This is a great article from Forbes. I like how they give you tips from folks who actually succeeded at getting jobs through these job hunting strategies - and yes - tricks. See the article below:
No matter how carefully you plan your goals they will never be more that pipe dreams unless you pursue them with gusto. --- W. Clement Stone
This is good advice. I think that if you're really interested in a job you need to let the recruiters know. Be zealous and let them know your passion for working there. I believe that people hire those that not only are a true fit for the culture of the company but also those who really are passionate about being apart of their team.
This is very helpful to me. These articles let you know what employers look for when hiring workers for the company. A person needs to have more than technical skills to be hired.
These articles are all very good advice. I think I speak for alot of us when I say that our personality and our knowlege is what will get us jobs not what grades we made in school or what school we went to. Yes I have a great resume but if someone has a slightly better resume than me he/she will be put before me. But if I have the opportunity to do a face to face interview I will be able to show them that I am a better qualified person for the job.
Another great article that I will have to refer back to when it is time to hit the job trail. These are extremely helpful resources for seniors in college, because we need all the advice we can get. I'm not looking forward to the time when I have to start looking for jobs, but it is a little settling to receive such valuable advice and know I will be prepared.
This article was very helpful considering I will be graduating in May. I really haven’t done that much job hunting, but the blogs this week have definitely been a great start!
These are some good tips for job searching. One day i may have to use these tips but right now i am satisfied with the company i am working for and i know i have a position with them when i graduate. People who have searched and found a job are definitely the people to follow after.
It is very interesting how Mr. Gilmore got his job through a "TweetMyJobs.com”. I would have never gone to the web site just because it was not a known name
These are great tips for someone looking for a new job right after college. I don't see myself using any of the job search websites because I already love where I am now and will have a position after graduating, but if there is ever a reason for me to look for a new job, I would deffinitely consider this.
All great advice..I've always been told that before you go into any interview, you should research everything there is to know about the company to show that you are serious about the job.
I've read several times how important it is to research the company you're interviewing with and to have 4-5 questions to ask the person interviewing you. Good advice in these articles.
These articles are helpful to me. I graduate this december and all I have been thinking about is where do I want to start my career. Very insightful articles.
These articles were very helpful. Currently employers are looking for not only technological skills but also personality.
This information is also helpful while job searching. I will definitely be reading more articles similar to these as I prepare for my own job hunt.
These are great tips that I will definately keep in mind as I look past graduation very soon. Some of these are more in depth at was interviewers want and are not just your typical job searchers.
The tips are helpful because I plan on graduating in May. I have not done much job searching but I will start looking very shortly and I will continue to try to find articles like this one to help me while im searching.
This was a very good article. The tips were very helpful. I think it is definitely important to follow a company you like and telling them what you think of the company.
Yeah these are great help, I too am graduating in May and will all the help I need to find a job. I will definitely be coming back to these past few articles when it comes time for me to start getting more serious about a job.
This is another great article that will help with the job search process. I don't think i can get to much information on the best ways to find a job, the more i can get the easier it will be for me to find a great career
I like how the article said focus on quality, not quantity. I think that is true. People can tell when someone is passionate about something, and takes more time with something. The numbers do not matter to me, it's the quality I like.
Clean up your online profile. This is the most important tip. Take your drunk birthday photos offline please.
I believe that the tips for after graduation were very helpful, i mean seeing the fact that i am a marketing major i rely on personality to get the position. I have the biggest personality ever.
I guess I need to join Twitter. I see more and more businesses joining Twitter in order to provide their latest updates the quickest. I've always preferred giving a resume in person, however now most companies want it via internet.
Focusing on quality and not quantity sounds like a good approach to follow when targeting job opportunities. If you aren't totally interested in a particular position then you will probably not be as good as you could if you were really interested in the job.
I will for sure keep these tips in mind when I am sending out my resume and job searching. Less is always more. Go for the company you want to work for, you might get the job.
This was another really helpful article. I will defiantly keep this one in mind also. It gets so overwhelming applying for jobs and it just seems like we are applying for everything we see and hopefully getting a call back to something. I know i did that for a couple positions that I was interested in.
Most of these articles share similar information. It still amazes me how some individuals do not follow these guidelines. It's obviously essential or else top companies would not gather the same data. The one I think is most helpful is the cleaning up your online profile. Job seekers do not want to pull up your facebook and see you hammered in a picture crushing a beer in a bar.
There's some good ideas in there. I just picked up a job with an employer I've been buying from for years. Quality over quantity: good stuff.
This is great advice.I've always been told that before you go into any interview, you should research everything there is to know about the company so you have your own questions during an interview.
This article is going to help alot with my job search. It make me nervous to think in getting a real job. This article will definetely help and guide to get the best job.
Using a headhunter seems like a good idea to me if you don't want to go through all that hassle. It probably works better in some industries than others though. Not calling on Mondays or Fridays also sounds smart. I don't tweet or blog, so I guess I'm out of luck there.
This is really true advice. I recently had a phone interview with an organization, and luckily I had done prior research because she asked me a bunch of questions related to it. One should always do research before walking into an interview.
I found myself sending out resume after resume in home that some company would give me a chance. But the job I accepted was a company I have been working for gave me the best offer.
Little things really matter, my friend also had applied like a lot of jobs and one day she got two interview schedule at the same time but different cities. The first job was of a big company and the other was in a small company, Many people had advice her for the bigger company because she will get nice job, good paying salary and all the good thing. In the day for the interview she decide to go for the small company, she reached their and she was the only one, she got the job. Those who want for the big company never find because there were many candidates. Don't ignore other site hurt every site you never know!
This is really great advice. The interview is probably the most nerve racking park too me, so advice on that is really helpful. Also cleaning up your facebook and other information online is an excellent idea.
To be honest, thinking about entering the real world and getting a real job scares me. But these articles will help me to feel better about it and be more prepared. I've already had to clean up my facebook when one of my manager's found me on facebook, so i think that is really important too. Also, the interview can be more important than your resume sometimes so be prepared!!
These are good tips for job hunting! I will be reading more articles like this as I prepare my job search.
These were good tips. Seems a lot of people will be getting good use out of this article.
This is some very helpful information for anyone looking for a job or a career. I’ll keep this is mine when I graduate. And yes researching a company is very important. It will help you be more prepared for an interview.
These are great tips. It takes more than just putting in an application to get a job. I think the most important thing is to do your research the company you are going on an interview with. It shows you are prepared and have the initiative to do what you need to, to be prepared.
These articles are very good. It's not just the grades that matter, but its also about what kind of a person that you are. The person with the 4.0 GPA isn't always the best person for the job. That's why the interview part of getting a job is so important. If it was just based on grades then what's the point of having a interview in the first place.
Most candidates leave a resume. Actually knowing about the company you are applying for and demonstrating a true desire to work there is more appealling to the employer.
I will keep in mind that making my resume match the job that I want at the respective company will make a big difference because I will not be just a general resume.
All of the articles give good advice on job hunting. It is important to study the company and dress appropriately when interviewing. If you are really interested in the position applying it will show in the interview.
Good article, great tips especially making your resume fit the job that you are looking for. This is a article that everyone should read before filling out applications.
There are some really great tips in this article ass well. I like that they mentioned using craigslist as a job searching tool. So many people overlook it. Every so often you will find an awesome job that you never expected to find.
Good article, as stated a few times before, many people over look craigslist. I use craigslist for my business to advertise, and believe it or not when its not raining i get 5-10 calls per day.
I have used job sites like Monster for assistance, but have not found they provide quality opportunities. However, I have found it does lead to lots of spam mail! It is also crucial that you explore opportunities that are of interest. After all, it is your career!
These articles are very helpful in showing and telling what employers are looking for when you go into an interview. And how to win the interview or blow it.
I think the article is great because it tell you what employers expect and what they are looking for. I really do believe that a well written resume and personality will get anyone a job. Most employers know if a person has an education they are trainable and will most likely get the job.
The tips that its says to follow jobs online is great because you are looking for something that will make you happy to do it.
People focus too much on finding professional jobs in other ways. Sometimes there is a great job waiting for you right there on craigslist. Craigslist is a great way to get a job.
This presentation gave me great job hunting tips. I will be graduating next semester and probably should be taking this advice to find a job or career.
The owner and managers of the company I am doing an internship for have been helping me notice what employers look for. It is very important to give them what they want to see to get your foot in the door.
Another group of great job searching tips. It gives perspective from people who recently went through this process. Any advice in this area is a major help.
It’s great to have confirmation of all the advice we get as job seekers.
These tips just go to show that a company doesn't want just a person to fill the position, but someone who will be of value to the future of the company and is optimistic about working for them.
Oddly enough, the Vet clinic I work for has recruited vets through Craigslist.
Great info! Of course a company wants to hire someone who proves to them that they truly want the job!!! Those people will work way harder than someone who is just taking it to have a job.
I thought that the advice about quality, rather than quantity was very relevant. I know several people who had done the mass e-mail thing with little or no success, but once they focused in on a particular comapny, they got a job that they really enjoyed.
I find the way people got these jobs to be very unique and interesting. This just encourages me that people are hiring and if I continue to pursue jobs in my career I can be successful.
Very helpful advice, and you got to know what kind of job you are applying for because volume doesn't always translate into happiness!
Don't apply to everything, apply to jobs/careers that you actually see yourself doing. Be persistent, research company, aggressive and know why you want to work for that particular company. Do follow-ups on your resumes, don't leave your resume/application with just anyone, make sure its getting to the hiring department. The right company will notice the work you put in to just get the job, proving to them how much you will work to keep your job and help them grow.
I believe the two most important things when applying for a job are A. Knowing about the actual company, and B. Dressing nice for your interview.
Two very important things when looking for a job is your presentation/appearance, as well as the possession of skills required to complete the job you are applying for. This article is great since it provides tips from people who got a job and not just theories and how they should work.
Really great post. I feel if you are really wanting a certain job, to let the recruiter know. Let them feel how passionate you are about being part of their company. People don't follow up after interviews and the ones that do usually have a better chance at getting the job.
Good article. I need all the tips I can get.
Anyone who has been given the opportunity to get a job after graduation are people you should follow.
I really like this post because it has given me alot of new tips in to look for a job. I really nervous in deidins to go back home or atay in the US.This will help me see my oppurtunities ad help me decide.
This article was very helpful considering I will be graduating in soon. I haven't really been job hunting but these tips will help me to be successful when i do!
I agree with the article and saved it for future reference. I think that if you are interested and passionate about a job, you need to convey this to the interviewer or employer. People who apply for jobs that characterize "a dream job" to them are inclined to work harder and be more creative at the position because it's not just another means of income to them. It's the employee's career and defining aspect of their daily life.
I agree with the part about grades not being everything. You can be the smartest person, but if you lack the personality or attiude that a company is looking for you may not get the job. Our personality is everything! You may have not even graduated from college, but if you have a winning personality and a great attitude you might get hired over the person with the awesome grades and poor personality!
This is another good article that I will have to refer back to when I begin job hunting in May after graduation. I still think when searching for a job it’s who you know not what you know but these tips can’t hurt. Hopefully when May comes around companies will be hiring and I can use some of this advice to help me land a job.
This article has some great advice for job searching. You should defiantly focus on specific jobs that you are interested in instead of just applying for everything you qualify for. What if you got an interview with a company you didn’t know anything about and when they called to talk to you, you didn’t even know which company was calling. Only apply for jobs if you really want to work there.
I enjoyed the article which gave me some great tips for job hunting. I also agree that grades are not everything, you also have to have the drive to work and a good personality. I will use all the tips I have learned to land a job in the near future.
I appreciate this article. I'm looking for a job right now, and I was unaware of the different resources they mentioned in the article. I'm definately going to try the TweetMyJobs one. Also, I've been wanting to start some sort of blog for awhile now. The fact that the article mentions how much of an asset a blog can bring to my resume only makes me what to start one even more. I'm definately going to set one up when I get home from school.
I think this is a really good article that shows the different ways a person can find a job and be hired by the company. All of these stories show that there are different ways to go about finding a career, and not just the tips from a career coach work. The story about Amanda is my favorite because it shows that if you reach out to an employer and show interest in what they believe in, that it can go a long way.
I like this article a lot. Social networking has played an influential role in job hunting. One fact I found interesting is that Twitter is a great way to find and profile a prospective employer. It allows you to follow employees and participate in conversations related to the work field. Blogging can also be a valuable asset to your resumer. Prospective employers like to see your feelings and actions about specific subjects and topics. The key is to keep a discreet, informative blog tailoring your interests and opinions to present to the employer.
This article helped me put into focus what it is I want to do when i graduate. Finding the right job is very important esp when planning on making it into a career. I like that it was said grades are not everything. Not everyone is a 4.0 student but that does not mean they are not qualified.
This is good advice for anyone to know. I know personally how much some of these tips do matter. I recently found a new job that I am very happy with. I was approached by my current employer at my previous job after he saw my resume. He was impressed by my GPA and asked me to interview with his firm. I haven't been on many interviews and I was so nervous but I think it lead to me getting the job. I have a decent resume but you can't really express your work ethic or interest in professional growth on a resume so the interviews are vital.
I thought this was pretty helpful, especially in today’s economy. So many people are looking for jobs, which mean there is high competition because more people are applying for the jobs that are available. So it is important to stand out. I think that comes into play with the suggestion to “focus on quality, not quantity” because I believe it’s better to be specific with a cover letter and your resume. You should tailor it to each job and spend a little extra time making it personal for that company.
these are all great advice to prepare for your job interview, i think the number one thing to do is be confident on what you are talking about and that requires to research the company that you are interviewing for and know everything about it
From experience, reaching out really works! When I was 12 years old I was really in to playing video games and listening to music all at one time. At school we had an assignment and we had to write the company we wanted to work for a letter telling them why we like them. I wrote to Sony and surprisingly they wrote me back! Although it took a month! They said they had multiple job offers and encourage me to continue in school so that one day I could work for them.
This article gives really great advice. I have not been in the workforce for awhile. I will need any advice I can to help for my job hunting. I feel the interview is the most nerve racking park too me especially, if you change your career and don't know much about the company business. When it's time for me to look for a job, I will relate to this.
I think these tips are also helpful when searching for the right job. I definitely think people should first look at companies they might be familiar with or that they admire. This may make their job more interesting or enjoyable. I think it is important to read about all the tips necessary to finding a job.
I really think all of these tips are very helpful. One of the things that really stood out to me is how she was talking about applying for all sorts of jobs as soon as she graduated. I haven't graduated yet and I find myself looking at all types of jobs and I can see myself doing that. She eventually sat down and found one that really caught her eye and it ended up being the job that she got and enjoys it. Hopefully I can find that same success after May 14th!
These are very good tips. I really liked the creativity of Amanda that sent out feelers. She found a job that she assumed the person might be retiring and applied there. That has to be the best tip and the last thing most people would think to you. Kudos to her.
It's always easier to relate to people with real life experience. Just like Kym Lino, I recently blasted my resume' across the internet, and haven't heard anything from a prospetive employer. I know I met the qualifications for the jobs, but I guess I should jus focus on something that really interest me. I'm on twitter all day everyday, and not once did I think about using it as a networking device for employers. It amazes me how so many companies are creating twitter profiles for mot only advertising, but also to pool candidates for jobs.
These were some helpful tips. I think that it is true that you should focus on quality, not quantity when searching for jobs. You also need to focus on finding a job that suits you, instead of just applying to every available position. I have also never heard about TweetMyJobs. I will be checking that out very soon!
I think these are some helpful tips. It's very informative and helpful for college students, as well as high school students. I will definately be checking back on these when I move to Houston.
Very useful information for any students who will be seeking jobs after completing their education, and was enjoyable to read
The hints were very informative and to the point. I like the idea of quality, not quantity. It doesn't help to send out 100 resumes if none of them meet the requirements for the job.
Hearing about how other in the labor pool have found jobs is always a great source of information. In reading the article, "10 Job-Hunting Tips From People Who Found Jobs" I learned some old things and some new things. I have always heard about using Monster.com to search for career opportunities. But I must say that I have never heard of TweetMyJobs.com. It is interesting that this topic has can up because in my Beta Alpha Psi meeting; we talked about the same things with Postlethwaite & Netterville representatives. We talked about how it is important to know were you want to work and focus on that goal and not to send out hundreds of applications. We also talked about a social website call LinkedIn, which is a website for businesses and potential employees. Even though I have heard about Twitter I never used it. However, that may be a mistake because I found out that that it a good way to become informed. About something like what is going on with the company that I would like to work for. I think that social website will be around for a long time.
Very interesting article. I would have never thought that tweeting and craigslist would have ever landed me a job. I guess people are getting more creative these days and technology is winning again!
Very good advice. I have never thought of looking for a job with companies you admire. It does seem like common sense, oops. It is very interesting to hear others stories of job hunting.
I never really thought to look on the internet to see how people landed certain jobs. With the advice from others on how to acquire the job that suits you best, one will have the courage to apply for the one job they always wanted and possibly get the job.
I like the little twist here: instead of focusing the entire resume and cover letter on yourself, write about how you admire the company. This, at the least, would send a signal to the company that you will be a productive worker. How could a person who feels so strongly about the company’s products or services not be productive? Of course, there is always the possibility that the particular instance cited in the article was an exception – I’m not quite sure if the average company would find such an approach acceptable, though I am convinced that this approach would make a powerful impression on the interviewer.
It is hard to make personal contact at times in this technologically driven age (which can be counterproductive to the employer because he narrows down potential employees before even interacting with the individual), but it is always best in my opinion to make personal contact whenever possible. Hand delivering a resume can give a positive impression of you to the company, regardless of who you speak with. Just remember to be polite.
This is a terrific article that offers advise to people looking for a job. This article sets itself apart from others like it because it is actually offering advise from the people that have had to go through the same things that we as college graduates are about to have to go through. This is definetly a very helpful article for anyone that is looking for a job, and I am sure that when the time comes for me to have to look for a job I will be referring back to it.
This article gives excellent advice from job seekers. One great thing that was stated in this article which I have heard of before is to make sure before you go into an interview that you do some research in the company that you are interviewing with. This makes you look like you are serious about wanting to work for their company.
This article was good because it gave us real perspectives. One definetly needs to know about the company that they are applying for. I think it's a big drawback when you go for an interview, and they ask you what do you like about our company, and you dont have an answer for them. Even though everyone say's that in order to get a good job you need to be outgoing about job searching. But I also know that knowing the right person can also get you far in job searching.
As stated in the article from someone else's experience, I do think you should focus on quality and not quantity. When you are sending your resume out through job finding sites such as Monster.com, it only sends your basic resume and it probably won't stand out to an employer. But if you take the time and search for a particular company and see what they what to be sent, such as a cover letter, transcript, resume, etc. it will stand out from the rest and increase your chances of getting a job.
This is some good advice. A little different than what you normally hear. With the job market being so different it's important to be creative and to do what you have to to land the job.
The Article "10 Job-Hunting Tips From People Who Found Jobs" is very helpful. I like how the article mentions keeping a blog so you can show off your expertise. Since I have been in Mr. Wyld's class I feel like maybe I could actually start my own blog. I would first have to learn a lot more about blogging first. I also think it is important to focus of quality, not quantity. I like what Amanda said about finding an organization or company you feel an affinity toward and reach out to them. Lots of great advice from this article.
This article was very helpful. Most people are too shy or feel as if they are imposing if they were to "reach out" to a prospective employer. I know that it's silly, but I always feel hesitant to ask for a raise; even if I'm totally comfortable with my administrator. Amanda had a great idea by writing a letter expressing how much she valued the programs and attaching a copy of her resume to the person who had the equivalent of her job who was about to retire. By getting on a personal level with someone who already has a foot in the door of an organization was obviously very beneficial to Amanda. Focusing on quality and not quantity is also good advice.
I like the tips. I think the biggest thing in job hunting is staying organized. Not only with your personal things but with your professional contacts as well. If you get laid off, you will want to be on the job hunt as soon as possible, if you have your business contacts in order you will be able to find a job sooner.
This information is very helpful when looking for a job. It is interesting to know that employers are not only looking for technological skills but personality as well.
While graduating is an exciting thing, a great deal of the time most people don't sit and think about all that it takes to make it in the world. That includes what to do right out of school. These were great tips. I agree that networking and reaching out is important. I know someone like Amanda who is being trained to do a job that a man is retiring from this year. He took a chance and made things happen. It's good tips to live by.
This is a very helpful video for job hunting. Being prepared is always the best way to succeed at anything. Job-hunting is no exception; first impressions are usually the most important. So prepare to be successful.
This article was helpful considering it was true examples of how people landed jobs. There are many articles out there about what not to do and helpful hints about what you should do to land a job. Then there are the true stories of how someone actually got the job. I thought it was pretty interesting about the tweetmyjobs.com story. I would have never thought of looking at a website like that to look for a job. I also agree with quality over quantity. I think the more you pay attention to specific jobs, and direct your resume to that specific job, the higher your chances are of landing that job instead of sending out your resume to many different companies at once.
This is a really good article because it tells you what most employers are looking for when it comes to be successful in a job interview and winning the interview and not blowing it.
Great article it gave me insight of what companies look for. I will be using these tips in my job hunting soon!!
The "10 Job-Hunting Tips From People Who Found Jobs" article was extremely helpful. I learned that most of them received offers within three weeks of reaching out to a new company. The article also says how job seekers called, blogged, and tweeted their way into new roles. It is really importing to stay consistent while on the job hunt. Don't get impatient and "settle". Know your worth and make a very good stride to get what you want.
I believe in being persistence and focused, but twittering and blogging is something new to me, but it has been proven that it works. Now I’ve been successful in getting an interview with applying online, and I’ve been successful with landing a job with being very persistent. But I guess it will all come down to what the employer is looking for.
This was very helpful. Is good to get a different perspective on what employers look for. The best way to get better in an interview is to go to as many as possible.
This was a really good article. I have not blasted my resume across the internet yet, now I am not going to. It is good to hear that these guys only had to wait 3 weeks. One job I applied for a few years ago did not call me back for 6 months
I sure hope that I have the luck these guys had! Wow, 3 weeks...really? I've already got one week down, and it would be awesome if I found something new in the next two. These articles are really helpful. I've heard that it was a bad idea to internet viralize your resume, and this now I know for sure.
This is very useful advice considering I will be job searching in May. I think it's important to research the company you are interviewing for.
Good ideas! This article gave me some ideas about what companies are looking for. I think you should know about the company you are trying to get a job with
The "10 Job-Hunting Tips From People Who Found Jobs" article was interesting and very helpful. Using real-life experiences writing this article really hooked me. I have been stressing and wondering what I am going to do when I graduate. I will use these techniques when applying for jobs, I have the most interest in. The thing the stood out to me was how the author said “tenacity and creativity go a long way.” This is very true when searching for jobs and also in life.
Focus on quality not quantity when sending you resumes’ out meaning only send resumes to companies you really what to work for. Another good way is to write and comment on a blog daily to show potential employees your expertise in certain areas.
This is a very enlightening article. I didn't realize that sending ur resume virally was so bad. I do agree that work and perseverance will land u that job. I agree u must know ur worth and set what u think u r worth. I don't do this twitter and blogging thing so I might have a harder time. Hopefully the three weeks will be the longest I have to wait to get a job.
I think these tips in this article is also very helpful when people are searching for their right job. I think people should do some research on the company on which they are trying to get hired from. This may help in the long run by making there life more enjoyable with their job. I think people should go over all of the tips upon job searching so that they can find the right job for them.
I think these are some helpful points. When your trying to get a job you have to show the employer that you are interested in the work and know about their company and what they do. The more you know the more prepared you will be for whatever questions come your way.
This is a good article. Since most of the people in this class are seniors, we are sending the feelers out now. However, we should take the helpful tips from this article and apply them to our experience as new graduates. I know there are many people who give up in the first three months and head back to grad. school. This could be the biggest mistake that most kids make today.
I found this to be good job advice. Finding a job is a tiring process. I find that in my job hunting experiences during the interview process i am trying to see if the company will fit me and my personality not whether or not i will fit in with their company. I want to work in a place where i am happy, i like the idea of reaching out to organizations you're interested in.
These are some very helpful way to find jobs. I always google search for or either specific companies, specific types of companies, or go through Southeastern's website to find job listings. I am going to be graduating this semester so I will definitely be using some of these techniques when hunting a job.
The tips are helpful because I plan on graduating in May. I have not done much job searching but I will start looking very shortly and I will continue to try to find articles like this one to help me while im searching.
This article has some good advice when it comes to getting the job. i believe that personality and knowledge are key factors that get you the job.Yeah its nice to have graduated from a top ranked school and have awesome grades, but in the end if your not knowledgeable and energetic then usually the company doesn't hire you. But if a face to face interview does come available then it is important to let them know that your are better qualified compared to other applicants.
As someone who is graduating in December this article is very intriguing. A lot of the advice is really great as well. You have to go get what you want, because it won't just fall in your lap.
I thought the article was very interesting and informative. It is good to see how other people go about getting a job. I think these are some great ideas and interesting ways to get employers attention.
Great help! I'm so nervous about the interview process. reading this makes me more confident in myself.
I think when it comes to job searching, you should use every tool available to you. Your sole purpose in life is to find a job, and that includes using the internet.
Never would have thought Twitter would help me get a job. I fully don't understand or get the whole twitter thing, but I guess it must help. I personal don't have one Facebook is enough for me. Maybe I should look into getting a Twitter account for the future.
These are some good tips. With all of the job boards and internet sites out there, it is easy to blast your resume to thousands of companies. I have found a lot of the big job sites produce fewer return emails than the local sites, such as betterhammondjobs.com. I still think networking and referrals are the best ways to find out about new job opportunities.
This article had some interesting information. The job market today is a tough one and any pointers in the right direction to landing a position can help.
I really hope all of you get great jobs. I know it will a difficult search job but don't give up guys. Quality over quantity should be incorporated into our everyday lives as well, not just the job search process.
Interesting article with lots of great tips. I would not of thought to use Twitter for that purpose, but then every networking site is a tool.
This article had lost of great tips. When job searching I believe that one should look for jobs that are of interest of them. If you are interested in the job you are probably more likely to do well on the interview because you are actually interested in the job. I doubt someone will hire you if you don’t seem interested in the job they are offering you.
I had never heard of 'Tweetmyjobs.com' so that was really cool to find out about, I'll definitely look into it as a source to reference next time I'm in the market for a new job!
Great articles, lots of good tips!I never realized how big of an impact social media could have on the job search process!
I found this article gave some great advice on a few really good websites to look for the jobs that interest you. I also found it helpful to learn that it is not always about how many resumes you send out but to find the job that fits you best and that you are best qualified and show that company why you would be an asset to them.
I think this article will be very helpful me in the near future. I have a friend that was hired for a company through Craigslist. I now know that I do not have to send out tons of resumes when I can just focus on the jobs that interest me. Great advice!
It still amazes me how some individuals do not follow these guidelines. It's obviously essential or else top companies would not gather the same data. I believe that one should look for jobs that are of interest of them. If you are interested in the job you are probably more likely to do well on the interview because you are actually interested in the job
I find the way people got these jobs to be very unique and interesting. This just encourages me that people are hiring and if I continue to pursue jobs in my career I can be successful.
I find these tips helpful and useful. It is very important to go by some of these because it can help find the job your looking for. I think more people should take this advice and put it to use because it will only help.
These are some helpful tips. These are great tips to you find a job that fits you and that you can enjoy.People need help with job searching some I agree with this tips.
I enjoyed Amandas tip about how she got her job by being persistant and agressive. I also like the tip to focus on quality not quantity, this makes alot of sense because no one want to read alot of bs.
I've apply for a few jobs and I have used these tips before. If everyone would use these tips a lot more people would have jobs.
These are some great ideas, some of which I have never thought of. I definitely am thinking about putting some of them into action in the very near future.
This article gives insight on how to get a job and minimizes time in between college and a career. I follow some of these tips already when searching for a part-time job. It is always good to learn more tips about job hunting especially since I do not have a full-time job yet.
This gives some great ideas on how to get a job. Being persistent is always good advice. Nobody wants to hire someone without a good/strong personality. Theses are some really great tips that I’ll take into condsideration.
This article gives great tips. Seems as if I am always looking for ways to bring my A game when Job-Hunting and these tips can definitely help. I will be tweaking my skills now and marketing myself in the best way I can.
This was inspirational and I really can’t wait to start looking for a job that I will love.
this was a very good article for me to come across. These tips were very useful and informative. I agree so much that you must let the recruiter know that you really want the job and let this come across in your conversation with them.
These are some great ideas. I would think that the local sites do better than the larger sites, like monster.com. A lot of companies also use temp staffing to fill needs, so it may be a good place to start.
I found it odd that when searching for a job, quality is better than quantity. I always assumed that the best method was to submit your resume to as many companies as you could. I faced this situation last year whenever I applied to 11 different restaurants. Whenever I finally asked to personally speak with a manager, he hired me on the spot.
I think the interview is the most important thing to getting the job. I have great communication skills, so anytime I can meet for a personal interview it benefits me.
It's always nice to learn more about searching for jobs. It's an uncomfortable situation for most people, so the more familiar you are of it, the more comfortable you will be. Learning the basics will get you ready for what's ahead.
I really liked these tips, i think they will definitely benefit me when I am ready to search for that right job. I especially like the one that tells you to do some research on yourself and see what comes up online. People don't realize how easily things that they might not want people to see online can get there. Be careful what you do because your future employer might definitely come across it!
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