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Monday, November 14, 2011

The Cynical Girl: The Week Ahead

The Cynical Girl: The Week Ahead

Link to The Cynical Girl

The Week Ahead

Posted: 13 Nov 2011 03:45 AM PST

Ello govna. Back from my trip to London and Manchester. The #cipd11 conference was very good. Really. I learned a few things and will write a post on The Starr Conspiracy. Look for an update over there.

Side note: I now understand why Madonna sounds so stupid and fake when she lives in England. It’s impossible to speak regular English without repeating myself. Me and my American dentistry were standing in line (queuing) at Starbucks. I tried to order a triple grande mocha and had to stop myself and order a GRANDE MOCHA THREE SHOTS WITH CREAM TAKE AWAY.

What the bloody hell? Who am I? Why don’t you people speak English?

Anyway, I had fun with my friends and colleagues in the UK. They are fabulous. There is one reason why my network has expanded so rapidly during the past two years. It’s not social media. It’s Bill Boorman.

If you don’t know Bill, he is a prolific blogger and tweeter. At his own expense and without much recognition or compensation, he fought an uphill battle to unite the US and UK HR community together in a very special way. There is no joy in begging a group of Human Resources professionals to have a drink and be social. There is no money in organizing a conference where people talk shit about recruitment and HR. Nevertheless, Bill has a vision and perseveres because he believes in his dreams.

If you analyze my network, Bill has changed my professional life in a way that no other colleague (or Twitter) has done for me.

My career is better because of Bill Boorman.

I would hire him for something if I could — but Scrubby has already spent my entire 2012 recruitment budget on catnip.

So that was my week. This week is busy with meetings, travel, and the Brazen University Social Recruiting bootcamp. I’m presenting a session with Jennifer McClure. Should be fun!

What’s up with you? Anything new and exciting? Let me know!

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