|  | |  |  March 07, 2014 | | CPAC Virtual rifle ranges! Tug-o-war! Storm Troopers! And that was just the appetizer portion of what was served up at CPAC. SENATE SHOWDOWN The New York Senator may have lost the vote to move prosecution of sexual assaults outside the military, but she's still a champion in certain circles who will continue to maintain a watchful eye on reform. POWER BROKER How LBJ passed the '64 Civil Rights Act—by lying, schmoozing, charming, and threatening—is dramatized in the new Broadway play, starring Bryan Cranston. PROPS TO HILLARY Calm down, everybody. Clinton's Hitler analogy was accurate—and it's hilarious to watch Republicans trying to use it to dent her foreign policy credentials. LARRY'S CHOICE Under pressure to withdraw his show from RT America, King tells The Daily Beast that as long as the network airs it with criticism of Putin unedited, he has "no problem." | | 
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