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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Human Health Tragedy in the Making: Gulf Response Failing to Protect People

Map of the northern Gulf of Mexico showing the...Image via Wikipedia

Wow, BP and the feds keep looking worse and worse (just when you think that's not possible). What a nightmare for those of us along the Gulf Coast - from Coastal Louisiana to Miami Beach and the Florida Keys, this is truly becoming perhaps the greatest ecological and economic man-made disaster of all time. Unfortunately, just get ready, as the long-term effects are likely to be high - and the aquatic and human tolls are likely to be staggering! The reality is that nothing that BP can do can likely repair what has happened, and all the money in the world (even more than BP has) won't make things right.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

"Drill Baby Drill" seems like a long, long time ago now, doesn't it??


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Facebook Alternatives: Other Secure Social Networks You Could Switch To

Facebook, Inc.Image via Wikipedia

With all the negative firestorm generated by this move, Facebook should seriously consider amending the policy. While I understand that they are trying to find a way to draw greater revenues from the information they have, if you lose a significant portion of your user base - especially your "heaviest users" - that is never a good idea. Let Google be Google, and your company should find its own path!

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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Why You Need to Buy an iPad: The Best Apps to Make a Wonder Better

Very informative article on how you can "supercharge" an iPad. Read:

Makes you want to whip-out the credit card right now and go more into debt, right?



