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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

FlowingData - Analysis of Steve Jobs tribute messages

FlowingData - Analysis of Steve Jobs tribute messages

Link to FlowingData

Analysis of Steve Jobs tribute messages

Posted: 25 Oct 2011 12:07 AM PDT

Apple has a page dedicated to Steve Jobs that displays messages from friends, colleagues, and fans. Neil Kodner downloaded those messages and extracted overall themes:

I wanted to see what how people were speaking about Steve Jobs and especially what terms were being used to describe him. There was no point in performing sentiment analysis on this text as all of the texts were not only obviously positive but were also vetted by Apple for content. Using NLTK, I performed part-of-speech tagging on every word in each tribute message and then wrote some code to total the adjectives and adverbs used in the tribute messages.

The top descriptors? Not surprisingly: great, many, first, sad, better, best, and visionary. About one in five messages referenced an Apple product.

The message data and Kodner's code is available on github.

[Thanks, Guy]

Visualize This: Price Fluctuations

Posted: 24 Oct 2011 01:11 PM PDT

It's been about three months since Visualize This came out, and in case you haven't gotten your hands on a copy yet, now might be a good time to get it. Amazon just lowered the price.

I didn't know price changed so much — although I'm not surprised — I'm guessing based on a number of factors such as third-party prices, competitors' prices, and sales. The Kindle version (not shown) changed a lot in the beginning, costing more than the paperback, but I don't think it's changed since it came down to the current price. You can see the changes, as reported by price tracking site Tracktor (just try to ignore the weird vertical scale).

The used price is not completely accurate since there weren't any used copies available before the book was released in July.

Also, I'm not entirely sure about the listings for used books on Amazon, as all of them are from resellers with thousands of ratings. Four copies are listed for above retail, and one of those is more than four times as much. That expensive copy must be a special edition that I haven't heard about.

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