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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

TheDC Links

Daily Caller
March 6, 2013




Today's top stories:
1.) Dustup erupts over reasons GOProud was barred from sponsoring CPAC
2.) Internal doc reveals ICE plan to release thousands of illegal immigrants

----- A Message from American Sugar Alliance -----

U.S. sugar policy ensures homegrown supplies, instead of depending on unreliable imports, as we did in 1942 when sugar was rationed. Support food security. Support sugar policy.


3.) Obama launches outreach strategy to sway GOP legislators
4.) Report: Relative of top Bob Menendez donor pushed apparent retraction of prostitution claim
5.) TheDC's Jamie Weinstein: Fawning liberal writers and activists mourn Hugo Chavez
6.) GOP ridicules White House tour shutdown
7.) Roger Ailes called Newt 'a prick,' Biden 'dumb as an ashtray'
8.) Andrew McCarthy: 'What the Arab Spring really is, is an ascendancy of Islamic supremacism' [VIDEO]
9.) Bill O'Reilly unloads on Alan Colmes: 'You are lying! You are lying!' [VIDEO]
10.) TheDC's Christopher Bedford: The US didn't kill Chavez (but we totally should have)
11.) Washington Post quietly makes major change to Menendez story
12.) Jimmy Carter remembers Chavez for his contributions to the ‘neglected and marginalized’
13.) Actor Sean Penn on Hugo Chavez's death: 'I lost a friend I was blessed to have'
14.) Congressman: Will Jay-Z and Beyoncé still get White House tours?
15.) Brace yourselves: There are basically two Kate Uptons in existence [PHOTO]

----- A Message from American Sugar Alliance -----

U.S. sugar policy ensures homegrown supplies, instead of depending on unreliable imports, as we did in 1942 when sugar was rationed. Support food security. Support sugar policy.



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