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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

TheDC Morning

Daily Caller
December 4, 2012



By: Jamie Weinstein

Santorum apparently decides against 2016 run -- Offer rejected --  Congressman doesn't seem to know what "serious" means -- Matt Labash, anti-Facebook fanatic -- Tweet of Yesterday -- Today in North Korean News
1.) Santorum apparently decides against 2016 run  -- At least, that is the only conclusion one can draw from this press release from World Net Daily:

"Rick Santorum – the former U.S. senator who ignited grass-roots conservatives as a Republican candidate for president this year – today joins WND as an exclusive columnist. His commentaries will be featured each Monday."

WND is best known for promoting inane conspiracy theories, including that President Obama is a secret homosexual and that President Obama was really born in Kenya. Santorum really ran a laudable campaign during the 2012 GOP primaries. His grassroots effort pushed Mitt Romney to the breaking point. At one point, he even had a real shot of becoming the GOP nominee. With his relative youth, he could have easily run for the nomination again in 2016. But you can't become an "exclusive columnist" for WND and be a serious contender for the Republican Party nomination. It's a zero sum game -- you have to choose one or the other.
2.) Offer rejected  -- The Republicans made an offer in the fiscal cliff negotiations, TheDC's Neil Munro reports:

"GOP legislators sent a letter to the White House urging a 'fiscal cliff' compromise drafted by a former chief of staff to President Bill Clinton. The plan, sketched out by Erskine Bowles in November 2011, offers 'a balanced approach of significant spending cuts and new revenues from tax reform with fewer loopholes and lower tax rates,' according to the afternoon letter from Speaker of the House John Boehner. 'This is another attempt to jumpstart substantive, good faith negotiations toward a bipartisan solution that can be enacted soon, a stark contrast to the unserious proposal the White House put forward last week,' the letter reads."

The White House acted swiftly to reject it out of hand.
3.) Congressman doesn't seem to know what "serious" means -- TheDC's Nicholas Ballasy reports:

"Democratic Michigan Rep. Sander Levin, ranking member of the House Ways and Means Committee, told The Daily Caller that President Barack Obama and Democrats are 'serious about spending cuts' as part of a deal between the White House and Congress on the fiscal cliff. Levin was responding to Speaker of the House John Boehner's charge that the White House and Democrats are unwilling to cut spending -- something he said was preventing negotiators from reaching an agreement to avoid going over the so-called fiscal cliff."

Where can one find evidence of this seriousness? Until it's produced, TheDC Morning will assume Mr. Levin just doesn't know what the definition of "serious" is.
4.) Matt Labash, anti-Facebook fanatic -- TheDC's premier (and only) advice columnist is to social media what the Taliban is to women. But even he has three exceptions to his rabid anti-Facebook stance:

"1. To get away from aforementioned teens, who now realize how horrifying Facebook is, when their 'cool' moms post pictures of themselves wearing way too little clothing while pounding Coors Light at the Kenny Chesney concert. 2. To join Spotify, the free-music capital of the world. 3. To feel superior to your friends, half-to-three-quarters of whom are likely making asses of themselves on Facebook."

There you have it. If you joined for any other reason, you're dead to him. But like many crusaders against various causes, TheDC Morning suspects Labash is a participant in that which he crusades against. He's there, silently lurking somewhere on Facebook. His hypocrisy will one day be uncovered. As the great King once said (Martin, not Larry), "the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice."
5.) Tweet of Yesterday -- Robert Costa: I'm not Bob Costas. MT @MarciaCM1 Let's ban @robertcostaNRO He sounds dangerous to me. Take the guns so people can't protect themselves
6.) Today in North Korean News -- BREAKING: "Kim Jong Il Praised by Bangladeshi Personages"
AUDIO: Anti-gun sports columnist Jason Whitlock says "The NRA is the new KKK"


Losing Patience -- Sharpton: African-Americans cannot wait for Obama to 'write an agenda to himself' [VIDEO]

Poll of Hispanics finds agreement with GOP on guns, gays, abortion-- The poll found Hispanics in the conservative camp on social issues in particular

Ambassador Anna Wintour? -- Report: Obama may name Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour ambassador to UK or France

JIM HUFFMAN: Congressional Republicans shouldn't accept IOU's -- Obama wants Republicans to agree to tax rate increases and new stimulus spending now in return for entitlement and tax code reform in the future.

CHRIS COX: Bob Costas interrupts football game to bash American gun owners -- Costas' rant was not only offensive, but also extremely ignorant.

STUART ANDERSON: Why does America shut its doors to foreign nurses? -- Over the coming decades, the US won't be able to train enough domestic nurses to meet demand.

ART CARDEN: Sugar tariffs are sweet for special interests, sour for the rest of us -- Why Congressman Tom Rooney (R-FL) is wrong about sugar tariffs.

THADDEUS G. MCCOTTER: In Aeternum -- A short story by former Congressman Thaddeus McCotter.

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