News You May Need:

NYT: Panetta announced the end of American combat missions in Afghanistan for 2013

WP: Romney glitter-bombed by pro-gay marriage activist.  

WP: SuperPACs helping Republicans keep up with Obama's fundraising.  


The Day's Reads:

Andrew Ferguson, on why the press wept so much for Christopher Hitchens (a truly funny must read)

E.J. Dionne on how Romney won Florida, and what he lost along the way.  

Nate Silver on what Florida's low turnout might mean for the GOP. 

Jonah Goldberg wondering what the heck is wrong with Romney. 


This Day In Politics

On February 1st,  1999  Monica Lewinsky gave a deposition on videotape for senators considering impeachment charges against U.S. President Clinton.

Tweet Of The Day:

From former Governor Buddy Roemer, still the greatest wit of this presidential contest, while observing Newt's speech last night. 

Buddy Roemer Tweet 

What's Next

 What follows is a month of caucus states in the Republican primary process. Expect ROn Paul to surge back into public consciousness when Nevada's pops. Otherwise all the Republicans and Barack Obama will be spending February raising tons of cash. 


Michael Brendan Dougherty 
Politics Editor