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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

See what the buzz is about: Do you want to know why Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin are talking about Hillsdale College's newest program?


Below please find a message from one of our advertisers, Hillsdale College. Please note that the following message reflects the opinions and representations of our advertiser alone, and not necessarily the opinion or editorial positions of The Daily Caller.

Hillsdale College American Heritage Registration

Hillsdale deserves the appreciation of all who labor for freedom.
- Ronald Reagan

America has no better teacher on the Constitution than Hillsdale College.
- Sean Hannity

We the People need to understand what it really means to be free . . . And who will teach us? You know who: Hillsdale College.
- Mark Levin

Hillsdale College symbolizes everything that is good and true in America . . . [Y]ou extend to each new generation a commitment to those beliefs which the Founding Fathers enshrined at the very heart of your nation's life.
- Margaret Thatcher

Dear ,

You are among the first in America to get this exciting news: Hillsdale College is about to begin its newest FREE online course.

I urge you to register right now, to learn what every American must know to preserve our ...


President Ronald Reagan
High praise for Hillsdale's Constitution courses from across America . . .

"Hillsdale's courses have re-ignited a fire in my belly for our country, freedom and ultimately the search for truth; wherever it may lead. I am urging everyone I know to take advantage of these powerful tools, especially in light of our current political and social/cultural environment."
- David M.
"As a disabled Marine ... I am so thrilled to have the opportunity to expand my understanding of this great country and the document that defines and undergirds her."

"I have already resolved to share it [Hilldale's Constitution courses] with my children. I realize that precious freedom is in grave jeopardy and the only way for it to be sustained for my children is to actively defend it against all enemies of liberty. Please continue the efforts of restoring our constitutional heritage . . ."
- Mark W.

"I have been teaching social studies for twenty years and I wish I could require all of my students to take this course. The history taught in most of our schools and universities today is so slanted toward the progressive agenda. It is great to be able to get the other side of the story from Hillsdale."
- Loren W.
"As a United States Marine no longer on active duty, I want to say thank you for helping us defend and spread the incredible vision of the Founders . . . Hillsdale has and will always have my continuing support and gratitude! God bless you all. Semper Fi"
- Robert D.
"Hillsdale, your work has just started. You are doing an excellent job and we are thirsting for more."
- Brian V.
"I am a high school, homeschooled, senior who took [the Constitution course] for this semester, and I really enjoyed it. I only took the final quiz once and got a 39/40, so obviously you do a great job with the lectures. Thank you . . ."
- Jordan L.
"I learned more about the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Founders' wisdom, and the 'Progressive' views . . . than I did from my undergraduate and law school education. Thank you!"
- William W.
"Ignorance is the enemy of a free nation, and I sincerely appreciate you offering these free courses as a way to battle it. God bless!"
- Kelly E.
"As an adjunct professor of Philosophy in an aboundingly liberal secular University, I [brought] in some of these lectures to watch.... The students were respectful and listened. One said that this was the first time he had heard the 'conservative position' so well and reasonably explained. Another wished that more frank discussion on principled points could be maintained at the university instead of the politically correct suppression of ideas currently in vogue."
- E M, Norfolk, VA
"Thank you, Hillsdale Collage, for this wonderful course. I am a 69-year-old veteran of the Vietnam War. I do so worry about the world today and what it is becoming."
- Gary J, Arkansas
"Your Constitution lectures have been such an enrichment to me. The professors are a clear and easy to understand. I wish more people would understand the gift of liberty the Founding Fathers gave us."
- Laura D.
"Overall, this course was fabulous. I enjoyed the lectures. 40 minutes is good limit ... The reading selections were again superb. The tests were fun. I'm on to Western History ... Thank you, VERY, VERY MUCH FOR DOING THIS!"
- Martin M.

I'll be teaching the first of ten classes that make up the course.. I'm eager to tell you more about this important and timely course, being offered online for the FIRST TIME - FREE!

But first, here's a fun little test for you: Which President said the following? (HINT: It was at his Second Inaugural Address.)
". . . each time we gather to inaugurate a president, we bear witness to the enduring strength of our Constitution.

"What makes us exceptional, what makes us America is our allegiance to an idea articulated in a declaration . . . We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their Creatorwith certain unalienable rights, and among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

"The patriots of 1776 did not fight to replace the tyranny of a king with the privileges of a few, or the rule of a mob. They gave to us a republic, a government of, and by, and for the people. Entrusting each generation to keep safe our founding creed . . ."
Who comes to mind: Lincoln? Roosevelt? Kennedy? Reagan?

Actually it's none of the above. It was Barack Obama.


President Obama may believe what he is saying, or he may not. That's not my point. My urgent reason for writing you today is this:
Millions of Americans are completely ignorant about the meaning behind those magnificent words - and we will lose everything we love about our country unless we correct that situation soon!
Yes, ignorance threatens our priceless American heritage. Any politician can utter rhetoric like the text I quoted, while many Americans cannot discern if the actions match the words; if the actual policies of the speaker will lead to a freer, safer, more prosperous nation . . . or to a bigger, more-centralized, all-powerful bureaucratic state.
To steer our nation in the right direction, Americans must once again be educated for liberty. That is why I implore you to . . .

Register for Hillsdale's new American Heritage online course RIGHT NOW!

It couldn't be easier . . . it's FREE . . . and it's filled with lessons all Americans must learn now to understand and preserve our heritage of liberty for future generations.

You will agree, I'm sure, as to the reasons why I say this outstanding course is urgently needed today:
Because so many Americans - especially young people - are dangerously close to forgetting what made this country the greatest on earth . . .

. . . our founding principles, amazing achievements, heroic deeds, and great leaders on whose shoulders we stand ...

. . . as well as our mistakes - including the dangerous course our nation is on at this very moment - which we must learn from or be doomed to repeat.
So mark your calendar for Monday, February 25th! That's when the first lecture, which I deliver, will be available for your viewing. A new class follows each Monday, which we will remind you of by email.

Then prepare to be informed, challenged and inspired - and to fall in love with America all over again!

REGISTER HERE for Hilldale's FREE new course:
AMERICAN HERITAGE: From Colonial Settlement
to the Reagan Revolution

And, remember - we archive every class so you can go back and watch at your convenience.

When you register for this new online course - American Heritage -you'll also find out how to get a copy of Hillsdale's outstanding 882-page American Heritage Reader, the companion book for the course. It's the same book our undergraduate students study, with hundreds of original historic documents - Thomas Jefferson's First Inaugural Address, former slave Frederick Douglass' Fourth of July speech, notable speeches by Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan and many more. I strongly encourage you to get your own copy.

As Rush Limbaugh says: "If you want to get the most out of Hillsdale's new course, you need to have their American Heritage Reader!"

Here at Hillsdale, we take what is happening in America today very seriously. And so we are reaching out across the nation, educating citizens to understand and defend America's founding principles and its heritage of liberty and limited government.

You and I must be equipped to defend and pass on America's heritage to our children and grandchildren . . . to prepare them to be worthy of the blessings of liberty.

Today, we are at a dangerous crossroads. Will America continue down its current path toward bureaucratic despotism? Or will we regain an appreciation for the principles of liberty and limited government?

Over 100 years of Progressive education has brought us to this place today . . . but education is also the solution!

And education - of a kind the Founders' envisioned - is what Hillsdale College has done since 1844 and continues to do today.

That is why we launched this nationwide educational outreach, including FREE online course series on America's Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and America's founding principles...

...bringing in over half a million registrants in our "virtual nationwide classroom" so far...

... and now we want to boost that to ONE MILLION well-informed Americans - including you and your loved ones!

You can help us reach that goal by

Registering for our new American Heritage course today!

As I said earlier, America is at an historic moment. All we hold dear is at stake. I believe we face a crisis similar to the one facing Abraham Lincoln some 150 years ago. His simple and beautiful words spoken at Gettysburg echo what we are facing today . . .
". . . our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

"Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure."
Yes, America survived that terrible test.

But what do you think about today's test?

Do you think America can continue to endure the progressive, liberal assault on our founding principles, our history, our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and God-given natural rights - the ideas that make our country so exceptional?

Too few Americans understand our founding principles, much less how to defend them. They don't know the stories of the sacrifices that led us to become the most powerful, prosperous and free nation in history . . . so richly blessed that all the world took notice!

That's why it's vital that all citizens be educated and equipped to understand, explain and defend why America is so exceptional . . . and what we must do to continue to enjoy the blessings of liberty.

And that is why I urge you to . . .
Register for Hillsdale's newest online course: "AMERICAN HERITAGE - From Colonial Settlement to the Reagan Revolution"
You'll enjoy learning from Hillsdale's truly outstanding faculty, using the same material all Hillsdale students are required to study, regardless of their major.

Each lecture runs only about 40 minutes . . . yet they cover eternal principles and truths that have enabled America to prosper for over 235 years!

Every week you can also watch special question-and-answer sessions with the professor featured in that week's lecture. Questions from viewers like you will be selected from our online discussion board.

And yes, the lectures and Q & A sessions are free for you. As are the readings, quizzes, study guides, and other materials.

Don't have time to watch on the day the course goes online? Don't worry! We archive every class, including the Q & A sessions, so you can watch at your convenience.

So please, Sign up for this FREE online course today and learn about America's rich heritage from Colonial Settlement to the Reagan Revolution.

You will be partnering with Hillsdale College to educate Americans for liberty and self-government.

That's what we do every single day here at Hillsdale, since our own founding in 1844. That's how long we've been "pursuing truth and defending liberty" through education, in order to preserve the blessings of liberty that made America exceptional from the beginning.

In that tradition, Hillsdale College steadfastly refuses all government funding - even in the form of government grants or student loans.

That's one reason why, for many years, so many leading champions of freedom have spoken at Hillsdale events . . .

From Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and William F. Buckley, Jr. . . .

. . . to Walter Williams, Edwin Meese, George Will, Mike Pence, Michelle Malkin, Paul Ryan and so many more.

Today, Hillsdale is advancing the cause of liberty even further by enrolling over 500,000 Americans for our free online courses on the Constitution and Founding Principles . . .

. . . which, with your help, we will soon grow to ONE MILLION!

Please join that growing, nationwide classroom by
Signing up for this FREE online course!

The more Americans who join you in these lessons, the more Americans we equip to help us save our priceless American Heritage.

We will lose this nation if we forget our great past and our founding principles . . . if we fail to learn from the great figures on whose shoulders we stand today.

That's what the Progressive movement's assault on America and our Founders attempts to do, even today: make us forget - or even be ashamed of - our great nation. It's what they've been doing for over a century.

To preserve America's Heritage - to save what you and I love so much about our country - we must know and understand the principles of liberty that made possible the greatest country in human history.

Won't you please do your part today and Sign up for this FREE online course?

It will take all of us - you and me - working together, doing our utmost to save our constitutional republic . . .

. . . so that we preserve our priceless American Heritage for future generations!

Yours for liberty,

Dr. Larry P Arnn
Larry P. Arnn
President, Hillsdale College
Pursuing Truth and Defending Liberty since 1844

P.S. At the end of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, Benjamin Franklin was asked by a local Philadelphia woman what kind of government they had created for Americans. Franklin famously answered:

"A republic, if you can keep it."

So let me ask you as directly as I know how:

Will you do your part to help preserve our republic? Will you do your part to show the world that this nation, "conceived in liberty" and dedicated to true equality for all "can long endure"?

You can do that today when you:

Sign up for our newest FREE online course: AMERICAN HERITAGE, and see how to get Hillsdale's popular American Heritage Reader.

Your actions today will help inform and equip more and more Americans to better know, and defend, and preserve for future generations all that you and I love about our country, which God has so richly blessed. Please sign up today, and tell everyone you know to about this wonderful course!

From Colonial Settlement to the Reagan Revolution

Register Now for American Heritage
33 East College Street ~ Hillsdale, Michigan 49242

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