April 26th, 2012Top StoryLiving in Public: What Happens When You Throw Privacy Out the WindowBy Thorin Klosowski
We've talked a lot about the importance of your privacy because your data is often used for ads you don't know about, logged in databases you've never heard of, and used to find out where you are and what you're doing. Some of the things I consider "radical public living" experiments are probably commonplace to you, but even so, my experience may give you a better insight into what you're gaining—and potentially losing—with your choices. Let's start by looking at my experiences with location-sharing every move I made and then move on to the data collected by my browser. Finally, we'll close by handing all this information over to a third party and seeing what type of demographic picture gets formed. Broadcasting Every Move In the Real World
The theory behind these choices is pretty simple. I picked the most popular services because that's what all my friends use. Then, I used Banjo to make sure strangers know what I'm doing, and then enabled location sharing for all the apps I use (including the recently downloaded Instagram, because what's one more social network?). Finally, since I spend most of my day in front of the computer listening to music, I enabled the Spotify sharing feature for Facebook so everyone knows what I'm listening to all the time. So, what happened? Let's look. The Good, the Bad, and the Weird of Living Completely Publicly
As someone who works from home, I need to get out of the house often, but sometimes after being here all day it's hard to get the willpower to leave. One night sitting at home I got a notification that my cousin had checked in at a local bar. I don't really talk to my cousin as much as I should, but I decided to give her a call since she was close and I met up with her. This was a prime example of how location sharing is supposed to work and a few similar circumstances happened as the weeks went on, including meeting up with a friend I didn't know was in town and sitting next to a friend I probably wouldn't have noticed was there at the movie theater. Kind of cool, right? Then, I got a little dose of the bad. On a Saturday afternoon I decided I really didn't want to meet up with a friend for a planned dinner, so I texted him, told I was feeling a bit under the weather, and let it be. Then, later that evening, I checked in at restaurant for dinner, not thinking twice about the repercussions of this decision. Within 20 minutes of checking in I got a text message from him noting that I must be feeling better. It took me a minute to respond and I had to finagle the truth a little more to retain our friendship. Thankfully, this was the only big mistake I made, but it's a notable one. First off, lying to friends is stupid. Second, if you're going to do so, don't go out and broadcast what you're doing to the world. Of course, it's not all good or bad. Some things that happen when everyone knows where you are can be a little weird. I had cookies delivered to me by a neighbor when I checked in at home one afternoon; I had an ex-girlfriend pop into a restaurant I was eating at to say "hi"; and on several occasions I had friends ask me how events were before I even mentioned I'd been to them. Sharing my music listening habits was even stranger. For the most part, it was an uneventful process and I occasionally got a comment like, "That's a sweet album," but after a stint of listening to a ton of sad songs in a row, I had two people send me text messages to ask if I was doing okay. I was doing fine, but in retrospect I can see where the worries came from. Anyone that listens to that much of Nick Drake and Leonard Cohen in an evening probably needs at least a high five. So it went over the course of three weeks. Some good experiences, some bad, and some just plain weird things happened. New research suggests that social networks make us lonely, and while I can see where that comes from, it's hard to deny how location sharing can also create spontaneous meetups. Of course, while I was sitting at home working or just watching a movie by myself I would see updates from friends in the area. I would think to myself, "I should go do something," and then promptly ignore that social call and return to my solitary behavior. In turn, I would feel a little guilty for not leaving the house, but not lonely. Location-sharing is just one facet of my public experiment. The other involved allowing any website to track who I am, what I'm doing, and where I'm at. This basically just required me to remove a few extensions in Chrome and let the web do its thing for a few weeks. Photo by Kai Hendry. Letting Websites Track and Collect All the Data They Want
I don't really do anything illegal, but I've always had an issue with being used as a marketing guinea pig. So, I did my best to make sure my information isn't private by disabling the above extensions and settings. This helps guarantee that my actions are 100 percent public. Data Collected as Shown by Collusion and GhosteryThe amount of data collected about me in Collusion and Ghostery is impossible to assess in a meaningful way, but rest assured my browsing data was being sent to all ends of the Earth. Collusion's map (shown above) has cookies going everywhere, and Ghostery maxes out its bug tracking at 820 different bits of information going to 820 different sites. My data might only be worth $4.81 to Facebook, but that data still defines who I am. From my point of view the only end result from all this is personalized ads. Experiences with Personalized Ads and Real Email Addresses
Which is the other problem. I did not actually click on any ads and purchase anything, but ads did remind me of things that existed that I wanted. For instance, while shopping to replace a bunch of furniture in my living room, I was hitting up all kinds of furniture websites and looking at a wide variety of different new stuff. When all was said and done, I was happy with the results, but something was missing. Then, like a message sent from heaven, Facebook ads started telling me about rugs. I didn't buy any of the rugs advertised, but I did eventually buy one from elsewhere. I also switched all of my online accounts, stores, and bills over to my Google email address, just to get a better glimpse at how Gmail's ad system works. As you can see from the image on the left, it turns out Gmail thinks I really like pizza, as pizza ads were the most popular to pop up in all of emails. For what it's worth, I do rather enjoy pizza, but still, this seems a little excessive and certainly didn't make me want to order from any of these places. In the end, the most curious thing to me is that the more personalized the ads became, the less effective they were at selling a specific product. They could absolutely trigger a "buying state" from my brain where I wanted to purchase something but I had no interest in the specific product being mentioned. Granted, this experiment made me very aware of the targets ads and how they worked. They could have been more effective if I wasn't thinking about them so much. The Shocking Portrait Built from this Data
A lot of her assumptions are correct (although I haven't had any foot diseases, I didn't think I liked eating out, and I'm not an alcoholic) and they echo pretty much the same thing demographic spot that Google has me in (you can see your own here). Google, however, also thinks I'm also interested in "Candy & Sweets" for some reason. Photo by thierry ehrmann. How This Changes My Perception of Privacy
However, as far as the more open apps are concerned—like Banjo, which just broadcasts where I am to everyone—I've already deleted them from my phone. I've also stopped broadcasting location info for photos and Twitter. As I see it, I'm already a random person wandering around my neighborhood; I don't see the point in being a random person with a publicly available profile for all to see. As for my web browsing. I'll be returning to my hidden ways. I see the potential value in personalized ads, but they didn't really do anything except prompt me to think about making purchases I didn't need to make for products I didn't care about. I'm also so averse to direct ads that I'm actually less likely to buy something I see an ad for. So is it really important to care about your privacy? Yeah, it is. We all know, for example, that broadcasting your location when you're not at home is problematic (for obvious reasons) and if you do that in full view of everyone, it's even worse. The key is locking down that information and using it specifically with friends you know and trust then leaving the rest of the data off public profiles. How about you, have you given in and let your privacy slip away? Share your experiences in the comments. Title image remixed from doglikehorse (Shutterstock) and Yuri Arcurs (Shutterstock). |
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