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Monday, June 25, 2012

TheDC Morning

Daily Caller
June 25, 2012



By: Jamie Weinstein

GOP takes affirmative action to woo Hispanics -- Where aren’t you going on vacation for the next decade(s)? Egypt! -- Romney/Jindal 2012? -- Will Supreme Court give Obama a box of coal or bag of horse poo for his birthday? -- Poll of the Day: Obamacare remains unpopular --Tweet of Yesterday
1.) GOP takes affirmative action to woo Hispanics -- Some Republicans understand the importance of the Latino vote, both now and especially in the future, and are trying to groom a strong group of future Hispanic political leaders, reports TheDC’s Alex Pappas:

"Manuel Castaneda is running for a seat in the Oregon House of Representatives, but Republicans in Washington already have high hopes for the candidate and others like him. The Mexican-born owner of a landscaping business from Washington County is one of 114 Hispanics involved in the Future Majority Project, an effort of veteran GOP strategist Ed Gillespie’s Republican State Leadership Committee. ‘There are certainly future congress members, future attorneys general, future governors, and future U.S. Senators and maybe even a president in there,’ Matt Walter, the political director of the Republican State Leadership Committee, told The Daily Caller."

This is what we call foresight.

----- A Message from TriWest Healthcare Alliance -----

Our military families deserve healthcare management they can trust. That’s why Washington’s decision to award the TRICARE West Region contract to UnitedHealthcare without examining its past performance raises serious concerns. But until the process is reviewed, TriWest’s mission is clear — deliver exceptional care to America’s military families. Learn more:


2.) Where aren’t you going on vacation for the next decade(s)? Egypt!  -- Or should we soon say: The Islamic Republic of Egypt. TheDC Morning hopes you had the opportunity to visit Egypt and see the pyramids in decades past because it might not be such an opportune time to go for the foreseeable future. The AP reports:

"The Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Morsi was declared the winner of Egypt’s first free presidential election Sunday, and he proclaimed himself a leader ‘for all Egyptians,’ although he faces a struggle for power with the country’s still-dominant military rulers. The announcement by election officials touched off a joyous celebration of chanting and dancing in the sweltering heat by tens of thousands of Morsi’s supporters jamming Tahrir Square, the birthplace of the uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak 16 months ago … ‘This is not the best scenario I anticipated,’ said Sarah Kamal, a liberal activist who was in Tahrir Square when Morsi’s victory was announced."

Really? Not the best scenario? Are you suggesting, Ms. Liberal Activist, that this is not a good credo for a country’s president to be bound to: “God is our objective; the Quran is our law, the Prophet is our leader; Jihad is our way; and death for the sake of God is the highest of our aspirations?” You know things are depressingly bad when the best hope for Egypt is that the military junta-in-waiting doesn’t permit Morsi to have any real powers.
3.) Romney/Jindal 2012? -- That’s what George Will, one of the co-dean’s of conservative commentary (along with Charles Krauthammer), suggested Sunday:

"Washington Post columnist George Will argued that Romney should consider Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal for the spot. ‘My choice is decided — he would be president of Purdue University,’ Will said. ‘That is Mitch Daniels. Portman and Pawlenty, they’re just fine. I would prefer someone that brings a little more excitement. Ryan would be good. The trouble is, you take Ryan out of the House … in two years I guess he could be chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. So, by default, and that’s not to disparage him, I would probably [pick] Bobby Jindal.’"

Not exactly a ringing endorsement, but an endorsement nonetheless.
4.) Will Supreme Court give Obama a box of coal or bag of horse poo for his birthday? -- No matter how the Supreme Court rules on Obamacare, the political fallout for the Obama administration is going to bad, albeit to varying degrees, opines TheDC’s Jamie Weinstein (ME!). The worst case scenario for Obama administration, however, will be if the mandate is ruled unconstitutional:

"Obama has reportedly told Democratic donors that he will work on fixing his health care law in his next term if the Supreme Court overturns it. What a great pitch to run on! Barack Obama 2012: Elect me and I’ll spend the political capital of my second term fixing the unpopular, unconstitutional health care law that I wasted the political capital of my first term pushing through. Then I’ll get to the issues that you care about with whatever diminished political capital I have left. … So when the Supreme Court rules on Obamacare, there will be no great gifts for President Obama and his campaign operations. Politically, he’ll be receiving either a box of coal or, more likely, a bag of horse poo from the High Court as an early birthday present."
5.) Poll of the Day: Obamacare remains unpopular -- RealClearPolitics polling average of the health care bill: 49.4% Oppose, 38.6% Support. The Supreme Court is expected to rule this week, perhaps even Monday, on the bill’s constitutionality.
6.) Tweets of Yesterday -- Conan O’Brien: Good Humor has announced a shortage of Chocolate Eclairs and King Cones. I blame Obama.
VIDEO: Bill Maher says “Republicans don’t care about dead Mexicans”

----- A Message from TriWest Healthcare Alliance -----

Our military families deserve healthcare management they can trust. That’s why Washington’s decision to award the TRICARE West Region contract to UnitedHealthcare without examining its past performance raises serious concerns. But until the process is reviewed, TriWest’s mission is clear — deliver exceptional care to America’s military families. Learn more:



¡Sí Se Puede! -- GOP summit focuses on training Hispanic candidates to 'grow the Republican family'

Shop owners recall more teen Romney pranks: fake stickup, impersonating firefighter -- Romney allegedly wore 'gangland fashion,' wielded toy Tommy gun

TheDC's Jamie Weinstein: Obama can't win politically with health care ruling -- When the Supreme Court rules on Obamacare, there will be no great gifts for the president

George Scoville: First they came for the donor lists… -- What's the moral justification for campaign finance disclosure laws?

Peter Bonilla: Signs of trouble for free speech at Sinclair CC -- At one Ohio community college, students and faculty members aren't allowed to hold signs on campus.

AWR Hawkins: The push for micro-stamping is really a push for national gun registration -- Micro-stamping is a horribly flawed idea.

Erik Telford: American Airlines needs to be freed of its union obligations -- Lavish labor contracts are holding the company back.

Max Borders: Executive showdown -- It's time for governors to start exercising executive power against the White House.

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