News You May Need:

NYT: Ron Paul's worldview and how he got it. 

WP: U.S. Closes Embassy in Syria.

WSJ: U.S. Tightens Sanctions on Iran

NYT: On the "flub-watchers" working for Team Obama. 


The Day's Reads:

Peggy Noonan on Romney's gaffes and the president's great blunder

Ayaan Ali Hirsi on the widespread and growing persecution of Christians throughout the Muslim world. 

Michael Barone on Obama check box presidency. 

This Day In Politics

On February 6, 1911, future movie star and president of the United States Ronald Regan was born.

Tweet Of The Day:

Republican Budget Guru, Paul Ryan makes a political point about the process.

Paul Ryan Tweet


What's Next

The Ron Paul campaign may never reach the heights it intended. It turns out this his best states, in the West and in Maine happen to be Romney's best states as well. 

Also, our reporters have found that though Paul attracts many people who may have been alienated from politics before, the campaign is having more difficulty motivating those people to actually participate in the process by voting or attending caucus events. 


Michael Brendan Dougherty 
Politics Editor