew he wanted to be a writer so he perused his dream by giving up his relationships with his parents, working long hours, and staying in school. I do wish Sandro and his dad could have worked things out, but overall it seems like Sandro has found love with his girlfriend. I am encouraged and inspired by Sandro.

camirenee said...

This is a very inspirational story. Sandro is a hard working man who is determined to never give up on the dreams he has. It is nice to see someone so willing to work hard to reach his goals

toni.bonura said...

I'm saddened to see that Sandro could not work things out with his father. However, Sandro showed me that anyone can be successful without help from anyone but himself. He can easily inspire others with his heartwarming story.

Brenda Brown said...

It is sad that Sandro could not work things out with his father, but I will say he can use this story to inspire others. It is hard work to achieve goals in life and it takes determination to stick with it and finish. The help of others would make it easier, but being able to accomplish things on your own will mean more in the end.

Ms. Brittany said...

Yes this story was very inspirational. Self-motivation and determination are key to a successful life. I recently met a man who decided to go back to school 1996. He takes 1 class every semester and will be finsh his degree in the year 2021. Now if that's not dedication I don't know what is, and just like the man in the video all of his hard work will pay off.

Joel said...

I applaud this man for taking firm grip on his situation and making the absolute most of what it could become. It is quite unfortunate that Sandro's father was as stubborn as he was and that they were not able to make amends. This story truly is one of inspiration and real dedication. The best part of the story was that Sandro never showed a "woe is me" attitude or moment, congratulations are in order for this individual.

Unknown said...

As many others, I am one who has had many hardships in life. I have learned that you must believe and have faith in yourself. You can do and achieve anything. If you let the negativity around you get the better of you, you will not perservere.

Unknown said...

This is an awesome story. Sandro wants what is best for him and he is doing what needs to be done to become a writer. Sadly, he formed an estranged relationship with his father but he is earning a college degree under incredible perils. This video displays that one person is capable of being anything they want to be. Although, your cards must be played right. Parents want the best for their children, but they shouldn't damper their children's future. Be who you want to be.

Kellie Williams said...

This story is so sad, yet satisfying at the same time. It is heartbreaking that Sandro couldn't make up with his dad before he passed. That shows us that we shouldn't wait for tomorrow, but we should live for today. Also, Sandro did a very brave thing moving out on his own. He showed the world that anything can be accomplished through great determination and under any circumstances.

Tosha_Daniels said...

I really liked this story. Life is clearly to short to not live, love and forgive. Sandro never gave up and, had a clear focus on what he had to do. He had a strong determination. I really wish he would have been able to make up with his dad. But I'm sure his Dad is proud of his accomplishments.

Melissa said...

This was truly an inspiring story. I think its amazing how he has fought all odd to finish school. I have an awesome relationship with my parents and I could never imagin the devastation of one of them ever telling me that I couldn’t do something or kicking me out the house. This story should make people reflect on the gifts they do have and that they have the ability to do anything they put their minds to. This kid is an example of that!

Heather Cosentino said...

This is a very moving story. It is very sad that his father died without seeing his graduation. I do not know what I would do without my dad. I think it is a shame that his father would not let him back into his house. I do not care what my family dose to me I still love them. I would never abandon them like Sandro’s father did.

Chelsea Tucker said...

This is a great and inspiring story about someone following their dream and not giving up. I think that it is really great that he had it in him to make it through living own his own at just the age of sixteen, working his way through college, and to have such a good relationship with his girlfriend. It inspires me to do better in school and work harder because there are others who are going through college with harder obstacles than my own and that are less fortunate.

Staci said...

Sandro is an inspiration and a very determined young man. He knew what he wanted in his life and he did what it took to get it. Unfortunately, so many young men and women are not as motivated and determined as he was. Many feel like they know what they want, but do not want to work for it. Many look for the quick and easy way. It took Sandro many years and a lot of hard work to get where his now. I do understand what he was saying about how parents do not always know what is best for their children. However, it is a parent's responsibility to guide their children in the right direction. His dad seems like he was just unreasonable. He could have taken the time to listen to his son's opinion and maybe they could have come to some sort of agreement. It is terrible that his father died before they could make amends.

Nick Ward said...

This story is a prime example of how you should never give up no matter what life throws at you, and whenever you think that you have it hard in life, someone eles has it harded than you. We should learn to never take things, situations, and people for granted, because when its gone most of the time you can't get it back.

Kelly Guerin said...

This is a good and sad story. I hate it when parents push their kids to do something they don't want to, especially something that is or was the parents dreams. I hope that he does become a successful writer one day just to prove to everyone that he could do anything with a little hard work and dedication.

Unknown said...

This story is very inspirational. I'm very proud of him for working hard to achieve his goals, and I'm sure he will be a great writer one day. It's unfortunate that he was unable to make up with his father before he passed. This also makes me appreciate how lucky I am that my parents never tried to push me into a certain path, and let me make my own choices.

Sherrie.Lindsey said...

I think this can be inspiration for many people. The sad part is the ones that need to hear this story probably never will. I am thankful I have parents that have supported me through my college experience.

Linh said...

This is great story and I am sure it inspire many of us. Determine is the key to success and need believe in yourself that you can do it and stay focus. Don't let others talk you out of the things you want to do.

Keronida Myles said...

Reality is that most of the stories people around the globe have to tell ends just like Sandro Giovannini's story did. Parents start mapping out what they think their children life should be like when they first see the words "Your Pregnant!" Yet, the true of the matter is that not every person think a like even if it is a child that you have raised. There are many parents who push their children away because the dreams that the parents had for their child from day one, do not match what their child's dreams are for themselves. It is not a good thing to the not talk to the person you are mad at for a long time especially if it is a family member because you never know what is going to happen. No one should give up on their dream not even for their parents sake. Struggling to get where you want to is a part of life that can not be wavered. Stick with all the possibilities that you know can become reality because and strive for them they may become reality soon enough. One of my dreams have been to graduate from college and I a have only one semester to go. I would have to agree that the only person that know what is best for the child is the child. If the child makes a bad choice it is their mess to clean up!

Jessica Galloway said...

Sandro is a very strong person. For him to stand up to his father at such a young age is one thing, but for him to make it all the way to college graduation is amazing. I don't know if I would be this close to graduation without the support of my family. There have been so many days that have gotten hard and I just wanted to throw in the towel but my friends and family encouraged me that there is an end in sight. Sandro didn't have the support most teens do and it really says a lot for him to have gotten as far as he has. Good for him!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic story. I even shared it on facebook. So many people give up on their dreams because of the obstacles they face. Regardless of ones background, this story just proves that you can do anything you set your heart and mind to. It's sad about his father not being able to see him graduate but hopefully he'll be watching from above.

william.huggins said...

Good story there should be a movie made about it or something like that. If that doesn't make you feel like you have a good life something may be wrong with you.

Unknown said...

I guess you really can find a story anywhere and in this case a good story that proves that one should never give up on their dreams. I know without my parents I wouldn’t be where I am now. I probably wouldn’t have made it out of high school is I left home at 16. Also, makes you realize how good you have it.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, what ever does not kill you will make you stronger. It does not matter who you are or where you come from, if you want something bad enough you can suceed if you are willing to pay the price and never give up.

Unknown said...

Sandro has overcome many difficult obstacles but everyone has had issues and in the world today everyone has a story. I’m glad there are people in the world like Sandro, people who are willing to work and overcome obstacles even if did cause a bad relationship between him and his father.

Cole said...

Sandro's story was a great one. Even though there was rebellion from his parents, he was determined to be his own man and not the man his father wanted him to be. The ability to push through all he did and say he is a soon to be college graduate is astounding.

Unknown said...

This story really is an inspiration, in that no matter what stands in your way of your dreams you must keep pursuing them. Sandro did go against his father, but Sandro knew he had it in him to accomplish what he wanted. While it is sad that his father was not their to see his accomplishment, I am sure Sandro knows his dad would be very proud of him.

Jonte said...

I Believe this is a truly inspiring story, although sandro and his father had a tough time agreeing on sandros future sandro took his own future into his own hands and made ends meat, I believe his dad died a sad man because he let his son out of his life but I believe sandro did the right thing by taking his future fully into his own hands!

Jared Bentley said...

Wow, that story had everything a Hollywood executive would want in a bitter-sweet story about the drama between parents and their children. That really is a great story, and I feel sorry for that man for being unable to mend things with his father. His father wanted best for him, and from the looks of things, he really couldn't be prouder of him. Sandro knew what he wanted, but his dad was fearful of the outcome.

JasonSibley said...

I think this clip was a little sad in the beginning but it was inspiring. Sandro had a dream that he wanted to pursue to better himself, and he has finally almost achieved his goal. I think everyone should strive to achieve their goals to better themselves even if it’s not necessarily what their parents may want for them at that specific time in their life. I think Sandro’s dad would be proud of him now and realize how important it was for him to become successful. I also think he would attend his graduation if he was still alive.

Amberlynn Brady said...

This was a great story for anyone to listen to. It makes one realize that family does matter, but one's dream to succeed matters also.

Sharon said...

Sandro Giovannini’s story should be a story that is used whenever someone considers giving up on their goals or whenever they feel as though things are so terrible. I admire him for sticking to his goal and finally being able to have accomplished it. His father may have appreciated what Sandro did and especially how he did it, if he was still alive to witness the outcome.

John Stiles said...

This, to me, is a story of inspiration and a story of self-regret. It kind of made me realize what a blessing it's been to grow up the way I have and more particularly where I have. I've come from a middle class American family and my family has always been there to support me and help me achieve my every goal. Unlike Sandro, I've probably changed my mind about what I wanna grow up to me no less than ten time. I've wanted to be anything from and engineer, to a chiropractor, to a finance major, and now a business administration major...but my parents have been there with me every step of the way and always supported me. I can't imagine going through everything I've been through without my parents. So Sandro's perseverance and determination is truly admirable.

Amy said...

This story probably hits home for a lot of people. There are several people throughout this world who, have a less than perfect home life. Move out, and learn how to take care of themselves and still pursue their education. This story is inspiring because you r able to see into the life of someone who is from a different background then us. Sandro, seems like a person who can put his mind to something, and by any means find a way to get it done. And he showed this when he moved out of his home at 16.

Rob J said...

It's unfortunate the relationship Sandro had with his father but the struggle made him stronger. I admire Sandro's dedication to his dreams and the strength he gained by following them. Sandro's story makes me thankful for the opportunities and support my family has given me. At the end of the day we should be able to be happy with the decisions and life choices we make, regardless of who tells us we are wrong.

Nyoki said...

I think this is a very good story and I am sure it hits home for a lot of people. I hear of a few of my friends who always say they feel as if they can not meet up to want their parents want for them. However I do agree with Sandro and think that his parents just wanted the best for him and they just didn't shot it in the best way for him.

Brandon Walker said...

This is a very inspiring story and shows that no one should give up on their dream. Although it wasnt easy I think the poor relationship with his father made him stronger and motivated him to get to his dream.

Ciji Rodrigue said...

Very sad but inspiring story. It just goes to show that following your heart to make yourself happy is the most important thing. Making sacrifices may deter people from following their dreams but some people choose to work through the tough times, having faith that eventually they’ll overcome them. Balancing work and school is hard enough even without tough circumstances and not having the support of a family member. Education is clearly very important to him and he should be extremely proud that even with all of his struggles, he’ll become a college graduate.

candace said...

I think a lot of people could learn from Sandro. Too many people want things handed to them these days and don't want to work hard. He is very inspiring and is a perfect example that if you work at something hard enough your dreams can come true. I am lucky enough that my parents always supported me no matter what I wanted to persue. I admire those who worked hard like Sandro who weren't so lucky.

StevieG said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenee said...

Following your dreams is something that I think is very important. Confidence is something that we all need in life, but especially a situation like this! He knew what he wanted and did not allow anything to stop him. I think we can all learn from this story. Set a dream or a goal and pursue it until the Lord closes the door.

Unknown said...

I found this story to be very sad but also very inspiring at the same time. I don’t think anyone who watches this will say that it did not inspire them in some way or another. It just goes to show that if you put your mind to something and set goals for yourself you can achieve it, no matter what obstacles you are faced with or need to overcome.

Unknown said...

This is a very inspirational story. Many people go through tough times but it is so important to have dreams and to achieve goals that you set for yourself. You can overcome anything that life throws in your way set your mind to and believe in yourself.

Unknown said...

Wow, how inspiring. Dispite everything, he just kept on pushing to accomplish his dreams. it shows through perseverance you can accomplish anything. I think everyone can benefit from this story

William Peeples

Anne Randon said...

What an inspiration Sandro is to anyone who is in pursuit of a dream. Also, regards to his mom for applauding his accomplishments. It is unfortunate that Sandro was unable to mend the relationship with his father before his untimely death.

StevieG said...

As someone who has followed his dreams (and not always been successful), I can relate to the story of Sandro, and the opposition that he faced from others who only saw the negative side of things.

I also think that it is disheartening that Sandro's father didn't recognize the potential in his son. It's not as if Sandro was pursuing something that was unattainable. Argentina's literacy rate is close to 97% and three in eight adults have completed secondary studies. In 2006 over 1.5million people were enrolled in the nation's 85 universities.

I think that it's notable that Sandro decided to pursue his education and follow his dream, but I also found it disheartening that he admitted that it was his own pride that kept him from visiting his father. Now he will never see his father again, and he will have to deal with the fact that he never made amends with his father before he died. That is something that a college education cannot replace.

Jamie said...

This was an inspiring story. Fortunately, I have always had parents who supported any decision I have ever made. However, I do know several people I have come in contact with whose parents want it their way or no way at all. I agree with the message in this story that parents do want what's best for their children, but they also need to understand that their children also know themselves, and know what is best for themselves. Unfortunately Sandro was not able to mend the problems he had with his father before he died which may have placed guilt in Sandro's heart. I believe in forgiveness and working out problems with the ones I love because of the simple fact that they may not be there tomorrow or years from now for me to forgive.

ChrisSaintsedo said...

I can relate to Sandro in a few ways. My father and I had a very rocky relationship for most of my life. It wasn't easy and I left at 17. It was a mixture of the fact that we were too much alike and he wanted me to be who he wanted me to be. It wasn't easy for anyone in our family and it really strained a great deal of relationships. After I moved out I continued to work and go to school and graduated and eventually went to college. I paid for it on my own and knock on wood, graduating in December of this year. The only difference is, after my mother passed in April 2010 my father and I really tried to change our relationship for the better and its working. Its inspiring to see someone who already came from nothing, have less and still stick it out and survive. Makes me and should make anyone else think twice about thinking how bad they have it

Anonymous said...

This is quite inspiring. I can definitely relate. I have not exactly taken the easiest, most traditional path either. But I also have the determination like Sandro.

Seth W Moore said...

I have to admire his persistence, I find that that can be lacking in people. When the going gets tough some people just drop out of school. Not him though, respect due.

drew.oster said...

I think this guy really deserve a lot of respect for what he did. I think this story would have been even better if he could have made up with his dad. But atleast this man had the desire to finish and worked really hard to do so.

kady said...

This story is AMAZING!! It's so awesome how someone such as Sandro can make something so great happen without the help of anyone. I know that without my parents I wouldn't be where I am today and probably wouldn't of had the strength to do it by myself. Sandro's story truly is an inspiration. I hope he achieves great things in his life!

Whitney said...

Sandro's story reminds me a lot of my great-grandfather. He wanted to do everything on his own and work for everything he had and he did exactly that. He was so proud of himself to say that all of his dreams had come true from the hard work of himself.

April said...

Thank you for giving us an opportunity to watch this. Not that I can really compare to what Sandro went through emotionally, but in a way I can. I have struggled with finishing school and now, in my last semester before gradution, I am perservering and starting a small business as well. Hard work and determination are key and evident in his story but also sacrifices and finding a sense-in-self is also key and evident. I think people look past that too much when those are extremely important elements.

emma c. said...

This story is a great inspiration to me. Sandro followed his dream and didn't let anyone hold him back. It is sad that he never made up with his father but also good that he could stand up for what he wanted. A lot of students take going to school for granted but Sandro has really worked to stay in school and complete his education. Hopefully this story will help people realize how blessed they are.

Jewel said...

Very nice story! It is impressive to me to find that some people can make their own way without anyone's help. I was fortunate enough to have the help of others. This story inspires me to be a hard worker.

Wesley Borne said...

This story is very inspirational. I hate when parents try to live their dreams through their kids. I’m pround of the guy for working hard toward his goals and for not giving up. It was good though that he was able to make-up with his father before he passed away. This just goes to show you that no matter what people say that its your life and you want to live it the way you want to live it and be happy with anything that you set your mind too.

DeMarcus Sims said...

Wow, this story is TRULY inspiring. It shows you that everyone had what it takes to "go against the grain". A lot of times, parents think they know what's best for you, but its up to you to take a stand and fight for what you truly believe in. I really feel like the whole world should view this story, because it will add fuel to a lot of peoples' fire. This was very motivational, inspiring, and deep.

Unknown said...

This article is very inspiring because Sandro never gave up on his dream. Even though Sandro did everything on his own, he still followed his dreams. However, the article is alittle sad because his dad died before they had time to settle there differences.

Anonymous said...

Great story!! It's sad to think of how bogged down we get with trivial problems when people go through so much more to succeed.

Aimee Ortis said...

I suppose the story was inspirational, but I've heard the speech so many times, that i've become indifferent to it. 'Follow your dreams no matter what it takes you, and do what you love.'

This story was no different than those lines. I suppose it's more of an accomplishment in his area, but I really dont know for certain, so saying so would be ignorant.

I guess I was just always raised that way, so it's nothing overly fantastic to me, though it may be for others...

Cody W. said...

This is a sad, but inspirational story. There are always things out there that can slow us down or even stop us from progressing towards our goals, but we can always start moving forward again if we really want to.

Demond said...

This is a amazing story about a strong willed person who chose to go against the grain of his dad view. It was unfortunate that him and his dad didn't make up, but even better his dad is now watch over him. I think his dad would be proud that he is achieving his dreams and goals other than being a farmer.

Peter_is_a_Star said...

I've seen this before and I know its tough losing your father.

Unknown said...

WOW! This is a very motivational story. It lets everyone know that life isn't always simple we all take different yet similar challenges throughout our entire life. Its overcoming them that makes a difference.

Jake Miller said...

These are the kinds of stories that I love to read about. They keep me inspired and motivated.

Daniel Berthelot said...

This is a very sad but inspiring story, this was a great post to help us understand the hardships many people go through in order to get what they want out of life.

Unknown said...

I know its hard to lose your father r anyone else who is close to you!

Seth Bourgeois said...

This story was inspirational to me. Even though Sandro had it very rough he still never gave up on his dreams. This article should make people want to pursue their dreams harder because anything is possible.

Anonymous said...

this is an inspiring story to a lot of teenagers across the globe. some parents are stubborn but the kid must really know what is in his heart and achieve greatness. he knew exactly what he wanted to be at such a young age and thats rare. i know his father would have been very proud.

selafitz11 said...

Although this is a very sad story for the most part, it is also an uplifting one. To know that dispite his parents demands he was able to keep his dream alive and accomplish his goal in the end is incredible. It is very unfortunate his father won't be there to see him graduate however because due to all of the circumstances this graduation is quite exceptional.

Jess said...

This story was very inspirational. That guy accomplished everything on his own. I admire people like that.

David said...

The story of Sandro Giovannini sends a very inspirational message to never give up on your dreams no matter how many people may doubt you along the way. The story also reminds you about life and how to never take a day for granted, because you never know when it may just be your last. Always love your family no matter what decision they may make and always mend relationships before it is late. Here is a quote that I like to live by: “History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats.”

Unknown said...

Lauren Wong-This story is very inspirational. It is sad that Sandro and his father were not able to reconcile their differences, but I am pretty sure he sees his son is very hardworking and is proud of him. Sandro is very dedicated to his dream and that is very impressive. He lived a life of poverty and worked his butt off to get where he is. This movie should definitely be shown to those whiners who have it made.

Unknown said...

This story has really made me think. I sometimes wonder how im going to make it through the day with all the things I have going on. This story has inspired me to never give up no matter how hard it gets. As bad as you have it there are always people that are living and experiencing things a lot worse.

Jerry said...

This story is one that really hits home for me. My dad and I never really got along and hardly wanted anything to do with me. Now I have the dream of doing something that hopefully will make him proud of me. Life wouldn't be life if it was not for the hardships that we would have to go through.

Coco said...

This is a great story. It proves that we all can make of ourself. Each and every one of us is given a chance and opportunity to be successful and fulfill our dreams. Life gives us obstacles and it is all about how we deal with them that will determine our future.

matthew.lancie said...

This is a very sad story to hear. It takes a lot from a person to be a run away and still continue and make something of their lives and gradute from college and become what he wanted to become.

N.Jones said...

Wow!! Very inspirational yet sad story, It teaches a life lesson "Never give up".

megan said...

After watching the video about Sandro and the obstacles he faced to become a writer, I see that parents do not always know what is best for their children. Sandro dreamed of becoming a writer, but his father had other expectations of him. After Sandro left home to fulfill his destiny, he was shunned by his father and never even congratulated on his good works. Sandro made it on his own without the financial or moral support of his father. This story shows that parents do not always get to design the outcome of our lives, and we get to choose what is best for ourselves.

Jackson Ricau said...

This article was very inspiring. Sandro never gave up on his dreams. It just goes to show you that if you follow your dreams and work hard everything will fall into place.

Cory Y said...

I don't think the story is inspiring, I think it shows that Sandro was just a selfish kid who ran away from home instead of helping his family. His father worked hard his entire life to provide for Sandro and all he wanted was for someone to take over what he spent his whole life working for. If Sandro wanted to write, he should have done it in his spare time. He has a commitment to his family, which he chose to ignore.

dwayne said...

Sandro was stubborn and prideful and because of that he and his father never got to say goodbye to one another. I can't say this story is inspirational because it's something he brought on hisself. It is good that he followed his dream and graduating college though.

Brandy said...

I relate to Sandro inasmuch as the fact that my Mother and I have a tumultuous relationship not because we don't love each other but because we are so much alike, similar to Sandro and his father. I am inspired by Sandro's dedication and drive to not only finish high school as a runaway teen, but also graduate from college. No matter the situation or circumstances, if you are dedicated to the one thing you are passionate about, nothing will keep you from achievement!

Anonymous said...

I have had a very similar relationship with my father since I was a young teenager. We are definitely VERY MUCH ALIKE. However, we disagree on just about everything. Fortunately for us, we made up and have a pretty good relationship now after some explosive times in my teens and early 20's.

Blanca said...

Sandro's dedication has taken him and will continue to take him very far. I admire his story, and hope to read one day something written by him.

Andrea said...

Sandro's story shows that with dedication and perseverance you can be successful. It is sad that he and his father let their pride stand in the way of having a relationship. I have discovered that as a parent I can't choose my children's future but I can love and suppport them in whatever they decide.

Anonymous said...

This story shows the dedication one must have inside to try to fulfill anything you have you my mind set to. Sandro story is sad with the fact him and his father dont see eye to eye. In good parenting you stand beside your children and help them acomplish anything they are focused on.

Anonymous said...

It is really important to let everyone find themself on their own. I think Sandro was going through that stage in his life where he no longer wanted to work on the farm and pursue his dad's own self interest, but rather his own. Everyone is a different individual who has purpose to play thier own tune differently in life. great story!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That story was amazing and sad at the same time. Working and going to school is hard enough for me but doing it with no money and alone. I could only image how hard that must have been. It's sad that him and his father never got to make up before he died but I believe he would have been very proud of his son.

Chancie said...

I believe that this story is both inspiring and unnecessarily rebellious. It isn't all about what your parents want. You are the one that has to live with your decisions for the rest of your life. One should always go with their instinct and go for what they desire as long as it's reasonable. However, his father just wanted what was best for him. His blatant disrespect was a little unnecessary. They could have come to a compromise instead of being so drastic as to run away.

Renee said...

Wow, what an admirable young man! I think his father would have seen that the values that he instilled in his son have made him the man that he has become. It's sad that they never had the opportunity to mend their relationship, but I hope that Sandro can find peace in knowing that he would make his father proud.

Anonymous said...

He carries a great story with a great message. What really sticks out to me if the importance of working hard for what you want most in life. Things are appreachated the most when you have to work for it!

Anonymous said...

This story is kind of sad but also motivational. It shows that even if your parent/parents do not believe in you, all you can do is show them better than you can tell them. And show them that you can be successful with the choices you make in life with your career.

Anonymous said...

This guy has an awesome story and he should be very proud of his accomplishments. Life isn't always easy but some things are worth fighting for. This is really inspiring.

Anonymous said...

This story really made me realize that people all around the globe have problems, and quite similar problems. It is so easy at times to throw a pity party for yourself. However, I have always believed it to be true that no matter how bad you may have it, someone always has it worse than you. This guys story was very inspirational and shows that if you have a goal/dream and you work hard at acheiving it, no matter what obstacles you face you CAN do it!

Anonymous said...

This story was very touching to me. It furthermore proves that you can do anything you put your mind to. Although parents do wants what is best for there children they still have to decide on their on future. Its amazing that he is fulfilling his dream to be a writer.

Ashley Roberts said...

I believe that this story is one of motivation, particularly for someone in a similar situation. This video should make its way into some section of high school classes, as it could be a great message for some soon-to-be high school graduates who have dreams that are different than what their parents want for them. People should follow their passion or they will never be fulfilled and truly happy with what they do.

Anonymous said...

This story was touching. It shows that if you truly want something and are motivated, you can accomplish anything. Family is family, and is non replaceable, but sometimes it is more important to follow your dreams than to just follow in your parents footsteps or follow the path they already have carved for you. I too had many differences with my parents, but at the end of the day, I still knew I loved them and needed them. They have helped mold me into who I am today. I moved out for a few weeks my senior year, and boy was it tough. Truthfully, people around the world experience many of the same trials and tribulations regardless of race, color, creed, or religion. The fact he worked 16 hour days is quite impressive while still being able to attend school. That is too bad he was not able to make amends with his father before he passed away.

Anonymous said...

This story shows how small the world really is. People all over the world have similar problems and have to work them out. It is awesome how he has been able to work out his situation to the good and seems on the right path to reach his goal of becoming a author. I wish more people had that kind of self determination.

Anonymous said...

This is a very inspiring story to not give up on dreams. But it's also very sad. It's a shame that he was not able to make up with his father before he passed away.

Anonymous said...

Sandros story and perseverance are very inspiring. It goes to show what hard work and determination can accomplish when people don't hold themselves back.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that young adults can connect on similar issues around the world. I have a few friends that have dropped out of college to follow in their father's footsteps. It is flattering to have a child want to led their parents career, but it is still the child's choice as it was the father's choice.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see people try and follow their dreams and accomplish them. The video is a great video because I believe it will give young people that are struggling hope after watching it. The video shows that hard work always pays off.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed watching this story because in a few months I'll be a parent and I would never want anything like this to happen between my unborn child and I. I honestly believe that you should always follow your dreams and your passions but, don't totally shut out your parents because believe it or not they are very wise and they see things that you just may not can see at your young age. In Sandro's situation I'm very proud of him for standing up for what he believed in. Getting an education is priceless but I just don't think I could have risked the chance of never speaking to my father ever again. I think I would have had to put my pride down and stood my grounds and pursued my education but @ the same time maybe working on the farm part time to satisfy my father.

kristinp0902 said...

Sandro's story is very inspiring. He gives hope to many people. Although, life isn't always easy anyone can succeed if they put their mind to it and try. Sandro could have given up but he didn't and now he will live a better life because of it. I believe this story can also help parents to undertstand that their kids may not always do exactly what they want but it doesn't mean that they will be failures.

Anonymous said...

This story was very inspiring and a lesson to many out there. I definitely believe in doing what your heart tells you and to follow your dreams and become whatever you want, no matter how hard it may seem to get there. I do believe that Sandro did an amazing job during such a challenge and having noone to push him, just like many individuals out there. I am sure that there are many parents out there who want their children to become something different than their kids goals. I agree that one must go after the goals they set for themselves and achieve anything they wish to be. I once heard, success is not the key to happiness, happiness is the key to success. If you are not happy with who you have become or what you do then you will not be successful.

Anonymous said...

The story is inspiring, but there are a lot of people who have been in that bad of a spot or worse in the world and became successfull. The story was alright but not the best!

Anonymous said...

This story was an inspiration. Sandro hold on to his dream. I definitely believe in staying true to yourself and accomplishing all your goals. Success is the number one key.

Anonymous said...

Inspiring, I'll say! Typically, if a person has no one else believing in them, they atleast have their parents. This guy didn't even have that but he acheived success anyway. He is more determined than me, for sure. Without the support of my parents, I know I would be where I am, 6 months from earning a college degree.

Anonymous said...

This is a really inspiring story. He is making it on his own and is not giving up on his dreams. His experience should really be written down to help others who may be facing the same things he has faced.

Anonymous said...

This story is very inspiring. It definitely makes you appreciate the opportunity to chase whatever dreams you have. It really shows the importance of persistence and determination

Anonymous said...

I too have chosen the road less traveled and it made all the difference. I absolutely love to hear stories of people going after their dreams despite who are against them or the odds that they are up against. Although, it might have been better if he had made peace with his father before his passing it could feel a little better but him graduating form College in a year will most certainly be bittersweet.

Anonymous said...

This was an okay story, but we all have our sob stories. We have all had hard times, and there is no need to leave the USA to find far more inspiring story. I guess b/c it is from a 3rd world nation, I am supposed to pity him... whatever

Anonymous said...

This story was so inspiring to me. This man had a dream and did not let anyone get in his way. To go from having a home and a family to living in shelters and graduating high school and now college, wow I wish more people could hear his story and aspire to be more like this man who never gave up.

Melissa Dennis said...

I definitly wasn't in the right frame of mind to watch this video. It breaks my heart to see what some people go through and give up just to obtain the education they so terribly desire. I am the mother of 2 daughters and 1 stepdaughter and I would never give up on any of them. If there is a way to make what they want happen, it's going to happen! I know how it feels to want something so bad and not be able to have it...I've been working on my bachelors degree for way too many years to mention. I want so desperately to take this summer off and take a break but the end is so close I can taste it.....12 more hours and I'm done! If I pass these two classes of course.

Anonymous said...

This is truely inspiring to me because Sandro shows that he was so focused on his dream he risked it all. If he were to not run away from home who knows where he would be today. I really enjoyed this article.

Donald said...

This video is very inspiring and humbling. I can learn from this guy by showing more gratitude for the life I have. I also plan to be more positive about all things that may occur

Anonymous said...

This was truly and inspiration to everyone who watched it. Sandro had to have a lot of courage to rebel and do what was best for him in his life. Basically he had to take life into his own hands. I'm sure its an eye opener for many people.

