The enormous conservative gathering, CPAC, is unfolding in Washington this weekend and it is a delicate balancing act for the candidates who came. Romney has to convince conservatives that he can represent them. Santorum has to convince them that Romney can't.
Romney chose to focus on his message of bringing his private sector success to the government. Santorum emphasized that he provided a bigger and bolder contrast with Obama, and delivered one killer argument that independents will not be attracted to a candidate that the base isn't even excited about.
Here's the rest.
News You May Need:
NYT: White House tries to calm down fury over birth control-mandates.
Politico: Obama was boxed in on birth control by savvy Bishop Dolan.
WP: Congressional insider trading probe to focus on Congressman Max Baucus.
FT: Greek government falling apart.
WSJ: Obama's budget will focus on infrastructure.
The Day's Reads:
George Soros: How to save the Euro.
Jordan Weissman: We can't drill our way to energy independence.
Jon Chait: On Obama's comeback.
This Day In Politics:
On February 10, 1861, Jefferson Davis was notified that he had been selected to be the president of the newly formed Confederate States of America.
Not Politics But...
When you have the chance, read Sam Anderson on his adventure in Charles Dickens world.
Tweet Of The Day:
From Peter Suderman of the libertarian Reason magazine on Romney at CPAC.

What's Next:
More Congressional investigations into insider trading, and the slow unveiling of the Obama budget.
Michael Brendan Dougherty
Politics Editor
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