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Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Browser daily newsletter [15 Dec 2011]

15 December 2011

 Best of the Moment

What If Lehman Happened Today?

Michael Hirsh & Stacy Kaper | National Journal | 1 December 2011

Interesting question. Wall St is better prepared to withstand a major shock than in 2008. But with an opaque derivatives market of $708 trillion and European banks at risk of failure, could a catastrophic event be managed? Comments

A Massacre In Jamaica

Mattathias Schwartz | New Yorker | 12 December 2011

In 2009 the United States requested the extradition of drug-lord Christopher Dudus Coke from his stronghold in Tivoli Gardens, Kingston. One year later, Prime Minister Golding sanctioned the request. Then all hell broke loose Comments

Why Do So Few Blacks Study the Civil War?

Ta-Nehisi Coates | Atlantic | 7 December 2011

America focused on creating a narrative after the war that could reconcile white people with each other. It ignored historical truth: "That one group of Americans tried to raise a country wholly premised on property in Negroes" Comments

Zombie Borders

Frank Jacobs | NYT | 12 December 2011

Cold War border between East and West Germany followed the line between Germanic and Slavic settlements a thousand years earlier, and the edges of the Holy Roman Empire. Local administrative units have great staying power Comments

Is Incest Wrong?

Tauriq Moosa | Big Think | 13 December 2011

Two loving individuals, in the privacy of their own home, indulge in consensual sex. Is it wrong? Society says yes—when it's a brother and sister. But why? When you consider the arguments in detail, are they less strong? Comments

The Undisputed King Of Dogsled Tourism

Stephanie Pearson | Outside | 5 December 2011

"There are many time-honored Scandinavian traditions. Dogsledding is not one of them." But that's no reason not to give it a go. Writer travels to the Arctic Circle for a five-day, 160-mile husky-powered journey across the tundra Comments

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