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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

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Today’s Hottest Buzz

The 27 Best Movies To Not Be Nominated For Best Picture

This morning Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close was nominated for best picture, despite being viewed by most as a critical failure (Rotten Tomatoes Score: 48%). Here are 27 much better movies that weren't as lucky as the Tom Hanks-Sandra Bullock 9/11 drama.

Dogs At Hyperspeed

This is what would happen if there were roll-down windows on the Millennium Falcon.

Bear Grylls Leaked Footage

Some outtakes of Bear Grylls trying to speak Spanish. Anyone else think it's weird to see him giggle?

Fallen Disney Princessess

Thomas Czarnecki's photo series shows a dark ending to the classic fairy-tales we all grew up knowing.

Andy Bernard's 13 Best Moments

Today is Ed Helms' 38th birthday. To celebrate here are his best moments on "The Office"

What's Your Blues Name?

These are surprisingly accurate. And a little bit racist. What's yours? Mine's "Boney Harp Brown." Lindsey's is "Pretty Fingers Bailey."

20 People Who Seriously Think "Twilight" Should Have Been Nominated For An Oscar

Don't underestimate the irrational rage of a Twitard. But do laugh at it!

Bizarre Things You Can Buy From Vending Machines Around The Globe

There are some strange (and questionable) things being offered up in vending machines to willing costumers. How many of these things would you try, and also will you document it when you do?

Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close Vs. Drive

Here are some reasons why Drive should have been nominated for Best Picture instead of Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close.

George Clooney Defends Making Coffee Commercials

"You know what? Fuck you." In which George Clooney shows just how awesome he is.

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