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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Tom Peters: Start Something Dull

This is a great video as Tom Peters explains why there may well be much more opportunity in "dull" areas of the economy - watch:

And comment here on the blog. Any "dull" ideas come to mind for you?


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Anonymous said...

Even though Mr. Peters classifies these types of businesses as dull, I think they are extremely innovative. They also fill a need a lot of consumers have. I'm sure most people with basements don't know how or want to clean mold out of them. This is a very smart and simple idea for a business. There probably was not much competition either. I think most entrepreneurs spend their entire lives trying to develop a simple and dull business idea like this.

Anonymous said...

Dull things are seriously profitable. Another example of this is my dad's bead shop. It is a DIY jewlery making persons place to be. He sells all you need to make jewlery of your own. I call it a bead shop because over 60% of the store has a variety of beads to choose from. His store has been open for over 15 years.

Anonymous said...

I can definitely relate to this video a whole lot! I cut grass as a part time job and I know I can grow my business bigger. All it takes is an idea and a commitment. Also alot of millionaires are thrifty I believe, because well that's probably what helped them get there in the first place.

Blanca said...

Dull ideas aren't always going to be profitable. Creative ideas can either make it or flop. I think that the real key is to believe in one's idea and be passionate. If you really want it, you will do anything and everything to get to the top.

Anonymous said...

You never really think about the dull inventions that people make money off of, but I can see how these people could make millions. I know many older men who started a little boy job at a young age and now they are living in huge houses and driving nice cars. A friend of mine started a mowing company in high school and now he has over 20 employees. You just have to dream big and never give up.

Andrea said...

Starting a business doing dull or boring jobs that no one wants to do or doesn't have time to do is the way to go. At Christmas I heard about someone who started a company putting up and taking down Christmas lights in subdivisions up north and how much the business has grown. I was thinking what a great idea. I think I would pay someone to put up my Christmas decorations every year because I don't like taking the time to do it myself.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't consider these ideas "dull" but I do think things like this are great business opportunities. You have to take a risk sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Couldn’t have been explained better than that. Great advice! Start small and expand your ideas. Let yourself gain experience before jumping into something to big. You have more room to learn from your mistakes this way. That means when you grow to bigger and better businesses you know how to handle things being more experienced.

Ashley Roberts said...

People today are all about convenience and if that means paying someone to walk your dog because you don't have time, then so be it. We are living in a fast paced world so some of these "dull" ideas are actually great ideas for the ones who profit from them and for the ones who are relieved not to have to do these things themselves.

Chancie said...

This is an innovative yet unique concept. However, I feel that it is contingent on the idea. Certain "dull" areas aren't going to be profitable. For instance, many infomercials advertise dull products that many people would never even think of. Many people aren't going to buy what they don't need. So, in order for this to be an accurate concept, I feel that it should be "dull" needs.

Anonymous said...

I actually believe some dull things and ideas can be extremely profitable and on the other hand, for some it does not work or benefit them. A dull idea can still be something that customers take interest in or feel that they need and never thought of.

kristinp0902 said...

Starting a "dull" business may just be what everyone needs to do. If you start small you can eventually grow. You don't always need some big business that takes a lot of money to be invested in order to have a successful business. A lot of business's that are successful are "dull" but it's what other people want.

Anonymous said...

I think actually having a "dull" business can help that business learn from their mistakes. If everyone can learn fromhaving a dull business to improve things, I think a lot of business would grow a lot better. If you learn from your mistakes most likely you improve.

Anonymous said...

I think these "dull" ideas were pretty great ideas by these men who had these businesses. I think that starting small and working your way up to big is the way to go in a business. I also think it is great to have a business and to think of others ways to expand and branch out into other fields. It allows the people to be creative and innovative.

Donald said...

I think dull ideas are great opportunities to be unique and innovate, but its success depends on two things. The first is how passionate you are about your idea and how much you believe in it. the second is how you can make others see the passion you have for it, the passion it can provide them, or how much passionate it took to follow through with an idea.

Anonymous said...

I like dull idea they should the different and how unique you are. It should the love and passion your hold and how much you believe in it. When you focus on your idea how deep do you feel about it.

Melissa Dennis said...

I'm thinking maybe the duller the better because it might help you get the edge you need to succeed. Here's where a noone else wants to do it, so I guess I will mentality may actually work for you.

Anonymous said...

In a world where everyone is looking for the next new thing, the dull, daily things are often unthought of. Good for these people to take note of that and capitialize of it.

Anonymous said...

This is an interested theory. it makes a lot of sense to stick to the realistic needs of consumers then trying to create a demand for a new product. This is a very practical way to make money. Stick to what you know and profit from it.

Anonymous said...

I believe captalizing on dull ideas is a brillant idea. It makes so much sense to go after the things that others would not like to do. I belive focusing on the thngs that are not that appealing for others will be good for buisness

Anonymous said...

Dull things can make a lot of money. You never hear people talking about the AC repairman, but I know people who are making a good about of money running an AC repair business. You just need to have the commitment and the work ethic to keep the business going.

Anonymous said...

Everyone measures success differently. Some say it is not by what you have but the obstacles that you have overcome along the way (Booker T. Washington). Some measure success by your financial wealth. However, I feel that is success is measured by your own set of goals and not the goals that other have for you. How do you measure success? And because it is what no one else would like to do is it necessary dull?

David said...

It's easy to get shoe-horned into a profession that is based on your college degree. I think a lot of people pass up opportunities because they wrongly believe that they are not qualified, can't learn the required skills, or worse that their degree in accounting demands that they be an accountant. Learning how to recognize opportunities and when to take advantage of them is a skill that requires constant attention. My two bits!

Anonymous said...

A lot of people consider household chores to be dull and pay other people to do it for them. Sometimes dull is a neccesity that needs to be done and if you are willing to do it you can earn a wage for it.

Anonymous said...

Dull jobs can usually always lead to a great business opportunity.I know someone who started cutting grass for one or two people a week and it grew more and more. Now he is making really good money and actually has people working for him! All it takes is a little patience, time, and motivation.

Anonymous said...

I cut grass and I guess that could be considered a dull job. I really like what Tom Peters said. Its really the simple jobs that can be easy to get into and make a ton of money. It just takes time. You really don't have to be a genius to make a lot of money.

Anonymous said...

I can see how taken on "dull" work can be profitable because no one wants to do it. I know I pay someone to come and cut my lawn because for one I don’t have the time and two I just simply don’t want to do it. You can call it lazy. I will call it boosting the economy by outsourcing the things that I dont do best.

ChrisSaintsedo said...

Just because something is dull does not make it out of sync. I knwo that m job as a waiter at Piccadilly isn't the flashiest job but it serves its purpose. I am proud of my work and I make good money. A great deal of companies start out small and make headway's through innovations. Success isn't always about money. Customers really do appreciate hard work and great service. I find that is why companies find a way to survive in saturated markets.

Anonymous said...

This is surprisingly true. No one really wants to do these jobs that are deemed dull. So if you decide to get into this "dull" business, per say, there could be a lot of money to be made in these dull businesses. What he said actually makes a lot of sense if you think about it.

Anonymous said...

Dull idea are always going to be profitable because in this day and age people are more willing to pay someone else to do the “dull” things they don’t have time for or don’t want to do, rather than do it themselves. There will always be a need for areas like this because there will always be people willing to pay for these services.

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of when I took Career Planning here at Southeastern a couple of semesters ago and the teacher told us how one of her prior students had gotten a little upset when “Funeral Arrangements Planning” came up on her list of jobs that would suit her. The teacher calmed the girl down by telling her how necessary something like that is and how profitable it could be because we will ALWAYS need something like this around.

Anonymous said...

I think that this is great advice. Starting out “dull” may actually help a business to grow and be more diverse in the future. As a business progresses it will start to learn from their mistakes and be more efficient. Being dull also gives you ways to improve yourself which could lead to you becoming more successful. By starting off dull or small, you have to think of ways to be creative in order to attract business. It is a great opening for improvements and innovations.

Hope Bahm said...

This was an interesting video from Tom Peters. It is so crazy to me how someone can start a “dull” or random business and end up making millions. However, I guess it shows how hard work and good strategy can go a long way.

candace said...

I think it is great that everyday people can start something so small and ordinary that can grow to something so large and successfull. I would have never thought of doing something like that because people normally think it is just something to gain a couple extra bucks on the weekend. I do know someone who supports his wife and son with his grass cutting/landscaping business that he started when he was in highschool.

John Edmund Sencial said...

The reason people don't want to do dull tasks is because they either are not interesting or people are lazy. Either way it creates a job for someone to do. Be thankful you have a job for this reason.

John Edmund Sencial said...

Overall this video wasn't bad. The advice starting with a dull idea could work but I wouldn't suggest it to all companies. You couldn't expect Apple to be where it is today if they had listened to this advice.

J.Nicole said...

Tom's friend, Larry, is pretty smart by starting a franchise on the things that people don't worry about because it doesn't make as much money as working on Wall Street. If I want to start a business I would look into things that a lot of people or not doing and then expand from there.

Anonymous said...

Tom Peters again with his wisdom. I like what he is saying because you don't necessarily have to be flashy to be wealthy or successful. It may aid or look better or become more noticeable, but being "dull" can be beneficial too. There are so many mom and pop stores that have grown and launched into other facets of their expertise only to bring them more business and networking.

Elaine Gulley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elaine Gulley said...

I really enjoy Tom Peters videos. I wouldn't exactly agree that the ideas where boring as much as they were simple. I believe that many people probably have the same ideas for a business, but most never implement them. An idea may seem too simple to really be profitable but unless you try you will never know its potential.

Anonymous said...

I think it may be more profitable to start a business in the "dull" sector, but I'm not sure I would be happy doing it. I think that may work fine for some people, and I may even be naive for thinking I wouldn't want to do something "dull". However, I really don't think I could do that. I thrive on being challenged and thinking outside the box. Unless I could find a dull business that is challenging, or I could find someone else to run my dull business, I think I'll have to pass.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the key is to think positive and be open to a person’s ides. Dull ideas aren’t always going to be profitable. If you want something bad enough you do what you need to get it!

Anonymous said...

Definitely good advice, explained it very well. You should let yourself gain experience before you go big. You need time to be able to learn and make mistakes. Start small and then work hard for it to become big and successful.

Anonymous said...

I am a firm believer in a starting a dull business. Many people make it big because they start businesses that no one wants to do. For example companies like portalets, grass cutting, and trash pick up. Just because it is not a upscale business, does not mean there is not money to be made.

C.Short said...

Business does have to be attractive, but you also have to give people what they want there is money out there and nothing is wrong with wanting to get it.

Anonymous said...

I'm one of those people that come upon something and am like "ugh why didn't I think of that?!" My brain is just not creative enough to come up with an original product or service to sell to the public. The only thing that I have ever thought of is instead of you hiring some guy to cut and primp your lawn, wouldn't you MUCH rather a couple cute girls in bikinis doing it?

Anonymous said...

The dull ideas sometimes produce bright profits. The basement situation is a winner. No one else wants to do that crap on their days off.

Lona said...

I don't know if i can necessarily agree that something dull can become cool, fun, and profitable. Creative ideas can either make it or flop! I understand to start small and expand your ideas, but if the idea is dull I'll want nothing to do with it. I need something exciting to motivate me!

Anonymous said...

When you are such an interesting person it’s hard to top that in your career. I think the things we are interested in and take pride in are the our extracurricular activities because if they were our jobs we wouldn’t like them anymore.

Anonymous said...

Dull doesn't have to be necessarily dull. With dedication and the will to succeed a plain idea can become very profitable.

Anonymous said...

SO is the word dull the new word for plain, or simple? Because plain and simple decisions or ideas can become the most brilliant decisions ever made.

Anonymous said...

i think the idea is all how you put it out into the world. i also wouldn't call it dull more like simple or plain but a simple idea can get you a long way.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't call these jobs dull, I would just call them jobs that most people wouldn't do. Most people would not think that these jobs would be profitable, but because certain people enjoyed it they profited from it.

Anonymous said...

Some people consider being an Accountant a dull job. I just say it is all about what you enjoy doing which makes the job enjoyable.

Jerry said...

I do not know if I would classify these jobs ass dull. These are just the jobs that some people do to make money and some people actually enjoy what it is that they do. So for some people this is exciting for them.

Bret Oldendorf said...

I believe that a lot of people don't like dull ideas or jobs. Deciding what a dull job depends on the things that you don't enjoy doing over the things you do enjoy in most cases. Dull jobs can be very successful though if you have the right work habits and strive for being profitable. It all depends on a person's view to what is dull.

brandonmehrgut said...

Perhaps dull jobs are profitable because no one wants to do them. I believe if you want to do a job right, you must be passionate about it, and if you're calling it dull.. maybe it's time to change fields.

Renee said...

I guess there will always be a job that someone would rather hire someone else to do. It's interesting to think that someone could capitalize on those things!

Chad Taylor said...

Dull equals less stress. In today's world of deadlines and quotas there is a lot to be said about a humdrum routine business operations. exciting is overrated.

Maria Bucalan said...

Dull jobs are very good to start a business with. This due to the fact that no one wants to do it or someone hasn't come up with. Like for example, they had this drive thru grocery store by my house and their business is doing very well.

Anonymous said...

I think this analogy of starting with a dull business goes hand in hand with buying stock once its lower, hoping to see it rise again and make a profitable return or for instance buying real estate when the market favors buyers, just to sell it when the market is doing well and come out with a high return.

Anonymous said...

Because so many people are chasing their dreams and trying to come up with innovative ideas, they are not having the time to do the things that Tom Peters considers "dull." I wouldn't consider them dull. They're just task that people don't have the time to do. These task will always be around, so it is smart to get involved with them.

Anonymous said...

I wouldnt consider these things dull. Not everyone can have a cutting edge job. I think that people are just trying to become more innovative.

Anonymous said...

I wouldnt consider these things dull. Not everyone can have a cutting edge job. I think that people are just trying to become more innovative.

Anonymous said...

I agree that some boring and dull things can be profitable but there are many situations where the dull idea doesnt work out in your favor. This doesnt mean that people shouldnt attempt to make things work. In this day and age one can never know exactly what will or will not make money.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Peters does a great job explaining how these " dull" industries can be a great way to make money in the future. I also agree with Dr. peters becuase that is what america is all about, innovation and having your own businees and being your own boss....isnt that the american dream ?

Megan VanderMeulen said...

I believe that a lot of people don't like dull ideas or jobs. Deciding what a dull job depends on the things that you don't enjoy doing over the things you do enjoy in most cases. Dull jobs can be very successful though if you have the right work habits and strive for being profitable. It all depends on a person's view to what is dull.

Anonymous said...

i feel this helps me out in the long run with my job idea and everything. by doing other jobs aka dull jobs you can figure out your mistakes and make mitakes that can be fixed before you get that big job.

Anonymous said...

The idea that opportunities lay within dull areas of economy can truly turn out to be a successful business. Simple things such as lawncare, housekeeping, and cleaning gutters on houses can become prosperous adventure if only a person is interested in molding the task into something more profitable.

Anonymous said...

I think that some of the businesses that Peters thinks are dull can actually be amusing for some people. There are some people who might not mind dog-walking or cleaning mold. I don’t know if they will be profitable or not, but there are some who would be willing to do them.

Anonymous said...

I do not find these businesses "DULL" at all. I find them creative and some people are okay with just walking a dog. I know plenty of people that are extremely easy going or laid back and they wouldn't find these types of jobs to be dull. They would actually enjoy them.

Anonymous said...

Dull ideas can be profitable. If you do not know something for sure, just try it. Practice makes perfect and the more mistakes you make in your "dull" company, the greater return you will have in the outcome.

Anonymous said...

A lot of this makes sense since most people wouldn't want to start a business that society considers to be "dull" even though I'm sure many people would be able to benefit from it. On the other hand, everyone has different ideas on what's dull and what's not, so if you start something you think is dull, there will always be at least a small percentage of people who will find it interesting.

Donald Bastoe said...

They make money by addressing a need. I think as long as you can do something that someone else doesn’t want to do/isn’t capable of doing, and do it efficiently, you can be successful. Coming up with ideas is the easy part—success depends on execution and commitment.

Lin said...

Oh yes, I love this idea. I have been trying to get my brother to shovel snow in Denver. He is out of work and I thought he could do this for his neighbors and make money. He is not motivated. I think that Jim and Larry have a special gift that makes them want to succeed even in a job that is a dull business. I want to buy his book and send it to my brother.

Tabitha K James said...

Everything starts with an opportunity. It doesn't have to be something that changes the world, it can be something that there is a need for. It's a matter of realizing what is needed; if there is a market for it. After that, it's a matter of pursuing it.

Anonymous said...

I really like this video, it really explains alot that goes one every day business wise. Everyday people come up with different business ideas that we would necessarily look to as dull business ideas. The reality of it is that we think to ourselves, "man why didn't i think of that". This is because most of the dull businesses go the furthest in life!

Anonymous said...

A job can be any opportunity that addresses a need. If somebody needs something more than likely they will pay somebody to do it than doing it themselves. Your opportunity doesn't have to be something so great at first. It's all about working your way up to the top. Working your butt off to reach where you want to go will be so satisfying in the end. A feeling of accomplishment can be one of the best feelings in the world.

Anonymous said...

It seems like the least likely areas of business take off and become extremely successful and highly imitated. There are also areas that have received little attention and the right person comes along and rejuvenates the product or service.

Anonymous said...

Great points. Bottom line is if there is a need than there is an opportunity. Things that a dull are often seen that way because we are use to doing them. They busier you get the less time you have to do those things. Just like that an opportunity is created.

Anonymous said...

This video has several true, simple points. Many times, ideas aren't even thought of because it pertains to something that is so common. However, the more common the use of something the more beneficial it will be to people.

Anonymous said...

This makes sense that the dull things turn out to be profitable. Many people don't want to do the small things that are necessary but those jobs should be considered. People will offer more money to someone who is willing to do the dirty work. They have a small group of people to chose from but whoever is willing to make the sacrifice they normally tend to give you a reward.

Ann Lightfoot said...

This is so true even though people don’t want the “dull” jobs. This is true because more profitable jobs in this day and age people are more willing to pay someone else to do the “dull” things they don’t have time for or don’t want to do.

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea. Many people do not want to do certain jobs. This makes them in high demand, because there isn't anyone doing it! The less people doing a certain job, the more people need whatever product or service they offer.

Anonymous said...

I don't think of these jobs as "dull". These jobs are what makes someone get by in life and help others while they make money. I love Mr. Peters, but do not like how he called these jobs dull. Although still a good video to try to tell people to think outside the box and maybe their next job invention will be a great one.

Lauren said...

This video is my fiance's uncle in a nutshell. He has lived in LA all his life, other family members are middle class people, he lives in a small little house, yet he owns a cleaning business and make six figures per year. His company cleans big buildings, such as courthouses,and that's it. He does a relatively simple job and makes bank doing it.

Anonymous said...

This does make a lot of sense people make a lot of money off of dumb ideas. They're are so many ways to make lots of money you just have to be the first one to come up with them and strike while the irons hot.

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea depending on the business you want to build. It is safe and smart to start small and expand, but sometimes you have to take large risks to win great success.

Melanie said...

Starting from the ground up isn't a bad idea. In fact some small ideas end up earning big profits.

Gwyn Mendez said...

We have so many things that need to be done and not all of them are exciting. Why shouldn't someone make money doing the dull things of everyday life.

Anonymous said...

There is a lot of money to be made in these so called dull areas. There isn't a lot of people wiling to work in them. I believe if money can be made then it isn't dull.

Christopher Crochet said...

do something dull and make a business out of it. if you are dedicated enough and smart enough, you can succeed at just about anything and make it seriously profitable.

Anonymous said...

Well I guess you should find work that most would consider dull, but you love to do. You have to look into to seeing what you like and what interest you. If mowing is your thing, than make it profitable. Some of these jobs are the simplest and least profound jobs, but if you enjoy doing the work and can make money off of it then you have found your calling.

Anonymous said...

Obviously the idea has to be somewhat creative and useful to prospective buyers for it be successful but that isn't always the case. I think that as long as the inventor if passionate about the idea and works hard to promote it and seems to believe in it, it will be successful.

Anonymous said...

I think if you are creative enough to convince people that what you've come up with that others see as dull and be successful at it, maybe even a millionaire, then you're doing really well. If you really think about it almost every successful business was considered dull at one point but those successful people behind the million dollar business made it so that we wouldn't know what to do without it. If America we are so blessed to be able to do these things.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes pursuing a career in a dull or boring business is the way to go. Mainly because I see it as opportunity. If it is dull or boring, chances are no one else wants to do it. So this gives you or another person the opportunity to dominate or enter that segment of the market. If you are the only taking advantage of it, that means you are collecting a majority of the profits.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes pursuing a career in a dull or boring business is the way to go. Mainly because I see it as opportunity. If it is dull or boring, chances are no one else wants to do it. So this gives you or another person the opportunity to dominate or enter that segment of the market. If you are the only taking advantage of it, that means you are collecting a majority of the profits.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't classify these businesses as dull. I think these guys are extremely smart. I think most successful companies get too caught up with profit margins and share price. These guys focused on customer needs and made a business out of it. They probably needed these services themselves to make life easier and more manageable.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with this. I know many people who have successful businesses that fall into the "dull businesses" and they are doing very wealthy.

Anonymous said...

Dull businesses can make someone a millionaire, obviously it did just that for the Jim mentioned in the video. If dull businesses, like dog grooming or lawn mowing didn't exist, then then there would be so many people wouldn't have jobs and couldn't support their families. Odd jobs have to exist.

c0mpl3xity said...

The backbone of the American economy is entrepreneurial... We are quite unique in this. If you are willing to take the risk of working for yourself, make your money. I encourage it!

Megan VanderMeulen said...

I believe that a lot of people don't like dull ideas or jobs. Deciding what a dull job depends on the things that you don't enjoy doing over the things you do enjoy in most cases. Dull jobs can be very successful though if you have the right work habits and strive for being profitable. It all depends on a person's view to what is dull.

Anonymous said...

It is not dull if you like what you are doing or if it is interesting to the person doing it. However I do understand his point. But on a side note this man talks with his hands to much. It is kind of awkward because his head does not move that much

Anonymous said...

I think what is and what isn't dull is a personal opinion. I think that building computers are dull, but an IT person could find it very interesting. I've seen a lot of dull ideas become good businesses. I mean it doesn't have to be a Shamwow just to make a good profit.

victoriab said...

I think that starting off "dull" or small is great. its easier to add then it is to take away and sometimes less is more. In business that can either make or break you. I guess it would depend on the type of business venture you chose.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes starting off dull is best for some people. Learning the easy book way first, then working your way up can be the best outlook for some people's career. You can't have your cake and eat it too all the time. You have to start somewhere, and i am all for working up from "dull" to something much more. Then again it all depends on your business that you intend on starting off in.

Taylor Willie said...

I think he makes many valid points. It's always best to start off small, then go big. Dull is perceived as uneventful or not exciting. The type of business you go into is also a big part of it, but it can always be turned into a strategy that works for you. I think starting at dull makes you appreciate the better things to come.

