OK, one thing that we try to achieve here at the "Wyld About..." family of blog sites is to give you quick briefings on today's most important business issues. So, here's another in a series of articles, courtesy of our friends at Online MBA that will give you quick coverage of important business and technology matters.
Today, we take on the student’s best friend – Wikipedia! And contrary to what you might think, coming from a professor, the stats show that Wikipedia actually fares pretty well versus other sources of information out there on the Internet today. So, read the "Facts about Wikipedia," in which you can glean a great deal about a site I’m sure you’ve got bookmarked in about 2-3 minutes of reading by clicking on the link below:
Facts about Wikipedia
Wow - now you'll be armed with quick facts that will amaze your professors, your friends, your coworkers, and most importantly, even job interviewers! Knowing facts like these may even win you a "bar bet" or two on the subject!
I use wikipedia quite often. But it is never the only place I check on a fact. I always consider it a good place to start. Mainly because when you google something, the first hit is usually its corresponding wikipedia page. I never noticed that there were no ads on wikipedia.
Wikipedia is a helpful resource to brush up on past events, terms, or ideas. It does scare me slightly that anyone can post on wikipedia, even a child. Everything seems rather accurate. I guess it boils down to just how much editing is done by educated scholars.
About 80% of wikipedia information is true and factual, while 60 something percent has to be edited due to errors or corrections in entries. Less than 20% of women use wikipedia. Wikipedia comes from the term shared site, and encyclopedia. This is much more useful than the outdated books that you have to buy in volumes, and must constantly be updated and buy newer versions. I use wikipedia, with caution. It's a good basis to go off of.
While, I do not use Wikipedia as a source of information to site as a source, it is a good place to begin. I do, however, use it for personal search results when just inquiring about a subject I want general information about. After all, it knows more than I do.
I actually never use wikipedia. I have heard it is a good source, but would rather use sources that I know are more accurate.
I am sure wikipedia is a good source, I just never use it. I have done so many college papers and have been told by my professors not to include that website as a source because it is not as accurate as others.
That is shocking that Wikipedia is 80% and gets a B for their accuracy because I know at one time most of their information was false and anybody could update it and put anything on there. But this let me know some interesting facts about Wikipedia.
I thought this article was interesting. I understand now why most instructors do not allow information from Wikipedia be the sole source used in a paper, as the information has only an 80% accuracy rate and can be edited by anyone.
I use Wikipedia hardly ever when writing a paper or project where I need straight facts. When I Google any type Wikipedia is normally on the top list and I do glance at the site but I never physically use the information from the website. Growing from high school and college I was told never to use Wikipedia because most people are allowed to put any information they wish on the site.
Now I know what everyone does when they are stuck inside because of bad weather. Never thought about it but next time the weather is bad and I am bored I think I will get online and see if I can find any mistakes in Wikipedia articles to edit - or not!
I think it's fascinating how Wikipedia doesn't have any ads. How is it funded? I also don't understand how Wikipedia has no censorship. It seems like such a professional and concrete source that I figured there would be strict guidelines. Another interesting fact is that anybody can edit the articles. How Wikipedia maintains credibility is beyond me!
Alot of these facts didnt surprise me which is why I dont use Wikipedia as a main source anymore. The main reason is because it can be edited. If i am researching information for an assignment I make sure to have another source. If I just want to look up information for my personal use I will check out the site but still compare it to other sites as well.
It is kind of embarrassing to say but I had no idea what Wikipedia was until my sophomore year of college. All I knew about it was that all of my professors would say it could not be used as a source for papers. The only reason why I got the full understanding of what it was,was that I had a class where I had to edit grammatical mistakes on the site. I think Wikipedia is very interesting and you really can find out info about everything. I think it is pretty cool and neat.
I would like to give a shout out and a sincere thank you to the creators of this glorious website. I generally don't use it for school related purposes, but it's very helpful when there's an unanswered question that I need to know the immediate answer for. It's funny to think that sex is the most looked up topic in almost every language.
I find Wikipedia to be really helpful when searching for random stuff. But when I need some information for research papers for school I tend to use more reliable websites. It's interesting to see the low amount of women users on the website, I dont know why its as low as thirty percent.
I use wiki all the time. I love to use it to get an overview about any thing I want to know. I think it is very useful as a starting point, but other sources should most definitely be used to authenticate what is on there because it is a user-submitted sight.
I look something up on wikipedia almost daily. I haven't noticed any huge discrepancies, but I am aware that they are there. I never even realized that there were no ads and I like their mission!
I enjoyed reading the 15 facts of Wikipedia. I was definitely unaware of the huge language expansion on there, as I only look up things in English. I'm not on Wikipedia very often but I'm quite pleased when I do use it. I especially think it's great that the accuracy level is at 80%, knowing that the information given is by everyday users. Wikipedia is great for having links to other relevant content, which is really helpful when you're trying to learn about a particular subject. It's like one stop shopping in research form!
It was interesting to see that almost 80% of the information posted on wikipedia is actually accurate. I’ll refer to the site for casual searches I may be looking up on an everyday basis, but will always use the real encyclopedias as far as scholastic research goes.
I have actually known about wikipedia for a while. Almost anytime you search something on google wikipedia will show up on your search. Although I have read articles on wikipedia I don't really use it as a source when writing papers in school. I have always been told that wikipedia is not a reputable source. I was actually quite shocked to see that 80% of the information is accurate.
About 80% of wikipedia information is true and factual, while 60 something percent has to be edited due to errors or corrections in entries. I'm not on Wikipedia very often but I'm quite pleased when I do use it. I especially think it's great that the accuracy level is at 80%, knowing that the information given is by everyday users.
I feel that wikipedia should be the first place you should start at. Cause it will give you a strong summary of what you looking for. Use only maybe 10% of your info can come from their then you need bigger sources.
I use wikipedia for just about everything and although we're not supposed to use this site for papers it is nice to know that if we did use it 80% of the info would be correct!
I like to use wikipedia to an extent. Usually for research I will start there for a narrowed idea of what to search for. It's very interesting that such a low percentage of employees actually hold a master's degree. I also was always told not to fully trust the information on this site. Im assuming this is why.
I generally don’t use Wikipedia not because people can “upload anything you want” but because if I have a question about say “WWII” I like to go to a website that revolves around WWII because its information directly from the source.
I rarely use Wikipedia for research purposes but I still found this article interesting. I didn't realize there was zero advertising on the site. I've never paid attention I guess. 31% of users are women. That is a pretty low number but for some reason, it doesn't surprise me. I don't trust the site to consistently provide me with accurate information.
It does not surprise me that Wikipedia is only 80% accurate since it is an open source site. Remember that 80% is also a passing grade. I use it to get an idea of where to look to research a topic, but never as a main source. I did not notice that it did not have ads.
I am actually not a Wikipedia user/fan and quite honestly never used it because of people's negative opinion of the content. However, now that I know 80% of the information is in fact true, I am not as skeptical as I once was. I am sure it is not a great idea to use at a reliable resource; still 80% is not too bad. I also found it interesting that only 31% of users are in fact females.
I do use wikipedia, but I also know that not all of the information is 100% factual, which I just confirmed by reading all of those great facts about Wikipedia. It is a great place to get the basic info on certain topics/subjects.
Wikipedia has always been a source of information I go to, whether it be for every day to day life questions to be answered or references to an assignment. Although, I do take in to consideration that it is based upon opinions more so than facts. Therefore, it is not a completely trustworthly form of reference.
Wikipedia is an alright source of information... I mean I love that it is free sharing of information across the web and completely support it, but I wouldn't bet my life on the accuracy of it. I always double check anything that sounds outlandish on the page!
Wikipedia is normally the first thing to pop into ones engine search. I will reference the information from the site to another site to make sure it is correct before i use it because I want to make sure that the information is accurate.
I find it very interesting that Wikipedia can be read in 260 languages. That honestly blows my mind. I also find it interesting that not many woman read or edit Wikipedia. This factoid was very interesting to read about, because I use Wikipedia almost everyday.
I love Wikipedia! It's both a fast and free source of information. I am not exactly sure on the accuracy of it but it always does the trick for me.
Almost anytime you search something on google wikipedia will show up on your search.I don't really use it as a source when writing papers in school because its not always accurate
Considering it is open source one may think that the information may be subjective. However, there are many open source resources available for public utilization. For example, Linux is an open source operating system that is highly sought after. Much of the same way that Wikipedia is sought after. So there is no surprise to the high level of accuracy of the data resident in Wikipedia.
These are some great facts that I did not know about Wikipedia. I did not realize that they did not advertise until I just read it. I also think it is a good source to use, but I also check other sources besides Wikipedia. It’s a good place to start.
I have heard that anybody can edit what they want on Wikipedia, so I stopped using it so much. I only go on that website if I need a definition or something not so major. All the other facts are different to me and know I learned something new.
I believe Wikipedia should be used only to brush up on a topic. Or get a brief summary. It's obvious it shouldn't be your only source for information. Try more reliable sources like .edu's and .gov's. Those are usually more credible.
Wikipedia can be a valuable tool to use when doing research. However, I've always been told that it is not a reliable source so it cannot be cited. Every teacher that has assigned a research project of some sort has told me that it was okay to use Wikipedia for background information but not as my main source of information. This would be of course because it can be edited by anyone. I think Wikipedia is a good site to use if you need to know something quick, such as "Who invented the post-it?", but I never use it as a source for a research paper or school project.
I think Wikipedia is an accredited site. I think this because the site references all the information it uses. I know you can change information to be wrong but it won't be there for long. I changed just one line in a wikipedia article to be false and within an hour the line was removed. So obviously there are site administrators who monitor the site for accuracy.
I would have thought that there were more English articles than just 3 million. I've researched countless things and there's almost a page for any and everything. I love wikipedia and I think that it is a great site to get a good overview of a topic.
I've always looked at Wikipedia as a mild form of entertainment at worst and only a starting point to point me towards reliable sources at best. I do still get mildly surprised when I see students using it as a primary source of information.
I could never take wikipedia seriously. Not since I saw a comedy act where the comedian said that he edited his own page to say that his semen was a cure for depression, and stated that nobody was going to fact check that.
These are some interesting facts. I knew Wikipedia couldn't really be a trusted sight for information. I didn't realize that there were no ad on it.
I use Wikipedia a lot so I know that there is room for false information or errors. Its not that surprising that women use it the most because women do more reading and research then men.I guess since Wikipedia is not as reliable than other sources that they mention I may need to change where I research information.
Shoot I'll take a B- ! To hell with Britanica, long live open source information. Who wants a shelf full of silly plastic coated books. Wikipedia is a wonderful accomplishment for the two creators. Also a valuable starting point to find out some general information and where to look closer.
First of all, just the picture that came with the blog cracked me up. It is so relevant to how some/most people get through college. The bad weather fact is funny! I also didn’t realize that Wikipedia has no Ads.
I think Wikipedia is a great idea, that people anywhere can edit the same things. People may know more and inside facts that may surprise or even counteract what people previously wrote. I do agree that it isn’t the BEST reference to look at. I love Wikipedia’s mission and hope they achieve it!
I use wikipedia often to start my research or to find out information on a subject quick. I think it is a great site and 80% is not that bad considering some other sites. I don't believe it should be used as a source for a paper or research because it may not be 100 percent reliable but it is a great source of information.
I use wikipedia often, because when you type something in it to Google it is usually the first thing that pops up. I think it is a great site, it def. has a lot of information on pretty much anything.
This article is very interesting. I find Wikipedia very helpful and have plenty of resources. I agree that it may not be the best, because people are able to edit it, but it most def. is a good site to search.
I use Wikipedia on a daily basis, I would probably be lost with out it. It is my go to source for any sort of information.
I love Wikipedia! Any time I have a question about a topic I usually look there. Since anyone can add information there are so many articles about nearly any topic and it is almost always up-to-date. It's because of this that most teachers and professors won't allow it to be a source on research papers.
I always use Wikipedia. It is relatively reliable. Most of the time however you aren’t allowed to use this site as a reference. I wonder why that is?
Interesting to know that wikapedia isn't 100% accurate. I know a lot of my friends base their school work on wikapedia and knowing that the information could possibly be false is a big let down.
Wow, my experience with Wikipedia has been fine. However, I didn't know that the article were not facts, but now I know. But I think I will still use Wikipedia as one of my sources; I'm just going to make sure I check everything.
I always knew that Wikipedia wasnt the most accurate site out there. But to find out that its only 80% and gets a B overall, was a little surprising. I never use Wikipedia for any of my school papers. I liked the comment about the rainy day!
I was surprised by Wikipedia’s rating of a B. I don’t use Wikipedia because most professors tell you to avoid it. I thought it was interesting that only 31% of the Wikipedians are women.
I don't use Wikipedia very often because I don't know if what information I'm getting from it is true or not. I think some of these facts were pretty cool to know. I thought the comment about bad weather causes more Wikipedia upates was pretty funny. Good article.
I use to use Wikipedia religiously, until I found out that you can edit everything on the page. Some information I do believe to an extent, but it's not worth the risk to rely on it's "facts". Even though 80% is accurate, I still would never use Wikipedia as a reliable source.
I think I speak for many people if not everyone in saying how much I use Wikipedia. I find myself sitting at home sometimes just looking up random facts for no reason whatsoever. It really is insane how much information is out there. How did people do without it before they invented it in 2001. I have always appreciated that it contains no ads and that anyone can post things on here. They should be verified as they are.
I don't personally use Wikipedia as a primary source of information. I will look up some things there if it’s just for my own knowledge. I am not surprised only 13% of users are women. I thought it was interesting that more articles are posted when there is bad weather
I use wikipedia often, but I also use other cites to verify the information I get off of wikipedia. I find it interesting that more articles are posted during bad weather. I guess people don't have anything better to do with their time.
Really found some of these facts interesting. I can believe on 13% of women use wikipedia. I also think it is interesting that people who use wikipedia have a name that is really funny.
I have heard that Wikipedia was not 100% reliable and that is why we aren't allowed to use it on school projects. I am suprised to hear that it is a B average on accuracy. That isn't as bad as I thought it was. I also notice that it seems most popular websites are always started by just 1 or 2 people, usually men.
Wiki is resourceful, but you cant always depend on it. I love reading things on there though because alot of it is very interesting.
I’ve always heard rumors about Wikipedia having false information, but a lot of the other facts were new information to me. A real refreshing read.
I actually read Wikipedia a lot. While some facts may not be true and have been tampered with, I get the general gist of the subject through Wikipedia. If i need just basic facts on a topic then I Wikipedia it to get the information necessary to know. Therefore, Wikipedia is not the best tool to use but it certainly is not the worst.
I have used wikipedia quite often and I do notice from time to time the occassional mishap or misquote, however I think all in all I like its purpose, no ads and for the most part information is accurate.
I really don't use wikipedia.The only time i use it is for date only. Wikipedia is not the best source for information. It is good to get some facts.
I never noticed that wikipedia didn't have ads! That's kind of cool. I don't really use wikipedia that much because most teachers don't allow it. But if the accuracy of it is at a B level, that's okay with me! I just want to pass! haha
I prefer to use wikipedia to just get a general idea of what I'm searching for or researching, and in that respect I think it can be very useful. However, it's obvious that no one should think everything on wikipedia is fact. So, if you doing research, I would say wikipedia could be a useful place to start, but only for getting a rough outline of what your looking for, leave the details and citations for articles and other more legitimate sources
I use wikipedia all the time. And it is weird that anyone can post stuff on it.
While wikipedia is completely accurate on some information it is just that much inaccurate on other stuff, but at least it gets updated and sometimes corrected.
I use wikipedia for almost everything, but i always check another site to make sure it is correct. Wikipedia has everything you want to research, but the accuracy is not as good as other web sites. I can beleive that wikipedia is used this much, because when you google something wikipedia usually shows up in the top 10.
I enjoyed the 15 facts about Wikipedia. I have used Wikipedia for some random information but never for the use of any papers or projects. After reading the 15 facts, I now realize why the use of it is frowned upon by professors when writing papers. I found it interesting to know that anyone of any age can post on Wikipedia. Since there are no requirements or qualifications necessary to post, it's surprising to me that the accuracy is not lower than 80%.
Not all of wikipedia information is factual. Actually about 60% of wikipedia information has to be edited due to errors. Only a small fraction of wilipedia users are women. Wikipedia comes from the term shared site, and encyclopedia. Wikipedia is much more convienient to use than that of outdated books. I personally use wikipedia and find it to be very useful.
This article discussed a lot of the issues that we have been warned about by professors when doing research papers. Wikipedia is great for getting a quick overview on something. I often use Wikipedia because of the simple and organized format in which it is presented.
I generally don't use wikipedia for any reason other than for my own knowledge. When I search for something, if wikipedia is first, I will click to see what it says, but if I am writing something for school that requires me to site my sources, I do not use wikipedia.
This is because I never know if it is factual.
Its very interesting how Wikipedia doesn't allow advertising on their website. I do wonder how they recover all of that profit opportunity. Wikipedia was a visionary idea. If I would have came up with it, I may have hesitated. Even though Wikipedia only has an eight percent accuracy rate, that is still more than I expected. I will continue to use Wikipedia for unimportant and recreational information only, as I have been doing.
Yes, who hasnet used wikipedia? I love the site and to know that it is actually fares pretty good compared to others makes even mroe sense to me. Even tho it has its flaws, its very fast, fairly accurate, and easy to just brush up on concepts that you have forgotten or ones you want to know. Yes i use it weekly when doing my homework.
It was interesting to see that almost 80% of the information posted on wikipedia is actually accurate. I’ll refer to the site for casual searches I may be looking up on an everyday basis, but will always use the real encyclopedias as far as scholastic research goes.
I use wikipedia along with other resources. I feel wikipedia is easy to understand, but I need other resources to verify their information because of the reputation of the information being inaccurate. Clearly, this is true being that only %80 of it is.
Facts are always interesting,but with entities unknown able to make edits you have to be careful what information you pull from a source such as this. I will however, use Wikipedia as a springboard often looking over the references at the bottom of a subject page in order to get a more verifiable source.
I like to use Wikipedia to direct me to more reputable references and sometimes the info on it is right, but hard to trust where it’s coming from. Mainly I like to use it for my personal use if I’m looking up something other than school work. I didn't realize that only 80% is actually correct.
Wikipedia has made libraries obsolete, which is a shame. Even if the article in question is 100% reliable, people often think they can read a passage and become an expert on the issue. Most authors devoted a chunk of their life researching one topic for a book, only to get it reduced to a reference. Still, I use Wikipedia mostly FOR the references so I can look at the source, which is indispensible.
I am glad that Wikipedia was created. It is a very useful tool; I use it a lot if I just want to look up something really fast to get the basic information about it. I think the reason why bad weather leads to more Wikipedia updates is because people have more time to stay inside the house and work on it.
Interesting facts about Wikipedia, didn't know that only 80% of the information is fact, I guess that is why most teachers do not let you site Wikipedia. I do not use Wikipedia often, but when I do, I just use it as a base of information and then look up more creditable information on the things I find to be interesting on the site.
I always knew that Wikipedia wasnt the most accurate site out there. But to find out that its only 80% and gets a B overall, was a little surprising. I never use Wikipedia for any of my school papers. I liked the comment about the rainy day!
YAY! Reasons to use Wiki!! Really I love using Wikipedia... even when professors tell us not to I always catch myself pulling some kind of information off of there. Thanks for the tips.
I don't use Wikipedia because of the fact that the information can be altered. I think the basis behind the idea is great to be able to get information to everyone in every language. It's just too bad that it can be altered by anybody.
I use wikipedia often because when i search something thats always the first site to pop up. Now that is not my only resource when researching especially for school since it is not considered a reliant source. Usually though it is the same information that I find on other sites, but i dont know how much i like the idea of anyone being able to alter the information.
I think Wikipedia is useful to an extent and most of the information can be trusted. On the other hand, no fact site is free of false information made available to researchers browsing for legit passages.
Sadly, I enjoy wikipedia for what it's worth...which isn't very reliable at times. It's hard when you've got school papers to write or projects to create and some of the only information you can find is on wikipedia. I think the concept of the website is great, but it's a quick fix in my opinion. Usually, wikipedia comes up first on my searches for a topic. I use discretion with the information most of the time.
I wouldn't answer the million dollar question with the answer given to me by anonymous users, but it is a valuable source of free knowledge. It is about as accurate as you can get with a very wide range of topics at your finger tips. The more advanced your educations, the more you should find scholarly work to fact check not guys who are called wikipedians.
This article was very interesting with the statistics. Knowing the percentages of who edits these articles and knowing how many languages it provides. The one thing that was a little shocking was the it is only 80% accurate. I have heard people say that Wikipedia is not totally true or reliable but I thought it would have be a little closer to 90%. I have looked up random little facts on wikipedia but I have never used it as a source in a paper or anything to that degree.
The picture for this article made me laugh. So many people, especially students, look up information on Wikipedia. However, the majority of professors tell us that it is not a reliable source because anyone can edit it. I do not use it for papers but I do use it just for general information sometimes.
Wikipedia through my eyes just has a bad reputation. Everyone from friends and teachers has degraded it ever since I can remember. For good reason though. I mean anyone can post, change and manipulate the information on there. Rather the information is factual or not. I don’t think I have to explain myself why I and so many others choose to steer clear of this website.
I find that wikipedia is a good source for other sources. If i don't know something about at subject I look at wikipedia and then find better sources to support my argument. Wikipedia is an outline of a subject that need better subject to make a good source.
I find that wikipedia is a good source for other sources. If i don't know something about at subject I look at wikipedia and then find better sources to support my argument. Wikipedia is an outline of a subject that need better subject to make a good source.
I remember when I found out that anyone could write pretty much what they wanted to on wikipedia. I still use it sometimes for personal use because a lot of times it will be accurate. I think it's funny that one of my previous teachers said he would go into wikipedia and add things that were incorrect just for fun.
It's very hard not to use Wikipedia when you're conducting research for a class because that's one of the first search engines that pop up. I do agree that some of the information is reliable but I also know that some things can just be placed on Wikipedia. I actually witnessed one of my friends placing their name on Wikipedia and given his own definition of what it meant. It was funny but it showed me that anybody could tweak information on the site.
It's very hard not to use Wikipedia when you're conducting research for a class because that's one of the first search engines that pop up. I do agree that some of the information is reliable but I also know that some things can just be placed on Wikipedia. I actually witnessed one of my friends placing their name on Wikipedia and given his own definition of what it meant. It was funny but it showed me that anybody could tweak information on the site.
Wikipedia makes reading and learning about things fun. I often read Wikipedia pages just for fun when I am bored. Whether the information provided is 100% spot on or not, I still learn something from it and it is very helpful when I need to win a bet or argument.
Wikipedia is so convienent. If your searching for something, its often the first link to pop up. I think its good to get an understanding for the topic you are looking for. I would not directly quote it, but along with other research I think it is very helpful. I learn by understanding the big picture first, then breaking it up into segments. Wikipedia has all the information on one page so I can get the big picture.
I am extremely happy to know that Wikipedia is a bunch of crap just thrown on the internet like all of my professor’s think. I never understood why we couldn't use Wikipedia. Many times I find myself looking at other sites that have the same information that Wikipedia does. It is good to know that there are facts out there that stat Wikipedia as being a reliable source. I just hope professors catch on to it as well.
I think what is interesting to know is that so many languages can have articles translated into them. I also think that having everyone able to edit a site is what makes it unreliable and that is why teachers hate it. If only administration could edit the article, it might have more creditability.
That's really crappy that wikipedia is only 80percent acurate versus other websites being 95% accurate! That's really disappointing especially when so many people use it!
wikipedia may be a good source, but I don't use it. I do not trust wikipidia. It is not as accurate. I guess if I were just searching something for my own knowledge because I was curious I would use wikipidia, but not for something i'm turning in, or something that I have to make sure is correct information.
Wikipedia is a students best friend, or at least mine when it comes to googling school work. I was pretty disappointed to see how their ratings where compared to other sites. if only administration or people with degrees in that subject area could write or edit the site it would be a hell of a lot more factual, it puts me on edge thinking about how many papers i have wrote off of wiki and didnt know that just anyone could edit them. No telling what is actually true. I am quite disappointed in this article finding.
I hardly use Wikipedia ever. I will go on and read information which is posted on it however for school related projects and papers, I do not use Wikipedia. The information cannot always be trusted. There is inaccurate information on it because anyone can post and edit the articles which are posted. Its good for general knowledge.
i use wikipedia for papers and just to look up facts. i just dont feel like its a great source to have tho for research papers.
I like using Wikipedia for looking up things for papers, but I use other web sites to confirm the information on there. A lot of teacher don't consider it a source, but for the most part it accurate. LIke other people said it is good for general knowledge if you need a quick source of information.
Wikipedia is one of the greatest ideas ever created. Even though it can't be used a credential source for research, it provides so much information for your personal use. I'm actually impressed that it is %80 accurate, but I'm sure that figure was researched on wikipedia.
I use Wikipedia for many school related projects and just for looking certain information up. I have always known that the information might not be 100% accurate, but I try to view other sources to make sure the information I'm getting from Wikipedia is on track with the rest of the information I find.
I was always told to never use wikipedda, so I don’t. I don’t want to be responsible for reporting false information. If I do use it, it is only to get an idea. I then use the references at the bottom to do any further research.
Wikipedia is a great resource, but it should not be the basis of an entire research, especially in the academic realm. I recently read an article about Encyclopedia Britannica no longer printing hard copies and switching entirely to online and digital articles. The reasoning behind this is competition with wikipedia. Wikipedia also has several thousand more articles than EB.
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