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Thursday, June 10, 2010

BP Spills Coffee: A Hilarious - Yes - Take on the Oil Spill and Your Favorite Multinational Oil Company

OK, we can laugh at the oil spill - or at least BP and their incompetence. Enjoy this very, very funny take on how BP fights an ever-growing "coffee spill" below:

More funny because it rings so very true!


Originally published Best Of New Orleans Blog » Blog Archive » “BP Spills Coffee”



Richard Hight said...

I have tried the same approach to cleaning up my house. We look at it, and think it will get better, but for some reason it just doesn't happen on it's own!

Richard Hight

Holly White said...

I know a lot of people who take that approach to cleaning up spills and even paying their bills. However, if you do not look at it or get it out of the mail box it is not going to go away. So, in my book this means if your grass is high then cut it and if there is oil in the gulf clean it up! Stop joking around and get busy.

Lisa Roy said...

That was just hilarious! I sent it to all my friends.

Lu Thomas said...

This video was so funny, I watched it over and over again. Obviously, BP is having a hard time trying to figure out what to do. They are hopeless just like the people in this video.

Kaila said...

This is a good one, people do seem to think that the oil spill was rather small think and somewhat over look the situation that is really occurring. This is clip is a small way of making simple people learn about the issue. I must say it was pretty funny, and my dad sure did get a kick out of it.

kristinp0310 said...

This video was hilarious!! Just goes to show that the oil spill is bigger than what Bp though. Also, we can't just sit around and wait for the problem to fix itself and ignore it or nothing will ever get done. Oh, I loved the part with the sushi in relation to the fish that are affected by the oil spill.

Eric said...

The lesson here is that one should always take a moment to consider the obvious when trying to implement a solution to a problem.

John Nugent said...

I have seen this video before and got a good laugh out of it. I wouldn't mind seeing it a few more times. It is funny because it is so true. I hate to be critical of BP and the government through this whole crisis, but can't help getting a good chuckle out of satiric videos like these. I love how they portray every step that was attempted in real life as such a feeble try to fix a catastrophe.

Unknown said...

This video is so awesome! I love the girl laying the...boom...The best is when it gets all over the map of Louisiana.

Candace Hampton said...

This video was hilarious! Everything was set up exactly like the oil spill happened. The music in the background made it look even more dramatic.

Unknown said...

BP must have terrible janitors in their corporate office. They should be fired.

Lord Elliott said...

That video was hilarious! It's really sad though how stupid BP really is. They tried to cut corners to save money, but now they lost the whole well and will have to spend billions to clean up the mess.

Kimberly said...

I think this video is funny. I find it to be a reflection of how poorly thoose in the corporate offices handle a crisis.

Unknown said...

I just sent this video to a bunch of people to watch it! Very nice description of what happened and the "quick" response of BP!!

Raemel Richardson said...

yep, we are skrewed!

Schorle said...

I have seen this video before it is a riot, but so true and shows how dumb BP really is with there ways of trying to stop the oil spill. All there objectives failed untill they just decided to fill the whole with concrete, who would of thought that would work. It also makes me laugh to know that BP spent more money on making a commercial letting people know that they are doing everything they can to stop the leak than actually stopping the leak.

Unknown said...

Very Funny...A great take on such a terrible disaster. The "coffee" enactment was a great depiction on the spill.

Jess said...

Ok so that was funny, but it also kind of sucked due to the truth behind it. I didn't know whether to laugh or not or whether I should forward this video or not. The spill hits home pretty hard for some people so I don't know if they would get offended by this??

Mario Barahona said...

I don't believe they could possibly be offended by this. Even though it was portrayed through comedy it is true the way things happened.

Ashley Michel said...

This video clip is was so funny! IT defiantly made my morning. Along with it being funny, they kind of it the nail right on top of the head. BP took the oil spill really lightly like it was not going to cause harm to the Gulf and took them almost 100 days to cap it. I really like the video and how it showed BP not really thinking and not using there time wisely to stop and clean the spill up.

Unknown said...

This is a funny video. This hits the nail on the head on how BP has handled the oil spill. You would think they would have had more common sense in the situation. The whole situation is ridiculous. It is funny that they made a video of the deal.

Michael Wallace said...

LMBO This is definitely going into the Youtube hall of fame. This video perfectly exemplifies how "well" BP handled the gulfcoast oil spill. It personifies how the executives thought they were going to be able to keep the spill under control by their own secretive methods but failed in doing so, allowing the spill to become even more devastating. Someone should forward this video to the BP headquarters just so they can see with their own eyes how their actions were viewed by the public.

Unknown said...

I saw this video before I started the semester. This just shows how stupid the people making decissions are. Its funny cause they tried all the stuff they showed. Hair, garbage, ect... I mean come on we put a man on the moon but we couldnt cap a oil well?

Anonymous said...

Man this video was hilarious! At least something good has come from the BP oil spill....this video! I just love how it got all over Louisiana..

JasonSibley said...

This video was quite funny while watching them clean up the coffee spill but it did show some similarities to the actual oil spill.

Raemel Richardson said...

Its good to know that a few people in our country knows how to keep us laughing through our hard times. It is very refreshing to be able to laugh at our problems and move on with making things better.

Unknown said...

Believe me i have tried this approach with homework and cleaning and any kind of work. It does not work! Just playing dumb and thinking everyone will fall for it is a insult to our intelligence. I think that BP should no longer be allowed to drill in the gulf let the US businesses drill in US waters its our oil its our money why give it to someone that will insult us?

Jessica Ledet said...

I think this is great and hilarious, but so true. I loved the let's wait and observe it for three hours.

Unknown said...

I think this is true!!! But sometime we need to take it was ourself, things happens and accidents do happen in any way as human we are always prone with shortcoming, we are neglegence in one way or the other. If these was a U.S company would be the same cossip!!! The other side of the coin.

Brenda Brown said...

Well if that is how they handle the real oil spill thats why it is not fixed yet. I really hope that the answer to the problem is not right in front of them like it was during the coffee spill.

Seth Bourgeois said...

ha this video is funny. The people at BP are morons. BP did not take the whole situation seriously and look what happened. Pretty much a joke. Way to go BP you are awsome

Heather Cosentino said...

This clip was very funny. But very true BP is just sitting on their butts blaming other people and doing basically nothing to clean up the spill. Siting around and thinking about it is not cleaning it up. This is a great clip and I am going to share with my friends and family.

Sharon said...

Very well put together. It's not a funny situation, but this one is was very funny.

Nicole Faggard said...

One of the funniest parodies of BP I've seen yet. My favorite part is when one man pulls out a roll of paper towels like he's going to wipe up the spill, but then writes on them instead. This video definitely makes the point of how dumb BP handled the situation.

Michaela B. Baker said...

This clip gives some light on the troubles going on in the gulf in a humorous manner. When a mess is made, a plan that is feasible needs to be implemented quickly.

Gerardo said...

This is so funny and serious at the same time. The sarcasm in the video points all what Bp have done to fix the oil spill but it did not work out..

chris said...

This is a prety funny video because this basically depics how BP reacted to the oil spill. They did not have a clue.

Spencer said...

Very funny clip of how BP reacted to the oils spill. Hate to imagine a real emergency that they were going to handle. Don't mean to pick on them but they have brought grief to our area.

Miranda Manuel said...

Hilarious! Seems almost exactly how BP made things worse every time they tried to fix anything!

Courtney said...

This was soooo funny and soooo true. They basically reenacted how BP was handling the oil spill situation. But I loved the video.

Unknown said...

This is a good one. I could not stop laughing!!! This basically tells it like it happened!

KalliRenayWilde said...

This is absolutely hilarious! I would have never been able to come up with something like this, but props to them for making it so believable. It was definitely a funny way to joke about how dumb BP is.

Blake Phillips said...

With all of the people who work for BP such as the maintenance people and engineers. You would think that they could have come up with a way to plug the lines in just a couple days. This video may have been hilarious but regretfully, its true

Aaron said...

I have seen this video before,and it was just as funny the second time around. It reminds me of a clip from the show the office or something. Thats exactly how michael scott would react.

Kelly Guerin said...

This is hilarious. I think BP needs to do something about it already because they are getting nowheres. It'll cost them more money to clean up then the money they are losing from the oil, so they are taking their time and not taking immediate action.

sarah said...

Sarah Tannehill said...
BP just needs to get on top of it!!!They think the oil is just going to disappear all by itself! The best part of this video is when the guy just throws the ping pong ball in the middle of the table thinking something would happen!!!!haha

Daniel Berthelot said...

That's how alot of companies work they expect these types of things to just clean theirself.

Unknown said...

That was great! It's sad that that is so close to accurate as to how BP has tried to clean up the oil. One useless idea after another.

Unknown said...

that was a good one. too soon? i don't think's important to look at the obvious first....what a bumbling idiot..

Caprice said...

This video is hilarious. BP should feel very stupid about the whole situation. Now, they need to reflect back on the bad decisionsc/choices made so that they will know what not to do in the event it happens again, hopefully it will not.

AHickman said...

I just don't understand how it took so long to make a decision. You would assume that a multi-national corporation like BP would have like 50 different emergency procedures. But BP's biggest issue, which we kind of saw in this video, was the struggle of the chain of command. Nobody could make any decisions until the chain of command was followed which prolonged any decision.

Iman.Henderson said...

the video was very funny but the spill isnt. they dont know how to handle a crisis very well.

Unknown said...

This was a funny video. I hope some guys from BP got the chance to see it.

Vernon Blackledge Jr said...

This is awesome, and it is exactly the type of political comedy that needs to be released poking at B.P..

JMS45 said...

This was hilarious. Good dramatization!

Unknown said...

It's amazing how changing "oil spill" to "coffee spill" shows just how unprepared BP was for such an event.

Peter_is_a_Star said...

I had friends who were working on the oil spills and we had such a great laugh out of this.

Christian Schmidt said...

That was great. It's amazing how much insight a 3 minute video gives one on BP's Oil Spill Fix.

Unknown said...

I think that this is a hilarious and brilliant spoof of bp. It is kinda shocking how the ridiculous things that they were doing translates to what actually happened.

matthew.lancie said...

This is one funny video. I like how it shows how many different things you do wrongly to a situation it won't solve it. It is the BP spill in a nut shell.

Kimberly said...

This video was a very funny take on what has happened with bp. It shows how poorly their crisis management is on a small scale. It also indicates how ridiculous they are at decision making.

pdsmith said...

Hilarious video. Boom! Plug it up. The roll of paper towel comes out and you think they'll just wipe it up. Instead the guy draws a blueprint of a cap which then appears as a rig of paperclips, drinking straws, rubber bands and cardboard. Damn! It didn't work! What a funny way to put this terrible tragedy into a new perspective.

Flaciura said...

This clip is funny but I feel like we shouldn't be making fun of such a serious situation. I know we have to laugh sometimes but it is just a sad situation. If I worked at BP I would really be ashamed.

Richard Scholtens said...

I thought it was hilarious, there is nothing like making fun of the people everyone hates. Plus we all need a little laugh now and then, even at things like the oil spill.

Unknown said...

That is a great clip. A friend of mine showed it to me a few weeks ago, and I had to pass it on. Great way to summarize all the events of the oil spill!

Ted said...

I saw this a few months ago, when the spill was still bad. It was funny then it is funny now.

Carmen M. Orellana said...

This video is really funny, but it summarizes in three what happen in the gulf of mexico and became the worst natural disaster.

