|  |  May 26, 2012 | | justice DELAYED A neighborhood stockboy has been charged with the murder of 6-year-old Etan Patz. The Daily Beast’s Michael Daly asks: why did that take 33 years? MEMORIAL DAY Petty Officer 1st Class Ryan J. Wilson was the 3000th member of the coalition to die during the Afghanistan war, the U.S. Defense Department reported Friday. The 26-year-old sailor was serving in Bahrain, where he was assigned to the U.S. Naval Forces Central Command. American engagement in Afghanistan began in October 2001, and Wilson was the 1,974th American to die in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, the ongoing mission in Afghanistan. Among the 50 other coalition countries, Britain has the second-largest number of dead in support of the mission, with 414 fatalities. DEMOCRACY The Muslim Brotherhood will clash with Egypt’s old guard in a runoff election in June, according to state media. While official results from the most recent round of votes will not be available until Tuesday, Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi reportedly took home 25.3 percent of the vote, narrowly beating out former prime minister Ahmed Shafiq, who won just under 25 percent. The election has come to be seen as a fight for the soul of Egypt after the popular uprising that ousted dictator Hosni Mubarak. The Muslim Brotherhood has warned that Shafiq will bring back Mubarak’s worst abuses, while a spokesman for the former prime minister hinted that the brotherhood is interested in creating an “Islamic empire.” BRUTAL Children were among the 90 people Syrian antigovernment activists claimed were killed in a day of shelling by forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad on Friday. The count of dead and wounded was among the highest to come in a single attack in the embattled country since a popular uprising began against Assad’s regime more than a year ago. The violence reportedly began Friday when government forces fired on a protest in the town of Houla. The situation escalated when resistance forces struck back, causing the Syrian military to shell the area. A spokesman for the United Nations monitoring mission in Syria told The Associated Press that observers were traveling Saturday to the site of the attack. DEFENSE Barack Obama’s campaign has its marching orders. He lost the veteran vote to former serviceman John McCain in 2008, but recent polls show the president winning among former members of the armed services over Mitt Romney, 44 percent to 37 percent. It’s a portion of the population the incumbent Democratic is likely to continue to focus on as the general election nears, making use of grassroots campaign efforts like Veterans and Military Families for Obama. While some vets say that Republicans have the stronger defense credentials, particularly when it comes to spending, the most recent numbers may show that Obama has a chance to pick up voters who would usually tilt Republican, but are disappointed with Romney. | | 
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