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Thursday, April 1, 2010

iPad Reviews: Raves For Apple's Latest Product

Yes, and Apple's marketing of this has been genius! For a company known for building buzz, they had a great night on ABC last night. In one night, March 31st, the iPad was lauded for 30 minutes on the hit sitcom "Modern Family":

and a feature story on "Nightline" on the same night:

Synergy baby!

Let the lines begin forming at the mall!

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Education Secretary Arne Duncan On Rising Tuition Costs: Students Will 'Vote With Their Feet'

Students will vote with their real and their "virtual feet." With the higher ed market going through a radical transformation with the availability of very good, legitimate alternatives on the Web, all universities will suddenly find themselves competing with institutions from across their own state and nation - and all around the world. It is an opportunity though to globalize and "webicize" their own brands - look at what NYU is doing around the world and major universities like Duke and Yale are dong on the Internet. Times they are a changing!

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


