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Life After Death by PowerPoint
Uploaded by pietergc. - Click for more funny videos.
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No matter how carefully you plan your goals they will never be more that pipe dreams unless you pursue them with gusto. --- W. Clement Stone
1 – 200 of 233 Newer› Newest»That was funny. I would like to know what type of business seminar that was, because I wouldn't mind attending those. Everything he said was very true, and it is just another reminder to me as I make PowerPoint presentations to be careful. Good timing too, because in the next two weeks, I will be preparing a presentation for this class.
I agree with #1, I hate that. The slide is there to guide the presenter. You should see the topic and it should remind you of what was important to tell the audience. The Font analyst about the Times New Roman is so true.
Definitely loved this! It is very true and I will remember the points he made when making my next powerpoints. I wonder what type of seminar this was because I would love to go listen to one of these in person. Very interesting!
I really enjoyed this video. It was very informative and I'm the worst at making PowerPoints so it really helped a lot. He was really funny, but also speaking the truth!
LMBO This was soooo hilarious but true. I especially agree with him on the point of not including EVERY word of your paper into your presentation. This loses the attention of the audience easily. If you are going to include your entire paper, please don't stand up there and read it. This eliminates the point of the presentation which is to provide a concise yet understandable explanation of your work. Dr. Wyld this was very refreshing!!!
I will try harder when I do my power point because it will be dumb if I do not pay attention to this video. This is shout to do a good presentation in power point and I wont make this common mistakes.
Very funny! One thing he could have mentioned is transitional effects (going from slide A to slide B). Those can get pretty crazy! You should also read over your slides, or any paper you write, a few times be cause spill cheek well mot catch everything.
This is a great slideshow. Everyone should view this at least once. It gives great examples of what not to do in a presentation. I have seen many of these mistakes in presentations all over.
This was the funniest presentation of how NOT to do a slideshow I've ever seen. If only I would've seen this sooner in life!
I really liked this link the power points have to a be a guide for a presentation not to read line by line. I will really like to go to a seminar liek this were they tell th e importance of how to use the power points slides for a presentation. This helps me alot because I get really nervous when is time to present.
This video offered some good information. I agree that the powerpoint should not include every word from the presentation. The powerpoint is meant to guide the speaker. When someone reads word for word the audience loses interest and it makes for a boring presentation.
This video is great for people who have trouble creating powerpoints. I like to make powerpoints because I find it easy and a lot of this information I already knew. All of this information is helpful and will make your powerpoints more clear and understandable. I do think new people to powerpoint should watch this video because if powerpoints are not created in a easier way to understand them then they will be ineffective.
This guy points out some funny, but true, things about Power Point presentations. I think I could say that I am guilty of a lot of the things he went over. I didn't even realize how my presentations could be perceived by others, especially with so many things on the screen. Funny video clip and I will use the advice given. My apologies to anyone who has experienced some of my past presentations.
I can say that i am guilty of some of the things on this video that the guy points out, especially putting all the words i am going to say on my powerpoint. I am glad you posted this video due to the fact that we have to do a power point presentation for this class.
It's funny. Im going to do power point for my management class. I'm glad that i watched this because I learned a lots from this video.
Very funny and got the point across. I learn some of this in a business class but he pointed out some new things. I may have been excessive on my power point presentation with the bullet points. I will save this video for future reference.
I always type in my PowerPoint slides what I'm going to say. I'm glad I saw this video. I definitely don't want my audience to be bored.
This was a great video! I think we are all guilty of making cheesy and a lot time ridiculous power points. It can be easy to overthink what to put in and a lot times that leads to having entirely too much information on a slide.
These really are common presentation mistakes. This is a very helpful and entertaining video on how to make a better power point presentation.
My management 240 teacher stress the points this guy is making, I like how he kept it interesting and funny. But a lot of what he says is so true and people do it all the time
If you want to learn how to give a good powerpoint presentation, watch this video because although it is funny, it is so true. These are the most common mistakes people make and he has a good way of getting that point across.
This video is so funny and truthful. While making power points we really don't pay attention to how we word things or if we have to many bullets. I am guilty of putting to many bullets at times and even sometimes putting to much information on the slides. This video was very informative.
OMG that is so true and this video was actually funny. I’ve sat through PowerPoint presentations where someone had misspelled words, or the background was a funny color which hurt my eyes, or every word on every slide had a special effect to where it either flipped on the slide or flew across the slide. It was so aggravating.
Well I'm glad I haven't presented my Top Tens PowerPoint yet. Very funny guy, I like how he put this together. I have seen some people get really ridiculous with their slides. However, all you really need to do is get your point across keeping your audience's attention. Simple and to the point.
Although this is really funny!!! It indeed sends the message on how we should write and use powerpoint slides while presenting. All what he said is true and happen everyday!
The guy is right. If you do these things it may cause someone to die. I am guilty of some of these things when i do a powerpoint. I have thought of doing a better job but not until it was as apart as this guy made it. Powerpoints do reflect the person who is presenting it so i am going to take some extra time on my next one.
This is very true!! And we know we hate watching someone that reads from their powerpoint but we all do it because it is easier! Since powerpoint is the way of business presentation today we should all learn to perfect our skills on the computer.
Having a good powerpoint is one thing, but also speaking the truth makes everything worth it. His presentation was well thought out and explained everything in its whole.
I agree with the coloring and the motions on your power point but I like using the default fonts. I think using points is a good thing but some people take it overboard. I think it makes the assignment easier and more readable. I think this guy is just being picky.
The points made are very true, and I will definitely remember them when preparing my powerpoint for this class.
hahaha lol that is to funny and so true. Now that he pointed that out I wish i would have viewed this video before doing my top 10 project. I literally put everything i said on it lol. I've learned to make powerpoints in several classes but this was the first time i made one for a presentation. Now i know how to make it better for the next one. lol...
This was a good reminder as I go into my senior year and have to prepare many PPT presentations this year. I found it entertaining as well. I will definitely show this to my friends and colleagues alike.
As students, I think we all been taught the basics of PowerPoint. I know your supposed to keep slides to a minimum as far as actual visual content, but when you're nervous it sure is a lot easier to just read everything directly from the slides.
This was funny AND informative. I feel stupid though, because i'm guilty of probably every one of those mistakes. The worst mistake I think to make is to have too many animations, they just distract from the point, like he said. I'm glad I watched this video before I have to make my powerpoint in this class that way I don't bore everyone more than necessary!
As a student I have definitely fell into doing this on my powerpoint presentations. For me public speaking is one of my biggest fears and obstacles in life that i would want to in anyway make a presentation a lot less stressful than it all ready is.
I am surely guilty of making bad powerpoints. I like this guy he is funny. He tells the truth about powerpoints. I think we all can agree with him about this. We have probably all do this at some point.
hahah this was funny and super true about powerpoints! The next time I have to make a powerpoint, I will make sure to keep it very simple and short. I like when powerpoints have color and pictures because it keeps my attention.
I think one of the points that stuck with me the most is writing every word down on the PowerPoint; and reading from it rather than discussing the information. I know I have been guilty for this but I am trying to change it over time. The color scheme was another good point as well.
I learned all of these points in my business writing class. I always see people making these common mistakes, so hopefully some people that have not taken business writing will find this blog.
Having every word you are going say on your powerpoint is really annoying. The animation thing is true too, ive seen professors with animation on their slides that they just ignore and zip through, usually its pointless.
Is this from my college management 464 class? I think the students in there mistakenly thought this was the correct way to create a powerpoint.
I think the video is so true and funny. I hope I never do a power point like this. I wonder some time how some teachers rely solely on PowerPoint slides and read word for word. Nevertheless, when they assign projects they give all requirements on how you cannot read from power points and you cannot stand in front of the podium, but they do it the entire semester. Lol
The video is funny, but so true. I think we are all guilty of every point made about presenting a power point presentation. So, do not laught at me when I do this during my Top Ten presentation. LOL.
This is so true and funny, I wish someone would have told me all this my freshmen year i have been doing some of this for years thinking i have been doing good. Hope i have not had too many points marked off for that.
This was great. I know I'm guilty of some of the mistakes. I loved the parts about too many bullet points and the font analysis.
This is funny and awesome! Powerpoint is a great if you know how to use it!
Funny video. I admit that I am guilty of doing some of the things that he says you shouldn't do. Overly animated powerpoint presentations drive me crazy. They're even worse when there is a sound effect added to each animation effect.
Every point this guy made was true. Some of my past teachers have made power points and read them word for word which is pointless. I learned to read years ago, i didnt pay you to read them for me!!!
This video was right on point. He touches every aspect that will help someone improve on their presentation skills. I would love to go to a Seminar with this guy speaking.
This guy did a very good job making fun of powerpoint but actually gave useful information. I think anyone that has seen a few powerpoint presentation can relate to this video.
He is really a great speaker. I am guilty over reading to powerpoint slides to the audience
This is definitely one of those funny because its true. I think we are all guilty of this at some point or another. That is of course until you take that college course when you realize that you've been making these mistakes for the past 6 years. Now you sit and watch other people present powerpoints, being more critical than an American Idol judge.
Great video! I have seen many of those common mistakes during class presentations. Everyone hates bad color schemes!
I hate powerpoint! Having to make so many presentations in school has scarred me for life.
I agree with everything he said. It's there to guide you, not for you to read word for word.
Powerpoint presentations tend to annoy me. Some people will type out their entire presentation on the slides, making for an extremely boring presentation. Bullet points are supposed to be short and to the point!
This video was great advice to me when presenting my next powerpoint project. I always intend to only use the powerpoint as a guide but when i get in front of everyone, I get nervous and start to read word for word.
This video is really true. Most people end up reading their power point slides word for word and they don't really put any effort into making their presentation entertaining. I'm glad i saw this because I have a presentation coming up soon.
I hate doing power points. I usually dont put any graphics or themes. I dont know call me old school, I just hate doing it.
This is a pretty funny video and almost all of his topics I have witnessed. He talks about putting too much data into a presentation and how after awhile it just becomes ineffective. This is very true because I know sitting through certain classes that are only powerpoint taught can get very boring, plus when you add in a lot of graphs and diagrams it becomes that much more boring.
Very funny and true. Powerpoints can really be a pain. I try to keep them simple.
This video is funny yet offered some good information. I agree that the PowerPoint should not include every word from the presentation but, it is very hard not to do it. Especially, if you don't have a lot of experience on presentation. I know that the PowerPoint is used to guide the speaker but, it is hard to memorize all the things that you want are saying. It takes lots of practices to be good and for many of us; we don’t have much time to practice with many classes and work hours going on each semester. I will definitely keep this in mind.
PowerPoint should be short, sweet, and to the point. Limit your slides to minimum information and colorful backgrounds when presenting with a PowerPoint. Make sure you are up to date with general knowledge on the subject, that way you don't rely on your PowerPoint word for word. PowerPoint'c can be real winners within a presentation. It is easily accessible and can be introduced to a large group of people at one time. This video explains many good ways to avoid the kinks of PowerPoint.
These tips can be very helpful because you can always do better when it comes to your PowerPoint presentation. Everyone should have a good idea of what is going to be in his or her presentation. PowerPoint should be direct and to the point. PowerPoint presentations can differ in many ways, but the way it is presented can make all the difference.
I really enjoyed this presentation. In fact I think about this one every time I do a Power Point. I think I will forward this to some people I think will find this helpful and amusing.
This video about PowerPoint and how to create your own PowerPoint is great. There were some great examples of what to do and what not to do. I think this will help me when I create my next PowerPoint. I always see people putting way too many bullet points on their PowerPoint’s and it gets really boring.
Great video! This video talked about everything that a person should not do or would like to do where making a powerpoint presentation. One of my biggest do not do when it comes to doing a powerpoint is not to "write everything you are going to say on each slide." I would be sitting there the whole time thinking "why did you not just send me the powerpoint so I could just read it myself?" Another thing is the fact that a person should make sure not to have the font color and the background color blend. Make the font readable. I do disagree with the Times New Roman Font statement made because we are told to use Times New Romain for everthing in school. Using Times New Romain is not lazy, but one should be able to use other fonts as well.
This presentation gives very useful advice in a comical way! I am definitely guilty of putting too much information on my slides.
Great presentation! I get so bored when people just read right off the power point instead of using the screen as a reminder of the topics. I need to work on this, it will really be an asset to have this skill in my career,
I think that was a very good and comical video of powerpoint. Everything that it said is very true, and people make those mistakes all the time. The most common one I see is the bad use of color on powerpoints. I have seen many students use colors on their powerpoints that are very difficult for everyone else to read.
This is a funny video. It helped me laugh at my own mistakes with Power Point presentations. Don McMillan’s list included: Posting every word, forgetting to run spell check, too many bullet points, awful color schemes, an excessive number of slides, gratuitous data, unnecessary animation, and boring FONTS. Of course his humor helps you commit them to memory. All of these are valid objections that I plan to consider as I create my next Power Point.
Great info on PowerPoints. These are the most common mistake people make when creating a PowerPoint. I enjoyed this video and will keep this in mind making my next presentation.
This was a funny video and he was so right about many of his points. I hate when people have too many things on their slide. People should learn to put key words that will remind them of what they want to say, not put every word they are going to say verbatim. They color schemes was pretty funny and it’s true that it’s distracting. Also distracting is too many bullet points, too many things on one slide. Also, charts are so hard to read when giving a presentation when they are details, so I never use charts on my powerpoints.
This was a humorous video... But, a lot of the things he talked about are things that we have learned throughout the years. I think our biggest struggle, as collegiates, is that we are so overwhemled with the material, by the time we put it into the powerpoint we are so ready to be done. We should definitely pay more attention to what we are doing, and checking our spelling and grammar. Hopefully if people are making business presentations in their corporations they will not make this mistake. But, I believe, even for the organizers, we end up doing our power point the night before due to the stress and energy we have to exert to all of our school work.
Excellent and relevant idea, and i had already know these things about power point after having witness horrible ones in my day, but the way he spelled it out was funny. Will definitively make me ensure I make a great power point for my next presentation
This video was hilarious. In my four years of college I have definitely seen most of these mistakes. I really like the graph he made fun of. Don was really good at expressing how important these tips are while still being really good at making fun of ignorant people. The Times New Roman font is a classic!
I actually think more people should watch this video because there are a lot of people who just pile on information on one slide to the point where you are not able to read anything. I would think that a combination of hand outs and the powerpoint would suffice in the sense of having more than enough information. There is really no reason to have more than 5 or 6 bullet point on one slide.
That was really funny. I can honestly say that I've never had to do a powerpoint until my Top Ten Presentation. It took more time for me to actually figure out Microsoft Powerpoint than it did actually making the entire slideshow. Some things on there can be really complicated and frustrating. I think the best slideshows are the ones that are easy to understand, kind of like children's books. Powerpoints should be creative, clean, and fun while staying professional. All of those tips are great because I have definitely seen all of those mistakes made during someone's presentation. I've even noticed that some of the slides out of my textbooks are really confusing.
This was a funny presentation because I think everyone can relate to either themselves or someone else giving a presentation that imitates everything he said not to do. When I first started using powerpoint, I thought it was cool to use all of the animations and decorative backgrounds, then when I saw a presentation when someone else used it, I found myself getting distracted very easily. I agree that there are way too many people who put every word they are going to say on a powerpoint slide. That isn't the point of the slides. The point of the slides is to emphasize key points that are in the speech. This was a great video, and I definitely think more people who use powerpoint need to watch it.
I agree with everything he said. Sometimes we don't realize all the mistakes we commit in something as simple as a PowerPoint show. Misspelling a word is a killer for me, especially if it is a common word. The times new roman part was funny because when I see that I automatically think this person was as lazy as they could be. I also really thought the font scheme to be funny, especially seeing that so many people today can barely see 20 feet from them without glasses or squinting.
I think this video makes a lot of sense. After spending so much time trying to figure out what slide will go where and what kind of information you are going to put on the power point that you forget to spell check everything. Growing up my father always said to double check your work. No matter it be a paper, a test or a presentation. I know for a fact its something I don't want to do so I figure most other people don't like doing it either.
This video was 100% helpful. Although I have learned a lot about making slideshows, it is very nice to be reminded of the common mistakes. I believe everyone should really pat attention and try to benefit from this video. There is nothing worse than having to sit through a long, jam-packed, and too "wordy" presentation. It makes you lose focus of the main point. People should stick to the simple approach and really focus on gaining the readers attention. It really makes a difference.
This was a very funny video. It does give many great points of what not to do in my upcoming powerpoint presentations. Giving a great presentation does not many using everything in powerpoint.
This video was very helpful and it's crazy how we see these mistakes as much as we do.
Power point can be a great tool if used correctly. If you are a nervous speaker it can take most of the attention off of you as you give your presentation to the side of the screen. It must be used correctly if used in a presentation.
Most of the mistakes he mentions I think most of us already know, yet we still do it. It amazes me how every time one of my professors tell students not to put to much information on the slides, so they wouldn't be tempted to read word for word students still do. Also there have been occasions where someone's color scheme takes away from the presentation. The font you choose says something about who you are is hilarious, but I think it is true. Going forward with my powerpoint presentation I will try to keep all the things he mention in mind.
I thought this was a good presentation on how not to do a slide. Show Im glad this video was put up today. I have a powerpoint assingment due in a few weeks!
Presentations are hard enough to complete and having the proper type of power point to go along will make all the difference in the world. This is some good advice about how a power point presentation should be prepared. I often notice that people but too much on each slide. I tend to want to do this too, so I have started typing everything onto my slides at first. Then I print a copy, and then I go back and take out most of the words and only leave phrases. This makes the slides less wordy, and the first copy can serve as an outline while giving the presentation.
I am guilty of a lot of what he talked about. I do think this is a good way for people to learn because people usually remember the funny stuff.
This was a great video and 100 percent accurate. Everything this guy said was true. I think everybody has been guilty of these mistakes at some point. All students now a day’s should know the basics of power point, but you need to know a little more than the basics in making a power point presentation.
This video offered some good information. I agree that the powerpoint should not include every word from the presentation. The powerpoint is meant to guide the speaker. When someone reads word for word the audience loses interest and it makes for a boring presentation.
This video was funny but also taught me a few things about powerpoint. I can admit that ive many of the mistakes he mentions. I just need to slow down take my time a check over it.
I like this short clip on death by PowerPoint. When people use these rules of what not to do in their PowerPoint, people become lost and confused in the presentation. I hate having to listen to long PowerPoint presentations where the presenter just reads right off of the slide. As many times as our professors ask us not to do this, many students still seem to type paragraphs after paragraphs onto their slides.
Extremely good point! True, PowerPoint has a lot of really cool feature to help spice up a presentation, but there's a point where its just ridiculous. I see this a lot in the classroom actually. People tend to get carried away with making it pretty and ruin the "point" of the presentation.
Move over Gandhi, McMillan is here, and the phrase “passive resistance” is not in his vocabulary. Don Mcmillan is a man on a mission – and that mission is effectively showing his disdain for those who have the tendency to be too verbose in their PowerPoint slides. Mcmillan does bring up some good points. In a professional setting, a certain amount of…well…professionalism is expected on behalf of the “power pointer.” For instance, the PowerPoint presentation should not be used for backup in case if the presenter forgets their presentation (which means that the entire presentation shouldn’t be printed word for word on the slide). The PowerPoint slides are there to reinforce the main points to the people listening to the presentation. The ideal situation is to have one line or several bulleted points that reinforces the main point in the viewers mind. A photograph related to the main point can also be used to anchor the main point in the viewers mind. Of course, I am guilty of using the Times New Roman font on my slides. Call me a little old fashioned if you will, or at the least, one how doesn’t put much stock in flamboyance (at least when it comes to my PowerPoint slides).
This video was very funny. Spelling incorrectly on a PowerPoint really aggravates me. They make spell check for a reason. Color schemes can get out of hand sometimes and make things hard to read. I personally like PowerPoints but not when they are too crowded with information.
This video was very funny. Spelling incorrectly on a PowerPoint really aggravates me. They make spell check for a reason. Color schemes can get out of hand sometimes and make things hard to read. I personally like PowerPoints but not when they are too crowded with information.
I definitely enjoyed this video! It was funny, ammusing, and helpful at the same time. He made many informative points. The powerpoint is meant to guide the speaker. With that said, every word should not be included on every slide, let alone just one. Don't use all the different colors and back-rounds, just because you think it's pretty. Not all powerpoints are effective just because of all the cool effects, fonts, and colors you have. They are about how well you present to your audience and how well you kept their attention.
I love this video it’s so funny! In my college career I think I have sat through more Powerpoint presentations than I can keep track of. A lot of them were really good but I have seen a few where the errors were extremely noticeable. All of the tips are useful, especially the tip about not putting every word you say on the slide. It needs some bullet points but not too many. The error I have seen the most is the bad color scheme, bad enough to where you can’t even see the text.
This was a very informative video for people that have trouble creating PowerPoint's. I personally like PowerPoint's and think that they are a great way to help make a presentation more interesting than one person just speaking. But a it is meant to guide a speaker not have the person presenting whole speech. This video will also be helpful for this class.
Great video. I feel like everyone at Southeastern in the College of Business should have to watch this video before they do a presentation. It was very informative, funny, and true!
This is the best video I've seen so far! I think it should be mandatory for everyone doing a presentation to watch this. I definitely agree with number 1. I hate wordy powerpoints. Powerpoints are not made for copying and pasting things in paragraph form. KISS: Keep It Short & Simple.
This is soo funny and true! I was thinking this last week when I was watching a presentation. Thank you for posting this. I hope everyone watches this video.
Don McMillan is hilarious and right on. I hate when PowerPoints have one big paragraph and then the person reads it to you. I am the first one to say that my spelling it terrible, so I'll send my PowerPoint to my husband, mom, and sister to have them proof read it for me. Mr. Don explaining the data, animation and color schemes was hilarious; he makes great points. The slides were out of control. Great video!!
Great video and so true! So many people fail when it comes to these tips. I enjoy a power point that is simple and effective. To many bell and whistles can distract fro the point you are trying to get across.
I agree that having full paragraphs on your powerpoint is something that everyone should avoid because number 1, it makes it seem like you are just reading from the powerpoint and number 2, people will lose interest if there are so many words on the screen making the powerpoint pointless. I also agree that people should avoid using bad color schemes because it is unattractive and will lose the audiences attentions. All of these tips that he pointed out were very true and I completely agree. Powerpoint are supposed to be used as a visual for your speech or presentation, not the whole presentation itself copied and pasted. It is meant to highlight major points in your presentation so not every single detail needs to be put on your powerpoint.
This was a very funny and true statement about power point that many people are unaware of. I too have noticed how a presenter will put every word they want to say onto their power point presentation and by doing so loses their audiences attention by the end of the first slide. Excessive bullet points and misspellings are also common mistakes on many power point presentations as well.
This was hilarious. What kind of seminar was this. This will definitely help with my bookreport next week. I do have a problem with reading my paper and including to much in th PP presentation. I need to be more precise.
This was a great video. It was so funny. I agree that you should not have a full paragraph in a powerpoint. If people are going to do that, there is no point in them getting up and presenting, I could just read everything myself.
I think that the video makes a valid point that powerpoint is a great supplement to getting your message accross to your audience, but there is a point where it can be too much. With all the bells & whistles powerpoint offers it is easy to go overboard with colors and sound effects. I think that an effective powerpoint is one that does not bombard the audience with information or overwhelm them with color and flying words; these hinder communication of a message.
This guy was completely on point with everything that he said about power points. I hate that some people read every single word from the powerpoint slides. I wish people who are presenting a powerpoint could remember that they have an audience that they are trying to keep engaged!
He was pretty funny for a guy talking about power point. He did have some valid point though, people do make those mistakes all the time. I do think the whole time new roman joke was dumb though, I mean nobody cares what the font it.
Everyone definitely knows that a PowerPoint should not have a whole paragraph on it. As we have recently read, spell check is a vital part when writing any kind of paper. Bullets are just what they are there only suppose to bullet are highlight important points, not everyone word in a paragraph.
At my old job, we had monthly manager meetings with the Regional Head. It was truly amazing how bad some of the PowerPoint presentations were. People writing the entire script on one slide was very common place. One common mistake, that he didn't mention, was having graphs that were too small to read or were not formatted correctly and were outside the frames of the slide.
This video had great tips on PowerPoint’s. In fact, I have a PowerPoint due next week so I am going to take in all the tips that were given. I agree completely on that a PowerPoint should never been written in paragraph form. Bullets, different fonts and colors make PowerPoint’s much more engaging.
I really enjoyed getting a laugh out of this video. All of the things that he pointed out are true. Slide shows are supposed to serve as an outline, not putting ALL of your thoughts into bullet points. Spell check is a must when you are going to present something. Chances are, most, if not all of the people you are presenting to will notice your errors.
Great video! I have seen many of those common mistakes during class presentations. Everyone hates bad color schemes! More importantly people hate to feel like their time is being wasted, because time is one of the only things that can't be replaced.
I agree with most of this video and thought it was very funny. However, I disagree with the number of slides comment in that sometimes a larger number of slides is more agreeable than a fewer slides that are jam packed with information.
This video most definitely made me laugh, but I do agree with the video for the most part. I learned most of my powerpoint stuff from a business class I took that also taught me how to do excel, access, and word too. But overall it was a really good informative video but funny at the same time.
This speaker was definitely interesting and his points were so true. I can’t stand when someone puts their entire presentation onto a power point slide. People should definitely remember what he pointed out when making a power point.
Pretty important words to recognize. Boy do I hate presentors that type everything they say. Why do a Powerpoint then! Your powerpoint becomes useless. Also I tried the new font he listed. I think I will use it from now on. haha
In the Army we called guys like that "PowerPoint Rangers". This video was very funny. I have sat through so many presentations like that I can't even count. On the other hand, I have had to compile and create presentation like that cause some people want every detail on every slide.
I have heard of most of these points ever since elementary school. It still amazes me how in most of my classes people still make these type of power points. Power points are important to know just like writing paper. If you stay in business then you most likely will nee to compile some power points in your lifetime.
I agree with this video one hundred percent. In almost every class, we are required to present a PowerPoint. It never fails that half the people put the class to sleep with over excessive points. They put too many slides, bullets, and words. Most of the time they just stand there and read directly off the slide. I can read; you don't have to read it for me!
This video was too funny and oh so true. As a business major I have had my share of doing a presentation using powerpoint. Almost every time someone would make all these mistakes in the video and would end up boring the class. Funny stuff.
I agree and think powerpoints take all the personality out of any presentaion. They are completely boring and are extremely over used.
I love this video. I think I've seen at least a few of each of his examples and probably have been guilty of a number of his complaints. Powerpoint can be fun to create and you definitly can get carried away with too much detail and special affects. However, I agree with him, it definitly can suck the life out of you. Thanks for the vidoe, it was too funny!
Funny but true. I know I have been guilty of one or more of these things and of course have had to sit through other peoples presentations that have way too much information on their powerpoints. I must say this short video has taught me some things about putting together a power point presentation.
I enjoyed this video! I have definitely had to sit through some beatings like those! Gives the expression TMI a whole other meaning.
I really enjoyed this video. It was extremely funny and included some very helpful tips that I will always remember.
This video was really funny but at the same time so true! I always put as less on my slides as possible and just speak, the slides she just be a reference. Small mistakes are also always noticed on a powerpoint.
Loved it! #3 was the best one! People really do crazy with the bulletpoints!
Funny guy! Really good points to remind us to keep it simple. Especially those of us with little experience with PowerPoint.
This loses the attention of the audience easily. If you are going to include your entire paper, please don't stand up there and read it. I think that the video makes a valid point that powerpoint is a great supplement to getting your message accross to your audience, but there is a point where it can be too much. With all the bells & whistles powerpoint offers it is easy to go overboard with colors and sound effects.
Ok being a college student, yes this did give me the giggles. I have to say his first slide was priceless with every word being on the slide that he was saying. I just had to forward this to like four of my friends! At least we will all know what not to do for any of power point projects.
hahahhhhhhhahhhaaaaaaaaaaa Ok you have had some good ones this semester, but this is by far my favorite!!!!!!!! hilarious... and Yes I am lazy and us the Times New Roman b/c I don't waste time changing it!!!!! lmfao and Ppl do almost all those mistakes he mentioned and have horrible PPT slides......
This power point hit a lot of really good points. My favorite was the use of spell check! It is so easy and even does the underlining yet many people, in professional trainings I have been to still have misspelled words. I really just do not understand that.
I thought this video was hilarious and the man had a great sense of humor. He is very right about how important it is to use spell check on a powerpoint and not to use bad color schemes and too many bullets takes away from the main points. This was one of my favorite videos so far, because I like the way he puts his point across on what to do and not do when it comes to creating a powerpoint.
Nice I liked how he used comedy as a tool to get his point across. Even though he was being funny about his presentation i still learned a lot about power point. Great speaker too.
This is so true. I have not seen this at work, but mostly in school presentations. Some of the power points that are posted on blackboard have issues as well, usually it's just the colors and fonts do not work well together.
Power point be a pointless application for me from the began. First of all it rarely used and it to complicated to use. It been dead in my eyes.
I agree with this. most people who present with a power point just read the slides. it's a bit annoying, the pp slides should contain pictures and keywords to assist in the delivery of the presentation.
I cannot stand powerpoints! The seem so boring and I don't care for making them either. But if you do do a powerpoint then make the font to where people can read it and make the color scheme well.
Oh but so true intriguing yet humorous tidbits of information regarding the use of PowerPoint. There are instances where I have seen people give great presentations and till manage to incur some of the common mistakes conveyed by McMillan. I myself have been guilty of such mistakes; however, have since learned from those mistakes. A useful non-offending way of getting critical points across to the PowerPoint users.
I will defenitely remember to implement these ideas when I make my powerpoint. We forget these all too important tips. When someone reads word for word on their powerpoint, I think they lose credibility. Just use it as a guide.
Soooo Funny!!!! I am so going to remember these ideas the next time I go to make a powerpoint. So many people do this all the time so they don't have to remember all the info yet it makes their presentation very boring and distasteful.
HAHA! Wow, this video was great! I can relate to what he said because I actually catch myself doing some of those things!
I can relate very well to the animations part of this seminar. I tend to get a little carried away, but it looks cool! This was a funny video to teach us a lesson on Powerpoints!
This video was great, I think it made a lot of good points. Its true, most people do make these errors and it takes away from the effectiveness of the presentation.
This video is so funny! I don't know how to make powerpoints that well so seeing as I HAVE to make one for your class, this helped me out! Thanks! And I guess in turn, helped you out! :)
This is actually a funny video. Its also a good video to watch because it tells you everything that you shouldn't do when making a PowerPoint. This can help you when you have a presentation to do and you don't exactly know what structure to use. I will be referring to this video when designing my PowerPoint for my top ten presentation.
In addition to being funny, this video is actually quite helpful. It teaches you what NOT to do when making PowerPoints. I found it really funny because I've seen PowerPoints with every single one of these mistakes made in the numerous presentations I've had to endure throughout my college career. After watching this video, I'm definitely going to go back and make sure I didn't make any of these simple mistakes in my own PowerPoint.
I truly believe every student in the world should have to watch this video because hardly anyone makes a truly great powerpoint. I absolutely can't stand when people just type everything onto the powerpoint and just read it during the presentation. The role of you reading just becomes aggravating because your just making noise while i'm trying to read it.
I thought this video was hilarious. I'm trying to figure out if this was an actual seminar or a comedy show. From the bar room looking environment I would guess comedy show.
Usually when someone clutters a slide show I lose concentration after about the 3rd slide..Very interesting video
I definitely enjoyed this video! It was funny and helpful at the same time. He made many informative points, such as, the powerpoint is meant to guide the speaker. With that said, I'll be sure to keep it simple and short. Not all powerpoints are effective just because of all the effects, fonts, and colors. Although, I do like the pictures and animation because it keeps my attention.
So I was in study hall when I did this link and I busted out laughing and everyone just stared at me. KIND OF EMBARRASSING!!! But I learned and laughed at this link, well mostly laughed. I did learn a few key points about power points that I didn't know before watching Don McMillan video.
This is a pretty funny video. I do always use the default font. I have sat through many PowerPoint’s presentations where people have stuff all their information in and just read it off the screen. It is very disappointing when that happen and very hard to stay awake.
Loved the video. The information and advice for PowerPoint presentations was great. Really good reminders for me, as I prepare for my own PowerPoint presentation. I have always been told to keep it simple, review the slides and practice the presentation before presenting.
Loved it! He makes so many good and true points. My biggest pet peeve is when there is so much on the slide and it just ends up being read straight off of the slide. Color schemes and crazy animation although fun and a waste of time, is not necessary.
This video is GREAT! Every professor should show this to their class on syllabus if they will have a presentation during the semester. As we have been doing presentations in class I could probably assign one of this wrong doing to each project. When making a PowerPoint I always try to think is the class going to fall asleep during this, if yes then I change it up add a video or make it more interesting. If your first five slides are boring and do not catch the audience's attention then you have lost them. This really is a grade and raise dropper in school and business.
HeeHee Made me chuckle! As an infrequent user of PowerPoint, it was informative for me. I will use the info for my presentations in class!
This video was very funny. Everything he said in the video was true. Now everytime I make a PowerPoint I'm gonna be sure to be careful and check it over and over again for mistakes.
This was pretty funny. I totally agree with the points he made. Some people do use power points effectively but I find most people do not.
I agree with everything he said. Sometimes we don't realize all the mistakes we commit in something as simple as a PowerPoint show. Misspelling a word is a killer for me, especially if it is a common word. The times new roman part was funny because when I see that I automatically think this person was as lazy as they could be. I also really thought the font scheme to be funny, especially seeing that so many people today can barely see 20 feet from them without glasses or squinting. I know that everyone has made at least one of these mistakes so it was good to see how well he put it out there to remind people of what not to do.
This video has described every bad powerpoint I have ever seen. The main thing I notice that students do is the bad choice of color scheme. So many times they pick a color background, and on their computer it might look nice to them, but when they are presenting and it is blown up on the screen it is very hard for others to read. Also I hate too many animations. When someone has every single like or word flying in from another direction I think it is uneccessary.
This was funny. I have seen so many powerpoints that rae just like this. I really do not like it when people put every single word they are saying into a presentation. I also do not like all the animated stuff it is really lame and takes away from the entire presentation.
This powerpoint is extremely funny but also true. Many people are not aware of powerpoint rules. I think the worse thing a presenter could do is place every word they intend to say on a slide. It makes the slide very busy and the readers loose focus.
This video is funny! I've seen countless PowerPoint presentations with many of these "Don'ts". Even though most people do not enjoy PowerPoint presentations, by sticking to the rules of the video I'm sure they will be easier to bare.
I thought this was entertaining because I've seen plenty of people read word for word off of a power point. This defeats the purpose of the power point all together. It was a funny video that also gave great tips on how to compose a decent power point.
This is so true. I've been to seminars where the people were terribly unprepared and relied completely on the Power Point. I always like when someone has trouble with the file and they can't go on because they don't know what to talk about without the file. The comment about color is so true. I can't stand it when the font color and background don't mesh well. Sometimes the font color or font type is not legible because the background is too busy or dark. Many people should take PowerPoint ques from this guy. He's got some pretty good points.
I never thought I'd be so entertained over watching a video on powerpoint tips. This video really hit the nail on what mistakes to avoid when using powerpoint, and considering the fact that we use powerpoint for almost all our class presentations in college and continue to do so in our professional careers - this was some great helpful advice that I will definitely keep in mind the next time I use this program.
Definitely will be incorporating some of these tips into future presentations. I hate boring presentations and ugly color schemes. The worst is when you see presentation that you know were made up ten minutes before hand. The speakers are looking back at the screen and going uh uh uh lol! I also hate when you put so much time and effort into making a presentation but when you go to present your team members didnt bother to read the powerpoints and they are switching back and forth slides are skipping them altogether. It just makes everone in the group look bad.
This was a very funny, but helpful video. It gave a lot of tips on what not to do when presenting or creating a PowerPoint presentation.
Very true and very funny! We still witness such presentations every semester and I wish the class could make fun of such presenters so they wont commit the same mistakes in the future... but that would be rude.
This is too funny! But, this happens a lot! I will be sure to not do these things! Especially remembering to run “Spell Cheek!” I will also be sure to not do excessive bullet-pointing as well. I really enjoyed his little performance. Take heed people!! I really laughed out loud at this video!
PowerPoint is something that is easy to do, but can have some mistakes in it. When you are doing a PowerPoint presentation, it is very important to run "spell check" to minimize some grammatical errors you may have. It is also important to review over your presentation several times to see if there was a mistake that you may have missed before.
HAH!This is pretty funny yet so true! I have caught myself a couple of times writing exactly what i say on my powerpoints and reading word for word! I definitely won't be doing that again! haha
That was a very true and comical way to point out all of the common mistakes people make with PowerPoints. I am one of those that make these mistakes. This was a good and helpful way to learn a lesson on powerpoints.
I found this to be humorous because I see people do these types of things all the time. When I took public speaking, there was a guy in the class who put his entire speech in tiny font on several PowerPoint slide. It was quite annoying and he read straight from it. PowerPoints are supposed to be used as a guide not for your entire speech.
I have been a victim...and victimized a few! What's wrong with Times New Roman?
These are commen mistakes people make on their presentations and that i have been guilty of myself. I will have to keep a sharp eye out next time.
Power points can be pretty annoying at times especially if someone as just ran through it. I Have this a lot in different classes from high school to college. who is the person that created times roman anyway?
He made some great points about power point slides. I hate looking at power point slide that have a lot of text. It get's boring and I tend to find something else to pay attention to. I try to make my power point like he not to straight and direct.
I completely agree with this video! Every class that we have to do presentations there are always a few people that put so much on to one slide i end up zoning out or they make it too animated and I quit paying attention to anything they are actually saying. The worst is when a teacher adds too many animations and you can't even focus enough to copy the notes!
This video was hilarious! The comedian actually reminded me of Professor Wyld a bit. His sarcasm kept me entertained while he made valid points on what to put on powerpoint, what to not put on powerpoint, and how others perceive what is put on your presentation.
Everything that he touched on in this video is true. I hate watching powerpoints with too much information on slides. I dislike it even more if they read off of the slide word for word. If that is they case then they should have just ran off copies, passed them out, and saved us all some time.
26. You see this every time a class does a presentation. There are people who know the subject and are able to basically go up there and explain their subject. There are also always some people who came into it much unprepared and just read off of slides. It defeats the purpose of either being the presentation or making a power point. I believe that it makes the presentation much more informative and entertaining when you have both types of information available and they are not exactly the same. The point is to keep the audience interested and reading some slides rarely does.
This video was awesome. Everything was so true. It is hard to read slides with all those charts and data on them. By the time you almost semi-understand it the next slide pops up. I would have to disagree with the last point though. It was funny but I don't think font really matters that much at all, just as long as it's easy to read.
Very true video on how it feels to watch somebody present a powerpoint. I think many others and I can agree with what the video is showing. People would prefer you to just know the info about the slide instead of reading word for word.
That was absolutely hilarious! The first siminar that i would actually enjoy. It was very true especially when he was talking about making the power points. It definitely was a great slide show. I hate when people read their power points!
Really funny clip. Has some great key tips for improving your power point presentations. I really like the tip about not having to much motion, it really does distract people who are A.D.D like myself, i keep waiting for what the next text is going to do. His presentation is very helpful to me and i will definitively keep these things in mind when constructing my next power point.
This is the best and funniest videos I've seen so far! I think this should be shown to all students and those responsible for creating presentations as an example of what not to do. I agree with number 1. There's nothing worse than a wordy powerpoint.
This video always makes me laugh. I saw this video iniatially in another class. It was a class about presentation of various types. And sadly, that instructor was just as guilty of like half of the things that he was showing us not to do...and didn't even seem to realize it. Completely blinded to his own 'errors' although to give him credit, he did use spellchecker.
This video was very funny yet informative. I do try to word my PowerPoint according to the information I want the viewers to understand. The number one thing to focus on is checking the grammar and logic within the valid points. The presentation can be extremely professional by simply editing the main structure and making sure its content is understandable to your audience.
This is so true and so funny. I've seen a lot of mistakes that he was talking about. I try not to make these mistakes when I am doing my Power Point presentations. I hope to not make any of those mistakes in the future.
I agree that it is not good to have that many words on a slide. I remind myself that every time I am making slides to make sure that I don’t have too many words on there because it can be distracting to the readers and I do not want to stand there and read every word. It is also not good to have a huge diagram on a power point that no one can understand, such as the one shown in the video. I always spell check my power points.
when you have too many words people just look at the words and try to understand it for themselves. so less words means ou can keep the attention of the class and try to tach them something.
LOVE IT, this video is hilarious and true! I'm glad you I got to see it before my PowerPoint Presentation ;)
I think some teachers need to see this to, because I have noticed that some teachers love to just read (word to word)of the BOOKS (not even their own) PowerPoints, I can do that myself..Teach me something!!
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