No matter how carefully you plan your goals they will never be more that pipe dreams unless you pursue them with gusto. --- W. Clement Stone
It's Friday! It's Friday! It's Friday! (Sorry, we're just a little excited.)
The 41 Most Awkward Things That Have Ever Happened
The good news: It's Friday. The bad news: Horrible awkwardness is all around you.
This 3-year-old donated her hair to kids with cancer. Kids are amazing, aren't they?
What does an "American party" look like around the world? The photos aren't quite accurate.
The greatness of Jimmy John’s. The wonder that is Steak 'n' Shake. And 17 other chains that need to go national.
In related news: Avoid these chain restaurants. They're horrifyingly unhealthy.
Which superhero are you? Come on, you deserve to know.
You meet interesting people in your 20s. Some you hang onto. Some you leave behind.
These are tiny penguins wearing tiny sweaters. They might make your heart burst.
And finally: Remember "Clueless"? You probably missed these hidden gems the first time around.
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