Dear : If President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry really want an “all of the above” energy strategy, isn’t it time they approve the Keystone XL pipeline? Tell them, approve Keystone XL now! It’s time to say yes. Keystone XL would bring us 800,000 barrels of oil a day through a safe, North American pipeline. It would be part of a privately funded, $7 billion investment in our economy, and create as many as 117,000 U.S. jobs over the next twenty years. An “all of the above” energy strategy is exactly what we need, but it has to include adequate supplies of oil and natural gas. The President and Secretary Kerry are both on record in support of “all of the above” energy and the Keystone XL pipeline can help make that a reality. All we need is for them to say “yes.” A recent Fox News poll shows that 70 percent of everyday Americans support the Keystone XL pipeline. It has passed multiple environmental reviews. Yet our government continues to deny its approval, intimidated by the demonstrations of self-appointed, left wing environmental activists. Tell President Obama and Secretary Kerry that it’s time to represent the interests of all Americans and implement an “all of the above” energy strategy. End the delay and approve the Keystone Pipeline today! Sincerely, Energy Citizens |
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