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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg on Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders

Sheryl Sandberg, Google  vice president of Glo...Image by dfarber via Flickr

Sheryl Sandberg looks at why a smaller percentage of women than men reach the top of their professions -- and offers three powerful pieces of advice to women aiming for the top.

View her TedTalk below:



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Anonymous said...

OMG I really enjoyed this video. The things she talked about were kind of depressing to hear but needless to say they were true.Honestly this video really was something that I neded to hear. I have recently found out that I was pregnant and now I find myself currently second guessing everything that I planned on and hoped for dreamed about doing after graduation. This video has really helped to motivate me to not give up on the things that I wish to accomplish. I REALLY ENJOYED THIS VIDEO.

Anonymous said...

I think Mrs. Sandberg has some great advice for women who want to be leaders in the workforce. I think with the coming generation we will see more women in leadership roles. With the number of women receiving degrees and entering the work force, the number has to be increase in the future. We, as a people, need to stop teaching the gender roles that women stay home with the kids while the men go to work.

Ashley Roberts said...

This is a great informational video for women who wish to move up in the work force. I definitely believe that women should be more confident in what they do in the work place and go for the promotions and big positions. As a woman in the work force, I have both negotiated for my salary and and earned promotions because I am proud of my work ethic and take pride in the correctness of my work. There are still a lot of men out there today that believe women should be the primary care giver of children, when they are fully capable of doing an equal job themselves. For this to change, I belive women will have to put their feet down and make it to where they share the responsibility of caring for the children equally.

Andrea said...

I really enjoyed this video because it made me realize that women shouldn't settle for the way things have always been but they should fight for their place at the top. I have to agree that women have come a long way in the workforce but there are still some women who just settle for that entry level job because it helps pay the bills instead of striving for a higher position or setting bigger goals for themselves.

Anonymous said...

I'm really not sure why women don't usually make it to the top in the business world. I guess for a number of reasons. Women have to take more time off of their career to care for children. Also maybe some people believe women's job should be to tend the house. These old beliefs will fade away hopefully as women become more educated and work hard to achieve their goals.

Anonymous said...

Not just as a woman but as an indiviual I believe this video is very true. It seems like more men are at the top versus women. It has been like this for the longest because women are viewed as weak and people believe they wont be able to accomplish the job. This can only change if we as women take a stand. This video was just more motivation for me.

Anonymous said...

This video is interesting. It show how our has change and how it is changing. Women are seen as weak with heart to stand up for theirselves. In the business world it not likely to she a woman at the top of mainsteam because of the morales and emtion they put into their work.

Anonymous said...

This video is interesting. It shows how our world has change and how it is changing. Women are seen as weak with no heart to stand up for theirselves. In the business world it not likely to see a woman at the top of mainsteam because of the morales and emtion they put into their work.

Anonymous said...

I think the workforce is changing. For years the "ideal" situation was that the man went to work and the woman was responsible for the home. It is beginning to change slowly.
It was interesting here the different descriptions that women and men give, especially her example on the reactions to the test.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sexist, racist, or anything against women at all. I feel that there are women that have made it to the top in industries such as: show business, acting, modeling, talk shows ect... but I do believe in a business setting to make it to the top it takes a more masculine approach and to me most women don't posses the attitude to do this.

Melissa Dennis said...

I just have to say thank you for posting this video. Not just because I'm a wift/mother/woman in the workforce but because it touches on things that noone really thinks about. Of course we think about the roles our spouses play in our lives and if/when they can help us but because we make our lives difficult for ourselves. It's easier just to do something than to depend on someone else to do it for us, which makes our minds so full of everything else that we really aren't focusing on where we are right now and what we need to do for ourselves as well as others. I'm definitly going to pay more attention to where I am sitting from now on.

Donald said...

I think she gives very good advice to women that are seeking these top positions in business. I think alot of progress will be made in this regard during the near future. I also believe that business is going through a cultural change and because more women are having the opportunity to become educated in diverse fields in the workforce unlike the generations of women before them achievements like Ms. Sandberg's will be possible.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this video a lot. A household and to raise a family usually requires 2 incomes now. Women must work now. However I know the role of women used to be to stay at home cook, clean, and raise the kids while the men "brought home the bacon". It's not like that anymore. This video was very motivational to all women to not give up on anything and to continue to conquer dreams.

Anonymous said...

What a great and inspiring video. I have been that woman that stopped caring about her job when I decided to have children, and in many ways that is sad to me. The world would be a better place if more women were at the top.

Blanca said...

I agree with her third point, "Don't Leave Before You Leave," and I encourage women to "keep their foot on the gas pedal for as long as you can." However, I don't think that the same job position will be waiting for them until they return. Women are truly sacrificing their CEO or CFO position once they make the decision of starting a family. I believe that most women would agree that that is a sacrifice worth making. Once they are ready and if they choose to return to the workforce, their journey to regaining their status will begin.

Anonymous said...

This video is really interesting. I agree that women do need to stay in the work force. More women need to stand up and take higher roles in the work force. I really liked this video and I agree with her point of staying in the workforce.

Brandy said...

This video was very interesting. I have worked full time in a high stress job for the past ten years not because I wanted to but because I was never in a marriage where the man was head of the house. I find myself now feeling resentful to be in the position I am at work. I make great money but have never been so unhappy. If I weren't so burnt out I would have really been able to draw from this video.

Anonymous said...

Great video! I find myself doubting myself all of the time, so this is very encouraging. The women's equality movement still has a long way to go. but think about how far it has come in just the last 50 years or so.

Frederick said...

Women no doubt have more challenges in the workplace than men. I found meaning in her first point, "sit at the table". I remember many years being at meeting sitting along the wall waiting for my chance to sit at the table. Anyone looking to advance should be aggressive and take their place at the table!

Anonymous said...

WOW! The fact that success and likability are negatively correlated for women is quite sad. Although we have come SO FAR from being strictly house mothers, we still have some way to go. For whatever reason, men are still scared of women in power. Women are seen as too emotional, but a lot of times in my experience, they are more organized and more emotional in touch with people. Women need to step up and strive for just as much success as your peers, be it man or woman. It is scary to know the statistics of the home environment. Society obviously forgets that being a mother, house cleaner, cook, and wife are full time jobs, and yet many women pick up a "day" job in the real world as well. This shows women are able to multitask, in my opinion, usually better than men also. Good eye opener!

Anonymous said...

I think women everywhere should watch this video and take it too heart. Its just like my grandmother said the squeaky wheel gets the grease, women just need to be more aggressive in the work place.

Anonymous said...

This video was very inspirational! It was a huge wake up call to all women. She is definitely correct about women sitting at the table and making our partner a real partner. Great tie in with the marriage. It is hard for women to do and succeed things because we have to rear the children and take care of home and that is a full time job itself.

Anonymous said...

This was a very informative video. I like hearing all of the statistics that she had to offer, especially the one that showed that the divorce rate dropped when each partner was equally successful. I believe this video is definitely more for woman, but she does say that men are more aggressive in the workplace and that is why womens' percentages are on the lower end. All working women should watch this video.

Anonymous said...

We let you out of the house! What else do you want? I mean equal pay, and half of the people at the top need to be women. Maybe men are a little more driven. Maybe some women actually like being at home with their children. Maybe women get paid a little less b/c they have to have their spot held if they ever have a kid! Women have the same opportunities as men in 2011. It is for this reason that if we are ever on a sinking ship that whole women and children thing is no more! You don't get equal rights and get saved whild I DIE!!!! JS;)

Chancie said...

It's only natural that men will be more aggressive in the workplace considering testosterone and hormones. We are still in an age of uphill progress when it comes to equal rights for not only women, but for ethnicities, races, and religion as well. Women stay at home with their children because men don't have the natural ability and patience that come with a maternal bond.

Anonymous said...

Sheryl Sandberg made a lot of interesting points while significant facts were also stated. She is very right and women in the workforce should take her advice. Her video is very motivating and inspirational and can lift someone who is second guessing themselves or need a little bit of a push to succeed or confidence to get there. Personally, I believe women and men are equal when it comes to the workforce, although some jobs men are naturally better at, but in some businesses their skills are equivalent. Women should believe that and speak up more and develop leadership skills that they may have, but just dont show or use. Women should definitely take her advice.

