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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Tom Peters: On First Impressions

Here's some great advice from Tom Peters on how important first impressions are in life and in business, and how little time we have to make them. Watch:

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Unknown said...

You don't have a second chance at first impressions. The fact that you typically have only 7 seconds is crazy. This is a powerful new concept. I'll definitely use this to my advantage in my upcoming interview.

Anonymous said...

First impressions are very important I always knew that but I never knew you only have seven seconds. Being energized and having positive facial expressions were both great tips to help me in the future.

Anonymous said...

First impressions are so very important when meeting someone for the first time. I do agree that you have such a small window of time to give off the best impression at a first encounter, and that there usually are no second chances. Yes, I agree 7 seconds does sound crazy, but I guess so true. On an interview you have one shot. So indeed first impressions are very important that you are on your "a" game that day.

Anonymous said...

When I use to be interviewing people for a sales position with Sprint, the most important part of the interview was the first impression. I knew within a few seconds if I was going to hire the person or not. What they said in the Q&A portion of the interview was almost irrelevant. So, I completely agree that first impressions are very important.

Anonymous said...

Just 7 seconds to make a first impression. What a powerful concept to take with us on this journey of life.

Anonymous said...

7 seconds seems like not alot of time to analyze someone. However, The person who is going to interview you probably can have a pretty good idea within the first minute our 2 if they think your right for the job. Non-verbal communication goes a long way also.

Anonymous said...

I strongly agree, you only get one chance to make a first impression. It doesnt take long at all for a person to form a opinion. So make a good first impression is what I have always been told.

Blanca said...

I liked this video and the message it carried. However, it bothered me that he presented the example of Roger Ailes but wasn't exactly sure if he created Fox News or was its first president. "Something like that," were his exact words. He should've been sure or opted for not listing this example because, in my eyes, he lost credibility after that mishap. It's a little ironic that this happened in a First Impressions video.

Andrea said...

Making a good first impression is very important but I never realized that what people think of you takes place in the first 7 seconds of the meeting. This is a very important lesson that will help when it comes to interviews and customer service.

Ashley Roberts said...

First impressions are definitely one of the most important things we should keep in the front of our minds. People are very judgemental and I completely agree that many first impressions are made within the first few seconds of meeting and speaking to someone. You never know who you are going to meet and when you will run into that person again so it's definitely best to always put your best foot forward and leave the kind of impression that you want people to remember you by.

Anonymous said...

First 7 seconds is all you get for a first impression. Do I agree? Yes, completely. I judge every person meet by their first impression. Their body language, personality, manners, etc. The way you hold yourself and introduce your self is crucial, especially for a job interview. There’s no such thing as 2nd, 3rd, or 4th impression. First impression is everything.

Anonymous said...

First impression is very important in any situation. You only get 7 second and thats it WOW. More outgoing people don't have major problem with first impression

Anonymous said...

First impression is very important in any situation. You only get 7 second and thats it WOW. More outgoing people don't have major problem with first impression

Chancie said...

First impressions can affect your entire life. I learned about the concept of the primacy effect. Its where people hold a judgment from when they first met you. For instance, if you are late on your first day of work you will never be seen as responsible again. This is an important concept to have when going in for an interview.

Anonymous said...

It is crazy that within the first 7 seconds of you meeting someone they already know how they feel about you. This fact is so crazy but yes it so true because I am guilty of doing this myself. When I sometimes do interviews at work I can tell when the interviewee first walk in if I'll hire them or not. First impressions are key so you only have one time to get it right so..... Get it right the first time.

Anonymous said...

I agree with what Chad said, you don't get a second chance on first impressions. First impressions can place you in different categories on how one perceives you. People are very judgemental and find anything to talk about. Therefore, make your first impression rub off on others in a way where they only have good to say about you. Tom Peters said, "You have seven seconds to make your first impression." I agree, it is always about what you project and the energy you give off and how enthusiastic you are.

Anonymous said...

I always knew that first impressions were always the impression that makes you or breaks you. I was amazed at the first 7 seconds how people already form an opinion about you.

kristinp0902 said...

Making a good first impression is very important. During an interview the first impression is what usually stands out. However, I did not realize that the time window to make a first impression was so short at seven seconds! I can believe if though, people normally know pretty quickly their opinion of you.

Anonymous said...

Making a good first impression is extremely important. Making first impressions lets you show your personality, show off your skills and just show that you are an overall the right person for the job. If you don't sell yourself to the person you are getting interviewed with then you most likely will not get the job.

Donald said...

Making a first impression is essential to everything in life. I believe it is essential because the first impression may be the only impression you make on some people. So it is important to present yourself in the best way possible.

Melissa Dennis said...

7 seconds is all it takes for me to form an impression of someone, so I definitly know that's all it takes for them to get an impression of me.

Anonymous said...

First impressions are everything. Not just in business but in meeting all kinds of people throughout life. I tend to believe it has alot to do with how a person carry's themselves as well.

candace said...

You can only make one first impression, so it better be a good one. People judge you alot on the first impression you give them. It can be by the way you approach them, the way you speak, your confidence of lack there of. A first impression can say a lot about a person. I think first impressions are also important when conducting business.

brandonmehrgut said...

I think first impressions are especially important in networking situations. When you're at a networking event, party, or a spontaneous meeting, it's important to make a solid first impression. Ideally you want to make the interaction memorable, something should be unique about you in networking situations, pre formed elevator pitches are useful.

Anonymous said...

First impressions are very important, and it is surprising that the time in which you have is seven seconds. First impressions are also important because you don’t get a second chance to give one. Once someone has made their assumptions and opinions about you, that is stuck with them every time they lay eyes on you. So in order to give a good first impression, I think you should be very enthusiastic and let your personality shine through. Let people know who you really are.

J.Nicole said...

First impressions are every important especially when you are trying to get a point across to a wide variety of people because if you do not give off that energy then people will begin to stop listeining and become bored.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Seven seconds is a very short span of time when you think it makes up someone's first impression of you. You always have to be ready to give first impressions to people because half of the time you never know it's even happening. Just be yourself because if you are you won't mind what they think of you.

Hope Bahm said...

Seven seconds isn't much time! First Impressions are very important and are hard to forget. It's important to show an intrest when meeting someone and look them in the eyes. Show that person that you too are interested in the introduction.

Linda Yarber said...

First impression are determined in a very small amount of time. Seven seconds! So when you go somewhere you should have a smile on your face,well dressed and well groomed at all times.If you know it or not the people thats surrounding you are judging you by the way you act, look and dress. A lot of things are determined by first impression,so you should be ready at all times.

Trent Tarver said...

First impressions are important no matter if it is in a business setting or not. It's sort of sad to thing someone will judge you in the first 7 seconds of knowing you but it is true. I try to smile a lot, and find some sort of witty comment to make about the topic at hand. It has worked pretty well for me so far.

Lona said...

Tom Peters is exactly right. You only have one impression to give and you better make it good. Those seven seconds almost determines whether you're hired or not. As stated, it's not a matter of a brilliant comeback, but what you project. You need to be energetic and amp up your attitude. They are looking at your facial expressions and if you're engaged in all that is said. They want positivity!

Anonymous said...

While having a great first impression is important as far as an interview and career search perspective goes, it's not everything. It's true that your personality is a value in a company, but so is your performance. I have gone on many job interviews that I just did not shine them, but my past experience and my work references intrigued them. Once I was hired, in almost ever job I had they were impressed with my work quality, and were quite surprised how well I actually fit in. So contrary to this video's message, you can get a good job even though you might not have a shining personality; however, you just might have to work harder to get one.

Anonymous said...

Yes we have all herd that first impressions are essential and especially in the business world. Its to our benefit in all aspects of life to present the best presentation of our selves at all time. The seven second rule is a great piece of knowledge to bring with you any time your meeting someone, and working on making your first impression is defiantly something to not take lightly.

Jerry said...

FIrst impresions will set the tone for the way that a group of people will view you. Everything that a person thinks about you is built off of the first impression. The first impression really means a lot for someone especially when applying for a new job. Many interviewers can tell if you are fit for the job with the first impression. I believe that the first impression is made even before words are exchanged, it can be determined just by the way you carry yourself

Anonymous said...

First impressions are very important not only in the business world but also in the everyday interactions with other people. I think seven seconds could make are break you as far as the way people perceive you to be. People only get one chance at a first impression. One thing Tom mentioned was to be interjected. I agree with that but I would not suggest overdoing it because that could become annoying. Overall I think Tom gave some good advice.

Chad Taylor said...

The thing about first impressions are that they are hard to take back. This being said, it is crucial to get them right. I happen to think that as hard as one person tries to make a good first impression, their true character can and almost always does shine through. The video was very informative, and did a good job educating and exemplifying.

Anonymous said...

First impressions are important! I always knew that but I never knew you only have seven seconds. Having positive facial expressions was great tip to help me in the future.

Shawn Smith said...

7 seconds.... I guess that explains it! Sometimes I unknowngly have a mean, smug look on my face. So to other people who don't know me personally, I sometimes come off as a mean guy! Let's see if putting alot of positive energy into next first impression helps.

ChrisSaintsedo said...

I am huge on first impressions and even though I have never timed them I can see how that might hold some validity. I can tell a lot about a person, or at least think i can, in the first moments of meeting them. It takes time to realize all things but I can start to base an opinion off of them in those early seconds. This holds a lot of weight in the business world or in any world because if someone doesn't trust you or like you, they may not give you their business.

C.Short said...

Impressions are very cool. it pretty much gives you the best feel about an individual. When someone comes in with a serious frown like they hate the world, that tends to bring down the mood of the whole room

Anonymous said...

First impressions are extremely important especially in various aspects of our lives. Consider someone who is being interviewed and gives a weak handshake. Consider someone who doesn’t make eye contact. Consider someone who does not speak with confidence. All of these little things can certainly weigh in on someone’s perspective of their first impression of you and it may not be a good one. Does this sound like a strong engaging person that may become employed? Learning the first seven (7) seconds are the most crucial can alter our behavior to gain employment.

toshia11 said...

Everyone knows that first impression are EVERYTHING!!! When a person hits you with eye contact that instantly start judging you from the way you look, dress, smile, talk, sit down, etc.

Anonymous said...

We have a tendency to form lifelong impressions based on the first glance at someone. While that is not always an accurate assumption, appearance, body language and demeanor can influence how we feel about and react to someone for years to come. The first seven seconds is a crucial time for us to gain the impression we are trying to portray.

Jauslynne Parker said...

I can believe this. It doesn't take anybody long to judge you so seven seconds does sound pretty acurate to me. Well the good thing is you only have to play enthusiastic and happy for seven seconds. I think we all can do that.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Seven seconds is fast! But, your attitude comes across that fast! If you approach someone with the wrong body langauage, facial expressions, and energy, that could cost you a chance to further communicate with that person. Good tidbit of information to take around with you! Always smile, you never know who's watching!

Anonymous said...

First impression is one of the most important things in life. When people see you first the first time, the first 7 seconds of that time will tell a person a lot about an individual. That why it is important to carry yourself in a way so when people meet you, they would get a good vibe from you. First Impressions are very important in a job setting. No employer wants to hire an employee who comes there looking any kind of way.

David said...

Where did the seven seconds come from? How long does it take to repair your impression if you don't get it right in the first seven seconds? If on the other side of the coin you only allow someone seven seconds to make their impression, how many beneficial relationships did you let slip by because you didn't like your initial impression?

Megan VanderMeulen said...

Wow! I always knew first impressions were very important, but never knew about the seven seconds. But it does make sense. Your first impression on an interview could determine whether or not you will get that job. Facial expressions and positive energy is very important. No one wants to hire/ work with someone who puts off a negative energy feel. I will definitely think about this from now on.

Anonymous said...

First impressions are important. It will make a relationship or destroy what would have been an awesome encounter for either party. I was not aware only 7 seconds to form an opinion and an individual. Knowing this information I know now to control my facial expressions as well, because I am being analyzed in 7 seconds.

RozarionAnders said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RozarionAnders said...

I think there is some truth to this concept. There is no second chance at a first impression. I think in that 7 second alot is goning onand the person you are talking to takes in everything how you speak,dress,and care yourself. I am a firm believer of this I carry myself tomakea good impression no you never know whoyour going to meet.

Anonymous said...

I guess I am going to start doing my best 7 second impression drills.. It's crazy to think that we operate like that, but with so much going on around us I guess we have to take things in quickly.

Anonymous said...

Seven seconds to make or break you...scary concept but also 100% true! For people like me who are shy and in some situations don't think quickly at a moment's notice should take this into consideration and work on the ability to quickly perk up and "perform" under pressured times.

Landon Kemp said...

I agree that first impressions can be crucial depending on the situation. But 7 seconds? I had no clue someone's impression of you can be formed that quickly. This shows the value of preparation before an interview. With first impressions being the make or break for a job, then its best to prepare for the situation, so that you are cool under the pressure of the interview. Therefore, go into the interview with confidence and a smile.

Ginnie Sweeney said...

So true! Come on everyone makes some kind of "gut" judgement call about a person as soon as we see them. We all look for different traits that we deem good or bad. How is the person dressed? Do they have a nice smile? What is their attitude like? Do they look friendly and inviting? Everyone is looking for something immediately. That is why it is important to prepare yourself mentally beforehand. Talk yourself up, make yourself feel good about you. The worst thing that they can say is "No" or "Goodbye." If that is the case, the best thing for you to say is "NEXT!"

Anonymous said...

First impressions are very crucial. If you give off a bad one, it takes forty meetings after that to fully recover from it. Seven seconds seems like a reasonably time period. That is a lot of time if your just meeting someone.

Chancie said...

I'm guilty of maintaining judgments from first impressions. My opinion is formed immediately after seeing the person's attire alone. By the time I start to have a conversation with them, I have already sized up their personality. Therefore, I believe seven seconds is more than enough time to process a first impression.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree! My biggest pet peeve is when someone comes to fill out a job application and they DON'T even bring a pen. If you don't bring a pen when you KNOW that you will need one, what does that say about how you will be on the job? Worthless!

Anonymous said...

As I am entering my last semesters and I am going to job fairs and meeting with accounting firms, this is important to me. I want to put my best foot forward in these situations and I believe that the first impression I give are going to be the most important first impressions of my life in these coming up months. So I will remember 7 second rule as I continue my job search!

Anonymous said...

I have heard this 100,000 times. It is pretty much a fact at this point. However, seven second is not a lot of time at all. I feel like a minute is more appropriate or maybe even two. It probably varies depending on which type of career you are going for.

Jordan C said...

First impressions are everything! It is so important to go into an interview or when you're meeting someone new to have the most energy and to go in with a good attitude. I'm not going to argue with the 7 seconds limit but whether it is 7 seconds or 10 minutes, you should always have energy and be positive.

Anonymous said...

I liked watching this video with Tom Peters and his take on First Impressions. I always knew first impressions were important but I never realized that the time frame would be as shockingly small as '7 seconds'.

BrittBritt said...

I agree first impressions are the most important but I disagree that is only takes 7 seconds. I believe you should give someone longer than 7 seconds to make a good first impression. Some people get nervous when they are meeting someone for the first time and by giving them such a short amount of time to make a first impression you may end up missing out on who that person really is.

Maria Bucalan said...

Wow!!He is so right about first impressions. You always want to give good first impressions because whoever you will meet will remember that first time. Like an interview, it is mandatory for you to make a good impression. I feel like it should be less than seven seconds because the moment you speak you are giving a an impression to the person who you are talking to.

Michelle Lawson said...

First impressions suck for some people. Everyone has an off day sometimes and you can't control it even if you are meeting an employer for an interview or something else. I personally hate first impressions because if it's something I am not used to I tend to be really shy at first.

Trent Tarver said...

Good impressions are very important. They can either make or break situations. People judge you by your appearance and the first things that come out of your mouth. If you don't stand out, then they just move to the next candidate.

Matt Jones said...

I agree with Tom Peters. I do believe we only have 7 seconds to make a good impression. From now on I will drink a red bull before meeting important people. LOL!

Matt Jones said...

I've always tried to make a good impression when meeting people for the first time. I never realized that I only had 7 seconds to achieve my goal. I will use the information I learned and apply it future encounter in my life.

Renee said...

Interesting! 7 seconds! There's a little pressure in that theory if it holds true. I will definitely keep it in mind when meeting new people and especially in job interviews!!

Elaine Gulley said...

I first learned of the "seven second rule" about a year ago. I thought it was very interesting and I definitely think about the seven seconds any time I meet someone new.

Anonymous said...

This was not the first Ive heard of the seven second first impression. I absolutley believe this to be accurate. In my personal work environment first impressions are key to making money. This should be practiced in all areas of business.

Anonymous said...

This is a quite an eye-opening article. I always knew first impressions were very important but I never knew it was in the first 7 seconds that actually make the difference. This is extremely important to me now more than ever since this is my last semester in college and I will need to make first impressions on potential bosses.

Anonymous said...

I agree that first impressions are always important. A person can usually tell a lot about a person in the first seven seconds of meeting them, so it is important to always be on your "a" game, because most of the time you don't get a second chance. In an interview, you get one shot, so it is important to make a great first impression, and be the person you want them to know you are in the first seven seconds of that conversation.

Bret Oldendorf said...

I have always heard that first impressions are always important, but never knew before this that you have only seven seconds to make that impression. I do see where they come from now with the seven seconds. People can tell by your first impression as in whether you will be a fit in with their company or not. It is very important now that I see I need to make my first impression within the first seven seconds of an interview.

John Edmund Sencial said...

I never gave much thought to first impressions but this man is very right. Of course your opinion of someone could change after the first impression but it is true that the first impression is usually the lasting impression that will be on others' minds.

John Edmund Sencial said...

Is seven seconds the amount of time it takes for someone to size you up. Well I don't know where this man came up with this number but I firmly believe your ultimate first impression is very important in letting others know your attitude towards things.

Anonymous said...

First impressions are very important. Seven seconds is so little time to make an impression. It's really hard to believe that you can make an impression in so little time. I never realized it only take seven seconds. It can either make you or break you.

Andre Bendana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Andre Bendana said...

I agree with the link. I think those seven seconds can say plenty about what you are aiming in a new professional relationship although one must always work constantly to maintain a positive image. The speaker even mentions how this PR professional has worked with Ronald Reagan, a president that was well known for his charisma and professional attitude. I think this link is very interesting and accurate.

Ashley Brewer said...

Very interesting! Firsts impressions are important but I think 7 seconds is a little would hardly have time to smile and shake a hand. I think 30 seconds or so would make more sense, but just in case I will definitely keep this theory in mind!

Ashley D said...

I totally agree with the article. First impressions are very important. Within 7 seconds a person can form an opinion about you based on your presence, speech, and body language. This goes to show that first impressions play an important role in meeting new people.

Marcus Verner said...

This is a great article simply because of the speakers’ opinion of the WOW factor. Speaking of things such as new places, meeting new people or with new products being introduced, if you have seen one you have seen them all. But of these things, the ones that set themselves or the places that people talk about are the ones that had some amazing trait that made them stand apart from the rest. Burger King being “ho-hum to the writer encouraged the owner to strive to surpass all future expectations.

Anonymous said...

Yep, they are the most important things especially when it comes to a job interview. I have heard the seven second thing before and its true you can wreck your chance or completely dominate it in those short seven seconds. So when you meet someone for the first time, smile, show energy, excitement, but dont be so overboard that you come off as fake. Attitude is everything. Also most importantly come to every interview prepared, and on time, because there is nothing like showing an employer for the first time how you can be late, not a very good first impression.

Jackson Ricau said...

I always knew that first impressions were an important factor to a beginning relationship. We see this all the time at bars and clubs. I do, however, think the seven second window is a little short to judge whether or not someone would get along with you. I can see how some people can come across the wrong way. But I think seven seconds is a little sparse.

Tiffany.Fruchtnicht said...

First impressions are the thing a person remembers forever when meeting you. Thinking about seven seconds tells you how crucial it is to gain the attention of someone when meeting them, you don't want to waste your seven seconds when they are not paying attention. Also you want your seven seconds to be the most re-memorable seven seconds of their life if you want to make a lasting impression, land a job, or even make a lifelong friend. Attitude is everything, you don't want to come off too reserved or too strong, want to come own with confidence and enthusiasm.

Anonymous said...

First impressions are important when your starting any kind of relationship, especially a new job. The seven second rule is accurate because there is a lot that can be learned about a person just from their appearance. I believe that was why Tom Peters recommended that you should be energetic and engaged, so you can increase your chance of standing out. You must show that you can bring something to the table that the other interviewees could not.

Anonymous said...

A first impression is one of the most important points in the business world. I'm not to sure if I agree on just 7 seconds, but those first few seconds to the first few minutes could make you or break you. It is this point that shows why you should always be who you what people to think you are. Never let things ruin you day because you never know who you will meet and how those seven seconds could effect your life.

Anonymous said...

I think the window for a first impression is a little more open than seven seconds. Although I can see how this could effect the way someone perceives you. Seven seconds gives an individual enough time to judge the type of hand shake you have, and time to see if you have a problem looking into their eyes.

Anonymous said...

I believe that it is crucial to always leave a good impression with people. I am not the kind of person who just categorizes a person after only one encounter, but some people do. When you are going into a crucial interview it is important for you to show yourself in the first “7” seconds as you would expect others to show themselves. This theory has good merit and it shows that even when you think people are looking, you should conduct yourself properly.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Tom Peters and his statements on the first impression. Always remember the first impression is only one time; There is no going back. 7 seconds is a short time, but it is so equally crucial. Presenting oneself well in those first 7 seconds gives the possibility of a great interview, meeting, etc...

cardell2426 said...

I totally agree with his message. You have to be extraordinary in everything you do especially when it comes to running a business. Customer Service is always number in every business no matter what. So what I take I from this is to be great in every thing I do no matter what.

cardell2426 said...

This video is so funny because when I first start doing Powerpoint presentations I was guilty of doing all of those things. However this video was a great reminder of what not to do because people do the tendency to put to much on a Powerpoint. The point of Powerpoints is to mainly give an outline of a discussion and the presenter goes in detail about the topic

Melanie said...

First impressions are so important.In a matter of seconds a person knows if they are going to like you are not, if you are going to be a good candidate for a position or not. I agree with the phrase: "You never get a second chance to make a FIRST IMPRESSION".

Anonymous said...

I can definitely see how this is true. When I remember the first time I’m meeting people, I try not to judge them on first impressions and I give them longer than 7 seconds before I make a decision about them. But I can see how an employer does this. That is why I try to always have a smile on my face and when being introduced or I introduce myself have a firm hand shake and speak clearly. I don’t think everybody should be judged off of first impressions because normally people judge others from past experiences and if they didn’t go well or weren’t good, then it hurts the current person in front of you when they may not be the way the other people that sticks out poorly in your mind. It definitely is good to remember this statistic when meeting employers for the first time.

Anonymous said...

As much as I’d like to think that people don’t judge your worth withing the first seven seconds of meeting them, I realize that an inordinate amount of importance is placed on the first impression. Our brains process information without us even considering it. Making a good first impression is just another skill that we need to work on. That said, I don’t think it holds much weight after the first meeting; if you can’t sustain the intensity of the first meeting, it will seem fake.

Anonymous said...

First impressions are very important in all aspects of life. What you give off on these first seven seconds can make or break a person in a job, relationship, etc. People perceive a person based on this particular impression even if that's not truly how that person may be, so what you display at this time is very important. I also agree with the statement, "Amp up your attitude" it's a good way to describe what it takes to make a good impression on someone.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure whether or not it true that it is only in 7 seconds that people get a first impression of you. I think the first impression people get of you is what they see of you when you first meet them, how you are dressed, etc. I agree that how energetic you are contributes to the first impression someone gets of you. I think that people who are more energetic make a better first impression.

Anonymous said...

Tom Peters is talking about first impressions being descriptive of a person in 7 seconds which is somewhat true. I think it may take longer depending on the individual because it should depend on the fact that they may be nervous or even intimidated by the meeting. There are several things that may play a factor in first impressions such as tone of voice, smile on your face, and body language so upon face contact keep these in mind.

Anonymous said...

First impressions are so important in interviews. Even though it may seem unfair & critical to only have seven seconds to make an impression, it is definitely true!

WilliamBates said...

I would say there is alot of truth in the seven second first impression theory. I could definitely see how my impression would be made immediately. Also it is very difficult to change someones impression you you once it has been made.

Jessica Nicosia said...

I do think that first impressions are very important in every aspect of your life with friends, teachers, co-workers and employers. Just funny to think that it only takes 7 seconds for that impression to be formed. But I do get that if you walk up confident about yourself than people see this strong and independent person. But if you walk up to someone and seem nervous and unsure then they see you as weak and unable to be strong at things.

Anonymous said...

There has rarely been a time when i consciously thought about making a strong first impression. I think after seeing this video many people will think they have to be some super charasmatic amped up iondividual. I think the best first impression is to be yourself and act like a real professional.

Anonymous said...

no matter what you do people will judge you everytime they meet you. the first 7 seconds someone meets you their already making a judgement about u. try to present yourself the best way and be yourself all the time is a the best thing for anyone to do.

Anonymous said...

This is so true. When I think back on the first time I have met different people, there are several people who really stand out. Why is that? Because they made such a great first impression. In fact, that first impression is usually what I remember most about people. There are some people you may look back on and say "Oh, I didn't like you when we first met". That may be prejudging someone before you really get to know then, may they were having a bad day, but first impressions are lasting impressions. What a great reminder for me to project how I want to known.

Anonymous said...

I really agree with this video. Your first impression is a fast impression. People just have to take one look at you and they come up with an impression based on a number of things. People really judge you based on your first impression, so make it count. Your first seven seconds in a new place may define you for the rest of your life.

Anonymous said...

I feel that in many situations the seven second rule is pretty true. Most people judge you on their first impression of you. If you break it down to a seven second period that doesn’t give you much time to make a good or bad impression on someone. I think what Tom was saying is to make those seven seconds the best seconds you possibly can when in the business world.

Anonymous said...

This video is so on point. When I'm interviewing someone, first impressions are definitely what sticks in my mind. Even before I interview them, I'm sizing them up when they first come in to fill out an application. It blows my mind how many people wear flip flops and ratty clothes to a business and ask for an application. Then make multiple misspellings on their applications, give me a weak handshake, not make eye contact, and many other things employers are paying attention to. Do they really need to wonder why they can't get a job? You have to remember that employers are going to judge the way that you will do your work by the way you interact with them. Like the video said, being outgoing is another way to make a great impression. It shows that you're enthusiastic about the job and that you want to work for that employer.

Anonymous said...

Its crazy to even fathom that you only have 7 seconds to make a good first impression, but it holds so true. I make sure that when i go some where, no matter where, that i look my best and act my best. i don't know who i may run into or meet. I'm always energetic and enthusiastic when i meet someone. i always make sure i make eye contact and have a firm handshake.

Anonymous said...

My parents have said something like that before. that is a very true statement because those 7 seconds could be the decision making factor on whether you are hired or not. I make those impressions when someone comes up to me at work asking if we are hiring. It is sad though that something we are judging people by those first impressions on what type of person they are and whether or not we like them. But hopefully this video gets out to a lot of people so maybe it can help them with their first impressions.

Anonymous said...

There is one thing I have learned sometimes you only get one chance and this is why first impressions are very important. They say you have 7 seconds and those seconds really can determine the rest of your life.

Anonymous said...

I agree with this concept of 7 seconds making a good impression. Just remember, there is no way to correct the first impression. You can be aware of having a smile, what you are wearing and projecting a firm handshake. These are all good first impressions. Be aware of what you project and as stated, amp up your attitude.

Anonymous said...

First impressions are very important and extremely key especially when it comes to your career (or lack thereof), because most of the time (interviews) the only impression you will ever get the opportunity to make is a first one. It is important to take those 7 seconds and make the most of them.

Anonymous said...

I agree that first impressions are made very quickly. It probably doesn't even take a full 7 seconds for me to decide if I like someone or not. One of of the main things I do look at is a positive attitude. I don't like to be around people who have a bad attitude that brings me down too. Being around people with a good attitude puts me in a good mood too!

Anonymous said...

The 7 seconds rule of first impressions really makes me think about how important first impressions are. I know from personal experiences how first impressions can affect how others will think about me. It also makes me think about how important making a good first impression is because you never know who the person is that you have made a good or bad impression on. People don't want to be around someone who is always in a bad mood so always try to be in a good mood and always have a smile on because you never know who is watching.

Anonymous said...

I have always heard that first impressions mean everything but never heard that it only takes seven seconds for someone to realize the energy you portray. It makes sense because everybody always says to make sure you have a great smile and a positive attitude when you first walk in to a room. A person's smile, the way they say hello, and how they introduce themselves are ways a person can tell someone's personality. Seven seconds is apparently enough time to gather that information.

Anonymous said...

I definitely have always been taught that first impressions are everything! Knowing that you only have approximately seven seconds, is a little intimidating. It does make me realize a lot though. Having such a small amount of time, means I need to get it together! Those seven seconds could make or break you!

Jeff Wallette said...

First impressions can be an extremely valuable tool in the professional environment. While on interviews or business meetings, the first impression you give the other party is going to set the bar and mood for the meeting. I have had negative first impressions with people and believed I could never be true friends with them, but in time they have developed into great friends. Give a good first impression and you won't have to earn it over time.

Anonymous said...

I totally believe first impressions are everything. What people show you in themselves within the first 7 seconds is what people will think about you forever. That's why it's important to always put your best foot forward because there may never be another chance. And how you come off to a person the first time, is going to be expected out of you all the other times.

Anonymous said...

Lots of people like to believe that they stand out from the crowd and aren't judgmental of other people when that, in fact, is untrue. First impressions are inevitable and probably the most important part of an interview, a business meeting, or any type of social interaction. The first seven seconds can reveal many aspects of a person's personality and attitude.

Anonymous said...

I think that people do form their first impression in seven seconds. How you treat and react to strangers or new acquaintances says a lot about someone's character. But I don't think seven seconds is enough time to form a lasting impression about a person.

Anonymous said...

Everything the gentleman is saying is completely accurate through my eyes. It might even take less than seven seconds through some to make an impression. Making a first impression can be as simple as watching a movie or listening to music. Chances are if we get a negative vibe in the beginning, chances are we will discontinue listening to the rest or turn off the movie. As I get older and mature as the years pass, I find myself dressing appropiately no matter where I go. I just want to give off the positive impression and personality because you never know what opportunities lurk around every corner. When they happen, you want to be ready.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think it was only 7 seconds. I would like to see scientific proof before I just believe a random fact from a guy in a sweater vest. I guess people will make decisions on the very first energy they see from you though!

Anonymous said...

First impressions are crucial in the business world in order to gain clients. A slovenly appearance speaks volumes in regards to the care the potential client can expect to receive from the agent and the company. Tom Peters’ suggestion to “amp up your attitude” communicates enthusiasm and a desire to gain new business. From personal experience, I can also attest to the first seven seconds making or breaking a deal. Employers have told me that my attitude and appearance won them over when first meeting me. It has definitely made me a first impression “believer”.

victoriab said...

You only get one first impression. People say that first impressions are the most important, but I didn't realize that it was most important in the first 7 seconds. I will definitely be paying closer attention to detail when meeting new people for the first time.

Anonymous said...

I knew that first impressions were very important in getting to know someone. And now knowing that is the first 7 seconds of a first impression is the most important really makes me want to pay closer attention to the first impressions I give to others.

Tabitha K James said...

7 seconds. I'd say it's about right. 2 seconds to walk in. Then 5 to shake a person's hand and give them the once over. That'd be just enough for most people to decide if they like a person or not and while it is possible to change it, those impressions do stick. I knew when I met my fiancé after walking across a Barnes and Noble to meet with him that I was interested. Just need to keep that in mind at interviews though I do usually do well in them.

Anonymous said...

I knew first that first impressions were important, but didn't think I only had seven seconds. Glad I learned this could be very helpful in the future.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with Tom Peters on this subject and I am also guilty of form ing a pretty sturdy opinion of somebody within the first 7 seconds. It is human nature and not something that is going away any time soon. Just thinking about past experiences people have judged me on that first impression and it has lasted for a long time, not saying the impression can not be changed but the first 7 seconds will label you for the first part of that person knowing you until they get to know you better. If you are even given the chance to have them do so. Good advice for people

Anonymous said...

I agree with him that first impressions are very important. Seven seconds is a very short span of time that can either make you or break you depending on the how the person views you in those few seconds. It can either be a good thing or a bad thing but the seven seconds can sometimes be misleading someone who gives off a great first impression might not be as good a person as the one who doesn't give off the best first impression so you must be careful when dealing with these.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with him about first impressions. I have never thought about the 7 second rule, but it makes sense. The only problem I have with the 7 second rule is that some may be really nervous, and not make the best first impression. I know I have been on interviews, and made a fool of myself. I don't necessarily think that first impressions state your ability to be an effective worker.

Anonymous said...

First impressions ingrain an image in the persons mind that would last for along time. We make judgements about people with in seconds. They might be negative or positive but we make quick judgements.

Anonymous said...

First impressions are definitely very most. As we finish school and begin to go on interviews it will be something we should keep in the front of our minds. As the article points out the first seven seconds you meet someone are crucial. Its something we can easily fix, however we have to train ourselves to be conscious of our emotions and expressions.

Anonymous said...

First impressions are very important in the business world, and in life. In the business world, it can determine the results of a new job that your trying to acquire, regardless of your credentials. Seven seconds isn't much time, and I think theirs alot more time that goes into someones full first impression, but I can see how some businesses can put alot of emphasis on the first impression so quickly due to our cultural value that "time is money." I agree that it's important to be positive, knowledgeable, and confident when you are giving your first impression to someone; but for those who don't do this so well, need to stay the most positive and acknowledge that it's something that they can work on and get better at with practice. In daily life, I don't tend to put to much emphasis on the first impression because it's more of a highlight reel, rather then who you actaully are. With that being said, basically try to have a great first impression, but rely on your skills and work ethic more because that's what's going to determine who gets the job done this best at the end of day.

Ann Lightfoot said...

I couldn't agree more with him about first impressions. I have heard that you can tell who a person is in a few minutes. I have never thought about the 7 second rule, but it makes sense! But it doesn't give every one a fair chance, people that are reserved may not be able to open up with in 7 seconds.

Taylor Willie said...

I 100% agree with what he is saying. I run my own cleaning business. Daily, I'm marketing my services and I do in home consultations. It's in the first 7 seconds (a smile, a handshake, and professional appearance, etc. ) that my potential customers get a feel for who I am, as opposed to other cleaners marketing their services. It makes all the difference and I'm proud to say it's given me the competitive edge over some. Make that first 7 seconds count.

KanotayeR said...

I totally agree about the 7 seconds to make a first impression. From the moment that a person sees you, they begin to sum you up. You do need to have a smile, be energetic, and look confident. Your appearance plays a big part as well.

Anonymous said...

I always knew that first impressions were important, but I never realized how quickly they are made. Working at a daycare and having to interact with people on a daily basis makes me appreciate this new advice. It's especially important in my job that people have a good first impression, because I'm the person they're leaving their babies with! This is also very good advice for interviews and the real world. Great video!

Andyb87 said...

Of course first impressions are important, but the fact that it only takes seven seconds for someone to make a decision about you is incredible. The more I think about it though it is true, like what someone smells like or what their wearing leads me to determine who I think they are and what they stand fore. Gives me a lot to consider when I interview from now on.

Anonymous said...

The more I move into my higher classes I have heard so many times that first impression are extremely important. I was told that growing up but never knew how true it really was. It takes 7 seconds to make a lasting impression on someone. Which is true, even for me because unfortunately I make judgement on someone within seconds of seeing them and probably before they can even speak a word. I look at your demenor, the way your dressed, your hygiene, all kinds of things factor into the first impression you give off, not just what you say.

Anonymous said...

Whether you like it or not people are extremely judgmental. I am not sure if 7 seconds is the exact time frame in which people judge you but I strongly believe the first amount of judgement occurs before we even speak. Then as a person talks to you I can see where your judgement is explained or changed. I really liked this video it puts all the thoughts I have had about first impressions into perspective...

Anonymous said...

I think first impressions are a strong concept, and it becomes a little more intimidating when you put it into a seconds game. I also think though, you have to take into account what the conditions of meeting someone are. If you trying to get a new client, well then first impression is everything, but if it's someone you might be engaging with on a regular basis then you have ample time to make yourself really known to them.

Anonymous said...

I find a first impression very important when it comes to meeting people. Also, i like to surround myself with positve people so as Tom said it is very important to give off a very energetic and positive attitude. Although, a first im pression happens in a short amount of time im not sure if 7 seconds seems long enough. I will have to keep that in mind though becuase he seems like he knows what he is talking about.

Megan VanderMeulen said...

Wow! Seven seconds is a very short span of time when you think it makes up someone's first impression of you. You always have to be ready to give first impressions to people because half of the time you never know it's even happening. Just be yourself because if you are you won't mind what they think of you.

