Twitter Is Becoming A Hub For Social Media Cross-Posts Social Media Insights is a daily newsletter from Business Insider that collects and delivers the top social media news first thing every morning. You can sign up to receive Social Media Insights here or at the bottom of this post.
 1 In 10 Marketing Execs On Twitter Cross-Post Video From Vine (LeadTail) Marketing and social media professionals who use Twitter often cross-post content to the platform from various other networks, including photo and video sites, according to a study from LeadTail. The study shows that one of Twitter's strengths is its flexibility, and openness to links and updates from other networks. Marketing, social media, and PR executives should be on the cutting-edge of social media usage, so this may be a barometer of Twitter's future as a cross-posting clearinghouse. The study showed that 27% of high-level marketing professionals shared content from Facebook's Instagram to Twitter, 22% cross-posted content from LinkedIn, 20% from Foursquare, and 10% from Vine. Read > How LinkedIn Is Becoming The Next Big Content-Creation Hub (Content Marketing Institute) Little by little, the social network for professionals is also becoming a content creation hub. This has major implications for content marketers, especially those in the business-to-business content space. The Content Marketing Institute explains how brands and companies can begin leveraging groups, native ads, and the LinkedIn API to begin content marketing. Read > TweetDeck's New Look And Feel (Twitter) Twitter unveiled a redesigned TweetDeck. Now awash in white background, the Twitter management tool now closely resembles some of its competitors, Hootsuite and SocialFlow. The other major change is the menu, which was moved from the top of the screen to a narrow yet expandable left-hand bar menu. Read > Snapchat Takes Its Place Among the Photo-Sharing Giants (Business Insider) Why did Taco Bell turn to Snapchat for a recent campaign. Easy: because it's becoming one of the largest photo platforms out there. Read > New Facebook Notification Tells You When Promoted Posts Budgets Expire (Sprout Social) Facebook continues to tweak its Promoted Posts product to make is easier for marketers and advertisers to manage it. Facebook is now sending notifications to Page admins running Promoted Posts when the budgets on those campaigns have reached their end. Read > How To Define Engagement On Twitter (Simply Measured) Simply Measured, a social analytics company, defines engagement on Twitter as such: Engagement = @replies + retweets + mentions Brands can adjust this model to favor specific variables. For example, a new startup might give more weight to mentions, in an effort to raise awareness. Read > Case Study: Subway's Vibrant Social Media Presence (Sysomos) Sysomos looked at Subway's 22.5 million Facebook fans and 1.2 million Twitter followers to uncover the secret to Subway's success on social media. "The big lessons that Subway can teach digital marketers is the importance of being creative and active," Mark Evans said in a company blog post. "[Subway] creates fun games and offers a lot of interaction that encourages people to get deeper into the digital experience." Read > Blueprint Of Social Media Layouts [INFOGRAPHIC] (tentsocial) Keeping up with all the interface changes on social media sites can be exhausting. Nonetheless, knowing the exact dimensions of layouts for pages and profiles is critical to managing a flawless social media presence. Have a look at the infographic below: 
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