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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

TheDC Morning

Daily Caller
September 12, 2012



By: Jamie Weinstein 

President Barack Bloomberg -- Oy vey -- Cairo catastrophe -- Constitutional nonsense -- Poll of the Day: Presidential race remains tight --Never Forget
1.) President Barack Bloomberg -- President Obama is channeling his inner Mike Bloomberg with his latest nanny initiative, reports TheDC's Caroline May:

"President Barack Obama has already promised not to smoke cigarettes in the White House. If his administration has its way, American college students will soon be required to follow suit while they’re on campus. Howard Koh, assistant secretary for health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, will announce a national initiative Wednesday at the University of Michigan School of Public Health to stamp out tobacco use on college campuses. 'We are witnessing a public health evolution to make smoking history and protect people from tobacco dependence so that they have a fighting chance to enjoy their full potential for health,' Koh said in a statement released by the University of Michigan, a smoke-free campus since last July."

TheDC Morning is a rare breed at The Daily Caller: A hater of all things tobacco. But banning adults from choosing to even smoke outside on America's campuses sounds just a bit draconian. What next? Banning 16 oz drinks in cafeterias?
2.) Oy vey  -- President Obama may have a Jewish problem, reports TheDC's Caroline May:

"President Obama’s support among Jewish voters is down 19 percentage points since his 2008 election victory, a new poll reveals. A recent Investor’s Business Daily/Christian Science Monitor/TIPP Poll, released Monday, found that while President Obama leads in overall polling — 46 percent to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s 44 percent — his support among Jewish voters has dropped from 78 percent in 2008 to 59 percent today."

It is clear that President Obama will win the Jewish vote in November. The question, of course, is by how much? Even if his numbers among Jews are better than this poll suggests, a loss of Jewish support in a state like Florida in a close election could throw the state --- and perhaps the election --- to Mitt Romney.
3.) Cairo catastrophe -- The American embassy in Cairo was attacked by a mob Tuesday protesting an American film almost no one ever heard of which supposedly depicts the Muslim prophet Mohammed in a bad light. So the embassy releases a statement attacking --- wait for it --- the film! No, not the vigilantes, but some stupid film that if 15 people see, that would be a lot. Former George W. Bush deputy national security adviser Elliot Abrams expressed consternation at the American response to TheDC's Jamie Weinstein (ME!):

"Abrams, who advised President George W. Bush and is a senior fellow for Middle East Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, told The Daily Caller that he found the embassy's statement 'bizarre and unacceptable.' '[I]nstead of a protest the embassy has responded with a statement that says nothing about this failure by the government of Egypt to protect our people and property,' he wrote in an email. 'Instead it criticized those who say mean things about Islam, when in fact in Egypt today it is non-Muslims, and Christians in particular, who feel threatened. So I find the embassy statement untimely on 9/11, bizarre and unacceptable.'"

The government needs to be reduced in size, starting with those who wrote the statement and those who approved it.
4.) Constitutional nonsense -- Was President Obama a constitutional professor at the University of Chicago Law School, as he has claimed? Former law school Dean Richard Epstein says no. Charles Johnson reports for TheDC:

"When asked about whether Obama had ever taught 'constitutional law' as Obama has claimed as president and on the 2008 campaign trail, Epstein said 'no.' Obama was interested in 'public interest law' and courses on race, he said, and was trying to 'keep his head down' after a national controversy erupted over another member of the law school's faculty because of her interest in racial issues."
5.) Poll of the Day: Presidential race remains tight -- ABC News/ Wash Post poll of presidential election: President Obama 49%, Mitt Romney 48%. The RealClearPolitics average lists Obama up 3.6% over Romney.
6.) Never Forget --Yesterday marked the 11th anniversary of the greatest terrorist attack not only in American history, but in world history. TheDC Morning remembers all those who tragically fell that day. Though America was knocked to the ground for one uncertain moment, we quickly rose from our knees, brushed off our wounds and fought back. What a country.
VIDEO: Worst. Musical. Ever.

Picking And Choosing -- Obama administration acknowledged releasing illegals who didn't fit 'priority' for deportation

Former Univ. of Chicago law school dean: Obama was never offered tenure -- Richard Epstein contradicts narrative from New York Times White House correspondent: 'I have no idea where [she] got her story'

U.S. ambassador to Libya, three other Americans killed in attack on consulate -- Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed Tuesday night when he and a group of embassy employees went to the consulate to try to evacuate staff as the building came under attack by a mob guns and rocket propelled grenades.

Michael R. Strain & Stan A. Veuger: Barack Obama is no Bill Clinton -- Obama and Clinton have different governing styles and different visions for America.

Tom Rogan: In the service of their union masters, Democrats are waging war on the middle class -- How the Democratic Party's subservience to unions hurts America.

W. James Antle III: Romney's embrace of Obamacare lite is nothing new -- He is, after all, the man behind Romneycare.

Mary Brooks Beatty: Ending the era of one-party rule in our nation's big cities -- Why urban dwellers should vote Republican.

David Cohen: Quick and easy rebuttals to Obama's false narratives -- Refuting the story of what "got us in this mess in the first place" — and other nonsense.

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