|  |  November 08, 2011 | | GAME OVER Joe Paterno’s negligence in an alleged sex-abuse scandal is about to bring his 46-season career as Penn State’s head football coach to an end, the New York Times reports. The Daily Beast’s Michael Tomasky on the football idol’s moral failure—and why he should quit now rather than hang around and cause the school any more agony. LINE IN THE SAND That’s gotta hurt: RedState editor Erick Erickson—one of the most influential voices in the Tea Party blogosphere—posted a brutal broadside on Mitt Romney this morning. With every other alternative in the Republican field flailing, a depressed Erickson is convinced that the flip-flopping, hair-parting Romney will be the GOP nominee: “And his general-election campaign will be an utter disaster for conservatives as he takes the GOP down with him and burns up what it means to be a conservative in the process.” The real sign that Erickson is getting desperate? He’s willing to give Jon Huntsman a second look. HEALTH CARE A conservative-leaning Washington appeals court ruled Tuesday that President Obama’s heavily disputed health-care law is constitutional. Last month the Obama administration filed an appeal with the Supreme Court, requesting that the court back the universal health-care mandate—the cornerstone of the president’s health-care legislation. The key cornerstone of the lawsuit had been the requirement that almost all Americans purchase some type of medical insurance by 2014, which the appeals court ruled as constitutional. Partisan It’s been a rough couple of weeks for Herman Cain, but you wouldn’t know that from watching Fox’s primetime lineup. Sean Hannity devoted a large chunk of his radio show yesterday to defending Cain against a liberal smear campaign and continued the theme on his Fox program. “As Herman Cain has gone up in the polls, so have these attacks,” he said, dismissing Gloria Allred’s press conference as part of the conspiracy, a partisan but predictable reaction. The more curious coverage came from top-rated Fox host Bill O’Reilly, who invited pseudo-Democrat Bernard Goldberg on to discuss the unfair coverage CNN had given Cain—without any mention of the highly publicized, R-rated accusations that dominated the day’s news cycle. Europe Looks like the end of the road for Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, and it wasn't a bunga-bunga party that did him in. Berlusconi, hammered by a worsening debt crisis in Italy, has agreed to offer his resignation after he oversees the passage of a austerity bill. The leader was able to push through a significant budget vote in Parliament today, but his coalition's majority crumbled away at the same time. The Dow Jones Industrial average did see a slight increase today after the vote. | | 
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