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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

TheDC Morning

Daily Caller
June 26, 2012



By: Jamie Weinstein

Does the good news ever stop flowing from Egypt? -- Dan Quayle's son is linguistically imaginative -- Hollywood's Faux 99 percenters -- Cedric the Entertainer ... on politics -- Poll of the Day: Jobs, budget deficit are top priorities for Americans --Tweet of Yesterday
1.) Does the good news ever stop flowing from Egypt? -- "Good" is the slang the kids are using today to mean bad, right? No? Well, then does the bad news ever stop flowing from Egypt? Melissa Quinn reports for TheDC:

""Egypt’s newly elected President Mohammad Morsi announced plans to restore diplomatic relations with Tehran in an effort to 'create a strategic balance in the region,' according to an interview published by Iran’s Far News Agency on Monday, The Daily Mail reports ... 'We must restore normal relations with Iran based on shared interests, and expand areas of political coordination and economic cooperation because this will create a balance of pressure in the region,' Morsi said in the interview."

Hmm, this doesn't exactly sound like something we should be spending billions of dollars a year to support.


A Message from

Our military families deserve healthcare management they can trust. That’s why Washington’s decision to award the TRICARE West Region contract to UnitedHealthcare without examining its past performance raises serious concerns. But until the process is reviewed, TriWest’s mission is clear — deliver exceptional care to America’s military families. Learn more:


2.) Dan Quayle's son is linguistically imaginative  -- Rep. Ben Quayle views the current state of American politics in medieval terms, reports TheDC's Matthew Boyle:

"Arizona Republican Rep. Ben Quayle asked Homeland Security committee chairman Rep. Peter King to bring Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano before his committee to answer questions about her decision to suspend immigration law enforcement programs in his state on Monday ... Quayle berated Napolitano’s decision in a letter to King ... 'We now confront the spectacle of the president of the United States behaving as an emperor, and the cabinet officer entrusted with the security of the nation as his court jester,' Quayle continued, before asking King to summon Napolitano to testify before his committee about her abrupt decision to scale back immigration enforcement in Arizona."

King is the Homeland Committee chairman's real name (as far as we know), not another example of Quayle's linguistic creativity.
3.) Hollywood's Faux 99 percenters -- While describing how conservatives get no respect in Hollywood, comedian Adam Carolla excoriated Hollywood's liberal pretenders to TheDC's Jamie Weinstein (ME!):

"Carolla, who grew up in a family on food stamps, expressed the preponderance of his scorn on what he perceives as Hollyood's liberal pretenders. 'They all pretend like they’re part of the 99 percent, but they’re not, they’re part of the 1 percent," he said of Hollywood's liberal elites ...'Michael Moore makes $30 million-a-year, $40 million-a-year, but he’s part of the 99 percenters?' Carolla asked rhetorically. 'Now he has to keep up that façade. So he has to show up wearing the ball cap and the t-shirt, because if he ever shows up with a top hat and a monocle, he’s going to be tossed out of his club ... They all do the same thing.'"

TheDC Morning isn't afraid to admit that it enjoys nothing more --- nothing --- than some good old-fashioned Michael Moore bashing. Two cheers to you, Adam Carolla. Well done.
4.) Cedric the Entertainer ... on politics -- What does comedian Cedric the Entertainer think of President Obama's high priced fundraisers? TheDC's Nicholas Ballasy is on it:

"Actor and comedian Cedric Kyles, best known as 'Cedric the Entertainer,' told The Daily Caller that President Barack Obama’s celebrity fundraisers are 'necessary' and do not conflict with his campaign’s message of fighting for the middle class ... 'It’s fundraising. I mean, fundraising is fundraising. When you are raising funds, you raise funds. I mean, those kinds of dinners are necessary,' Kyles told TheDC at a screening of his new TV Land sitcom, 'The Soul Man.'"
5.) Poll of the Day: Jobs, budget deficit are top priorities for Americans -- Pew Research Center asks, "Which ONE of the following issues matters most to you in deciding your vote for president this year: jobs, the budget deficit, health care, Social Security, immigration, or gay marriage?": 35% said jobs, 23% said budget deficit, 19% said health care, 11% said immigration, 4% said gay marriage, 2% said other, while 2% were unsure.
6.) Tweet of Yesterday -- Eli Braden: "My favorite hotel chain is Travelodge" - Guy who despises running hot water in the shower
VIDEO: You've heard of Tickle Me Elmo, now meet anti-Semitic Elmo


A Message from

Our military families deserve healthcare management they can trust. That’s why Washington’s decision to award a contract for the TRICARE West Region to UnitedHealthcare without examining its past performance and integrity raises serious concerns.

Despite the fact that TriWest submitted a lower bid to the Department of Defense than UnitedHealthcare, and despite the fact that UnitedHealthcare companies have paid $2 billion in fines, penalties and legal settlements, the DoD has decided that nearly 3 million active duty military, retirees and their families will soon be forced to change to UnitedHealthcare. We’ve asked for a review of the process to make sure military families don’t lose the health care they have come to trust.

Until the process is reviewed, TriWest’s mission to serve is clear — deliver exceptional care to America’s military families. Learn more about our record and how it measures up against UnitedHealthcare’s by visiting our website:



Mayo And Mus-turd -- Suspended reporter tweeted: Racism 'secret sauce in the Politico sh*tburger'

Adam Carolla: Liberal Hollywood puts conservatives on 'list of people who need to be put in their place' -- 'It's a small little clan of sort of, you know, progressive hipsters who never stop stroking each other'

Quayle: Obama 'behaving as an emperor,' Napolitano as his 'court jester' -- Administration scales back immigration enforcement in Arizona come after Supreme Court rules on controversial law

Rory Cooper: Five reasons James Fallows' coup is a fantasy -- In a recent piece, the Atlantic columnist warned of a Republican coup d'etat.

Luca Gattoni-Celli: Concern not crisis -- How we should view a nuclear Iran -- Iran is developing nuclear weapons as a deterrent against aggression.

William McGowan: Broken promises -- The 1965 immigration reform and The New York Times -- How the Gray Lady's biased reporting helped Democrats pass the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.

Bob Barr: Dog days at Justice Department come early  -- The DOJ has had an embarrassing few weeks.

George Scoville: First they came for the donor lists… -- What's the moral justification for campaign finance disclosure laws?

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