Today’s Hottest Buzz | Check out Aziz's dramatic retelling of Watch The Throne's single "N**gas In Paris." This is why emoticons were invented. | | More than 100 Occupy Wall Street protesters shut down the set of Law & Order last night after they occupied their fake Zuccotti Park set. Twitter user Newyorkist was there to tweet updates about the whole thing. It's all pretty hilarious. | | A Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, to be exact. But that doesn't really matter, because holy crap this is cute. | | Winter is coming. And I guarantee that no one, and certainly no thing, looks more glorious in the snow than these cats. | | The cutest list of the year! Send this to your mom, she'll love it! | | Facebook's obscure policies may be keeping you from important information. Facebook messages are the social networking site’s version of emails. Or at least they were before they introduced a version of Facebook email last November when the system arbitrarily decided to hide certain messages. | | Using an underexposed fisheye lens, photographer John Colbensen manages to capture this unbelievable moment while on vacation. | | YIKES. Look like someone's taken too much adderall. | | Whoaaa. Watch what happens when Nicole Scherzinger, a judge on X-Factor, forces a vote off. Make sure you wait for all hell to break loose. | | The worst font in the history of fonts (Comic Sans) has its defenders. Among them are the makers of this blog that imagine famous logos if they used the maligned font. I'm sure this wasn't created ironically at all. | |
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