Will Twitter Copy Facebook Home? Social Media Insights is a daily newsletter from Business Insider that collects and delivers the top social media news first thing every morning. You can sign up to receive Social Media Insights here or at the bottom of this post. Will Twitter Copy Facebook Home? (The Motley Fool) Facebook Home suite of software and services sits on top of Android as a secondary layer. A Twitter executive recently hinted that the rival social platform has been exploring similar strategies on Android, which could put competitive heat on Facebook. In the video in this article, Fool contributor Evan Niu, CFA, discusses the possibility of Twitter following Facebook Home. Read > Twitter Could Be A Powerful Classroom Tool (Michigan State University) Twitter can easily teach people about social movements such as Occupy Wall Street and even entice them to participate, according to a new study by a Michigan State University education researcher. “Reading on Twitter about a particular topic will expose learners to multiple perspectives – far more than is possible by reading a newspaper or even doing a Google search,” said Gleason, a doctoral student in MSU’s College of Education. “Imagine how much more rich and complex our teaching and learning could be if learners brought such diverse ideas into the classroom.” Read > Twitter Music Is Like Speed Dating (IBN Live) Until now, the problem with social music services has been this: Following friends doesn't really turn up much music you actually want to hear. We didn't become friends because we share musical tastes, and too few of them are using the services I'm trying out. Twitter's new music service solves this problem. It helps that it's free. Read > Boston Bombing: The Best And Worst Of Social Media (GigaOM) Friday’s Boston Marathon bomber manhunt, which had Watertown locked down for more than 12 hours on Friday and the country captivated, brought out the best and worst of the social media networks. Or more accurately, its users. Though, as bad as the abuses were, the thought of no access to the network would have made this whole ordeal, as bad as it is, much worse. Read > It's Time For Truth On Social Media (Mashable) With social networks like Facebook and Twitter, news flows faster than ever. And the news is no longer centrally controlled, making it potentially less trustworthy. Reporters have more access to information through social media, but it’s no longer just journalists delivering that information. The power of information-sharing now rests in the hands of everyday people — that means you. Read > Social Media Is Real Life (Lisa Nielsen) A recent story about Facebook Home warns parents that the new interface will be an ever-present distraction in the lives of young people. It states that as your teens' engagement with friends via Facebook goes up, engagement in the “real world” can go down. Adults need to wake up. We need to take a step back from the notion that online communication is interaction in a world that is not real or is somehow less valuable than face-to-face life. This impulse to dismiss social media as a “distraction” is detrimental to both ourselves and our children. Read > Athletes Say The Dumbest Things, So The NFL Is Playing Big Brother (Digital Trends) People do (and say, and tweet) the dumbest things, and professional athletes are no exception. To stymie any future fallout arising from very public statements from very public people, NFL teams are taking up the role of big brother to monitor what its players and potential recruits are saying on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks. Read > Moms Use Social Media Regularly (BabyCenter via Marketing Pilgrim) According to BabyCenter’s 2013 Social Mom Report, 91% of moms now check-in with a social media network on a regular basis. Social media is such an important key to staying in touch that 22% of moms said “if friends or family don’t participate in social media, they are not as much a part of their lives.” Read > Optimize Your Facebook Post (quintly via BitRebels) If you are consistent with your Facebook posts (especially if you are posting for a company or brand) you’ve probably noticed that there are certain things you can do to enhance the effectiveness of each post. Read >  Please follow SAI on Twitter and Facebook. |
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