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Monday, September 27, 2010

Great Career Advice: Making Facebook Work for You, Rather Than Against You, in Your Job Hunt

LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 25:  In this photo ill...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeHere's a great article on Facebook and your job hunt. Click to read below:
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Unknown said...

This is good, I've never thought of Facebook actually working for me in an interview, just always against me. Personally I don't allow much information to be seen by the general public. Only about 2 or three pictures and my name and that's about it. I know that employers Googling you is one of the first things they do when interested. I don't want any pictures out there of me doing anything crazy.

Heather Cosentino said...

Personally I do not have anything embarrassing on facebook. I do know that employer’s Google your name and look at your facebook but that is not something I worried about. I can deffinentaly see how this could affect other peoples interviews though. Some people put every aspect of their life on facebook but I’m not one of those people.

Kelly Guerin said...

I do think that these are great tips, however, in my opinion I do not think that it should be required for you to become friends with your future boss before getting hired for a job. Facebook is something that is personally for you, not something you make for a job. I guess if I had no other choice I would create another Facebook page that was more "professional" to keep public for everyone to see, and still keep my private one for only my friends.

Mat said...

Facebook can be helpful and it can cause lots of problems. I think it's ridiculus to just post things you or your family would be ashamed of, I mean just common sense. However, pictures can be a problem because you never know when someone will tag you in a picture you don't want to be in. One of the best tips I have heard about your Facebook page is the more boring your page is, the better! Less headache!

Seth Bourgeois said...

This was an interesting link. I always considered for facebook to be a negative thing that would hurt my chances of getting a job. I try to watch what kind of things I post and write simply because it is so easy for companys to google your facebook and find you.

John Nugent said...

More helpful advice for hitting the job trail. Your online reputation is so crucial in today's society. It would be such a shame to miss out on a great opportunity because of an inappropriate Facebook profile. I will be sure to make mine business professional, before I start looking for jobs.

JMS45 said...

I don't get on facebook. I have been on in the past, but I don't visit the site anymore.

Michaela B. Baker said...

Networking sites have definitely changed the way companies find out information on potential and current employees. If the profile does not have information that you want the whole world to know, including potential employers, the best thing to do is make it private. This is also why many present employee have gotten in trouble is due to the information posted on their pages.


Yeah I agree with many of the people commenting. Someone looking at my facebook would not hurt me getting a job. But a few of my friends, mainly girls, put EVERYTHING ON their facebook. Which in some ways could be a positive but to find a job would be more a negative.

chris said...

First, i do not think that your face book page should be a judgment of whom you are to a potential employer. I mean to some extent it shows who you are, but i know i have pictures on mine that date back to four or five years ago. I can honestly say that in five years i have changed a considerable amount. Second of all, im not going to change my face book profile to make it acceptable for someone else. I am who i am and if you don't want to hire me on the basis of my facebook then i don't need your job

Jessica Ledet said...

I know for a fact that people are hired, or not because of their facebook. My cousin is a legal secretary, and runs the office. They were looking to hire another secretary, and the applicant happened to be a friend of mine on facebook. Of course, I am also friends with my cousin. One day, my cousin sent me a message saying, "I see your friends with so and so. He/She applied for a position with us, and I wanted to know what he/she is like." It goes to show you that like it or not, potential employers will be looking at your facebook and friends to find out more about you.

Michael Wallace said...

Although I am probably one of the three people in the world who does not have a facebook, I do believe these are good tips. I agree that your facebook page should not be used as a vehicle to pass judgment on you during a hiring or prospecting process, but it is being done and we (applicants) must accept that. To those who are adamant facebook users take heed to some of these tips because they do seem to have a large sum of reason behind them.

Jonathan McDonald said...

This is very scary but also very true. I have had friends that have been rejected from jobs because the company he was applying for looked him up on facebook.. He had all of his party pics on there and they said he didnt seem to have the maturity level they were looking for even though those pics for about 2 yrs old.

andrew said...

This was a very helpful article. I always knew the potential backlash from facebook but never thought of turning it into a positive tool. I will be updating my facebook page shortly rather than deleting it in it's entirety.

Schorle said...

its pretty crazy that employers are looking at your facebook page to use a qualification, but hey its on he internet so its free game. I know that am going to changing my page soon though.

Alexandra said...

This is very interesting. I try not to have a lot of information on the computer about myself in case of identify theft. However, I may look into getting a facebook account.

Nicole Faggard said...

Facebook is a great way to network, however at the same time it's a great way to hurt your appearance if not used correctly. Utilizing the security settings is the best way to keep your information private. Also grouping friends into categories like family and professional help organizing much simpler.

Unknown said...

Social networking like Facebook are great sites,it is in the Facebook that a manager or an employer can read your thoughts and behavior,what should be put and no to be put in Facebook are so important to adhere to since it can jeopardies your job or privacy.

Sharon said...

Those ideas may be great as far as using Facebook in a positive way, but personally, I rather not. It's just some things you want to keep between you and someone else, like conversations, and Facebook is just not the place. When it comes to employers, then you're not really being yourself because you're altering your actual thoughts.

pdsmith said...

Good tips. Facebook and other social networking sites have changed how we share our lives with others forever. It is very important to remember that the information we put on these sites is accessible by almost anyone. It's hard to believe that people are so willing to give out personal information to total strangers without even considering the impact that such information can have on their own life. The first thing that employers do now when screening applicants for a position is search for them on Facebook. Given this fact, maybe people shouldn't post their drunken Mardi Gras pics online.

KalliRenayWilde said...

I never really thought of Facebook being a positive thing when it comes to job interviews and the business world. Everyone has one though, so I guess it is beneficial if you have an account. Also, it's really easy to create one, so I'm sure more and more people will start doing so.

sarah said...

I also never thought that facebook was a positive thing when it comes to job interviews. I recently deleted mine because I never got on it and I didn't want it hurting my chances of getting a job when job searching.

Ashley Michel said...

I would have never really thought of Facebook working in your favor. In class the teachers always say watch what we put on facebook because you do not know who is looking.. well it is true. With this article though, I can tweak my Facebook to work with me and maybe help me land a job.

AHickman said...

Sadly, most people would not take the time to make these minor adjustments in their Facebook. The truth is, employer's are really starting to look at things like Facebook and Twitter. There have been countless issues with employees being disciplined for Facebook or Twitter. With the growing age of technology, people need to be more careful.

Seth W Moore said...

I think we've all heard, at some point, about how someone blew a job because of things they say/do on the internet. These are some good tips that will hopefully keep you from falling into that trap before you ever get close.

Blake Phillips said...

When I set up my Facebook account i made sure that I left all incriminating information out of it that may one day jeopardize a job opportunity or relationship.

Carmen M. Orellana said...

I think facebook is a great social webpage. I use it daily to check on my friends, but always be careful to know what to write. You have to be really careful because this "social" site can ruined your future.

Lord Elliott said...

I don't have anything "bad" on Facebook, but I still would not want a potential employer to be my "friend". If they asked to become my friend on Facebook, or any other site, I would say no. I think people's personal lives, to a very large extent, are none of their business. I barely use Facebook anyway, so they really would not learn much about me (although they might ASSUME they have). About a year ago I stopped using Facebook and removed all of the games and other useless junk from my profile because I suspected that they were gathering my information and realized how dangerous and annoying that could be. To no surprise to me, it's been in the news that Facebook apps have indeed been illegally mining people's information through a glitch in the system.

JasonSibley said...

These tips on how to make your Facebook page more professional are a great help. Many people need to read these tips before entering the job market. I have heard of several occasions where people thought they were not offered a job because of some of the things on their Facebook page. These tips could help you to receive an interview or receive a job offer.

Michelle Sullivan said...

This is definitely very important information. It is very helpful if someone is going to be looking for a job especially in this market. We all want to make ourselves look like the best. There is too much competition and one little mistake can wipe you out of the prospects.

Candace Hampton said...

I have been trying to make my Facebook page more professional, but sometimes it's harder than it seems. I honestly think it would be best for me to delete mine so it won't be as much of a hassle.

Unknown said...

This was helpful, I'm always updating and checking my facebook, and this will help me to make it more professional.

Unknown said...

This is true and i think it time to realize that anything that is put on the internet can help or hurt you. Building a good profile and restricting confirmation of friends requests it is true that people see the inner of you in your friend.

Anonymous said...

This article offers some good advice. I try not to keep anything incriminating of me on facebook, but I like a fellow classmate's idea of creating a seperate, professional account.

dwayne said...

Judging by some of the pictures and posts I see on facebook I think a lot of people could benefit from reading this article.

Unknown said...

People do have to watch what they put of their Facebook. It is crazy that people are using Facebook with the interviewing process. It makes sense though. This is good information for job searching.

inolongerlive220 said...

i would never think Facebook could be something that help my in finding a job or my career. Reading this article, I believe Facebook could really be a tool that works in my favor.

Unknown said...

People should never post pictures on Facebook that are embarrassing and you wouldn’t want anyone else to see. Just use your head, its common sense!

Brenda Brown said...

I love face book and I always use it to look people up. I have my page set to private just for this reason. Sometimes I update my status and I would not want my future employer to read it, but if they are not my friend then they can’t see it. I also have special settings for some of my friends, where even if you are my friend you are unable to view my status updates and other things.

Jacob Schultz said...

I have never got into the facebook scene because I always heard about employers looking up their employees. This article has me considering it now.

Matt Schultz said...

I think these are some good tips. It's important to pay attention to what you have on your face book page because employers might be looking.

Unknown said...

I do not use facebook, but I do not like how people keep using it for business purposes. It is meant as a social networking site, I wish it stayed that way. I am not the biggest fan of this article.

Courtney said...

This is so true. People post some crazy things on Facebook without thinking of the consequences or they just don’t care. I watch what I say and the pictures that I post because I don’t want it to affect me in any kind of way. And plus I don’t accept all friend request unless I know the person. It’s safer that way.

Unknown said...

Facebook can be your best resume if you do it right. This article is so true. I might have to try this and see how this works.

Unknown said...

I personally wouldn't befriend an unknown person on fb. I have some privacy filters that block any images I don't want seen. I could see how fb could be used to help now through this article.

alodge1 said...

This is true because I always watch what kind of pictures that I put on facebook. I know that businesses google people and it has kept people from getting jobs. It has also gotten people in big trouble and got them fired like that man on the school board last week that posted that comment about gay kids. Anyway using facebook to our advantage would be very smart.

Unknown said...

It is true how he says that we try to use facebook for too many purposes, but it is hard to make it just for one purpose, especially when it has to be professional. I have always been careful on what I posted on facebook but I cannot really control what others post. Anyways, I will be more careful from now on. said...

I think this is a VERY important article for college students about to graduate and look for a job. I don't think enough people realize how anything on your facebook is fair game for anyone to see it, private or not. Some people do the dumbest things on there. When my parents got facebook a few months ago, I cleaned up my facebook alot,so i'm prepared for future employers to look at it as well.

Caprice said...

Good article good concept but I personally have a problem with using social sites. I use to have a facebook page but I eventually deleted it, I just do not trust them. I don't think I would use facebook for business unless I got desperate.

Spencer said...

Always important to becareful og what you put on facebook. Potential employers use this social network to find information on you.

Unknown said...

With facebook being a major thing in today's world i think its a good idea to use it as a benefit to yourself. Companies are going to look for you and what you have on there can make or break you so be wise with what you put on there.

Unknown said...

Facebook is definitely a good tool for employers to use in the interview process mainly because most people forget about their facebook page being basically public. So it gives the employer a true look at who that person is. If you are one of those people that let out every emotion on facebook, this could be a down fall for you, but you can adjust the privacy settings, so there's still hope for you.

Unknown said...

So many of my Facebook friends continue to post pictures that they wouldn’t want their mothers to see, much less a firm seeking to hire! I do not keep and “tagged” pictures on my profile, and limit the information that I post. A firm does not want to be misrepresented because an employee is out of control on Facebook!

matthew.lancie said...

Facebook always is going to hurt you when you are job hunting because of what is posted on your walls. I am new to facebook so I watch what I post and say because you never know who is looking at it.

Chamekia Jefferson said...

I will be finishing college in December and I was planning to delete my facebook account although there is nothing negative on it. After reading this article, I was so amazed. I will take this advice and capitalize on it.

Gerardo said...

I agree that keeping your Facebook profile positive is essential, if you plan to use it for job hunting. It’s also important to note that your perception of “positive” may not be the same as the potential employer’s. It reflects your personality

Unknown said...

I love this article and I think more people should read it. I have seen so many people put pictures of themselves on facebook or comments on facebook that an employer or potential employer could read.

Jess said...

Really good article! A lot of people should read this, too many people post bad pictures and curse on their status updates. I don't understand how people don't realize how they are portraying themselves.

Iman.Henderson said...

I don't think my facebook would hinder my employment opportunities but why should facebook be used to judge whether you get a job or not. I do not agree with that concep.

Aaron said...

At this moment I do not think a whole bunch of employers look at facebook, but I do believe in the near future it will become more of a trend to check out a person's overall demeanour before hiring them.

Unknown said...

It’s nice to actually use something the way its meant to be used. Facebook is the ultimate networking site.

Aaron said...

Very good tips on utilizing the largest social networking website in the world.

Vernon Blackledge Jr said...

It is scary, how things have changed. Soon we will have bugs all over the world that monitor how many times we curse, then teachers will be telling there students to keep cursing to a minimum so when employers pull their file, they won't have any vulgar words in it.

Miranda Manuel said...

I think, to be safe, those people actively seeking employment should simply make their profile private!

Flaciura said...

I am always extremely careful on FaceBook. Even though I would never put anything harmful, I still think twice before I post anything. I recently googled myself and found some responses I had made to other people's post. That was scary.

Donald said...

I think this is interesting, but it seems like a bit of a restriction of personally freedom. I think an employee should be judged on the job they do and not be subject to the things they decide to do after work hours with friends. I think people should just make their pages private.

Peter_is_a_Star said...

This proves that Facebook has it's perks and it's downfalls, but I would agree with the article in the sense if you can use it to your advantage then what's the harm!

Unknown said...

Facebook has privacy settings for a reason, use them people. There is a lot better ways to explain why you have privacy settings vs lets say your drunken mess that your best friend caught on camera. And if for some reason you were to become friends with your boss on fb, why i don't know, but DO NOT post anything about work on your status. Even if it as simple as work's great, once you have written knowledge of something ppl can use stuff against you or out of context. No one wants a status update to be a potential lost of job status update.

Daniel Berthelot said...

Be sure when it comes time to apply for jobs and such that you set your facebook page to private, or delete anything that could keep you from getting the job.

Unknown said...

I know, for me personally, that my page is private, and other than my profile picture and some general information, no one can see anything on my page. But even though mine is private I still try not to put anything bad or embarrassing on my page because I am friends with a bunch of family and I don't want them to see any of that stuff.

Mario Barahona said...

Great advice. Employers will search anything they can scoop on you. Facebook can be a make or break for a job searcher. Make you don't have anything that could harm your chances.

Unknown said...

I feel this is great advice. I understand that employers will google you and look at your Facebook and it can make or break an interview for someone. I would rather have it help me for a future job.

Ted said...

Ehh, I dont have a facebook, so I'm not worried about anything incriminating.

Raymond Tucker said...

I feel that this article is very true. Facebook is a main social network for high school and college students. If you plan on getting great job in the future, please be careful with what you put on the internet. Employers will google you.

christopher.raleigh said...

I've always heard to watch what you put on facebook because employers are looking at facebook before hiring. But, I have never thought that it could actually help you if used in the right way. I will have to keep that in mind in the future.

Carmen M. Orellana said...

Facebook has become a very popular social page. I have face3book but I always cautiuos and know what to upload and what not to upload. Never giv personal information because i have heard of kidnapping, were they have search all the informatio0n through facebook.

Vy said...

I have never thought of using facebook as a tool to help me land a successful job. For future references i will remember to utilize facebook when i go job hunting!

Gabriel Ordoyne said...

While these tips may be true, I still think FaceBook causes more harm than good to its users. I already employ a lot of these tips mentioned like restricted certain associates from your profile who may give you a negative representation. I try to delete out-of-context and inappropriate photos as much as possible, but you can't possibly keep up with all the negativity that could be somehow be related to you.

Unknown said...

These are really good tips. Facebook has become the social guru and almost everybody has one. Employers would like to know a little more about their potential applicants personality, home life, attitudes, etc. A thorough recruitment process maximizes productivity and satisfaction for the company in the long run. If you don't make yourself look ignorant or stupid on facebook, you have nothing to worry about. Use common sense because a potential employer can look you up anytime

Tosha_Daniels said...

These are some really good tip for selling yourself. You are a brand so promote yourself wisely. I wouldnt post any outlandish or degrading picture about myself on facebook, not because of employers but simply becasue its not cute. Im friend with my managers on fb and i have no problem accepting them. I do not use curse words online, it think that claasless. Even though my page is private, there isnt really much to look at, im way smarter than that. I know to keep my personal life personal and off the web.

Unknown said...

This was a great article about facebook. Now-a-days when searching for a job you have to make sure that your facebook profile is clean. Even though it should be common sense not to put anything that might make you look like dirt bag. What you or your friends post on your page could be the difference between you being employed or not.

Ms. Brittany said...

I totally agree with all tips that was given, but employers should realize the initial intent of facebook. I don't think it was made for employers to snoop on your profile, and find pictures and post that might be a little degrading. I have been having a facebook page since my senior year in high school, and there is probably stuff on there I don't even remember. That was 4 years ago, and I have matured since then, and I don't think its fair to be reprimanded for something that happen so long ago. On another note, since I know the potential harm this may do to my career i guess I should make the responsible decision to do a spring cleaning of my profile.

drew.oster said...

I enjoyed all these tips about facebook, and I still think some people still don't think when they are putting stuff on facebook. I also like how you can now help out with your business and promote it on facebook. I still think most people should go on their facebook page and just double check because I'm sure people have things they don't want everyone to see.

Unknown said...

This article is very interesting and informative. I think these tips are really important to people that have facebook and are looking for a job because they could help get you a job or even keep that job. Sometimes you don't think what you are writing about on facebook and this could actually lose a job opportunity for you.

Nyoki said...

Most people when they think about Facebook and jobs I believe they just begin to think how it can me a negative thing for you. The things you write on peoples wall and the pictures you put up can hurt you a lot. In this article it is showing us how it can really be helpful. People should use it because if they are going to spend so much time on Facebook then people should might as well get something good out of it like a job.

Unknown said...

I think that this was a great article. I have heard of companies "googling" potential employees to get information, so I always keep my facebook clean and all of my information positive. I think its dumb for people to spill their guts on facebook anyway. Save it for your close friends and family because I do not feel like seeing it all of the time.

Linh said...

This is good advice on how to make you Facebook more appropriate. Personally, I don't allow much information to be seen by the general public and I put limited information on the account. I hardly have time to get on.

Unknown said...

I have heard that companies google and look up people seeking jobs on the internet. I am a big facebook person, and I see things from my friends that I know they don't want certain people to see or know. I can't say that I agree with this or not, because what you do on your own time (as long as it doesn't affect the company), is your business.

Brenda Brown said...

Although it happens all the time and will continue to happen I do not agree with Facebook being used as a judgment of character or job determination. Facebook is a social networking device for personal use, but people often use it for business purposes. I have some really old things on my Facebook and some friends that I haven’t talked to in years. I would hope nobody would judge me based off my Facebook page, but I keep it set on private unless you are my friend. The tip on privacy settings was helpful! Also, I am not always aware of what my friends have tagged me in or written on my wall, which makes is hard to maintain and control. I would rather just keep my personal life separate from my work life, and not accept my boss as my friend.

Kevin Harper said...

Makes scary sense to me, because i am quite careless with what i post on my facebook because i have all my privacy settings in place and relatively few friends on there, plus i dont use my last name, but very eye opening to the dangers facebook presents to all of us in the job hunt

Keronida Myles said...

The information that was presented in the article "9 Job Hunting Tips for Facebook. It is very important for me because I will be looking for a job some and I have a Facebook page. The things that stuck out to me the most was that employer now have to ability to scan the Facebook pages of potential employees.I can 100% positive that at least 75% of Facebook user have something on their page they would not want a prospective employer to see.I personnel do not have any thing on my page that I am ashamed of, unless my prospective employer does not like SOAPS. Another thing that popped out to me was restricting access to picture on your picture and wall comments. I believe that I you would not like you father or mother to see those pictures or comments do not put them on your Facebook page.

Jewel said...

I have always heard that employers look at the facebook to spy on potential employees and do a little back ground check. I never thought it could help you get hired. I will take these tips, and brush up my facebook to make me look more professional when i go on the job hunt.

Sherrie said...

Facebook is a great idea to impress your potential employer. I don't have a facebook currently, but I am thinking about re-opening my account for that purpose. I am graduating this semester and I think it will be a great tool.

Amberlynn Brady said...

I always thought that facebook had a negative impact on people when it comes to employers being able to access your page and see what you are really like. Not saying that everyone is perfect angels or the total opposite, but some people would rather keep their personal life out of work. A positive side of facebook is that it could actually help you get a job if you spend enough time to keep it clean and professional.

Jerry said...

Facebook can aid a person in getting a job and it can also hurt a person with their chances of getting a job. I have been a manager before that did the hiring for my company and I did use facebook to help me make final decisions on some potential employees. It is strange that a website that was once used as just a social place to catch up with friends is now being used to help decide whether or not you can get a job. These hints can help many people in straightening up their facebook profiles. Many people have pictures of them being drunk or acting stupid on their facebook. What many of those people do not realize is that all those pictures tell a potential employer that you may not be suited for a job.

Amy said...

I think that people should try to keep a clean facebook page. But that shouldn't have to mean that they have to change their complete personality. Everyone makes facebook out to be the devil. It's suppose to be a way to exspress yourself, and we all know how were suppose to have freedom of speech. Well, we don't I have facebook mainly to keep up with alot of friends that have moved away, but if I hear a song, or read a book, and find quotes that I like I'll post them on my page. I think that since a company gets your SS# that should be all you need to do a back ground check on some one.

Kelly Guerin said...

Even though a person's Facebook is out there for everyone to see, I personally do not think that an employer should sneak around on your Facebook to decide if you are hired or not. How a person acts professionally and how they act at home in their personal lives can be a complete 180 degrees! However, since employers are looking at Facebook pages I do think everyone should try and keep eveything they post as " positive" as they can. Also, I do agree inappropriate pictures shouldn't be post either, not for the sake of getting a job one day, but it will be just embarrassing 10-20 years down the road.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a facebook user but these sound like good tips. I don't think you should post something you're not comfortable with everyone seeing. I also think it's a bit weird for a potential employer to want to look at your facebook page. I personally would never ask to do that to a potential employee.

Lindsay said...

The article "9 Job Hunting Tips For Facebook Users" has lots of great advice. I do feel people put way to much information about themselves on facebook. If you do put a lot of information make sure you have set your privacy settings on high. I personally will not add someone unless I know them. I feel people should keep wall comments, pictures, and information clean not just for a company, but for themselves. You never know who has saved your picture to their computer. My dad was in special forces and he hates the idea of Facebook. I probably would to if I knew how many people had access to it even with the privacy settings. Facebook should be a reflection of your personality and life. If your Facebook is unprofessional then are you really ready for a job. This article gives great advice.

Toni Bonura said...

This article surprised me. I've always looked at Facebook as negatively affecting prospective employees. My Facebook page is so private, that no one is able to see any my pictures (including my profile picture) or posts except for my friends. I definitely live by "six degrees of separation". I'm very firm about politics and religion and a potential boss may be the total opposite wing or religion of me. I would never want to offend a boss or have a tagged picture to be the reason I don't get the job or even a reason why I may or may not be fired. I'm employed at a Big Four firm so my reputation is definitely on the line.

Cole said...

I am not a big fan of using facebook as a business tool. I am one of the rare few that do not have a facebook at the moment. But, I feel that while you might find character on a social media site, you also are digging into employees lives where I don't feel corporations should go. However, I do feel that employees should respect their employers enough to have a respectable facebook page.

StevieG said...

While I have very little pity for those who choose to post potentially damaging information on Facebook, I feel that the employer has an ethical responsibility to respect the privacy of the individual.

I also understand the argument that the individual represents the organization (particularly for positions of public trust), and that any negative reflection of the individual is a negative reflection of the organization. I can understand why an employer would want to find out if the potential candidate is a “loose cannon”, particularly when the information has been volunteered by the candidate. The problem is that there is only so much that can be gleaned about an individual from an internet posting, and unless the information posted is particularly egregious, the employer may very well make a faulty judgment of the individual’s character.

With regard to judging the individual based on his friends – the vast majority of “friends” on Facebook are usually acquaintances of the individual, many of which haven’t been seen in years (I have over two hundred acquaintances and ten real friends on Facebook), so it is very likely that employers may have made faulty judgments on the character of potential job candidates in the past.

I would suggest that anyone with a Facebook profile set their profile to private. This will keep stalkers and snoopers alike from peering into your personal life.

Heather Cosentino said...

Personally I do not have anything embarrassing on facebook or anywhere’s on the internet for that matter. I knew that employer’s Google your name and look at your facebook but that is not something I worried about. I can definitely see how this could affect other peoples interviews though. Some people put every aspect of their life on facebook but I’m not one of those people.

ChrisSaintsedo said...

In my opinion, Facebook has turned into more than just a career killer soemtimes, but a life killer, in both personal and business life. People put way too much information out there on the web and wonder why their employer questions their ethics. I remember seeing a program on a woman who lost her job as a teacher for posting a status that her kids were animals. Now I think she shouldn't have lost her job, because it is free speech, she should have used some common sense.

Anonymous said...

Facebook can be a great tool to impress employers. Be careful not to let a social event become an embarrassment that can be posted on your site. Companies do research on their future employees, so an ounce of prevention can go a long way.

matthew.lancie said...

I do believe that Facebook can help and hurt you when it comes to finding or applying for a job. I try not to have any pictures on my Facebook that can hurt me when a future employer is looking at me online.

N.Jones said...

Everyone who has a facebook account should read this article (if their looking for a job). I do not have a lot of information on my facebook page and I rarely be on it so im not worried about it hurting me.

Brandon Walker said...

I have heard a few different stories of employers firing people because of facebook. I try not to post anything job related or that would be negative to my image.

Sharon said...

I currently do not have a Facebook account and if I have to set one up for employment, it will be strictly for that purpose. I don’t believe in sharing my personal information online.

Unknown said...

This is a very interesting topic and I think that everyone has a different viewpoint of this. I personally do not allow just anyone to see my information. I know that employers Google their potential employers and I think that it is a good idea. If the employer puts certain things on the Internet where everyone can see it then they deserve the consequences that may come with it. Everyone’s online reputation can either help you or hurt you when looking for a job.

Cody W. said...

I do not have a Facebook account. My wife does so if I want to know what is going on I will ask her. I do agree that Facebook is a double edged sword, where I work now if you are caught on your Facebook page you get written up, next time you are fired.

John Stiles said...

It's kind of funny actually, my father's always argued with me about some of the things I allow on my facebook, saying that there in appropriate and employers can look at that stuff to see what you are really like. I kind of had a feeling it might actually be true. Luckily, the wonderful world of facebook includes a security feature allowing your account to only be viewed by your friends, not random people.

Kellie Williams said...

I think these tips are great for not only job hunters, but everyone. No one wants to hear you complain about things especially somewhere that employers or future employers can see. Also, I agree with putting positive information about yourself on your facebook. Employers can get a good insight to you that way.

Demond said...

The article "9 Job Hunting Tips For Facebook Users" has good advice on ways to make something common in most people’s everyday use helpful to getting a job. I heard that companies search Facebook for potential employers, but didn’t realize that Facebook could be helpful if used correctly. The point the author made about know what you going to use Facebook for were interesting. Everyone has a Facebook now-a-days and must decide what they’re going to use it for whether professional or personal.

selafitz11 said...

I have heard from different sources events to where an employee’s facebook was accessed by the employer resulting in termination or other negative effects. The articles makes good points on how to use facebook as a positive instead of a negative be carefully monitoring your posts, wall, and picture accessability.

JasonSibley said...

This article is really important especially for people who use Facebook. I see people all the time with pictures and comments that wouldn’t look appealing to employers. I keep my facebook clean with few pictures. I think these tips are really helpful because I have heard of employers looking up candidates on Facebook.

Melissa said...

I do agree that facebook can be helpful and hurtful when trying to find a job. I don’t agree that employers should base their decision on your facebook page because it is your personal life after work, and I don’t think it necessary means that you’re going to be a bad employee because you have certain types of statues or pictures. But at the same time you are putting your life out there for everyone to see. I think they gave some great tips on how take make it appropriate. I also think that facebook is a good way of networking and potentially finding a new job.

Unknown said...

I never thought as Facebook actually working for me in an interview, just always against me. I was actually going to delete my Account when I graduate, but now I'm reconsidering it. I don't have any pictures of me doing anything crazy, but didn't want to take the chance. I'm hopping the articles we do in this class will help when they Google search me.

Wesley Borne said...

Facebook has been getting a little over board if you ask me. Myself personally do not have anything personal on there or embarassing. I think people show a little to much personal information on facebook. Since companies do research on their future employees all they have to turn to is there facebook page and with most people they can see everything about that persons life just by a click.

Unknown said...

I do think that these tips are really good, however i don't believe you should be forced to become friends with your boss. Facebook is a social network for personal use, it wasn't created to connect user with there bosses. I guess the best thing to do would be to make a separate page that was more professional and could be used for work and other professional needs.

Peter_is_a_Star said...

I had already change my profile before reading this article. I understand the need for managers to look at potential employees' facebook in order to make a informed decision through the hiring process. Now, the best thing you could do if you are in a very public position is to get rid of it to begin with because as long as you have it then you are exposed to all the risk associated with it.

Jess said...

I think facebook could make or break potential employees. Facebook started as a social networking site not a job applicant site. Not everyone likes to have a stuffy office life all of the time and facebook gives my generation a chance to connect and share our pictures and parties. I do not think that facebook should be used by employers to seek candidates, i do not use facebook because i do not like everyone seeing what i am doing and i cannot control what is posted about me. I can see how employers would use facebook as a quick way to scan potential applicants but i do not think it should have as much influence as the site does.

Joel said...

I found this article to be shocking and revealing about potential employers. I could understand how potential employers would want to see your actual character outside of the business because you become a reflection of the corporation. My current employer Best Buy monitors those people who claim to be employed by Best Buy on their Facebook pages. I myself do not have a Facebook page, but have thought about re-opening my old account. There are plenty of other business type Facebooks out there so that employers do not have to stalk a potential employee's Facebook page. I would say that if I were to see a number of pictures of someone in the running for an important position and every other picture was of that person drunk or taking part in an ignorant act, I would delete them from consideration.

Unknown said...

These are some good tips to follow when job hunting. Ive alway heard that future employers do this type of research but after reading this I know just what not to do and what to watch for. Everyone should read this before looking for a job.

Whitney said...

Facebook can be a good thing or it can be a bad thing when it comes to your job. You definitely have to make it "professional" looking if your boss is going to be looking at it. Although, I believe it is only fair that what you do outside of work is your business as long as you don't have anything negative while representing your company.

Seth Bourgeois said...

This was an interesting link. I always considered for facebook to be a negative thing that would hurt my chances of getting a job. I try to watch what kind of things I post and write simply because it is so easy for companys to google your facebook and find you.

Daniel Cashio said...

I've heard a lot of talk about this being important in the job search nowadays. My profile is private, but I have to make sure to filter out some of my friends' stuff they've posted or delete it if I want a better image.

kady said...

This was a very interesting article. These tips would be very good for some people but I don't have a facebook so it's not something I need to worry about.

Matt Schultz said...

I think this is a good article. I know a bit of people definitely overlook what they put or say on facebook. I have heard many times about stuff like this so I think its important for everyone to read.

Jacob Schultz said...

I heard a guy the other day saying how he didn't get a job because they saw who he hung out with on his facebook page. He said his friends didn't fit a certain model. All I have heard is how facebook works against you.

Anonymous said...

these are some good tips for people who are addicted to facebook. facebook is such a privacy invader when you dnt want anyone to know what your doing and your employer may be one of them. you should always be mature about every situation you may be in but when you do slip up make sure it doesnt find its way to facebook.

DeMarcus Sims said...

Facebook is becoming more than just a personal site, its becoming more and more powerful each day. My favorite tip was to "restrict certain friends so that they cannot see your pictures or wall comments". That is true, because you do not want everyone in your business. Potential employers will definately check out your wall for "crazy status updates", and check out your pictures to see if you have a "beverage" in your hand on every pictures. People should take facebook more seriously.

william.huggins said...

Having a facebook page is letting everyone else into your world that has a computer. Putting pictures on the site is letting everyone know who you are and what you do. Facebook is a great tool for future employers a bad tool for future want to be employees. This should make anyone think about posting the pictures from the bar scene last night on facebook.

Unknown said...

I was always under the impression that facebook could hurt you while job hunting. Many friends of mine have even advised me to delete mine before searching for a job. this is great advise that i will use in the near future.

dwayne said...

I enjoy Facebook to a certain extent just like everyone else who uses it, but we all have those "friends" who go off the deep end on a routine basis and say things that should never be said in a public forum. i think most people have forgotten that what you write on Facebook can be seen by everyone and anyone. I always keep my posts rated pg or better.

Josh Coryell said...

It is nice to see some hints on how you can take advantage of your Facebook. The only advice I have ever heard on the matter is "delete it".

Jenee said...

Facebook can definitely make you or break you in that interview competing against another facebook user. It can truly tell so much about yourself. Fortunately I have had experience with being aware of what is put on facebook. Throughout my past 4 years of college, this is something that we have talked about in my sorority. Some things are not allowed on there. One being no alcohol, I think this is a great rule, and it really prepares the girls for the real world. Now they do not even think twice about what they put on there.

Nick Cruise said...

I have been applying for many jobs lately and thought that something on facebook might hurt my chances. I never knew it could possibly help. I am going to look over my facebook and make sure everything looks good. I still might go ahead and delete it while I am doing my job hunting. I never get on as it is, so I think that might be my best bet.

Vernon Blackledge Jr said...

Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter have become a huge part of modern society. These sits offer varies pro's and con's, some of which can be beneficial in a job search or can be harmful in a job search.

Brittni said...

If i were an employer, I would understand that facebook is a personal site. Most of the stuff on facebook is hacked jokes from friends who get ahold of your phone. I wouldn't take it too seriously, yet I do not have anything too inappropriate on my own page. One thing that I just do not understand is why people think it is funny to post pictures of themselves drunk, sloppy, with beers in each hand, tongue hanging out, and so on. It is neither cute nor mature. We're all adults now. I admit, I did do these things in high school and the first year of college. But for people this far along in college, it is just a bad idea.

Brant D said...

i don't use facebook, to me its just a big waste of time. Whenever i'm in the computer lab i see people on it and just wonder how you can spend hours on in looking at other peoples lives. in the job hunting i really only thought it could hurt you chances of getting job not help.

Jake Miller said...

I love Facebook and sharing a lot of things with all of my friends however, I know my boundaries, and especially if I'm trying to get a job I will set everything to private.

Daniel Berthelot said...

I've heard a lot about different people checking facebook out to find out about potential employees.

Jamie said...

I have heard about potential employers viewing potential employees' facebooks to get a sense of their character. I personally do not post anything that I really don't want everyone knowing about. I see this happening a lot, and I often times wonder if that person thought about what they were posting before they actually posted it. I do have privacy settings on mine, and actually just recently went through and deleted pictures that I thought may be inappropriate if viewed by outsiders. I think this article was a very positive way of looking at facebooks, rather than a way for facebooks to cause you to lose a job.

Anne Randon said...

Carrying a professional image on facebook is apparently a challenge in today’s society. There is an alternative to this site called ‘linked in’. It is like facebook for networking professionals. It seems very invasive of employers to screen potential employees through facebook. It is more or less a form of voyeurism. Maybe Orson Wells concept of ‘Big Brother’ wasn’t so far fetched.

Anonymous said...

I have never been a big fan of facebook, I had an account years ago, but have deleted it. I would say that you should make the profile as private as could be and do not add your boss to your friends list. Recruiters and interviewers are very likely to misinterpret any and everything on your facebook profile. Any pictures on your profile of you drinking at a party indicate that you're an alcoholic, so it is best to block everyone's access who is not on your friend list.

Ashley Roberts said...

I think this article will help those who are getting out in the job market. I completely agree with everything the article says about employers checking employee and potential employee facebook pages. I know first hand that it can cause someone to lose a job, as a friend of my husband lost a job over a photo on his facebook page, where he and his son were wearing bandanas on their heads.

Anonymous said...

This article was very informing of how to protect yourself when trying to get a job. I have a page< but it is set to private. I hardly ever get on facebook anymore, but I will go make sure I scan my friends and comments so that when a potential employeer is looking to possibly hire me there will be no worries about what they will find if they are able to access my facebook page.

kristinp0902 said...

This article gave very good advice for those that have facebook. While I do have a facebook I don't usually post a lot on there and do not have any pictures that could hurt my chances of getting a job. Also, I do think that it is a good idea to set your profile as private so that not everyone can see your profile. People need to realize what they post on facebook may have unwanted consequences. Those that have facebook need to be careful when posting comments, pictures, or even the friends they have.

Andrea said...

I never thought about an employer using your facbook page to determine whether or not they want to hire you but I guess it makes since. As the article says this can be good or bad depending on how much information you or your friends chose to post about your personal life.

Anonymous said...

I think its important to not put your every little thought on your facebook wall. Not to mention it get's kind of annoying. Nobody wants to listen to you complain on facebook. Great advice.

Vanessa said...

Facebook and other networking sites are important tools in today's age. However I agree that certain steps should be taken to filter what people see and they should be treated as a tool not a hobby or past-time.

Anonymous said...

Facebook can be a huge problem when trying to get a job I never realized how many people look at your Facebook page. I have had my Facebook page since 10th grade and have tons of photos, but I pretty much block everyone from seeing my photos. If your not my friend on Facebook you can't see anything of mine. However, I don't think I would not accept a friend request from anyone I work for. This article has many great tips and advice.

Javeria said...

I personally don't use facebook but think it's important that up and coming young professionals like us facebook proof our pages, especially the parts that are visible to the public incase prospective employers do happen to google us.

Anonymous said...

While this is a good article, I don't agree that things that you do in your personal time should be held against you professionally, within reason. This is just another form of censorship. Boo!

Anonymous said...

I do not think that it should be required for you to become friends with your future boss before getting hired for a job. Facebook is something that is personally for you, not something you make for a job.Facebook can be a huge problem when trying to get a job I never realized how many people look at your Facebook page.

c0mpl3xity said...

Personally, I didn't see anything that I didn't already know about how to manage my facebook account. I would not add my boss on facebook unless he was actually my friend and wouldn't fire me for drunken BS. It is a complete invasion of privacy to require someone to become your friend before you hire them btw...

Donald said...

I think this is interesting, but it seems like a bit of a restriction of personally freedom. I think an employee should be judged on the job they do and not be subject to the things they decide to do after work hours with friends. I think people should just make their pages private.

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree with these tips and techniques. I do believe that facebook should be treated as if employers and future employers can view it. I really have no room to talk because my facebook posts and pictures may not make me look great, but I do try to watch what I say and post because I do not want it to have a negative impact on me.

Anonymous said...

I agree tremendously with this tip. Yes I believe that facebook should be treated better as people and customers. The value of facebook it higher than ever.

Brian said...

I think that most of these tips are just common sense. But I will take the advice on listing good things about myself on facebook to kind of market myself. I never really thought of facebook as a tool for the workforce so this may help me.

Shanel said...

I've heard that employers do come on social networks to look up information on potential employees. I have a facebook and I really enjoy going on there but I know what I should and should not put on there, so basically one have to be careful on what they put and say on social networks.

Kelly said...

This is a very modern way of impressing an employee. Some people that think about the effects of facebook when applying for a job just delete their profile. It is more of an advantage to use facebook to polish you as a person. This is just one of many things people cam do to stand out when applying for a job.

Melissa Dennis said...

Great article! I posted this article on my wall of facebook so others can read and kind of get the hint to clean up their facebook accounts. I've tried to impress on my children how important it is to watch what they put on facebook because they never know who is watching them and they want to always be seen in the most positive light possible. I try to do the same and have recently began to work on cleaning my facebook even more so as not to give any false impressions of myself.

Anonymous said...

This is a great article. Many companies out there today really do look at facebook/twitter to find out information about particular employees. We should all be careful about what we put on the internet about ourselves.

Frederick said...

Social networking can work in your favor...its all about making connections...

Regdricka said...

This is so true! Making Facebook visual for both your personal and business use can be beneficial in the long run. I personally don’t put anything online that I wouldn’t want the world to see. That way I can just eliminate having to change things around incase, someone might research me.

Lesley said...

Professors have been preaching this for years! I have already gone through my facebook and made sure that everything “momma wouldn’t like” is gone.

Anonymous said...

This article was very informative. I really enjoyed how you can really relate it to your everyday life Everyone always says bad stuff about having a Facebook but it can actually be a good thing. Enjoyed reading this article

Anonymous said...

I am not a fan of employers finding me on facebook. I set all of my features so that only my friends can find me. To me it just is not a good idea for your employer to find you there, nothing good can happen.

Chancie said...

I have no doubt in my mind that Facebook could actually positively affect your job hunt because it is a great networking device. There are some great tips about how you need to screen your friends, pictures, and statuses. It can also aid in the research of the company or the individual.

Taylor said...

I deactivated my Facebook a few years ago and it was the best move i ever made. I am more productive and do not ever have to worry about my employer checking on my status.

