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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

TheDC Morning

Daily Caller
May 30, 2012



By: Jamie Weinstein

We give away free guns --- even postmen may apply  -- Romney clinches it -- McCotter mauls Chuck Todd  -- Romney's Rejects  -- Poll of the Day: Obama up slightly in battleground Colorado  -- Tweet of Yesterday
1.) We give away free guns --- even postmen may apply -- The Daily Caller so believes in the Second Amendment, we've become a gun bonanza. Every week until Election Day, we will be giving a way a gun. For free. And! Each gun is engraved with the Bill of Rights. What a deal, what a steal! Click on the link and sign up.
2.) Romney clinches it  -- In the least surprising news of the year, Mitt Romney finally crossed the finish line to win the Republican nomination. While he won't officially be nominated until the GOP convention, it's now a done deal. The AP reports:

"Mitt Romney clinched the Republican presidential nomination Tuesday with a win in the Texas primary, a triumph of endurance for a candidate who came up short four years ago and had to fight hard this year as voters flirted with a carousel of GOP rivals. According to The Associated Press count, Romney surpassed the 1,144 delegates needed to win the nomination by winning at least 97 delegates in the Texas primary."

Don't mess with Texas.
3.) McCotter mauls Chuck Todd  -- Having failed to adequately inform the masses he was in the GOP presidential race, much less persuade them to support him, Michigan Rep. Thad McCotter is now fighting an uphill battle to win re-election for his House seat. And he apparently doesn't have much respect for MSNBC's Chuck Todd. TheDC's Alex Pappas reports:

"He made clear he doesn’t respect the opinions of those who blame his problems on his run for president. NBC’s Chuck Todd on Tuesday asked on Twitter, 'Will McCotter join Bob Dornan who allowed longshot presidential ambitions cost him a house seat months later?' Asked to respond, McCotter said, 'Chuck Todd is an idiot then. Am I wrong? All right, Chuck, how did ending the campaign in September impact the gearing up to run for re-election where I would have had only that one opponent on the ballot? How did that affect my petition?'"
4.) Romney's Rejects  -- The Daily Caller got a big scoop in the rejected campaign slogans of Mitt Romney's presidential campaign. Sure, it's a fictional scoop. But it's still entertaining. The rejected slogans include "Mitt Romney 2012: No Bain, no gain" and "Mitt Romney 2012: Vote the Mormon, not the relatively poor man." Read them all.
5.) Poll of the Day: Obama up slightly in battleground Colorado  -- Project New America/Keating poll of Colorado: President Obama 48%, Mitt Romney 44%.
6.) Tweet of Yesterday  -- Joe Randazzo: Looking back, I think my biggest contribution to American culture was either inventing pizza or coining the phrase "Hey, shut up."
VIDEO: Barack Obama's second cousin doesn't think the president is his brother's keeper

'The Party Left Me'  -- Pennsylvania Democratic leader defects to GOP, cites Catholic faith as reason

Mark Levin: Al Sharpton 'an a-hole,' should be fired for comparing GOP to Hitler -- 'He brings nothing to the table, nothing. He can barely speak in complete sentences. He's a race-baiter in my opinion. You saw what he did in Florida'

DC Dems worry that low-income women can't afford abortions -- Rep. Norton wants to keep 'Congress from dictating to the city what to do with funds raised exclusively from District of Columbia taxpayers'

Vincent H. Smith & Barry K. Goodwin: Shallow-loss programs could leave taxpayers in deep trouble  -- Farm lobbyists are pushing for the expansion of programs that prop up farm industry revenue.

J. Peder Zane: The Obama experience  -- The 2012 election is quickly moving from tragedy to farce.

Paul H. Jossey: The enlightened Southern voter  -- Why Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act is both unconstitutional and unnecessary.

Caroline Wren: Which VP pick would bring in the most money for Romney? -- Vice-presidential picks can help presidential campaigns raise money.

Erica Szalkowski: The contraceptive mandate and religious freedom -- The mandate violates the traditional American conception of religious freedom.

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