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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

BuzzFeed Latest: The Rich Kids Of Instagram and More!

Today’s Hottest Buzz

The 25 Best "That Girl" Actresses

After creating a list of the 25 Best "That Guy" Actors there were a number of requests for a equivalent list of actresses. Here it is.

The Rich Kids Of Instagram

Oh, look! It's a new tumblr that chronicles the instagrams of the one percent. Or at least, the children of the one percent.

How To Cure Duckface In One Easy Step

How did we not see this before?

12 Ways To Look Like You're Absolutely Insane

It's just so easy.

Introducing The Penis Fish

Technically this is SFW. Urechis unicinctus is a species of marine spoon worm commonly known as the "penis fish".

Anne Hathaway Breaks Two Subway Riding Rules

Yes, these rules are set in stone and shall not be broken.

Mormon Teens Vs. Internet Teens

The teens I see on the internet everyday are truly truly awful. The Mormon teens I met at this weekend's Hill Cumorah Pageant were wonderful. What's the deal?

U Mad OkCupid Bro?

If you're looking for love on the internet, try to control your anger issues.

The 24 Weirdest Sleeping Positions For Dogs

Ever see your dog sleeping totally awkwardly and think it's random? After seeing this you'll realize it is probably quite normal.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt Thinks Pretty Girls Aren't Funny

Misogynists just can't catch a break these days. During the Looper comic-con panel, Levitt accidentally complimented Blunt by insulting everyone else.

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