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Monday, January 3, 2011

Tom Peters: On Strategy - Discussing the Advice of Kenny Rogers and "The Gambler"

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OK, those of us who have enough rings around our trunks remember this Kenny Rogers' song (and thank me later for putting this in your head and you won't be able to get it out of there all day long):

Well, management guru Tom Peters takes a twist on that famous expression ("You gotta know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em..." and modifies it for all of us, saying why it is important today to show your persistence and hang in there to become a real success! Watch below and comment here on the blog:

David Wyld, Professor of Management
Southeastern Louisiana University

An image of a person playing the poker varient...Image via Wikipedia


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Crystal said...

The message here was a good one. We tend to give up on things so quickly. If we just stick to it and just hold on and not give up , we can become very successful.

Rhesha said...

Good advice for the most part. But sometimes you have to know when to quit beating a dead horse!

Andrea said...

I agree with this message. If you set a goal for anything you should never give up, you should continue to reach for the goal. If it is important enough for you to want to achieve it then it should be important enough for you not to give up on it.

Christina said...

I agree with this message about never giving up and finish what you start, but it all depends on the situation I believe. Going gambling is not my thing I hate gambling away my money that I work hard for so I would say you can call it quits in that situation. However with going to college and sticking to it I totally agree. Most people give up when college gets hard or takes forever to graduate, but never giving up is the right thing.

William said...

I think this is probably some of the worst advice I have ever heard. In business you have to realize when a project or financial endeavor is not worth completing. Also, in your personal life, you need to realize when you are doing something that is not positive or helpful to you and make a change and do something different.

Iman said...

If it is important enough for you to want to achieve it then it should be important enough for you not to give up on it. Going gambling is not my thing I hate gambling away my money that I work hard for so I would say you can call it quits in that situation.

Ashley Roberts said...

I agree that we should all try to stick things out when we have gotten involved in something, weather it be a sport, a job, or an investment. However, I do believe you have to know when it's time to cut your losses. Take gambling for instance. People can come into serious debt if they don't know when to quit so I don't feel that his advice is good for everything, but maybe for somethings it is.

Taylor said...

I do not agree with his comments on this subject. Not everything is going to be this great idea, sometimes following through with the idea will put you further behind than where you were. Sometimes the persistence will yield a reward, but you need to know where you stand and cut bait if it will not.

Janelle said...

As far as this video goes, yes we should "hold em" and not give up on something so easily, but to a certain extent. Financially I have to know that "holding em" is the right thing to do and in the end that I will not have invested all of my time, energy and money into something that will end up as a flop. As far as the overall message which is to not give up on a project or a dream, I totally agree.

Macey said...

First of all I loved this video because I like the song. And I really agree with the message. Every decision you make in life is a risk and you have to know when to stand your ground and when you should cut your losses and move on to the next challenge.

John said...

I really like this video because it shows that life decisions always involve a risk. You also need to learn how to evaluate situations and know when to move forward. But, I also believe if we start something we should finish it. Love the song.

kristinp0902 said...

I believe that this message was good advice. We must hold on to things that we want and continue to try and pursue our goals no matter what. If we gave up on everything that we have every tried we wouldn't get anywhere in life.

Donald said...

I think the was was helpful, but I think it is important to evaluate a situation frequently to decide where to continue or quit. I think it is good to stick with something, but it also great to know whe to cut your losses.

April said...

I think its always good to try to stick things out but we also need to learn that there is a point in which we must eventually stop and bring it to an end.

Annette said...

nice video I think for the most part. You shouldnt just give up on something you believe in but on the other hand in certain situations you just have to stop and see you arent getting anywhere. for the most part its important to stick to something if thats what you believe in.

Vanessa said...

Interesting view on things, and I do believe you should stick to something and see it through to the end however it also important to be able to take a step back and realize that the end may never com and it is time to move on.

Taylor said...

You should always make goals for yourself to be the best you can be. Although your goals shoulld be attainable. If they are not attainable then you will realize time after time youre only setting yourself up for disapointment. You should never just give up on something with out a legit reason.

Arthur said...

Making a goal for yourself should be the first though in your head. I like the Way he says that line hold and hold it make more sense than the other pharse. Goal setting is how you make it in this life time.

Chancie said...

The message that is portrayed in this video is a complete cliche, but it's true that you shouldn't easily give up. However, I feel that it is contingent on the situation. One should always consider their options and not just the bottom line. In economy, I learned that in a situation where you have lost a lot of money, you should just accept it as sunk costs and move on.

Travis said...

Catchy little country song I must say. I think all of us college students are learning more and more each day to never give up. College defenitely has had its ups and downs for me. I'm sure we will all have many more obstacles in life to come. Don't give up if you want something bad enough!

Megan said...

I agree with his video and I believe that life is about setting goals and working towards them. Goals can easily be accomplished just as long as you set your mind to it and not give up or quit. I believe he was saying, "Know how to hold them, know how to hold them," not fold them. Otherwise, know what you are doing in life and your purpose and then you won't need to know how to "fold" or "quit" and never give up. Knowing how to "hold" them means making wise choices so you don't have to quit or get in a bind.

Shanel said...

This is good video. I also agree that when you work towards a goal, if you could meet it that time try, try, again until you meet it. It will make you a stronger person, because you can achieve things that you make.

