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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

TheDC Morning, presented by America's Health Insurance Plans

Daily Caller
June 5, 2012



By: Jamie Weinstein

The Wright Move?  -- The politics of Syria -- Don't forget the youts  -- Walk not run, my son  -- Poll of the Day: Walker for the Win  -- Tweet of Yesterday
1.) The Wright Move? -- Superstar author Ed Klein has some campaign advice for Mitt Romney: bring up Rev. Wright. TheDC's Alex Pappas reports:

"Author Ed Klein says Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign should be making an issue out of a statement that Jeremiah Wright, President Barack Obama’s incendiary former pastor, made to him: That a close friend of Obama tried bribing him to stay quiet during the 2008 presidential election. In a Monday interview with The Daily Caller about 'The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House,' Klein said of the revelation made in his book: 'I do think his campaign needs to make an issue of it and demand that the media get to the bottom of this.'"

Good advice in 2008, perhaps not the best advice in 2012. For one, the very fact it wasn't so much of an issue in 2008 makes it hard to bring up in 2012. The president now has a presidential record. Why should the electorate care about Wright? But perhaps more on Romney's mind is whether by attacking Obama's pastor it would make his Mormonism fair game. All religions have weird rituals and beliefs, but Mormonism isn't a particularly mainstream and well known faith among the American public. Fair or unfair, highlighting some of its stranger attributes, both historical and present day, may turn off some voters (though probably not all that many). The question then becomes: Is the Rev. Wright payoff worth it?


As the Court considers the health care law, it is important to consider The Link between market reforms and the mandate. No mandate means higher premiums and less competition.


2.) The politics of Syria  -- One would hope that foreign policy decisions would not be undertaken with politics significantly in mind, but unfortunately, politics always enters the equation in some capacity. Taken that as a given, would President Obama benefit politically if he more forcefully engaged in Syria? TheDC's Jamie Weinstein reports:

"Other analysts and foreign policy experts were less sure that intervening in Syria would benefit the president, pointing to the Libyan intervention as evidence. Though the Libyan intervention was successful in preventing threatened massacres and at ultimately deposing Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi without the loss of American lives and at limited financial cost, it was still unpopular with the American people. A CBS News poll taken shortly after NATO operations ended in November 2011 found that 49 percent of respondents believed the U.S should not have gotten involved, while only 37 percent said the U.S. did the right thing ... 'But if Libya — where there was no ‘rally’ effect — is any guidepost, Americans wouldn’t react well to yet another military engagement in the Middle East [according to political guru Larry Sabato.]"

But, others say perhaps.
3.) Don't forget the youts  -- TheDC's Neil Munro reports on some bad economic numbers for President O:

"The latest jobs numbers showing May’s increased unemployment rate obscured other bad news for President Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign: Almost 17 percent of younger voters are out of work. That’s a cause for campaign concern because younger voters lopsidedly supported Obama in 2008 and his organizers now want youth to provide his campaign with volunteers and enthusiasm that could buoy his numbers amid record unemployment, deficits and debt."

If Obama had a cousin Vinny, Vinny might remind the president not to forget the youts. President may want to consider how he could lower the youth unemployment rate. But only if there was a way to do so! Wait, there is. It's called lowering the minimum wage.
4.) Walk not run, my son  -- TheDC's Matt Lewis argues that for all his merits, Scott Walker ought not be considered for the VP slot:

"Walker wouldn’t be the first governor to become an absentee while serving as the running mate, of course, but the timing would be horrible. He would immediately be cast as the villain — the man who wasted their time defending his seat — and the man who has ensured the controversy will remain for another five months. And then again, this is all presuming Walker survives the recall. Let’s not count the chickens before they hatch."

Yes, of course. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Walker has to win first.
5.) Poll of the Day: Walker for the Win  -- RealClearPolitics polling average of Wisconsin recall election: Republican Gov. Scott Walker 51.5%, Democrat Tom Barrett 44.8%. The election takes place today.
6.) Tweet of Yesterday  -- Jimmy Kimmel: hey everybody, Madonna is asking for world peace so let's try to do this
VIDEO: Chris Matthews admits Obama made a mistake with Keystone Pipeline


As the Court considers the health care law, it is important to consider The Link between market reforms and the mandate. Severing the individual mandate from the rest of the law means higher premiums, less competition among insurance companies, and a rise in the uninsured. Follow us on Twitter @AHIPCoverage and check us out online to discover The Link.



'Make An Issue Of It'  -- Obama book author: Romney camp should talk about Rev. Wright bribe

To protect sea turtles, feds pushing pricey regulations on shrimpers -- 'In the past, we've had a lot of regulations based on bad science, and that has really left a bad taste in everyone's mouth'

Author: Jarrett 'very important' in Holder continuing as attorney general -- 'She's been a very important source of counsel and advice to Holder'

Jim Huffman: Supreme Court right to strike down HUD rule -- The controversial regulation went well beyond the statute it was based on.

David Cohen: Irrefutable, indisputable proof that Republicans are liars (and other comfort food for liberals) -- Some liberals tend to confuse their skewed partisan talking points with indisputable truth.

Kathleen Hartnett White: The EPA's flawed zero tolerance policy  -- Obama's Environmental Protection Agency is basing its decisions on implausible assumptions, biased models and statistical manipulations.

Bob Barr: America's worst mayor launches yet another control crusade -- Michael Bloomberg has a twisted view of government's role.

Tom Rogan: Leaks from the Obama administration are harming national security -- Administration officials are sacrificing national security in order to assist the president's campaign.

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