No matter how carefully you plan your goals they will never be more that pipe dreams unless you pursue them with gusto. --- W. Clement Stone
Time for Spring Cleaning... Don't worry, this guide can help you through anything.
How To Clean (Almost) Anything And Everything
It’s springtime and we all know what THAT means. It's time to get all your dirty old stuff looking as good as new.
This weekend an employee at Twitter decided to live-tweet her labor from the moment her water broke. She ended up giving birth to an adorable baby girl.
Making small talk with hairstylists. People singing “Happy Birthday” to you. And 17 of the other most awkward social interactions of all time.
Kale chips. Frozen kale cubes. Our national kale obsession is officially out of control.
Some of us just prefer Netflix to people. Are you one of those people?
And here's another question you really ought to ask yourself: Were you totally spoiled as a child?
You probably forgot about all the celebrities who modeled for The Gap in the early 2000s. Warning: You are about to see a lot of questionable fashion choices.
And finally: There is only one true holy matrimony in this world... the one between chocolate and peanut butter.
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