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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

TheDC Morning

Daily Caller
June 13, 2012



By: Jamie Weinstein

Servility Matters!  -- The Mudcat looks to claim a scalp -- Loose lips may still sink ships  -- Racking up the awards  -- Poll of the Day: Americans optimistic about country's future  -- Tweet of Yesterday
1.) Servility Matters! -- President Obama's unofficial campaign propaganda outlet is moving into high-gear for the election season, reports TheDC's Vince Coglianese:

"President Barack Obama has received a steady drumbeat of support from Media Matters for America as he shifts into campaigner-in-chief mode. A content analysis by The Daily Caller shows that the tax-exempt liberal messaging organization has steadily committed more of its resources to defending Obama from critical media coverage during 2012. Between May 29, the day Mitt Romney crossed the delegate threshold to secure the GOP nomination, and June 11, fully 60 percent of the Web articles produced by Media Matters have set out to defend the president."

But Media Matters didn't always treat the president as its Alpha and Omega. During the 2008 Democratic primary, Hillary was their main squeeze. But as the saying goes, if you can't be with the liberal partisan you love, love the liberal partisan your with.
2.) The Mudcat looks to claim a scalp  -- If he's not the best political strategist in the country, he is certainly the most entertaining and quotable. Now Democratic campaign adviser Dave "Mudcat" Saunders is back at work, this time trying to help retired Army Colonel Wayne Powell steal House Majority Leader Eric Cantor congressional seat. TheDC's Alex Pappas reports:

"The campaign’s message against Cantor? 'He screwed us, and us is pissed.' 'What he has done is sold out the 7th District and his country so that he could become majority leader and continue his march to the speakership,' Saunders said. 'It’s all about Eric Cantor. It has nothing to with anything else.' He added: 'It’s a classic case of a guy going to Washington and buying his way to the top."

WARNING: Mudcat's coming to town. You best hide your kids, hide your wife, 'cause things are about to get freaky.
3.) Loose lips may still sink ships  -- Republicans are attacking the Obama administration, accusing it of leaking intelligence information that may help the president politically, but puts our CIA operatives and assets, as well as their missions, at risk. One former CIA operative tells TheDC's Jamie Weinstein (ME!) that while he doesn't know whether the recent national security leaks were politically motivated, the leakers should certainly be in some trouble:

"A former top CIA counter-terrorism leader told The Daily Caller that officials should 'absolutely' go to jail for sharing classified national security information with the press. Henry Crumpton, a CIA officer who was deputy director of the CIA’s Counter-Terrorism Center and headed America’s covert invasion of Afghanistan in the aftermath of 9/11 attacks, said that intelligence leaks put 'lives at risk.' 'They are putting lives at risk,' he said during an interview at TheDC’s Washington offices about his new book, The Art of Intelligence: Lessons from a Life in the CIA’s Clandestine Service."
4.) Racking up the awards  -- Alex Quade picked up another prestigious award for The Daily Caller, reports TheDC's Alex Pappas:

"The Daily Caller has been named the winner of an Edward R. Murrow Award for a story chronicling the bravery of American soldiers who rode horses into combat in Afghanistan after Sept. 11, 2001. The story, “The Horse Soldiers of 9-11,” was written by war reporter Alex Quade about the first American troops to arrive in Afghanistan."

Bling, bling.
5.) Poll of the Day: Americans optimistic about country's future  -- Fox News poll asks "In general, do you think America's best days are ahead of us or behind us?": 63% said ahead of us, only 26% said behind us.
6.) Tweet of Yesterday  -- Steve Martin: I just noticed a news item that says the Nobel Prize has shrunk from 1.4 million to 1.2. What's the point of going on?
VIDEO: George H.W. Bush doesn't much care for Justin Bieber

Brock For Barack  -- Tax-exempt Media Matters ramps up support for Obama during election year

Former top CIA officer: People should go to jail for leaks -- 'They are putting lives at risk'

Union aims to organize the unemployed -- 'Our objective is to pull together unemployed Americans in a way that allows them to ... press their political leaders'

Dave Schwartz: Is Maryland the next California?  -- The Free State is repeating the Golden State's mistakes.

Arthur T. Vanderbilt, II: New book offers definitive account of Lindbergh kidnapping  -- Robert Zorn's 'Cemetery John' provides answers to unsettled questions about the most famous crime in US history.

Ken Blackwell & Robert Morrison: Reagan's Sign of the Cross Speech  -- Twenty-five years ago Tuesday, President Reagan took a bold stand for religious freedom.

David Meyers: Why did President Obama destroy plausible deniability on cyber warfare?  -- The Stuxnet leak will have serious and long-lasting effects on our national security.

David Cohen: Obama's 'clarification' on private sector was really a doubling down -- Taking his cue from Bill Clinton, Obama issues a non-retraction retraction.

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