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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

BuzzFeed Latest: Microwaving Gummy Bears and More!

Today’s Hottest Buzz

The Greatest, Most Complete Halloween Costume Ever

I'd be a bit concerned about his feet, but I'm too busy being blown away by this level of dedication. They are your new Halloween overlords. Bow accordingly.

Microwaving Gummy Bears

Before and After pictures of microwaved gummy bears. This was an excellent use of time.

Treenage Mutant Ninja Turtle

The world's most firsome fighting tree.

Zooey Deschanel And Ben Gibbard Announce Split

This is the least twee thing I've ever heard. Instead of holding vigils, pathetic unemployed hipster men will probably be rejoicing in the streets.

Porta-Potty Halloween Costume

This PVC pipe aficionado looks pretty impressed with what he accomplished. I'm quite certain he didn't move around at all at the party.

'80s Bully Tribute

A tribute to some of the biggest dickheads of the '80s -- arguably the decade that has produced more dickheads than any other.

Being Bullied?

This is probably the most WTF headline ever. From the London Evening Standard.

10 Dictators Who Died Violently

They ruled with an iron fist but each of these 10 despotic dictators still met with a violent end.

Chevrolet Speedometer Design Timeline

It's well understood that we like to go fast. Taking into account the maxim that the medium is the message, the design of the thing that tells you how fast you're going is as important as is the thing itself.

6 Other Uses For Frozen Turkeys

It's November, and prime time for an unhealthy fixation on turkey. From rescue missions to self defense, frozen turkeys are a powerful tool.

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