MOBILE INSIGHTS: Android Is Beating iOS In U.S. Smartphone Sales Mobile Insights is a daily newsletter from BI Intelligence delivered first thing every morning exclusively to BI Intelligence subscribers. Sign up for a free trial of BI Intelligence today.
Android Leads In U.S. Smartphone Sales, But Windows And iOS Grow Faster (Kantar Worldpanel ComTech) Over the 12-week period through the end of April 2013, Google's Android accounted for 51.7% of U.S. smartphone sales, while Apple's iOS platform took 41.4% of sales and Microsoft's Windows took third place with a 5.6% share. Despite Android's lead, it grew its share of smartphone sales by only 1.4 percentage points compared to the same period last year. Meanwhile, Apple and Windows gained 2.3 and 1.8 percentage points, respectively. Read > New Acer $400 PC Will Run Android (CNET) This should give Microsoft pause: Acer's new all-in-one PC, named the AIO, will run Android. Intel has dropped hints that more Android-powered low-cost PCs are on the way. Although Android chief Sundar Pichai threw water on the idea of connecting the Android and Chrome operating systems, it makes sense in a multi-device computing world to have the same operating system underpinning mobile-devices and low-powered laptops. Read > The Average American Spends An Hour Of Quality Time With Their Smartphone (AllThingsD) That's according to a new study out by Experian. At least half that time is spent talking and texting. Read > Apple's iPhone Sales in India Up 400 Percent (Apple Insider) It's starting from a low base, but Apple is now moving 400,000 devices per month thanks to aggressive pricing strategies. However, some observers have penned articles with a contrarian take, saying that in fact, India has become a "dumping ground" for outdated iPhones 4 models. Read > A Fun Take On Privacy In A World With Google Glass (Taptastic) From pro-privacy haircuts, to portable anonymous lighting, to simply scaring off other Glass wearers with your own pair. A light-hearted take on a serious issue: what will happen to privacy in a world where no one knows whether you're filming them or not? Read > Is Silicon Valley An Echo Chamber, Or Can It Make Apps For The Rest Of The World? (The New York Times) Nick Bilton of The New York Times muses about whether Silicon Valley creates many apps that just aren't relevant to lifestyles outside of the privileged, engineer-choked world of Northern California. He analyzes success stories like Uber, and an app called Twist as he considers this question. Read > A Handy Infographic Outlining App Global Store Stats ( Interesting to note that Microsoft's store and the Amazon Appstore, the latter with only 16 million total downloads, are dwarfed by the competition. (See below.) 
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