|  |  February 03, 2012 | |   Who else but Madonna can identify with scorned royalty? Trying her hand as director of a lush period piece, she is candid about everything from Lady Gaga to her wayward marriage.   Kevin Mazur / WireImage-Getty Images Madonna will headline the Super Bowl halftime show on Sunday, reportedly flanked by Nicki Minaj and M.I.A., after today's release of her much-anticipated new film, W.E. It's the first major piece of work Her Madgesty has released since her 2008 divorce from filmmaker Guy Ritchie. She doesn't wince or get oversensitive when asked whether this was on her mind when she made the film. She is, however, more candid over the topic of Lady Gaga's hit, "Born This Way," which many critics thought resembled Madonna's 1989 smash "Express Yourself." "I thought, 'This is a wonderful way to redo my song,'" she tells The Daily Beast. "I recognized the chord changes, I thought it was ... interesting."    Want more culture from The Daily Beast? Click below to read this week's top stories on entertainment and the arts. | | 
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